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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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504453 No.504453 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that college is a scam and you're better off without it

>inb4 neet

>> No.504455

OP can't inb4

It's only a scam if you're fool enough to get a loan and then study art or something. If you come out of college with no debt and a STEM / business degree then it's definitely not a scam.

>> No.504457

I didn't go to college; I make six figures. That said, I'm an exception, and anyone who justifies poor decisions by deriding others is a straight up pleb.

>> No.504461

It's not a scam, just a very expensive investment that must be tackled wisely if you don't want to fuck yourself well into the future. Unfortunately, with so many universities whoring themselves out like travel vacation hot-spots, young, idealistic, and still developing kids rush ahead into loans, debt, and dreams of greatness, pursuing degrees that neither justify nor guarantee the money spent on them.

It also doesn't hurt if you come from a well-off family who can foot the bill for you.

>> No.504463


It's wayyy fucking harder making something of yourself without college.

First of all your first job will suck huge donkey dick if you didn't finish college.

But disregarding that you need to spend every waking moment of your day studying on your own, given the opportunity 90% of people would not be able to, they'd just fuck around on facebook or 4chan or play some autistic videogame. Having that motivation is way harder than attending college and doing well.

You also get paid more if you have a degree compared to some self-taught nerd. So there's that too. Might as well spend the what $40k on a degree and make $10-20k/yr more for the rest of your life. Sounds like a good investmnt to me

>> No.504467

Get in, get a good GPA with a couple internships and a network of potential managers, get out asap with your credential. Not a scam, just have to know the score.

>> No.504471

>college is a scam
>making $80k straight out of college

>> No.504472

>But disregarding that you need to spend every waking moment of your day studying on your own, given the opportunity 90% of people would not be able to, they'd just fuck around on facebook or 4chan or play some autistic videogame.
only if you're really fucking stupid

if you are not a total fencepost-tier moron college is easy as shit and you should be able to knock everything out in 20-30 hours a week no problem and focus on networking and enjoying your life

honestly if you are dumb enough you need to be studying every waking moment to survive college you are probably not cut out for it in the first place

>> No.504473

>But disregarding that you need to spend every waking moment of your day studying on your own, given the opportunity 90% of people would not be able to, they'd just fuck around on facebook or 4chan or play some autistic videogame. Having that motivation is way harder than attending college and doing well.

Can you restate this? Are you saying college requires you to be studying every waking moment? Pretend IDs are disabled too because I don't feel like responding to the rustled jimmies of the others

>> No.504479
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College isn't a scam, it's just filled with a lot of worthless bullshit classes and unrelated papers to fill in gaps that really could be used much more effectively.

It's do wonders to either shorten the necessary requirements for a degree with condensed and to the point courses, or fill in that ancient greek dildos class with something dealing with your engineering.

>> No.504481

Trade schools are a very viable option if you aren't academically inclined.

I don't understand why high schools push college so hard when a good portion of the population just is not inclined for that environment or style of learning.

>> No.504485
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>> No.504513

No I'm not saying college requires you to.

I'm saying to prove yourself as a self-educated person you need to be working much much harder just to prove you're as capable as someone with a piece of paper. Not worth it in my opinion along with the other negatives.

>honestly if you are dumb enough you need to be studying every waking moment to survive college you are probably not cut out for it in the first place

I guess I confused you guys. I meant to be SELF-EDUCATED via internet and shit you need to be studying every waking moment. College is absolutely not the same and thats the point I tried to convey in my post.

>> No.504552

I'm currently at the community college level studying Business Administration. I'll hopefully be moving up to UMASS next year, and i'm thinking of where I should go from there. Everyone I've talked to has told me a business degree is good in just about any industry, and it's something you can build on. Majors include:
Management Information Systems
Operations Management

Where should I go /biz/?

>> No.504561

MIS,Accounting and Finance are they only ones that aren't bullshit.

>> No.504565

Study for actuary exams

>> No.504665
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>free college in my country

Hmmmm ... surely my free Economics master with a complementary 1k a month must be a scam

>> No.504666

>First of all your first job will suck huge donkey dick if you didn't finish college.
That it will either way.

>> No.504776

Accounting/Finance, finance has more wiggle room in terms of what you can do imo. You can always get your CPA with a finance degree as well.

>> No.504792

I actually used to be of the belief that college is retarded and/or a scam. Well, it is kind of a scam but I am starting to see that the college environment really is needed to grow a true "industry professional". Sure, you can learn this shit by yourself from Google but that isn't going to give you personal interaction and feedback with someone who has been there, it wont leverage their relationships with local businesses to land you internships and/or jobs, and it definitely wont look good on your resume.

>> No.504813
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Daily reminder I'm going to college completely free thanks to the Air Force and have $110,000 in savings I didn't need to put toward college, as well as a Masters in Communications from the Air Force, four years experience, travel to places I couldn't have gone to for a few more years, and I'm now getting a degree in finance.

Feels pretty good m8

>> No.504819

I fucked that up, sorry.

I have a degree in Mass Communications.

>> No.504899

how exactly does an 18-23 year old have $110,000 in savings

>> No.504923

>Masters in Communications

You're going to realize that you blew your youth when you're older. Good luck.

>> No.504933

I'd like to believe you but I don't want to work in this shitty factory more than i need to.

>> No.504937

you get paid while in the military, and I'm pretty sure housing is paid while serving

>> No.504963

it is and food too.
however deductions take up a huge slice of your pay.

>> No.504966


>not bullshit

>> No.504970

College is the only way to have a respectable job unless you have established parents or get lucky with 1/10000 odds.

>> No.504978

>College isn't a scam, it's just filled with a lot of worthless bullshit classes and unrelated papers to fill in gaps that really could be used much more effectively.

You got that right m8

>> No.504980

>Daily reminder that college is a scam for most people and you're statistically better off if you know what you are doing

>> No.504986

Protips from a 30 year old CPA who works in mortgage finance.


Easy money, boring and incredibly susceptible to automation.

>but audit can't be automated!

audit is a just a small part of the accounting world


Every frat kid bro'd his way through a state school and got his finance degree. He now gets to work as an analyst making a perpetual $50k dicking with excel spreadsheets all day. If he sucks enough dick he might get to be an asset manager and bitch around his own analyst.


This is where its at if you are at a real school and not some university of phoenix crap. Database administration is a huge problem at many large companies.

>accounting and computer science

Elder god tier. The only reason accounting has not been completely automated is because accountants can't program and programmers can't account. You will be well paid for killing off shitty $50k staff accountant jobs by the handful. Also, if you can create report automation you can deal with the 100s of regulatory rules and filings that are only getting worse.

>> No.505059 [DELETED] 

Maybe in the US. Here in the first world aka europe a uni degree is pretty valuable

>> No.505063

College isn't a scam its just really inefficient. Also all the bullshit classes are just there to subsidize research and STEM, medicine and law courses.

>> No.505073

but uni is free in my country and I'll get about 4500€ starting

just fuck off NEET

>> No.505080

I don't think you know what that word means (I'm guessing you're a yuropoor, I am too and often come across idiots like you who don't understand how education works here), you don't actually get shit for free, you pay it back through higher taxation for your whole career.

>> No.505192

>Studying Art or anying shit?
>Waste of time/money
>Studying something worthwhile?
>Well done son

>> No.505268


College(at least community college and getting a bachelors) is about the smartest investment you can make time and money-wise.

The amount more you get paid than people who are selftaught is staggering not to mention how much easier it is to find a job and get treated and paid well.

Being self-taught bars you from applying at a shit-ton of places plus much harder to succeed.

>> No.505312

/biz/ should I major in Finance, Ops Management, or Business Strategy & Entrepreneurship? I plan on getting a minor in Math as well.

>> No.505315

Yay, I got my college degree only to be hit the by the reality of life: Im just going to be a beta provider then die.

>> No.505318

It's fucking boring as shit. You'll see how you start balding and days pass by and you are just doing math for actual rich people while you remain a workcel.

>> No.505336

I'm on academic probation, which means that I don't get financial aid next quarter.
What is the purpose of this policy?

>> No.505369

Are any non-STEM schools worth it? I go to a T20 school with an excellent government department for 30k/year. I'm not taking out loans, I have around 100k saved in various mutual funds.

Should I see if I can try to do STEM? I always sucked at any science or math.

>> No.505407

I'm gonna be you in May. Majoring in 'digital media production', not really sure what to do about it, not really passionate about anything, I'm gonna be a desk clerk or something like that the rest of my life.
And then die.

I wish someone had told me about the information systems major at my school like three years ago. I only discovered it existed like last year. :(

>> No.506133

>tfw uni makes you dual-degree medicine with an MBA no questions asked

it's like the ultimate jew training program

>> No.506161


Except paying for that tax is unavoidable, so yes, any reasonable person would still consider it "free" (in a sense) for him.

>> No.506169

It's bad if:

>You go there and learn nothing from your classes like the sorority chicks and frat dudes who have copies of the test early and don't have to learn
>You get a bullshit degree with no practical applications in the real world
>You take out more than 50k in student loans
>You don't have a plan of action when you go and get that degree

If you check one of the above you might be fucked, if you tick more than one of those boxes you definitely fucked up. Otherwise a degree isn't a bad move.

>> No.506253

For most people it is


>> No.506273

To punish you for being a shit

>> No.507351

I was home schooled, and I envy people that got a good education, people should feel lucky they get job opportunities just for being good at something.
I've been studying mathematics at the uni level since I was 16, I've played music all my life, and I'm a damn good programmer.
But still, when an employer asks about your education try saying "homeschooled" with a straight face.
I can't even get a job as a lowly code monkey, my only option is to flip burgers or make something of my own, and the latter is fucking difficult considering I'm already in financial tatters just trying to deal with reverse mortgages over $450,000 between two houses I inherited.
Seriously fuck boomers, no life insurance, no nothing, they just died and left me with the shit.

>> No.508239

>I can't even get a job as a lowly code monkey
Isn't all you need to do is get a cert? I'm almost certain that the code monkey arena is flooded with cert only self taught individuals, have I been misinformed?

>> No.508249

>majoring in a worthless degree

>> No.508252

I too was homeschooled. I was regular schooled until 8th grade then my parents took me out of school because my grades were shit and we had a friend who homeschooled her kids. I was homeschooled illegally because my parents were too lazy to do the paperwork (its like one fucking letter every quarter) so they just said I moved. New York state doesn't offer a diploma to homeschooled kids so, despite being homeschooled and having a better education than the retarded ass kids of my generation, I get pissed on for no diploma.

Luckily I am an entrepreneur and business owner so I am self employed, these skills I attribute to the freedom of homeschooling.

>> No.508258

Make up a school
Shows your projects

Learn to hustle

>> No.508291

Literally homeless then

>> No.508294

What job are you in? And with what degree?

>> No.508296

Going to uni next year, doing a bcom law conjoint but I have no idea what to major in, was doing finance but people have been saying it is useless, any ideas? The majors at my university are:
Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Information Systems
International Business
Māori Business
Marketing Public Policy

>> No.508358

Accounting or IS.
The point is to pick something that is useful to the person hiring you.
Now if you're going to the top uni in the nation you can take high minded theory like economics and do just fine.
If you're going to a local state uni, who needs a econ major from bum fuck U to do anything for them?
They could use an accountant from there to do the grunt work. IS CIS MIS is somewhat useful anywhere though it may, or may not, pay as much in the long run.
All the rest have limited or specific earning potential unique to your area so you'll have to gauge the market around there.

>> No.508361

Enjoy your 20%+ unemployment.

>> No.508364

Thanks man Information Systems seems promising, I live in New Zealand so there's no Big name Unis here. I eventually want to start my own business but you need money to make money

>> No.508537
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I'm studying free of charge in the US all paid for by Denmark my home country.
For me that's a decent investment of my time.

>> No.508544

>You also get paid more if you have a degree compared to some self-taught nerd. So there's that too.

This isn't the case for programming; at least in Europe it isn't.

>> No.508656

Doing nu first semester in international studies( interdisciplinary bla bla)
How fucked am I?

>> No.508659

What up fellow uneducated exceptional six figure bro.

Everyone else in this thread needs to go to college, be exceptionally lucky, or expect to be paid less because they didn't go.

>> No.508672

You're saying a very ambitious person with top grades from high school BUT didn't attend college has a very slim chance of making decent of himself?

>> No.508991

>you don't actually get shit for free, you pay it back through higher taxation for your whole career.'

Oh u so clevar brah

I can just gtfo of my country the minute i get my master and i wont pay jack shit, maybe i will go to USA where i dont have to pay tax to some idiot getting a free eco master ;)

>> No.508999

You're a stupid shit. The mere existence of medical universities where you study Medicine, Veterinary, etc disprove your moronic claims. Now, go get me some fries.

>> No.509031

>very ambitious person with top grades from high school
Worth exactly shit.

>> No.509052
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>Daily reminder that college is a scam and you're better off without it [IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN LEARNING]

Well duh.

>1. College is a good deal for good students, a mediocre deal for mediocre students, and a poor deal for poor students.
>6. The secondary reason why college pays better for better students: hard majors pay better than easy majors, and better students gravitate toward harder majors.
>7. One bad argument against college: "What professors teach isn't relevant in the real world." In the labor market, degrees in the most irrelevant subjects still open doors and raise pay. Many jobs simply require a college degree in... whatever. The difficulty of your major matters a lot more to employers than its relevance.



College isn't and frankly cannot be job training for engineering and firms don't expect it to be.

>I get pissed on for no diploma

Just take the damn GED exam already. The main problem of being self taught is you can't easily prove it (yet) but you can for high school level education.

>> No.509101

so going to a good college is the only thing worth shit?

>> No.509532

Money will not cure betaness.

You are basically born alpha, that's it. If you're not physically/genetically alpha you're fucked.

80% of girls lust over 20% of guys.

>> No.509558

If you mean physical, ie looks, you're way off.
Males are the sex concerned with looks. Females want to look up to their mates.

Leadership and rank is what the informal classification system of 'alpha' is alluding to.

As to money it is can be an indicator of rank, but it also cures a lot of faults. Onassis was short "not when he stood on his money."

>> No.511107

Kind of unrelated, posted to /adv/ originally but it died before I could see it. Basically I'm taking math, writing, CIS, and a film class right now, hoping to major in math, physics, engineering or comp sci, with a minor in philosophy, economics, or linguistics. My problem is though that my community college doesn't offer engineering or CAD courses, and they offer one foreign language class, but no linguistics. What can I do other than being an autodidact to prepare for my potential majors/ minors? Will it even be possible? Very stressssssssed

>> No.511139

$70,000 growing up meant for college, plus what I saved while in the military.


>Traveled the world for free, met countless people, saw new cultures, and went to university. Got a degree to land me a $70,000 starting job as well as a smaller degree from the Air Force in Mass Communications for extra experience.

>> No.511864

Deep down I'm a little jealous of kids who had financial help through college.

I didn't dick around in college at all to get an honors economics degree I never wanted in the first place. $27.5k in debt and nothing to show for it.

thank fucking God I found internships though. I wouldn't be an IT admin today without them.

>> No.512911

What's the point of getting an honors degree?
>inb4 dat bling bling

>> No.512914
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>mfw I make 60k base out of college and that's on the low end for my degree

>mfw I only have a bachelors

>> No.512929

it was an opportunity. I seized every opportunity that came my way to see where it could take me.

the honors degree had an indirect benefit - it got me an adviser that knew her stuff and referred me to an underground university job board. I found an invaluable internship there.

professional life is a game of who you know, what you've done and if you're needed.

>> No.512936

Yah I'd take one by all means if I could, I just don't know if I should feel inferior by not having one. Can I get one if I'm in CC currently with standard classes?

>> No.512977 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your hamburgers, nerd.

>> No.512994

you can, and it's good you feel uneasy for not having one. it's every bit as important as the degree.

the short answer behind how I got mine was literally sheer luck. I found a company at a job fair who I knew through being a finalist in a film festival in high school they created. they kept me at the booth and convinced me to apply for an internship.

so I have two ideas...visit your CC career services or internship department and ask to talk to a counselor. tell them you need help finding an internship. this will get you the quickest result.

the second more meaningful in the long run thing to do is find an outlet for your personal interests (that would someday lead to your job) WITHIN your CC. It could be a club, elective class, something. you need to surround yourself with like minded people. you do that, and you might find a backdoor into a company somewhere because of someone you know it something you did with them. this could take a school year or two. I became that film festival finalist this way.

>> No.513007

your internship, once you do get it, is what you make of it. I treated mine like a free pass to take chances and you should too.

since I was a video producer, this meant looking for aspects of our company to make videos on without being asked to and doing them to my high standards. my bosses fell in love with my work and let me take on as much as I wanted. the 3 month internship lasted a record 21 months.

a management change derailed me at the end and I got fired because the new guy, Asswipe Mike, didn't like me leading videos over typical intern shit and ignoring his orders.

best move I ever made because the last project I did at internship one got me INSANELY BETTER internship two. The bosses at internship two would have fired asswipe mike by comparison!

tldr take internship seriously and people will notice and fight for you, the intern.

>> No.513019

nup, you're just a dumb fuck