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50461203 No.50461203 [Reply] [Original]

>Why are we investing in commodities?
>The Rotation of Money
>Supply Deficit
>Peak Supply
>Electric Vehicles Battery Minerals and Supply
>The Fed is Trapped
>What do huge returns look and feel like?
>Rick Rule: When Gold & Silver Price Goes Up, They Make You Lots Of Money Quickly

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Favorite Companies
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>50363253

>> No.50461263


Pretty impressive they managed to do the equity raise at 80c while their stock was trading at 70c. No warrants. Large debt portion compared to equity which is nice. Seems like a well run company but I don't really feel safe investing anywhere in LA anymore.

>> No.50461344
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How many weeks bros?

>> No.50461762
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>> No.50462190
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The 3rd-world revolt continues as tensions rise in Panama over gas prices.


>> No.50462273

Should I sell everything now and wait for it to drop further?

>> No.50462565

Depends. Energy? Yes sell and dont buy back. Gold? No too late. Bayhorse? No, it will 10x in 2 weeks when the ocean deal is filled.

>> No.50463106
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>> No.50463271

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it...

>> No.50463686
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>> No.50463900
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President Retard don’t miss

>> No.50464083

Redpill me on what bayhorse is doing

>> No.50464130

Are the protesters asking for price controls?

>> No.50464280

If the fed is going to keep hiking, isn't gold going to drop further?

>> No.50464776
File: 46 KB, 1429x230, snw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't any bros tell me to back up the truck with these 2 last summer when I still had money? Everything else I have is completely smashed

>> No.50464852

This place has the absolute worst picks. I recall snowline was considered not viable when they were brought up, and salt mentions were very few in the sea of Blue Lagoon or Vangold

>> No.50464927

>This place has the absolute worst picks
kind of true, for now. I had to buy around 40 explorers to possibly get a few winners

>> No.50464977

In 2 weeks they will enter commercial production with the innovative use of thai ladyboy labor giving them an industry leading $5 aisc, this should take their stock to $3.5. This cash flow will allow them to drill out their deposit and expand production 10x taking their stock to $35, which will trigger a $100 buy out offer from first majestic. But the offer fails and bayhorse ends up buying out first majestic instead. Graeme will then turn his attention to the comex, buying up their entire stock using just cash flow from his incredibly profitable lady boy fueled operations. This causes a huge squeeze taking silver to $2000/ounce and bankrupting JP Morgan. At this point bayhorse earnings are measured in the hundreds of billions per year making it the most valuable company in the world.
I think we will go a bit lower yeah, the stock market is still way overvalued and will probably pull other assets down with it. But who knows and gold and miners are pretty cheap so I wouldn't sell now if I hadn't already. I'm still in cash but looking to get back in soon.

>> No.50465092

If this turns out to be the real bear market rally, I'll wait a month or two for this jump to reach it's high and then I'll get out and buy back in 2023 or whenever the next leg down has happened.
This market isn't done falling by any stretch of the imagination, but we may very well get a very strong rally that goes on for a good while.
There's so much money on the sidelines waiting to get back in after that drop that the rally is going to be considerable.

>> No.50465230
File: 7 KB, 291x277, satyajitdasgupta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleeese sirs by my bayhorse stock. I am expert in mining the silver and most excellent dude dillegance. 450% increase expected to moon in two more weaks. Gram is most experienced mining engineer from the perspective of mining lady boys shaft. Be ready to moon this rockat to welth. Subsribes to my channel for upto date stocks winners picks. Many CCMG tards, uh I mean winners, have already bought, don't miss this once ina life time opportunity.

>> No.50465524

>Gram is most experienced mining engineer from the perspective of mining lady boys shaft
Kek. Hopefully they never go under so we can keep the meme alive.

>> No.50466315

Bayhorse is actually dead money now right? It used to be "dilution and time is upsetting, but as long as nothing changes they will be money makers eventually". But now it's exactly the fact nothing seems to have changed to be the problem. At this point they should have gotten their asses in gear, right? No excuse?

>> No.50466390


>> No.50466392

Cool meme post
So basically don't buy bayhorse?

>> No.50466412

Make your own decisions and stop shitting up the general with questions that have been asked and answered a million times

>> No.50466469

Can we nominate this anon for most useless poster of the day? How does someone get this good!

>> No.50466540
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I know this is from a literal who but apparently this Schectman guy had a huge silver buy come in

>> No.50466616

We saw this earlier and laughed at it being bullshit sounding. How many stories are there of a billionaire draining the comex in 2 weeks time do we have?

>> No.50466624
File: 6 KB, 225x224, 1612655949290s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you're even asking "hurr should I buy bayhorse" in the year of our Lord 2022 means that you shouldn't be investing in junior mining stocks at all because you don't know what the fuck you're doing. Even if you pick a good stock the volatility will kill you and you'll panic sell before you can make any gains because you're so fucking new it's blinding.

The closest thing this general has to near-unanimously agreed winner stocks are doing exactly that, some have fucking halved in value despite being fantastic companies that if anything should be doubled down on, and no I won't spoonfeed you what they are.

You call me useless yet you contribute nothing but inane questions about a fucking meme stock that we've discussed to death for literally the past 2 years. If you want to know about Bayhorse go and read the fucking archives and DYODD or fuck off back to whatever shithole thread, forum or pajeet youtube channel told you to come here.
I am serving a purpose and benefiting the thread by gatekeeping retards like you.

To answer your question, do not buy Bayhorse. Not because it's bad, even if it turns out to be a good company destined for a 1000x you personally will not make any money from it. If you're interested in Silver then buy a fucking ETF or stick to established producing majors then get the fuck out of my thread until you have more to contribute than "shill me something because I'm a fucking retard who can't think for myself."

>> No.50466679

>The fact that you're even asking "hurr should I buy bayhorse"
I didn't even ask that, learn to read.

>> No.50466769

My bad at a glance I thought you were the other retard asking "don't buy???" but no you're the equally retarded person asking "dead money???". Same shit different wording.

Please refer to my previous insults as they all still apply.

>> No.50466854

We have great picks its only just the retarded stocks that go up in this market. Surprised bayhorse hasn't gone 1000x really.

>> No.50466869

i'd like to see biden personally releasing one million barrels of oil in one day onto the market, by hand, sleeves rolled up, for a photo-op.

>> No.50466949


My girlfriend thinks this is hilarious.

>> No.50466951

Okay, retard. If it makes you feel better, you beat me and you're super smart. Feeling like less of a microdick, now?

kek, true. Every seasoned ceo with historical land is apparently not interesting in the least.

>> No.50467020

Santacruz silver increased their production from 750,000 oz to 6 million oz and the market didn't even fart.

Blue lagoon has everything going for them and the market doesnt care.

But SNOWLINE GOLD YOU GUYS, out in the middle of fucking nowhere where you have to get there with a fucking helicopter is the next big mine you guys!

>> No.50467042

Management is very important with mining companies so due to Graemes past failures alone I wouldn't buy Bayhorse, also the fact that he seems to spend the majority of his time chasing lady boys in Thailand doesn't exactly inspire confidence. I would also generally prefer investing in a company that is already producing. There's a lot of start up fails.

>> No.50467150

Reminds me of that one image of Tesla being worth more than all the other car companies yet they are the lowest in terms of market share or profit. It makes no sense.

>> No.50467337
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>Santacruz silver increased their production from 750,000 oz to 6 million oz and the market didn't even fart.
>Santacruz Silver Produces 4,046,328 Silver Equivalent Ounces in Q2
>Silver Equivalent
Good, now go check how much Silver they produce compared to these "4million oz"

>> No.50467807

This anon is right about Snowline. Every other gold explorer/miner took huge hits over the last months, first, from the awful market, and later, from the gold spot dropping. Snowline has pumped on inconsequencial news/hype and has yet to be hit. Not saying that holders should sell, but they should be wary.

>> No.50468043

>At this point they should have gotten their asses in gear, right? No excuse?

>Bayhorse Silver Inc Commences Mining The Legend Zone At The Bayhorse Silver Mine, Ships First Ore-Sorted Upgraded Mineralization, Oregon, USA.
>Feb 8, 2018

they were out of excuses 2 years before anyone here heard of them.

>> No.50468258
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Nothing to see here boy

>> No.50468530

Well if they have a 50 million ounce resource there, it wont be the middle of nowhere anymore. It will be a huge mine. Also check out some of Crescats maps of the area, there are other large mines nearby.

>> No.50468580 [DELETED] 

I remember you said they'd go down 50% a few weeks ago, but when you're waiting on a drill assays from a hole with 26 instances of VG over 100m+ people tend to get excited

>> No.50468625

I remember you said they'd go down 50% a few weeks ago, but when you're waiting on assays from a hole with 26 instances of VG over 100m+ people tend to get excited

>> No.50468715

It's clear that selling has largely been avoided so far because of the thin bids and upcoming news cycles. The assay releases will be used as a liquidity event.

>I remember you said they'd go down 50% a few weeks ago

I did post that, only 1 week ago. It will happen, probably within a few days/weeks of Snowline posting big news.

>> No.50468725


>> No.50468798
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We have to keep faith, our turn will come.

>> No.50468838
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Checked and kek’d!!

>> No.50468898
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This could be a big thing or nothing, but Golden Ridge has made a little move over the last few days with increasing volume. Rumors are ramping up with the ceo tards

t. hold 20,000 shares at .17 (down $980 bucks)

>> No.50469305
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>Tanks are being put on the streets in China to protect the banks.
>This is because the Henan branch of the Bank of China declaring that people's savings in their branch are now 'investment products' and can't be withdrawn.

>> No.50469501

I like hopium like this, thanks anon

>> No.50469527

twitter faggot are always late, we talked about it last thread


>> No.50469664

>investment products'
Ive been preparing my
Bussy for this since ron paul.

>> No.50469676

It really feels like the global economy is just a game of who folds first and dies, which will allow the survivors to swoop in and buy their nation for cheap.
At the moment it looks like it'll be China who first descends into civil war.
But then again I'm not sure if that makes them losers in this global economic game, because if that civil war happens, we can pretty much say goodbye to 80% of the stuff we see in stores along with most of the global drug production.
Chink civil war might actually end up worse for us than for them. Mainly because they don't give a single fuck about wasting hundred million of their own people, where as in the West any public unrest is a massive disaster.

>> No.50469793
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Hot take, i believe we here in faggot land have our gooses cooked no matter what happens.

>> No.50470477
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Fixed image.

>> No.50470747
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Seems like the Russia situation is winding down a bit with them seeming to start sending gas again. Probably putting some extra pressure on gold.

>> No.50470922
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uh oh stinky

>> No.50471008

Hahah these fucking rocks never cease to disappoint. Back to 1600 gold and 16 silver yet again it seems

>> No.50471131

There is 0% chance of civil war. But they will stop growing and the readjustment is going to be long and somewhat painful.

It is really difficult to get any sort of actual read on the situation after China stopped reporting some bond information. Closest proxy I can come up with is the HKD and how that gets resolved when FX reserves run low.

>> No.50471681

RIP gold.

>> No.50471818

They're stacking cash for the recession we're in/going thru....they have to for the self preservation. its understandable.

>> No.50471889

>le crash any day now
Two more weeks. Trust the plan. Trust Burry.

>> No.50472137

Platinum for hydrogen catalytic converters for cars.

That is all.

>> No.50472216
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there is a tranny and a lesbian at my new job. no other minorities tho all white

>> No.50472688

>wypipo all be lgbt n shiet

>> No.50474018

does the tranny pass at least?

>> No.50474136
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catalytic converter theft is on the rise

>> No.50474172

He is at least 6'1", with an athletic male build. Strong brow and chin. Probably was a chad before he grew the wierd looking tyranny tits,

>> No.50474188

>shithorse silver
How many baggies are still left here?
That was a well played pajeet scam.

>> No.50474238
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afternoon all! hope your day was productive as mine was!

>> No.50474405


Maybe they should cancel their 0.34% dividend.

>> No.50474451

Don't care. You're right and I know you're right but I don't care. Still invested. Point still stands.

>> No.50474469

Right but how much Capex? How many years? How much development? How much permitting? You're looking at ten years and that would be "fast".

>> No.50474487

I hope so. China is evil and must be checked. They are the death of the planet. I say this as someone who also comes from an evil country

>> No.50474504

ik this is the boomer investment general but the prosperity guy totally looks like sergey, tell me im not the only one who sees it

>> No.50474505

Gay, forced, and contextually awkward.

You have no friends.

>> No.50474510

Snowline has a lot of work ahead yet to say they have a mine, but their news has been extremely good. Their projects / properties are pretty remote though too.

>> No.50474525

Nice nug, pan man! Did you get that straight out of the vein or did you snipe it with a metal detector?

>> No.50474685
File: 827 KB, 1536x2048, 293592390_2214336725435605_5434876102270769478_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went snooping for a lost mine today, been looking for it on and off for a few years. I used a few old maps to finally find where it was. The adit was easy enough to find, the vein the old timers were working was above it, and in it, as described 150 years ago, was big visible gold. I packed out quite a bit of material to crush and test, but i am not sure how much will have gold in it. The structure was described to be extremely nuggety.

>> No.50474926

fyi, is anyone watching whats going on in China? Banks freezing peoples assets as their now "investment products"??

>> No.50474949
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>Watching the new Andy Scott video
>There's now 50x more money on the sidelines than there was back in 2007
>Bank cash balances are absurd and they're using them to create even more loans
>Delinquencies still low, mainly due to government programs.
>Consumer is still cashed up due to gov programs

What in the fuck.
50x more money than in -07 is fucking absurd and it's only getting crazier.
Especially when you consider that the market hasn't even fallen to 2020 levels. If 1.5 years worth of selling has created that amount of money, you can imagine how absolutely retarded amounts of money there are in the greater markets.
And that money can't stay on the sidelines, it has to go somewhere to avoid inflation.
I acknowledge that the potential in these markets is crazy, but I don't think that any of us truly grasps how much these stocks can go up when this market really starts rotating.
Some of those 100-500x predictions for stocks even from here don't seem all that absurd anymore when you start thinking about the money supply, which is without a doubt going to grow even more in the near future as they pumps even more free money into the system.

>> No.50475036

It sounds like they don't want to do QE to ease the situation so either banks will default or they freeze accounts, and use that money to keep businesses running. But of course when that happens even more people want to do a bank run.
I'd like to read more but I don't know of any good sources.

>> No.50475053

there seems to be a lot of fake news flying around about the situation, so its hard to tell just how dire the situation has gotten.

>> No.50475204

It's pretty bad from what I can tell, I imagine the issue is all these tofu-dreg construction companies are defaulting at the same time, so need leniance from the banks or else all their employees go out of work.
Everyone stopped watching but they're all still in a state of default. Evergrande for example wants to delay bond payments, but investors want their money back and the government hasn't shown any signs of a real bailout package. CCP announced a tiny stock purchase or something to that effect but it wasn't enough money to make a difference anywhere.

I'm actually not sure what the governments intentions are. Maybe they don't want to inflate their currency as raw materials are already hard to source, so they'd rather let unemployment go up.

>> No.50475279

they might be honestly stuck without a good way out. If its truely that bad than the government might have no idea how to fix things without causing even more mess / unrest. China as a country doesnt like doing things to rock the boat.

>> No.50475824

>expand production 10x
10x of nothing is still nothing.

>> No.50475939

She could sell that trashy nose ring to buy it

>> No.50476247

China oil consumption peak.
China working age old.
It's over for China.
China stinky.

>> No.50477687


>> No.50478394
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any euro bros here that use degiro? anyone here owns bannerman resources (uranium company)?

literally, what the fuck happened to bannerman? it just appears "non-tradable" in my platform. was it delisted from frankfurt stock exchange? it doesn't seem like it because it still indicates that I own the shares although I basically lost all my money. what happened? I searched for news regarding bannerman and nothing special appeared.

>> No.50478415
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>> No.50478657

I think they just changed their ticker for whatever reason.
Your stocks are safu.

>> No.50478671

seems like a bug, maybe contact them and see if its on your end or the exchanges side.

>> No.50478691

Why are bitcoiners like this?

>> No.50479622

i think bannerman changed its ticker, on the OTC at least. not sure if it changed on frankfurt

>> No.50479977
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>Still invested.
You're right to be still invested, they produced 1.5 million oz. I just like to point out this truth on AgEq, pumper on twitter don't tell everything.

They either changed their ticket or been delisted. Check your mail to make sure, they have to tell you beforehand. I don't find it on the FRA anymore so it might be more about delisting. That's one reason I'll fucking sell most of my holdings on the next top (2k5/50) and move it on Interactive Brokers.

>> No.50480280

>Check your mail to make sure, they have to tell you beforehand.
They literally didn't. Or else I would have know and sold. I didn't receive any notification from them. I checked my inbox, my spam, my trash bin just in case I might have deleted it by accident. Nothing. Not even in the platform itself there's a notification.
>I don't find it on the FRA anymore so it might be more about delisting.
Will it be listed again some time in the future? If it is, will these shares still be valid?
>That's one reason I'll fucking sell most of my holdings on the next top (2k5/50)
So basically I just lost this money, right?
Shit. It was one of the best I had because I bought it really low. There was a point where I had a 3000% gain. Shit. I should've taken the profits. Idiot.
>and move it on Interactive Brokers.
Why IB?

>> No.50480292

>I think they just changed their ticker for whatever reason.
when I search for "bannerman" on the platform's search bar they only have it on the australian exchange.

>> No.50480304

>seems like a bug, maybe contact them and see if its on your end or the exchanges side.
I will contact them. Thanks.

>> No.50480312

>i think bannerman changed its ticker, on the OTC at least. not sure if it changed on frankfurt
it doesn't appear on the frankfurt's stock exchange anymore

>> No.50480322
File: 1.89 MB, 2910x10000, brokers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They literally didn't.
If they didn't, then you can sell, you might just not be able to see the price. Send them an email, I did it a few times in the past (especially when IRV was delisted and had to sell). Bayhorse for example, right now, can't be found on the search bar but you can still sell shares. That's just how weird Degiro is sometimes. As long as they didn't tell you anything, you have the right to ask your money back (or at least be able to sell).

>Will it be listed again some time in the future?
Maybe. Peninsula was delisted for some months and is back now. Bayhorse isn't back.
> If it is, will these shares still be valid?
>So basically I just lost this money, right?
No, they have to tell you before a rug, or you would be able to sell. Again, if you have no mail, you are in your right.

>Why IB?
Best broker for EU imo. Don't have access to other like Fidelity etc, can't create an account.

>> No.50481371

wtf, i literally had to create an ibkr account to buy bannerman lmao. how come you have the ticker on there?

>> No.50481411

ib might be the most powerful and complete broker but the ui is unfortunately atrocious.

>> No.50481749

Are ya winnin, son.

>> No.50482674

>then you can sell
unironically, I can't. the option to sell isn't available.
>Send them an email
I will
>Bayhorse for example, right now, can't be found on the search bar but you can still sell shares.
I know. I also have bayhorse. Zero problems with that one.
>As long as they didn't tell you anything
They didn't.
>Maybe. Peninsula was delisted for some months and is back now.
Bannerman is a good company and it's frankfurt stock exchange, so.. they will probably listed again in the future.
This is what worries me. Are you 100% that my shares will still be valid if they get listed again?
>they have to tell you before a rug
Yup, they didn't..
>Again, if you have no mail, you are in your right.
I don't. This happened yesterday. They didn't send me any mail. Which is why I was caught by surprise this morning when I checked my portfolio.
>Best broker for EU imo.
Thank you. Don't you have to pay like a monthly subscription fee? I saw that some time ago..

>> No.50482685

I bought them 2 years ago or something..

>> No.50482772
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I just checked my transaction history, although I didn't place any orders, and pic related appeared.

("venda" means "sell", "compra" means "buy").

Apparently, there was some stock split and they sold my 34K bannerman shares that I had on the frankfurt stock exchange for 0.11€ and bought 3.5K of non-tradeable bannerman shares for 1.12€.


>> No.50482821
File: 18 KB, 1344x67, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was sure something like that happened. They did the same to me when Vangold changed name. Sold Vangold and bought Guanajuato. Was up 100% at the time.

Just mail them, you should be able to get that solved, you didn't sell anything, just an error from them. Keep some screenshot and even extract an excel if you can.

>> No.50482900

Thank you. Will do.

>> No.50483270
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Lagoon basterds you bloddy bitch report in I need some copium

>> No.50483395

no. i have to confess that these market is taking a mental toll on me... i'm never gonna sell but i don't know how much longer i can take this clownworld without slipping into insanity. does anyone have any hopium and a make-it timeline? i don't have any lofty ambitions, i just want to stop waging.

>> No.50483630

Who the hell is stupid enough to buy gold/silver this year? They have both peaked and now will go down as the cycle will repeat itself. Really disappointing to see but such is reality. What looked like cup and handle is actually double top, absolutely kek.
Stop buying the top bros :(

>> No.50483710
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Bros at this point I'm rooting for a Putin nuclear strike on the BIS, central banks, coomex, LBMA and JP Morgan

>> No.50483909

Rebound with massive volume.

Should turn around when fed starts qe6. But man you gotta learn to cut your losses early next time.

>> No.50484034
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>> No.50484063

this is such bad propaganda. why can the guy using fiat afford more food?

>> No.50484135

ECBs "hawkish" 50bps hike set off the rally as the euro strengthened against the dollar. Not sure why a hawkish central bank would push gold up, usually the other way around.

>> No.50484336

GARY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkelJLY-dXI

>> No.50484378

probably because the gold price is in USD and the DXY is down.
opposite happened in recent weeks when the USD gained strenghth and gold price in USD fell much harder than in EUR

see https://www.bullionvault.com/gold-price-chart.do and check the 1 year and 5 year charts in both or any currencies.

>> No.50484806

>ECB raised interet rate to 0.5%
>first raise since 2011

>> No.50484878

We have had perpetual gangs of niggers in my town stealing them for the past year.

>> No.50484917

Anyone have a website they use to buy silver online in Europe with crypto?

>> No.50484932

Ah yes. The classic eight year double top, soon to be a triple top. See it all the time.

Just remember when our purchasing power goes up the average 14x whether it's inflation or deflation to stomp and shit on these people at every opportunity bros. I don't care if they're starving in the street. I'll ask them how their bitcoin and tech stocks are going.

>> No.50484948

>please stop goy

>> No.50485007

Why should he? He is buying at a discount as we all are (the chinese, too).
Personally, my hope is to see gold drop to $900 and silver to $5 spot price.

>> No.50485305

Just bought another 140 shares of RIO, now up to 340 total.

Can't fight that P/E and dividend for one of the biggest miners in the world.

>> No.50485369
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>> No.50485413


>> No.50485578

Chinese are cutting lithium supply. Europe will be begging on their knees or start that project in serbia if they are serious on their green goals.

>> No.50485820
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Someone in /SMG/ recommended me DNN. Was he just lying to me or are they actually worth looking at :((

>> No.50485920

take a look, hyunny, and decide for yourself

>> No.50485989
File: 353 KB, 1125x962, 12850D81-0EF3-4F48-8B5F-326CFC162FA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not selling.

>> No.50486173
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Are you buying le dip today? I added some AEM.

>> No.50486367

They're good

>> No.50486386

Gary's basically calling a hard bottom in gold. I bought a JNUG posistion.

>> No.50486841

Snowline up over 8% today, new ATH US$1.43

>> No.50486989

the gold backed guerillas

>> No.50487096

du är galn!

>> No.50487438

Any thoughts on Fortitude Gold (FTCO)? Asking for a friend.

>> No.50487794

$146M mkt cap for what, 40koz production? Pretty poor leverage if that's what you're looking for. They have a pretty good profit margin but do they even have a long mine life? Probably better plays out there than this. It has a high div yield which is probably why its been bid up relatively high.

>> No.50487836
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Fy fan. You messed up swedebro.

>> No.50489023

why is hedgeless horseman constantly shilling bear creek mines or using it's graph as an example? is it like some sort of golden standard or perfect example for the industry or was it just picked at random?

>> No.50489305
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Now you know why.

>> No.50489987
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>> No.50490019
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Internal EU tensions rising, coupled with bullish news for natural gas longs.. this good for Trillion.


>> No.50490070
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, F4134A05-0DEF-4B40-AA3B-6C96E987E362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see you on the other side space cowboy.

>> No.50490247

To add, it seems as though the Iberian peninsula has done well in building out their LNG and NG infrastructure over the past few decades and has Algeria supplying them. France actually rejected a plan a few years back to allow Portugal to expand a pipeline through them and into Germany, their nuclear interests obviously had a part in that.

Just another example how how utterly retarded the energy policy is in the EU

>> No.50491136

>Some of those 100-500x predictions for stocks even from here don't seem all that absurd anymore when you start thinking about the money supply, which is without a doubt going to grow even more in the near future as they pumps even more free money into the system.

Problem is a lot of the uranium juniors have already put in a 5-10x since 2020, so all that remains for us is another 10-50x. Not many uranium companies out there with a 10mil mcap still.

>> No.50491288

Azincourt is at 12M mkt cap, not bad considering their properties

>> No.50491529
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That's true and at first I'd agree that there's only about ~10-20x left in these, but now looking at the absolutely retarded amount of money that's in the greater markets and still increasing, I can't but feel that those low double digit estimates are simply too low.
I mean we're talking about a field that's like 50 bil in it's entirety on a good day.
The amount of money on the sidelines at the moment is almost 5 trillion and that's a result of people selling off the last year and half of market gains. And while unlikely at it's worst this market might even end up selling off a good chunk of the gains since the QE 2008 climb started.
On top of that we're still getting even more money into the system in the form of new loans and this might go on for a good while and we don't even know if the gov is going to start giving people even more stimmies. The money printing is exponential and will only accelerate as time goes on.
If there's any kind of a greater market money rotation coming, the potential amount of money moving in here would be so astronomical that even putting it in numbers sounds like a Crypto hopium tier pipe dream.
But it's not, if anything it's very likely to happen.
I personally don't think it's impossible at all for these companies to hit 50-100 bil valuations at the top of the cycle.

They're pretty good in many ways, but considering they didn't hit uranium we'll have to wait for their next drill program results.
They're basically dead money until that happens. I sold out of them because they're not going to do anything for a long while.

>> No.50491571
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I would be more than happy if I can x25 or x50 my portfolio, dont need more to retire from slavery

>> No.50491602

bayhorse rocks

>> No.50491788

i mean, but so many other do the same

>> No.50491954
File: 68 KB, 933x1118, 1658434771274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, only 10 to 50x? what am i gonna do! might as well throw in the towel now

>> No.50491996

They will if uranium goes to $800 in the next five years

>> No.50492033

You're not taking into accoutn an energy crisis and nuclear being the only viable way forward.

>> No.50492083

no sane person will hold uranium stock beyond 150$

>> No.50492183
File: 254 KB, 1791x988, FYLjzZNXwAARKdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are def at the bottom

My paycheck in 2 weeks, I'll buy right away

>> No.50492238

Why not hold out some?

>> No.50492394
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poo bros, wagmi gonna make it, bros

>> No.50492602
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Snowline's moon mission is just getting started friendo

>> No.50492692
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Another gold miner, Wiluna Mining, seemed to have bitten the dust. It's an aussie miner only listed on the ASX so I don't think many here follow it but it was a spectacular crash and burn. They had like 50koz production of normal ore and were building a concentrator so they could process refractory ore that would be shipped to Russia which was one problem they ran into, but I think they found another off taker, refinery cost would be a whopping US$400/oz I think it was though, that's a lot. Project was supposed to take them to 100koz+.
They went from a sizeable US$150M mkt cap in Jan to bust. They did a large US$45M raise just last month that they apparently already burnt through, wow. They were spending a lot of money drilling very recently to expand their resource, which seems crazy considering they were to go bankrupt shortly after when they already had many years of mine life.
Another reminder that these companies are very risky. Especially small companies starting up a new mine.

>> No.50493219

what do you base this on?

>> No.50493263

I hope so fren. I'm not greedy, I'd be happy with US$15.00 a share within 2 years

>> No.50493276
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>> No.50493353
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My body is ready

>> No.50493446
File: 154 KB, 763x375, DD251888-9B8E-4797-ABCA-B0CA20EF518A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of commodities charts, Andy had Patrik Karim from Bad Charts on recently and they discuss an interesting ratio, the SPX/PPI which historically has been accurate in predicting commodities breakouts once SPX breaks down against PPI measurements:


I’m quite hard and wish I had more cash to put into these rock bottom equites ffs

>> No.50493482

I pray that boomer faggot is right for once

>> No.50493713

Not to sound to extremly bullish but you need to look at the correlation of the price of uranium to the price of a kwh produced from a nuclear power plant. In these calculations they bring up the fact that the fuel cost on nuclear is about a third of the total lifetime cost. Furthermore the cost of a kwh from new nuclear power plants is extremly cheap compared to the average cost of a kwh from EU. Meaning the price of uranium needs to go up hundreds if not thousands for the cost of a new state of the art reactor to have the same price per kwh. This is a extreme case since we have alot of old not as efficient plants running around the world. In the coming energy crisis everyone is going to rush to the cheapest most longterm reliable energy and make it expensive. I believe we will see uranium over 1000 USD/Lbs.

>> No.50494130

Green goals in countries all over are going to require huge metal/mineral inputs. Canada has already earmarked 3.8billion for "green" metals/minerals.

>> No.50494352

Look at how fast PureGold has gone down hill. They were looking like an industry darling for a while, loads of potential. Now the companies looking to sell their primary property to stay afloat. They never could get the issues sorted out below ground, or in their mill setup it seems. Lots of companies having substantial issues getting production ramped up.

>> No.50494385

Is gold mountain still potentially something, or is it going down a spiral?

>> No.50494574

Yeah the loss in market cap for that one was even more spectacular. I believe they hit a billion dollar market cap and soon after they were circling the drain. And the project was only supposed to be 100koz/y. They did have some very well made videos on their website that probably suckered in a lot of retail, talking about their amazing blue sky potential.

>> No.50494840

Speaking of which:


>> No.50495027

i am not sure whats going to happen there, shipping costs must have soared with the price of fuel right now. If it were my project i would have probably told everyone to close down for a year like others til things evened out again.
Their exploration results were fantastic, and mine planning looked good, but things still went wrong. I think their corporate guys were hoping things would go well for longer, knowing some issues would come up. Heres hoping someone else buys out their mine or company and gets things back on track.

>> No.50495130

With all that money already invested one should think that it would be possible to make some money back, if not now then I'm sure someone will try later when gold moves back up some.

>> No.50495247

The way the industry is right now there's a bunch of big players with healthy balance sheets, wouldn't be surprised to see one of them try to pick it up cheap.

>> No.50495376

inflation being out of control (i don't like how easily the term hyperinflation is thrown around these days) is what makes me thinking these prices are not unrealistic.

>> No.50495392

i dunno. months seems extremely optimistic.

>> No.50495537

what are some good low market cap niche gem stocks with recent good news?

>> No.50496316
File: 193 KB, 725x1024, 1658297437347192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uranium: FIND.V, SYH.V, SCLT.V
Gold: LGD.V
Silver: ELO.V, GSVR.V, SCV.V

>> No.50496369

Bayhorse Silver

>> No.50496400

considering investing
tell me more

>> No.50496477

Galleon gold
>55million shares
>12million valuation
>has 1.5 million ounces
>completing new drilling program

Holding 30k shares @.55

>> No.50496517 [DELETED] 

go all-in. see:

>> No.50496555

What would your price be before they did that share restructure?

>> No.50496637
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Yes, we will have our revenge, show the faggots no mercy.

>> No.50496896

keep an eye on little explorers like Enduro metals / Brixton. They are still drilling / exploring their properties in the golden triangle.

>> No.50497055


It was 10:1

>> No.50497063

They used to be named Vangold, search the archives for them

>> No.50497112

This and then the supply situation. If you aren't informed you're going to miss 90% of the gains.

>> No.50497146

Ignore every other recommendation given to you and check out

Blue lagoon.

Athabasca oil.

The other recommendations are complete trash (except for one or two out of the ten) and you will lose money. Enter at your own peril.

>> No.50497161

Yeah that ones good and santacruz.

>> No.50497235

wait what? really?

Anything exciting going on with them? I may buy.
Please don't lie to me, I have a daughter on the way and don't want to fuck this up.

>> No.50497244

I also have blue lagoon.
Should I buy more or buy GSVR.V

>> No.50497440
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>> No.50497535

What happened to the original bayhorse shill that made all of those memes?

I hope he is in a gutter right now.

>> No.50497766

Hey Red are you bought back into Athabasca or are you still waiting?

>> No.50497944

Check ceo.ca on each ticker and don't play with more money than you're willing to get burned on.

>> No.50498100

These have withstood the gold/silver smash and all have news catalysts coming that should keep them outperforming

(honorable mention) these are smashed but will likely also have good news coming
Scottie (drilling Blueberry zone)
Galleon (vg assays coming)
Opawica (vg assays coming)

I like Lagoon and G Silver (have both) but the others seem to have more upside now

>> No.50498440

Then why are you gambling on tips from anonymous strangers on the internet? Nobody here is giving you any insider information. If someone were lying, you could easily find out. Why are you asking people here to make your decisions for you? We have access to all of the same information as you. You've been given a list of tickers. Why not research instead of crossing your fingers that someone on 4chan was competent and telling you the truth?

>> No.50498769

>Please don't lie to me, I have a daughter on the way and don't want to fuck this up.

Stay in cash bro, maybe get a Kasasa high interest checking. There are banks paying 4% around me


>> No.50499144
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>> No.50499293

Santa Cruz is one of my favorites. Expecting big returns but nothing is guaranteed. They increased production by 6x and market hasn't even priced it in. Earnings come out soon....

>> No.50499316

Still waiting. Watching every day. It is moving down to the 200 day ma and I am expecting it to break that and head down to the 200 week MA of 79 cents. I will post charts over the weekend. Oil and athabasca are still holding a downtrend pattern.

>> No.50499331

Imo snowline is going to start dropping any day just like emerita did. Be careful. I'll look at the chart over the weekend.

>> No.50499348

>nothing wrong with that advice. Sitting out for a month or two probably isn't a bad idea.

Right now I've got my eyes on gold. I think we bottomed and a big move is coming. Gary is calling it and gold went up twenty bucks today.

>> No.50499356

I second this, watch out for high ups pulling out as the season starts getting miserable. Winter makes life for explorers suck.

>> No.50499389

This is also a concern that slipped my mind. Thanks panman. Winter is terrible for miners.

>> No.50499484

"miners" are fine in winter, explorers get utterly shafted by changing weather conditions.

>> No.50500162
File: 206 KB, 1839x586, snowline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ordinarily I'd agree, but when assays come back for this hole it probably will be going up somewhere between 10-25% that day alone. Plus, there's Crescat going balls deep and QH saying they might have 100M oz

>> No.50500200

i would still be cautious we have all seen how explorers can just tank, even on really good news. Snowline is still one of the more interesting projects out there right now though and they have attention from big capital as you say, so they probably wont crash in the very near future. Winter creeps in fast though up there, so watch out for interrupted exploration seasons.

>> No.50500266

ceo.ca can be tricky, you often have to wade through both a lot of pumpers and shorters spreading FUD to find good info lately

>> No.50501405

you mean encore energy?

>> No.50501561

My mistake
Thanks for the correction.

>> No.50501569

I'm not looking st the chart and I think I checked it this morning and it looked "okay" but the lesson of this entire past year is that when you get stretched more than 70% over the 200 day moving average on a stock you WILL have a correction and it WILL be steep. Doesn't matter how good the fundamentals are, aka oil right now, uranium last year.

>> No.50501578


>> No.50503403


>> No.50504043

Hedgeless fucktard is a retarded cunt who probably posts here.

>> No.50504175
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 1BD58DD7-34D8-4F6A-9936-4F75F6212909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orginal is hanging in my office, happy people are spreading it.

>> No.50504304

Thought you might be interested

>> No.50504317
File: 1.63 MB, 2995x2607, 1591F923-FC6A-4A89-884C-B3F388F04C29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t know why it posted sideways… here’s it again.

>> No.50504922

4chan strips exif data

>> No.50505548

>these are smashed
that's the kind of companies I would want to invest in lol

>> No.50506007
File: 23 KB, 441x408, ECWbbXpU0AAOnAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I just bought 57,750 shares of Opawica.
It seems to have the most upside.

Wish me luck lmao

>> No.50506231

wouldn't be surprised if Opawica is up 5x by Xmas

>> No.50506320

That would make a merry christmas indeed.

>> No.50506412

Bannerman just faceplanted. Has anyone seen news?

>> No.50506424

Gold is going back up.

Yeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I'm thinkign were back

>> No.50506472
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I bought the bottom.

>> No.50507165

>spot price

>> No.50507244

>To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without amendment, the following
resolution as an ordinary resolution:
>"That, pursuant to section 254H of the Corporations Act and for all other
purposes, the issued capital of the Company be consolidated on the basis
>(a) every ten Shares be consolidated into one Share;
>(b) every ten Options be consolidated into one Option; and
>(c) every ten Performance Rights be consolidated into one Performance
>and, where this Consolidation results in a fraction of a Security being held,
the Company be authorised to round that fraction up to the nearest whole
Reverse split, price hasn't updated properly yet
Learn to look things up geez

>> No.50507391
File: 55 KB, 906x461, bannerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old news
That has nothing to do with this morning's selloff, snotty faggot.

>> No.50507468


>> No.50507790

Can somebody who knows about mining explain to me what these grades and numbers mean please


>> No.50508763

congrats that's a great find

>> No.50509403
File: 191 KB, 1777x999, 1629067344813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every miner is deep green for 2 days straight
>some are jumping 40-50% from the bottom last week
>paycheck in 2 weeks

>> No.50509533
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>> No.50509684
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>Investing in a copper producer
>In Chile
>That's losing money

>> No.50509807
File: 81 KB, 800x900, D0B0134A-3E32-4883-8115-9A1B940B99A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gold & silver miners can’t stop losing

>> No.50512423


So I bought but this company is like 30 years old or some shit and were worth 20000 dollars a share at some point. I assumed they massively devalued at some point.
In 2011 it was worth like 60 bucks a share, now it's 0.08 a share.
What's going on? What if they do this again?

>> No.50512689

It's a potential 250,000x bagger when it goes back to it's ATH!

>> No.50512769

haha I wish
I wish I really knew what happened tho and I'm too stupid to look through financial statements etc

>> No.50512795

>were worth 20000 dollars a share at some point
It was never $20000/share, what has happened is several reverse stock splits over the years. Not exactly uncommon for explorers. Far most exploration projects end up not finding an economic deposit so if they will just keep raising money and trying again. Stock goes down and they have to reverse split so it doesn't end up 1c.
You realize it's a $3M company right? The market doesn't think they really have anything, the company is a huge gamble. They are probably going to raise money soon with full warrants, if their projects are even worth drilling anymore.

Outlook does NOT look good in Chile. Seems like they are just denying all new projects with the plan of nationalizing them when their current permits run out.

>> No.50512883

>It was never $20000/share, what has happened is several reverse stock splits over the years. Not exactly uncommon for explorers.
Is this the same thing as share dilution?

>> No.50512989

No, share dilution is issuing new shares to raise money or pay for something, which is something they did along the way to pay for exploration. The exploration didn't turn into a project they could sell so stock price fell until it was so low that they had to do a reverse split, meaning 10 shares become 1 share, for example, a 10 to 1 split. Then stock price goes up 10x and shares outstanding goes down to 1/10th.

>> No.50513103

>a reverse split, meaning 10 shares become 1 share, for example, a 10 to 1 split. Then stock price goes up 10x and shares outstanding goes down to 1/10th.
what exactly is the purpose of this?

>> No.50513196

Say the stock goes down to 5c. This starts to cause some problems trading since you can only trade in half cents, at least most can. So you will be forced to have a huge bid/ask spread of at least 10%. Bayhorse bid/ask has been 3.5c/4c last couple of days, that's a large spread. Which is why I believe they said they were doing a reverse split. Usually happens around that 5c mark, sometimes even higher.

>> No.50513451

ahh I see

>> No.50513512


They aren't raising money imminently. They have a little under 2 million in cash for follow up drilling, which hasn't begun yet because assays from their first round of 5000m drills have been delayed. Of course that doesn't mean that they necessarily deserve a higher valuation, but most other explorers aren't funded for anywhere near the 20,000m that they are/were. They also have a bunch of properties, which again you can't really value until you put in a lot of work/money. MC only dropped to 3 million recently, and was hanging above 10 million for more than a year. You can read the conspiracy theories on ceo for why the stock has been killed over the last two months. In any case I'm not recommending them, especially since there is still selling pressure even now.


The current company didn't exist more than a few years back.

>> No.50513562

>In any case I'm not recommending them
What's this I hear about results coming back from the lab sometime soon?

>The current company didn't exist more than a few years back.
what do you mean?
this is all so confusing

>> No.50513651

>What's this I hear about results coming back from the lab sometime soon?

They finished drilling one of their properties and sent assays to a lab Jan/Feb this year. Those results haven't been returned yet. Although, personally, I think that they got results back a couple of weeks ago and are just trying to figure out what to do, because there is a big seller/group that has been dumping/being liquidated and I think they'd prfer to have them exit entirely rather than use the assays as exit liquidity.

They have just recently finished drilling a second property and sent thos drills in a month or so ago. Those aren't expected for to return for another ~2 months.

>> No.50513690

Forgot to mention that the reason I think they got their assays back is because the ceo makes open market buys consistently, which you can check sedi to see for yourself. He hasn't been buying for almost a month now, which suggests that he can't because he's holding on news. Furthermore, the ceo has made open market buys in a second company that he runs, which again limits the reasons for why he stopped.

>> No.50513743

>Although, personally, I think that they got results back a couple of weeks ago and are just trying to figure out what to do, because there is a big seller/group that has been dumping/being liquidated and I think they'd prfer to have them exit entirely rather than use the assays as exit liquidity.
so it's short term bearish, long term bullish?

you think the assays are good news and just being held back short term?

>> No.50513809

>so it's short term bearish, long term bullish?

Short term bearish, depending on how many shares the seller has left. Long term it's a good risk/reward play but definitely not a sure thing. As for assays, I don't know if they're good or bad - just that the CEO is withholding them. And just remember that the market is pretty brutal now and even good assays like 100g/m for a smaller explorer get sold off.

>> No.50513896
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>> No.50513962

Less than two months until I can start rockhounding again. Gonna do my damnedest to bring back some gold bearing quartz

>> No.50514033
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Still down 30% but >>50509533 show us very well how fast these junior can reverse tide. Our portfolio will be deep green before we notice it once this bear wave is over

All we need to do right now is accumulate more positions

>> No.50514211

I bought, because the market is down a whole lot right now and I hope this is the bottom or near the bottom.

>> No.50516168

>OTC pleb
Sorry I was looking at the ASX ticker and saw it going from 1.8 to 0.18 on close and thought that's what you were referring to

>> No.50516176

FYI for people looking for good deals/ideas to take advantage of on this recent down swing in the metals.

Keith Neumeyer has bought some First Mining Gold (FF) shares in the open market. He had bought a bunch in the mid-high 20s to low 30 cent range last year. I've managed to accumulate some at 20 cents which feels good buying below Keith.

Also followed the same principle with Nevada King (NKG), Collin Kettel bought into the PP at 45 cents with no warrant with over $2 million of his own money, the shares have slid down to the low 30s and even into the 28-29s, I scooped some up there. There has been good drill and metallurgy news lately for them and Crescat and in particular QH is pretty hyped about the land package.

I also slurped the dip on Newfound Gold (NFG) which I missed out on the first time around, picking up some around $5 seems like a good entry point to me.

>> No.50516189

No wonder the stock is selling off if you have waited 6 months for drill results, and with no explanation? That seems very weird. But if the CEO has been buying as you say one should think that theres no known disaster at least. I want to like these small exploration plays because of the potential but I can't get myself to buy because it's a complete crap shoot with my geological understanding. And the overhead costs are often relatively large. It seems inefficient to have that entire corporate structure for a 5m company that often times isn't really doing much. A small explorer may have a single small drill program per year, what are the 5 directors really doing? And the c suite. They must just be twiddling their thumbs most of the year. A comfortable job I'm sure.

>> No.50516245
File: 90 KB, 720x405, qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the most overrated geologist in history. The chart of Novo speaks for itself.

>> No.50516279

I won't defend Novo but that chart looks a lot like most junior mining companies right now. To his credit QH was right about the pilbara region having a lot of gold, and on the origin of the gold, however the challenge has been figuring out how to profitably mine it. I don't put the blame entirely on QH since he is primarily a geologist, it's engineers and business people that need to make the mine work. I probably wouldn't invest in a company QH was running, but I think in his role with Crescat his opinions and insight are very valuable.

>> No.50516310

The new project First Mining just bought seemed pretty interesting, relatively high grade for OP and decent size, until I heard its refractory ore. I'm no expert but that should increase processing costs significantly which is why in general I believe those deposits tend to be UG because they need the higher grade to be economic. Perhaps that's the reason why it has been dormant for so long. I also dont really like neumeyer, while he is good at pumping his stock he isn't good at making money. Pretty cheap stock for what they have in their springpool project though, if they can get it permitted.

>> No.50516334

>and with no explanation
They brought it up in a news release a month or so ago when they finished drilling the second property. I think Panman mentioned that some other explorers had waited almost 9 months or something at peak delays.

>But if the CEO has been buying
Yeah, he used to buy consistently several times a month, just stopping this month, which is why I think they have assays on hand now. He was buying shares in origen resources just a couple of weeks ago. Anyway the sell off is a little fishier than just impatient investors exiting. It's clearer if you watch the levels on a daily basis.

>it's a complete crap shoot with my geological understanding
I think explorers, and even most miners in general, are always a crapshoot regardless. Too much random shit can come up. I'm sure some of them must be cushy jobs, given that certain CEOs like Emerita are running 5 companies at once.

>> No.50516364

>in his role with Crescat his opinions and insight are very valuable
Crescat is nothing more than a pump machine and QH's role is to baffle with bullshit.

>> No.50516410

>and even most miners in general, are always a crapshoot regardless
Kind of true, you do have a lot more information to work with, but yeah lots of stuff can happen in mining that's impossible to predict.

>> No.50516444

How on earth is your screencap yellow?
Did you fucking photograph a screen?

>> No.50516470

>Mining sector explodes up 50x
>Cash out
>Can buy one loaf of bread

>> No.50517108

They did the same thing last year, did they actually make use of it when the stock skyrocketed?

I should probably pay more attention since I own almost 3600 shares.

>> No.50517149 [DELETED] 

greta is a crude baggie

>> No.50517165

greta is a crude baggie

>> No.50518924

wow bad news for Anglo American

>> No.50519068

>KGC trading at P/B of 0.63
>everything I watch slaughtered except TRQ

I took a break when silver was $25 and this is what happens to the market? Jerome's little pissant 75bps hike saved the dollar, everyone.

>> No.50519434

A side effect of high inflation / oil prices is crushing China's economy and their growing military power.
Their oil consumption grew 50% over the last 10 years while US only grew 10%. And china runs an 8 million barrel per day deficit importing oil, while the US is net zero production vs consumption.
I don't know if it was intentional, these issues would have cropped up later anyway, but it sped it up.

>> No.50519551

How are we feeling KOLD gang?

>> No.50519556

Now do the other 1000s company where the price went 10x+

Easy to point at mistake, at least he own it. Don't fall in this bad behaviour, you're better than this.

>> No.50520487

help a dude out, I might make this a regular general or something, the PM fraud definitely needs more coverage.

>> No.50520764

our time is coming soon uranium chads. i can feel it in my nutsack.

>> No.50521074


>> No.50522683
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>> No.50522873

europoor here
I'm looking for a new broker.
which broker still allows you to buy $POLY?

>> No.50523278

uranium doesn't have any fundamentals.
I would stop comparing commodities to dogshit tech stocks and SPACs in a decade of higher inflation.

>> No.50523755

It needs to be a regular thing. They will eat more and more shit as time goes on.

>> No.50523769


>Uranium doesn't have fundamentals

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying but if you're saying what I think you're saying then never come back to this thread ever again and fuck off bacj into your peloton stocks and crypto gay world.

>> No.50525948


The UK is getting its first Rare Earths refinery.

>> No.50526289

Sometimes I'll venture out to see other people's POV, and that billionaire lady buying coins has reddit hopping up and down saying anyone showing any disbelief to the claim to be a banker. People here are like me who thinks it's bullshit, or are some people believing it?

>> No.50526412
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I dont think it's fake since that guy reputation would be ruined, he run a business, can't allow that. But I don't forget that this story is useless, it change nothing. Sooner or later, PM will moon, its just inevitable. We won't be the exception in 5000 years, I just accumulate more shares and live my life.

>> No.50526440

I'm not familiar with the US tax code but someone said that it's tax free gains for the coins but wouldn't have been in bars. If that's true then the deal may very well be real. $50M isn't that much if you're a billionaire and it's a size that they would be able to sell back to these coin brokers, at least within a reasonably small window of time.

>> No.50527774

Link to quick summary

Note the chart for eligible sales, the description after, and also not required reporting of purchases by the seller.

Instead of selling coins in an amount that requires reporting, you can spend the money as it has a face value - the price of course should reflect to true value of the currency.

>> No.50527878
File: 412 KB, 1401x1786, CIASilverPriceSupression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of the public has been brainswashed to view gold and silver and just metal, not money, while the central banks are buying up all the gold they can. There just are not enough people interested in the manipulation scheme as it is highly specialized and complex. The price suppression scheme has been well documented and publicized, but like I wrote, not enough people actually care.

Pic related - see the yellow highlight? Ignore that and read the paragraph to the right - regarding suppression of silver price while promising price appreciation. Sound familiar? The big banks suppressing the price of gold and silver are working as agents for the government - they are part of the same apparatus controlling the prices. Its rigged. Its been known for a long time.

>> No.50528878

I think it's probably legit, $50 mill is no big deal to a billionaire. The part about this being the first part of an up to a billion dollar order eventually is probably exaggerating and won't happen, at least not silver. Don't see why she would want so many eagles, you don't need small denominations in that amount. Would be like having stacks of $10,000 in $1 bills instead of $100s, no one would do that.

>> No.50529022

>my thread
check this guy out

>> No.50530072
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I have 3k cash and I don't know where to put it. If I am bullish on precious metals would it make more sense to own PM royalty companies or the physical commodity?

I have almost 0 physical precious metals but around 5k in PM royalty companies (8k in Uranium stocks, 1k oil stocks, 5k in paper platinum)

>> No.50530479

Russia and China announced a new global reserve currency. U need physical metals.

>> No.50530539

>fiat money preserves an operation better than "digital gold"
cryptokeks, everybody

>> No.50530552

>If I am bullish on precious metals would it make more sense to own PM royalty companies or the physical commodity?
Royalty companies are a crowded trade. I would rather just go with the physical metal (or a physical etf, I'm not a schizo about those) for money with which you want low risk and then if you have some risk capital go for producers with good leverage to the price of gold.

>> No.50530555

M2SL grew by more than that. so basically that's fucking nothing.

>> No.50531923
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evening all, hows things?

>> No.50533261
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vegasfag here, went out rockhounding for a little bit today since it cooled a bit and was overcast. didnt get as far my trail as i was hoping, but i didnt get good sleep last night so a bit off. this formation doesnt have metal, but there were a few quartz veins around. from what ive read, the other quartz veins do a half mile from the site i stopped

>> No.50533694
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never hurts to check quartz veins, sometimes they have a bit of treasure in them waiting for you.

>> No.50533775
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i gotta get back into shape. i stopped after like 20 minutes and still had another 20-30 or so until i hit the gold bearing area. i probably wont go out again until early october. not worth the heat

>> No.50535192


>> No.50535355

Are you concerned about running out of water?

>> No.50535402

This shit is really important guys. I want this to become a major point in the thread if this comes true.

Right when Andy first got famous, he said that commodity bul markets come in three stages. It's always Real estate - > energy - > precious metals.

He said that the cycles follow these in both the large scale time frame and within those time frames on smaller cycles.

He made that call last year before the oil run up. So far we have seen exactly that and if we really are on the bottom of a big move up in metals then this is basically confirmed and is a major scholarly victory.

When Andy made that call we were right at the top of the real estate market. Then real estate came down a little and oil started running up. Now oil is pulling back and all of the smart analysts are saying we are at the bottom in metals and about to commenced the next leg. I expect to see a big upweek in silver this week and if not this week then next. David Brady who is always cautious, and yet is the main metals analysts for fucking Sprott is basically all guns blazing calling a bottom right now in metals.

If this is right we need to know this and gloat. It becomes fact and we can shit on the rest of the board.

>> No.50535412

I think we will get a 75 point rate hike this week and silver will explode. Whether it breaks the $20 mark remains to be seen but it's palpable in the air there will be a big move.

>> No.50535423



>> No.50535758
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yep agree. Absolutely everything scream bottom for metals. However, we might go up to 2k then down again to 1800s before mooning to 2k5/3k.

All in all, a great time to buy. I'm accumulating cash right now, decided to open a new position for Copaur. Hard decision but I need more Gold company; IRV, BLLG and LIO aren't enough. Would have bought GMTN if they didn't fuck shareholders.

>> No.50535873

I think impact is going to capture a lot of gains on a silver move.

>> No.50535915
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Yep, it's something I really have a hard time fighting against. I wanna add more IPT, especially at these price, I can double my sharecount with just 1-2k€...

Have another 4k€ coming, I might just bet very big on IPT for this leg then sell at 50-60 then diversify more towards Gold stocks.

>> No.50536133

Do you use DEGIRO?

>> No.50537048

Yes, but I also have an Interactive broker account.

I don't know how I will handle the next PM top. I either sell everything and move my cash to IB, or i sell like half or 2/3 then move my cash + positions to IB. Real question is will I be able to get back at lower price when we crash after reaching 3k gold.

>> No.50537314

Oh, noes, another @mikeymike426, a.k.a. @insidexplr, takes a dump on news of a roll back. The low-tide leftover pumper strikes again, this time with Walker River Resources and its lifestyle CEO, Michel David. Helped by notorious CEO.ca pumper, @RockedRed, WRR hit CAD$0.14 in April in anticipation on drill results from its Lapon gold project. This week it traded as low as CAD$0.035 on news of the 1-for-6 consolidation. Junior mining CEOs, their promoters and associated pump-and-dump artists are the sleaziest operators of all the markets.

>> No.50537671

Freshly baked