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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50453905 No.50453905 [Reply] [Original]

>bro just learn oauth2, roles, scopes, java, spring boot, spring security, react, redux, python, es6, vanilla JS, helmet JS, semantic UI, bootstrap, tailwind CSS, databases, nosql, sql, apache, solr, kibana
>”Guys can we take this one offline”
>Sitting for 5 hours without any movement
>”We’re going to have to check with the stakeholders and see if this should remain a priority item”
>Email about remaining committed to diversity
>”LMAO sorry my mic was on”
>Wiggle mouse to make sure you are hard at work at all times
>”Please post in the daily standup”
>Forward head posture
>”It’s time for your next installment of your security training”

How the fuck does anyone tolerate this shit for more than a week? At best you make slightly more than someone in a trade (who probably has their own business and makes their own hours anyways). How can one really complete those security trainings every month and still have their dignity? Answer: it isn’t possible

>> No.50453951

>oauth2, roles, scopes
one topic
>java, spring boot, spring security
only on backend really
>react, redux, es6, vanilla JS, helmet JS, semantic UI, bootstrap, tailwind CSS
just don't do frontend
>databases, nosql, sql, apache, solr, kibana
databases are easy as fuck and there's only really 3 kinds

>> No.50453954

>5 hours at a time
Look if this is hard then just get a job hauling lumber or whatever like shit.

>> No.50453957

Bump cuz i want answers

>> No.50453981

Security != privacy
Security += (privacy | security)

>> No.50455996


>> No.50456295

If you are intelligent you will enjoy learning a few of those tools at first, and then it will be too late once you know every single tool does the same in a corporate job it just changes the syntax

the logic is just way too the same between similar tools, and only a few languages in certain scenarios can really destroy your mind like fortran or C

>> No.50456451

>rook mom i can increment

>> No.50456498

>filtered by coding, historically a woman's job

>> No.50456510
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> How the fuck does anyone tolerate this shit for more than a week?
Because it’s literally the best job in America. You have boomer soccer moms learning JavaScript because it’s just that good.
>very high pay
>absurd job demand and future
>stackable jobs (I’m in the process of getting 2 full time wfh jobs)
>recruiters literally spam you with calls/emails wanting to place you in jobs
>generally low stress
the question is why wouldn’t you want to be a tech bro anon?

>> No.50456567

>At best you make significantly more than someone in a trade
Ftfy dumb tradie.

>> No.50456571

as someone who is about to take up learning Oracle and getting certified (along with SQL in general) how much can i expect to make?

I'm an automation engineer and this is one relevant field to begin my pivot to software, mainly to be wfh. Looking up database engineer on indeed shows a bunch of jeet tier wages. I make 95k base right now,

>> No.50456582


Every job has its downsides. OP posted some inarguable downsides with software jobs but you can find those at other jobs (mostly corporate bullshit) where you don't make $200,000+ with a bit of experience.

>> No.50456585

I really enjoy frontend, it's more weird to me that so many people don't, yeah it's not generally as challenging as making some backend glue thing in Rust or Go, but the results with frontend are easier to appreciate to your users, who you are ultimately accountable to (maybe some companies are so flooded with marketers that this becomes invisible and you are only trying to deliver a product to some douchebag MBA in which case I fully understand wanting to hide in the backend from those morons).

>> No.50456611


Good data engineers that know databases and how to work with data make great money.

Learn PostgreSQL, nobody uses Oracle anymore.

>> No.50456667

do you have any resources anon? I just purchased a 20 hour oracle udemy course...

>> No.50456669

retarded codemonkey shutins cope. ur life is wasted at a computer. only reason the good ones of u get paid well is because everyone else on earth would rather rope than give away their life to a musty dark room with a computer, however that's not anyone in this thread. all codemonkeys here are less talented than the average indian.

>> No.50456713



About 300k. I learned SELECT & UPDATE and made about 400k in my first year. Then I learned how to do JOINs (not sure if left or right) and made about 500k.

After I learned WITH and what an Index is, they gave me about a mil a year. Then I learned about composite keys, text indices, levenshtein distance, and it doubled.

I even learned what a foreign key is this year when I was in India.




Sir! Kindly not insult. Insult bitch whore mother instead.

>> No.50456715

yes i like programming as a hobby/personal interest but the thought of doing it for work fills me with dread

>> No.50456724

most "programming" is just rote memorization aka coding, you're slowly being replaced by 3rd worlders with no education, electrical engineers are in an extreme shortage right now because every fuckwit millenial and zoomer fell for the "just learn to code" meme

>> No.50456757


> electrical engineers are in an extreme shortage right now because every fuckwit millenial and zoomer fell for the "just learn to code" meme

Yea. Except if it ever stops paying, the 50% of programmers who have EE degrees can go right back to estimating the life of an Iphone battery .01% more accurately, for 3 years.

>> No.50456786
File: 45 KB, 615x409, 204087BA-EADC-4CE1-9372-E1111B9E7A6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poop stained hands typed this post

>> No.50456791

FPBP. OP is just a retard that is having trouble grasping a handful of topics and must blow it up to make it seem overwhelming to feel better about not being able to get it. I do 1-2 hours of real work each day, not because I'm a genius but because I know what's expected of me.

If corporate noise like emails sent by Karen in HR about diversity (that you can easily filter into a folder and never have to even open) bother you, you might just be too sensitive for this line of work. Not to mention the sheer amount of angry, egotistical autists in this line of work that normies have to use terms like 'take it offline' because they're 'at it again' (going down rabbit holes and arguing about stuff which doesn't matter).

Do I 'like' my job? No. It's work. Getting paid 200k a year with 80k in stock options is enough to get me to do a few hours coding each day and pretend to care for the meetings. What's great is that working from home allows me to do something productive like lift weights or do some chores while I'm on a call. I'd say 80% of the time I zone out, and only tune in to meetings when my name is mentioned. If you're telling me this is some kind of hardship, maybe it's time to do something else?

>> No.50456798

>electrical engineers are in an extreme shortage right now
Traditional engineering roles pay garbage compared to software development.
t. MS in engineering and I regret not just getting into comp sci

>> No.50456857

>$280k / year
Currently making $125k as a fe dev w 5 years experience. Should I learn leet code and apply to fagman or go overemployed w 2-3 wfh jobs?

>> No.50456956

You should absolutely finish the Udemy course, most of the concepts from Oracle carry over to PostgreSQL because they're both SQL relational databases. But most everyone is using Postgres in industry.

Get any book covering Postgres 13+. Look into dimensional data modeling (Star Schema, Snowflake Schema). Take a course on data modeling in relational databases.

>> No.50456970
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I think I'm edging on this, I was using a user authentication and management framework that was basically an amalgamation of a bunch of different languages that wouldn't normally be together
>slim PHP
>eloquent sql
>twig for html
I spent so much time learning and trying to actually understand how it's all meant to operate together when I didn't realize what I was using was basically a bastardized Laravel Jetstream. now I'm in the middle of jumping over to that because everything looks to click together that much easier, but seeing that similarity in operation between livewire and vue/react is very odd, and it still feels like I don't have a proper understanding on it all

>> No.50456978


Wtf is a Star Schema?

>> No.50457105


> denormalize table
> intentionally

Like, I get it, but this is some next-level shit that companies with single-digit annual billions of revenue don't ever need.

Still, since I am using this thread for my education, you basically identify business KPIs, make that a "fact" and then save all the related shit for that "fact" event.

The only example seems to be revenue or sale, so that's your fact, and then you FK all the related shit to it that the data team or BAs might care about?

>> No.50457131

Just do sharepoint bro. I’ve been doing it for like 8 years

>> No.50457143

My advice is to learn multiple databases and data schemas. Then do data automation or data migration. Database developer isn't really a thing for 99% of companies. Now you're expected to know databases as a backend engineer.

>> No.50457146

>How the fuck does anyone tolerate this shit for more than a week?
I get my paycheck and it makes the pain a lot easier

>> No.50457174

I literally don't know any of those.
I got my CompSci degree by cheating off the nerds in class and copying the homework off GItHub and StackOverflow.
That's literally what I do for my job right now.
I make $300k as a remote SWE.

>> No.50457265

those skills are developed over the years, obviously you're not in the industry. but the scrum, dealing with the pm and hr are the worst but i learned how to deal with it.