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File: 76 KB, 1069x800, 66B89498-60A5-46AD-BF58-6151A46E8B3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50461642 No.50461642 [Reply] [Original]

I hate niggers and jews
how many times are you gonna ban me for racism weak pathetic shitskin janny ?
Is this the only thing you can do with your miserable life? moderate this place for free?
I would break your jaw if I saw your ugly chinkoid mongrel face irl you subhuman genetic scum

>> No.50461702 [DELETED] 

nigger janny, I will kill you, yes this is a threat

>> No.50461799

Fuck Jannies Fuck Niggers Fuck Kikes

>> No.50462261

They continuously delete my normal posts.
Last time I posted something about monetary policies and they deleted it and gave me a warning because it's politics according to them.


>> No.50462283

Jannies are literally paid by companies to moderate threads that are with or against the company.

>> No.50462291


>> No.50462297
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>> No.50462337

> Ignores economic impact of the poor

Yay how convenient for you fucking idiot. Poor people will always require more tax money, forever.

>> No.50462366

Its funny because 40% of the population are taco bending darkies

>> No.50462368

Yeah but every other ethnicity is less poor and work more than niggers. Even those who came much later to america.

>> No.50462395

Two words for you inbred hicks:

Learn what they mean, get a degree you literal mouthbreather

>> No.50462403

>Poor people will always require more tax money, forever.
It's not default. Public social net is new age cozy bullshit and it actually creates more poverty. The government shouldn't give anything to anyone. If you want charity organize it based on voluntary action!

>> No.50462419

This is a safe for work board you dumbass do you not understand what that means?

>> No.50462439


Every group you get rid of, there'll be a new worst to fill out the bottom who's "different" statistically.

When the ability to define those groups breaks down, are you willing to go for even more radical ethnic signatures, (wiping out anyone listening to country because they're poor) or will nuance suddenly matter?

>> No.50462447

if this infographic is true then where is the money coming from?

>> No.50462457

you're trillions in debt.

>> No.50462472

>Public social net is new age cozy bullshit and it actually creates more poverty. The government shouldn't give anything to anyone. If you want charity organize it based on voluntary action!

Okay fine, that's a bigger discussion, because the government fucked up by creating places where the poor are grouped and feed each other when they should be spread out.

I prefer getting rid of the complicated nonsense and doing UBI.

>> No.50462489

What if your culture just promote criminal lifestyle and laziness? Isn't that a possiblity?
Poor whites are much less violent and lazy than poor blacks. Poor whites are even less violent than rich blacks.

>> No.50462505

Whenever I get drunk at the bar and argue with liberals they always tell me illegals are a net gain for the economy tho…

>> No.50462507

>I prefer getting rid of the complicated nonsense and doing UBI.
Ten times worse than the existing public social net. Not just immoral but incentivize parasitism for the whole society.

>> No.50462535
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>where is the money coming from?

>> No.50462543

The "Source" on this is a blog you fucking retards.

>> No.50462589


owe the bank $100 it's your problem, owe the bank $1 trillion it's their problem

>> No.50462602
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i don't need a source to know it's true

>> No.50462603
File: 205 KB, 680x545, 8230 - arm clothes computer glasses glowie glowing green hand keyboard pol_(4chan) smile smirk smug soyjak suit text typing variant chudjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate niggers and jews
>how many times are you gonna ban me for racism weak pathetic shitskin janny ?
>Is this the only thing you can do with your miserable life? moderate this place for free?
>I would break your jaw if I saw your ugly chinkoid mongrel face irl you subhuman genetic scum

>> No.50462615
File: 412 KB, 2048x2048, 14784 - angry closed_mouth fbi glasses hair open_mouth racism smile smug soyjak text tranny variant chudjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50462648

These nigger kike jannys finally stopped banning me because they now know they can’t stop me and possibly because the glowniggers are watching me.

>> No.50462665

>muh safe space

>> No.50462671
File: 73 KB, 741x568, 1628008496124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us gov needs currency
>us treasury prints bonds
>federal reserve creates money OUT OF THIN FUCKING AIR and buys said bonds from us gov
>us gov now has more currency
>us tax payers (whites middle class) now owe interest (and principal) on said us bonds, as well as paying a fee to the fed's shareholders (banks)
>this is the us public debt
doesn't sound like a problem for the banks to me desu

>> No.50462688
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i agree with both those statements, though

>> No.50462700


>> No.50462920

Attention Jannys and Glowniggers
Everything I have posted on this site including any references to Minecraft are satire and not to be taken seriously.