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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50459717 No.50459717 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Pound working so well compared to the Euro and the Dollar?

>> No.50459726

I pounded your mom in Europe for a couple dollars

>> No.50459778
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is it?

>> No.50459812
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>red chart bad

>> No.50460530

>>red chart bad
You can't read charts, can you?

>> No.50460550

cause eur'o piece of shit

>> No.50460567

It used to be 2 pounds GJHGVto the dollar.

>> No.50461061

I wouldn't mind giving the bird on the right a pounding if you catch my drift

>> No.50461283

it isn't you retard we are down massively
just because £1>$1 doesn't mean it's doing well

>> No.50461294

£ is doing shite, as other anon stated, it wasn't so long ago that £1 would get you $2.

>> No.50461298

>working so well
what do you mean by this?

>> No.50461324

Brunette over the redhead any day, every day

>> No.50461470

It already had it's massive dump after brexit. It's now were ir should be

>> No.50461818

Because they left the EU, a move towards deglobalization. The problem is, it looks good vis a vis the dollar or euro but I would be surprised consumer prices are way higher in the UK as well. The net effect is they're probably even worse off

>> No.50461883

haha what a silly cat lol :)

>> No.50462038

The pound being shit is good because it makes UK exports more competitive

>> No.50462097

>putting its shit covered paws into your sauce
>beta owners think this is cute
Fucking disgusting, cat owners are sick.

>> No.50462112

What's uk's trade balance m8? I'm pretty sure we're either importing most of our stuff or mist of the relevant ones like food

>> No.50462113

Based. Fuck catcucks

>> No.50462124

As long as it is worth more than the euro or the dollar, yes, by definition it is.

>> No.50462137

I'd "pound" the girl on the left and "work" the one on the right if you catch my drift

>> No.50462144
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sauce this one

>> No.50462184

The Ottoman Empire also had an import based economy. You'll live like kings

>> No.50462282

Ha, wonderfully witty and not at all like the hilarious gag >>50459726 made

>> No.50462463

Because the Pound is a historically strong currency from an economically stable nation intelligent enough to distance itself from the liberal policies of the EU. The Euro itself was a scam from the start, meant to bail out the various European currencies, which were all valueless at the time. Notice that even when they were part of the EU, the Brits rejected it. As for the dollar, well, years of exporting our jobs to Chinka and Messico and liberal policies have put the US into an economic crisis, so the dollar is tanking along with the Euro, despite being historically strong.

>> No.50462947

thank you

>> No.50462993
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>> No.50463029

Everything is dirty anon

>> No.50463140

pound is not doing that well, but nothing is - we need to get rid of these useless tories in my opinion. Get another flavour of useless career politician in, I say.
At least they'll attempt to do some good, tories manage to blame all kinds of things, but when you've exclusively run the country for more than a decade, your excuses just get weaker and weaker. They're done for.

>> No.50463166
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I think it's more of the dress flying than her tummy

>> No.50463192


>> No.50463299

a /pol/tart posted the set. He took multiple creepshots of the lady(boy)

>> No.50463306

damn brat... rape correction needed.

>> No.50463474



>> No.50463873

I'm ready to mount and fuck

>> No.50463909

The UK is pretty good for producing its own food and energy. It does fuck all else though.

>> No.50463922

She still looks 3 months pregnant.

>> No.50464042
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>> No.50464155

With my child.

>> No.50464170

me too we can dp i would take asshole first if you want

>> No.50464432

What the fuck are you talking about, that was 14 years ago you faggot

>> No.50464477
