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50455066 No.50455066 [Reply] [Original]

If I buy THC vape pen online and they do discreet shipping but only accept BTC. Is there any repercussions for the buyer in legal terms? Or do they only go after sellers?

>> No.50455082

why you buying boof ass carts nigga

>> No.50455096

Yes, crossing state lines puts you in violation of the commerce clause which means federal charges.

>> No.50455095

Federal crime.. god damn kids coming on here.

>> No.50455098
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You will be fine.

>> No.50455099

No, the gooberment will find you and put you in jail forever you drug addict

>> No.50455123

just buy delta 8 you tard, it's legal and literally the same thing

>> No.50455170

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.50455172

I have some delta 8 and delta 11 vapes from the same company (Ghost). The vape pods are top notch. The 24k Gold and Super Silver Haze carts are awesome

>> No.50455189

Im buying for resale. its a business

>> No.50455234
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in that case go for it, im sure the police would only be interested in the people who sold it to you anyway

>> No.50455238

this is the site btw. does it look like a honeypot ?

>> No.50455269

>drug dealing isn't business

>> No.50455279

no one cares about weed anymore there is no enforcement

>> No.50455282
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i wouldn't touch that site with a 10 foot stick

>> No.50455302

is there any silkroads left?

>> No.50455321

i already told you nigga those are bunk af. you wanna fry your brain with some synthetic weed? if you got no plug ima suggest what that other anon said and get a d8 cart at your local vape shop

>> No.50455324

If you arent buying on the dark web, tor, vpn, encrypted everything, youre just a retard. Ive heard of "tumbling" your bitcoins as another precaution but i never did that. You should live close enough to a legal state to just make a road trip though if all you want is a fucking cart.

>> No.50455332

Me fucking your mom also is a business because she pays me for it.
The OP reads like he is just scared of buying drugs online. And that is what it is dumb niggercattle.

>> No.50455337

This is not true

>> No.50455379

Do not buy THC vape pens. Get a proper dry herb vape and buy the weed separately, or better yet don't be a pothead faggot. Many have died from lipoid pneumonia from cheap online THC vape pens.

>> No.50455389

obviously it's not exactly the same, that's why it's legal, but it's close enough that if legality or access is a concern there's no reason not to use it instead of delta9. it's not like spice or k2 or any of that shit. its not synthetic. it's still just thc

>> No.50455401

It's diet weed, and far safer than risking it at federalhoneypot.org. For someone without much of a tolerance they're still going to get fucked up. The real answer is don't smoke weed or have anything to do with it until after you've made it in life and can either grow your own or purchase it legally without a care in the world by not living in some hellhole where it's still illegal, but for everyone too retarded or weak to do that there's delta 8. Be warned it dooms you to fail any piss test you take for the next half a year to a year because it binds to fat even harder than real weed.

>> No.50455414

back when i lived in the states i used to buy all my weed/wax/carts online, just buy from a reputable seller. dont cheap out, you get what you pay for. It was cheaper, more reliable, and higher quality than my local guys stuff. now its legal back in my state so i dont have to worry anymore, but for people w/o that option its honestly safer than going to a dealer.

>> No.50455523 [DELETED] 

bro that is a honeypot or they're selling you gorilla cum in a cart.

Install TOR browser and go check Dread for links to marketplaces. Stop being a dumbass.

>> No.50455669


That clearnet site is going to sell you toxic sludge if it's not a honeypot.
And you're not going to be paying in Bitcoin.

>> No.50455681

if they don't want to use it against you probably at the moment you won't get a problem.
monero gets named here for being so private,
why don't you use that for paying?

>> No.50455747

Why do you trust these carts? Black market carts are cut who knows wtf they’re watered down with.

>> No.50455756
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>> No.50456209

OP out here huffing all kinds of metals and weird chink juice just for a little buzz

>> No.50456285

>Or do they only go after sellers?

>Im buying for resale. its a business
Kek maybe you are too stoned to figure out what you just asked and what you intend to do.

>> No.50456389

if you just want to vape you might as well just get one of the legal thc's some of which are stronger. theres HHC and THC-O but i wouldnt recommend vaping thc-o.

>> No.50456482

My mother is dead.

>> No.50456515

Like that would stop him from fucking your mom.

>> No.50456591

they only have a pay with bitcoin option but I think Im gonna chicken out even if some of them are bustin balls. I feel like with my luck id end up being one of those people that goes to prison for like 15 years for something dumb just for a vape cart. plus like some othes said what if it is fakes.

>> No.50456614

If you get caught ordering via the post they can seize your computers and check your history/banking etc.

First hand experience.

>> No.50456678

yeah i chickened out. im in NJ but everything in dispensaries is expensive as shit. 65-80 vape carts and pods. fucking nuts. only reason I was searching elsewhere. wish prohibition would end so we could just mail it or have courier services that can legally ship it.

>> No.50456683

It's not THC. It's chinese synthetic weed and its dangerous. You are an idiot.

>> No.50456705

And if you live at home, they can take your parents home too. They love to use these racketeering laws and say that everybody at a location is also part of the criminal operation with intent to distribute. IT gives them the oppportunity use cartel law to sieze all your belongings.

You haven't actually done it yet have you?


>> No.50456776

Why would discreet shipping or payment method be relevant? You are literally committing a federal offense purchasing it and would be stupid to do so. WAY not worth the risk, especially given the relative turnover rate of such offerings online.

>> No.50456801

buy with xmr off a darknet store dumbfuck

>> No.50456817
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can you imagine the freaky shit she is into, Like hand holding and her telling me that im good enough...

we could be looking out into the city on our little small cottage and I can finally be happy, If I even know what happyness feels...

>> No.50456842

youll be put on a list simply for spending btc

>> No.50456850

I had made an order, did it with xmr on darkweb, encrypted etc. I just admitted it because I was spooked and didn't want a long investigation. But they turned up with like 10 cops and did a house raid for 10 adderall pills lmao. They seized my phone and computer but i admitted it and got a warning. If im being honest im sceptical they would have been able to find something had I left them to try.

It was crazy the lengths they went to but this is bongland where rape is unpunished and internet adderall gets a swat team.

>> No.50456859

Buy delta 9 gummies. You can get them all over now. That is the THC targeted in hemp bill. It is closer to the high you get from regular weed. All the delta gummies can fuck you up tho. I don't get as high with vapes.

>> No.50456892
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this, this is something else...

>> No.50457803
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They won't actually pursue you my man, but why don't you do something better and actually cash in some money and buy thc from an irl seller? its way more safe if you know your ways and the right people. I made 15k on p2e back when it was pumping hard last year (nowadays only ultimate champions has potential) and bought all of that on weed, best months of my life, this is what crypto is all about

>> No.50457905
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Just use XMR

>> No.50457927

>Many have died from lipoid pneumonia from cheap online THC vape pens.
My cousin almost died this way

>> No.50457940

something something possession is 9/10ths

>> No.50457957

Just get a plug nigga. I got the hook up just cash app me 5$ for fees.

>> No.50457997

Marijuana/thc ruins lives, anon. Don't touch the stuff.

>> No.50458086

>goes through the process of seeking out drugs on the derp web.
>buys weed
At least get some coke or molly ffs. It's not worth the headache to buy weed on the derpweb when there are so many people openly selling counterfeit carts on instagram.

>> No.50458139

just go on alphabay and use XMR (Monero). There are some really high quality vendors on Alphabay like PressurePacks and vampirePacks. (I have bought from them before)

>> No.50458176

d4rk d0t f41l (change numbers for letters) has all the sites you'll ever need for this stuff

>> No.50458186

that shit’s been down since 2017 anon.

>> No.50458196

do not buy thc concentrate online you absolute retard you should only be getting those from licensed dispensaries

>> No.50459351

It actually came back, Check mental outlaws video on it.

>> No.50459612

Enjoy your fucked up vape lung damage disease from 2019 (Covid).

>> No.50459772

m8 just buy a 510 thread vape pen from amazon for $10 then buy a cannabis oil cartridge off the dark web.