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File: 83 KB, 1289x1174, linketh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50444934 No.50444934 [Reply] [Original]

It's like people forgot link is even a project so it has zero floor even 2 years into the downtrend. I've bought so many times thinking it was completely overdue a rally and it just keeps plummeting.

>> No.50444963

Honestly look at that - no relief just drop, consolidation, drop, consolidation, drop etc.

>> No.50445064

And its gonna drop more op, link was never meant to be a high $ per token project…

>> No.50445161

Gonna buy some link when it hits 1$.

>> No.50445196

Well looking at it the RSI is extremely tentatively showing bullish divergence but it could still go down a lot.

I'm just pretty pissed off with the performance. It's undeservedly bad.

>> No.50445218
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For reference on the rsi

>> No.50445252

this is what linkies get for their arrogance of shit talking eth, the actual number two cryptocurrency.

>> No.50445334

that is the saddest cope of a div i have ever seen. i hate this token. i hate sergey. i hate gay muslim men

>> No.50445387
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>link was never meant to be a high $ per token project…
you don't say

>> No.50445397

just accept the fact that your shitcoin is not special and it will always lose value against btc and eth.

>> No.50445413
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>> No.50445415

I mean this honestly:
why do you fucking look at charts?
LINK was suppressed throughout the bull run, it makes sense that ETH enjoyed bull gains
ETH is about to release a major milestone that incentivises people to hold it and earn from it, thereby increasing demand
LINK has some major milestones itself, but they're not here yet
so why would LINK pump against the ETH pair?
is it because you looked at a chart and tried to interpret the future from it?
stop looking at charts and start watching fundamentals and delivery
I'm sure LINK will have it's time, but not before ETH
>all in on LINK

>> No.50445458

I said extremely tentative, we've even had better previously on the downtrend.

>> No.50445465

Linketh has never been a relevant pair, linkusd and linkbtc as a far second are the pairs where the liquidity is. Eth thrives in bull markets when people use gas to buy dogcumcoin. Link does well in intelligent bear markets. Which would you rather be long term?

>> No.50445536

The volume is about a third of the BTC pair but given ETH is the major alt it's useful to see how you're doing against the alt market standard. Because if you're not outperforming eth then what's the point.

>> No.50445864

>Because if you're not outperforming eth then what's the point.
Link had a tremendous cycle of outperforming eth. Naturally once link had its crypto pair blowoff in 2020 and the market turned bullish, ethereum's gas ponzinomics kicked in and this created a dramatic drawdown on the linketh pair.

>> No.50445892
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>> No.50445912

It's closing in on that not really being the case. As you can see here >>50445218 it's nearing in having spent just as long in a downtrend against ETH as it has ever spent moving up.

>> No.50445936
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> btfo
I'm literally 100% in link, and i also just sold a bit into this pump so i don't feel bad about going for drinks tonight.

>> No.50446133

Yes, it's been a nasty drawdown. I think it's pretty much put up or shut up time as far as feature release but at least serg doesn't delay like skelly does

>> No.50446170
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It's over for Chainlink (ticker: Great Reset)
Here is the WEFs and Schwabs right hand man "Doctor" (((Yuval Noah Harrari)))


In your fear and uncertainty it will be tempting to put your trust in some person or group who emerges and claims to have a "way out", which will involve sacrificing some of your liberty. You must resist this urge. These self‑proclaimed saviors may appear in many forms, under any number of banners: "intellectuals", "influential people", "progressive thinkers", "billionaires", "the UN", "the EU", "self‑selected multinational coalition", "global leaders", "world governments", "radicals", "revolutionaries" or some combination of these. They may appear charismatic. They may appear to have your best interests at heart. They may stand united, arm‑in‑arm, proclaiming "We know the way forward", advancing some form of "people's revolution" or "Global Reset" where "you will be in charge", hawking various "‑isms" and promises of a better tomorrow. These people are not your friends. They are not to be trusted. They are the same global banking elites using the same fear tactics, shilling the same magic potions and snake oils as always. They want only one thing: power.

>> No.50446237

I think i just need to separate from link a bit, i've been lazy and for the last couple of years invested in basically nothing else. So seeing the relentless failure against eth is particularly painful given that's a way more obvious purchase. I'm not putting any more money in for now but if we don't see staking by smartcon and ccip during or at least a hard date i think i can at least restrain myself to make future purchases eth.

I put quite a bit more money in during this bear market and i would be 50% up on some of that right now if i had just bought eth.

>> No.50446355

This. If OP has been looking at his charts for two years and been constantly wrong maybe it's time to reevaluate what he's doing. That being said if it gives OP faith why not keep looking at the charts. With a long enough timescale and a large enough set of different predictions he will prob eventually be right

>> No.50446379

>Keeps buying the top and only stops at the bottom
Based OP, this is the biz way

>> No.50446422

I bought "the bottom" at $18, then $24, then $14 then most recently at $6, getting tired of all these great buying opportunities.

>> No.50446474

I don't know what you mean with "bottom", but you certainly didn't buy the bottom. You should have not bought when you bought. Now is the time to slowly start buying and you're thinking about stopping

>> No.50446534

All came after nearly 50% collapses. I bought most in early 2019.

And yeah i won't buy more. I've made the mistake for too long given even my earliest buy is only 26x up after nearly fucking 4 years.

>> No.50446547


Measured it wrong

>> No.50446589

> "its definitely the bottom this time!"
lol, lmao even

>> No.50446593

26x is obviously very good in 4 years. Most people lose money in crypto. It's a no brainer to buy link at sub $10. But you do you. Traditionally the biz way has been not only declining to buy the bottom, but actually selling the bottom to chase pumps. Have you considered selling some link and buying a little bit of ether?

>> No.50446639

Are you quoting me bro? I never said it's the bottom this time. No one knows which direction link cryptocurrency will go next. But according to my analysis, like I said before, now is a good time to start slowly buying

>> No.50446658

>And yeah i won't buy more.
if you were buying at $24, and nothing in your thesis about the value proposition of LINK has changed since then, you're a retard for not aggressively accumulating in this price range. the entire reason there's a military grade FUD campaign against LINK is to prevent people from buying while (((they))) dump the price and try and shake people out. the way you win is by calling their bluff and waiting.

>> No.50446665

I sold a tiny amount for spending today, i'm going to change my mindset to selling pumps over buying dumps with link. But mostly i'll leave it alone and put cash into eth and btc from here on out.

It's actually 17x but that's pretty shit for any crypto for almost 4 years, given even a braindead option like eth would have me up 12x in the same timeframe.

>> No.50446687

Still buying LINK but opened other positions. 11k LINK now, really happy price went down. Even if it goes to 20c I will be back to equal. But I’m trying to find little coins now to put a hundred dollars in. Might buy a whole bitcoin don’t know yet.

>> No.50446724

quoting you given you clearly think this is a bottom to be advising buys, just as OP thought at his prices.

It's going down further so it's still a stupid buy. In fact I'd say buying at $18, which by the look of his buys would be after the may crash, was a more sensible buy than now. That was obviously going to lead to a big rebound, here it's just a dying fish.

>> No.50446745

Sounds like a very bad decision, but I gotta respect keeping the biz spirit alive. Jokes aside my advice to you is to keep buying and never selling

>> No.50446783

It's changed when back then i had hoped we might see some of feature see the light of day. That was 2021 pre-smartcon 2. After 2 smartcons of shit all and finally a v0.0.0.01 beta of staking promised vaguely by eoy 2022 I have way less respect and hope for the team. Plus my hope with that buy was actually to sell at $40 for a quick turnaround. I'm only bagholding that purchase because it just fell short.

My buys since then were copium induced and honestly just bad trades.

>> No.50446804
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>> No.50446828

Thanks for chiming in anon

>> No.50446876

I owned a minuscule bag of link purchased in 2019, bought more in summer 2021 and summer 2022 and the end result is I’m just about break even despite knowing about this shitcoin for 4 years. I have 3,000 now, will be waiting to see what happens with staking and CCIP during the rest of the year.

To the people saying this is the bottom… perhaps but the macro conditions are so fucked that I doubt it. 10+% inflation, energy crisis, certain recession in US/UK/EU, ongoing Russian sanctions. The list goes on and on. The theory that crypto would be a good hedge against traditional investments in a crisis looks completely disproved so if the wider economy worsens (it will) then I don’t see why crypto won’t go lower

Saying all that much I’m too much of a bagholder to put my money where my mouth is and sell

>> No.50446900


>LINK/BTC and LINK/ETH both dragging along the bottom while there's a very obvious fud campaign trying to get me to sell LINK, i will now begin accumulating BTC and ETH

>After 2 smartcons of shit all and finally a v0.0.0.01 beta of staking promised vaguely by eoy 2022
ah so you're one of the fudders. thought this was a real thread for a second, well done. just bought some more link

>> No.50446902

It's only spent 50 days at $0.20 or below so if you're "still buying link" there's no possible way for your break even to be $0.20. Why is the community just filled with shitskin cope now?

>> No.50446918

Yeah anon, any criticism is bulgo thread. Nexo is orchestrating shorts, they're manipulating bitcoin to suppress link.

>> No.50446967

you had a good little fud thread going and ruined it. nice work outing yourself retard

>> No.50446971

I think the macroeconomic situation is going to improve personally. But i've "considered" moving away from link for years now and every single time i didn't it's been a mistake so i think i'm finally feeling actual ability to do so compared to the previous miserably complaining. I think all markets might improve but i just see it that historically eth and btc just do better regardless.

>> No.50446989

I'm happy for anyone who thinks that statement is unbelievable fud posting to leave, really won't be missed you brown retard.

>> No.50447021

you're either a demoralization fudder yourself or you're a weak-minded pussy who the fudders prey on. pick one

>> No.50447114

I remember getting grief for months as i said we'd see 0.0035 eth again. I don't think a single anon ever didn't get mad so effectively that makes me the most link knowledgeable anon on /biz/. I think we'll go down to that again and probably spend a couple more months at the floor there.

>> No.50447139

I say months but looking at my charts i made i was calling it well over a year before it happened.

>> No.50447164

so would you say it's time to start accumulating LINK? getting close to the bottom so i'm guessing that you're starting to add to your stack and will continue to do so at .0035 eth.

>> No.50447214

token not needed

>> No.50447230
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>> No.50447241

I bought all i want long ago, i just look at charts to waste time like most of us do. It's not a bad buy now in a sense because i don't see it drawing down much more but i also don't think it will explode against eth either, i think it's got a disappointing long grind up.

My main pleasure with link has been it gets pretty decent yield opportunites. You can often get the same with just link as elsewhere would require doing crv+cvx+tripool+arb tier yield layering.

>> No.50447367

>My main pleasure with link has been it gets pretty decent yield opportunites.
Which is exactly the reason we aren't pumping. Lots of capital looking for yield -> lots of liquidity -> ez shorts

>> No.50447426


>> No.50447470

You lot losing your shirts on AAVE liquidations, Celsius hodl mode and Bancor haircuts is a fine start of your penance.

>> No.50447475

its collateral

>> No.50447539

I was on bancor for a long time but pulled out ahead of v3 in case there was a vault run. I have some on aave but most is just hanging around right now with a view to bump up collateral if any of my loans become risky. But that would need at least another 70% collapse before i start adding.

>> No.50447638

Knobpolisher here, do not buy the LINK token.

>> No.50447762

How much link do you have and how much USD did you put in this bear?

>> No.50447943

I have just over 16k. Not sure entirely how much i put in this bear but maybe £65k.

>> No.50447951

I had almost forgotten why I lost it and became a Stoic.
If I had traded the bull run properly and sold at least half of my bag at the top I would now be in low to mid 8 figures.
I will never get an opportunity in easy mode like this again, and now I have to grind slowly to fill the gap of my previous ATH.

I should see it as the tuition fee for my lessons, but it was one of the highest prices I have ever paid for anything outside of my own life.

>> No.50448025

>this bear
>this bear
what does "this bear" mean? december 2021 onwards? may 2021?

>> No.50448107

I made my first buy in a while in june 2021. That was the bulk but done a few smaller ones since then.

>> No.50448166

What about other cryptos, do you have anything else? Did all that 65k go into your 16k link?

>> No.50448180

Effectively yes, just some in eth for moving link around.

>> No.50448319

>I made my first buy in a while in june 2021. That was the bulk but done a few smaller ones since then.
Thanks for sharing.
I just added another 1k LINK to my stack

>> No.50448362

>the actual number two cryptocurrency
>number two

>> No.50448363

Fucking DCA now to make good profits normies
Eth, vra, lever and Kolnet are long-term bags. Can't over emphasize this anons

>> No.50448395

>buying at 18 is better than buying at 6
You have number 2 for brains

>> No.50448494
File: 525 KB, 1170x2185, E0F37309-3213-4777-B797-46A7C385710C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello newfags

>> No.50448634
File: 102 KB, 1857x1151, ethlog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to include the birth of a token you really want log so that the first instance doesn't throw it all off.

>> No.50448812

Then you should have used log chart on the first place when you made your thread you retard.

Btw it looks like that eth link chart is going to dump soon

>> No.50448846

This has to be one of my favorite posts of all time from here. So good in so many ways.
Especially the fact that he moved into to btc and eth.
If he managed to sell anywhere remotely near the top he should be in excellent shape right now. And even if he didn't he's still fine and I wouldn't be too worried holding btc and eth about seeing a new ath at some point like I am with my link desu.

>> No.50449853
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Before this bear market, I had a little stack of 2k LINK. As we dipped I started to increase. Once we hit the $5-6 range I consolidated heavily into LINK. I now have 30,000 chainlink.

>> No.50450326

I didn't start my chart from the start so no. I had the relevant time period included,

>> No.50450339


>> No.50450408

All great bags for a degen play. Best to get an early entry before the market recovery

>> No.50450434

>relevant time
You mean when you first bought with your arbitrary time frame? Newfag kek
Cope what? This thread? I agree

>> No.50450435

You have 3k Link. Why lie?

>> No.50450482
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You posted that didn't you

>> No.50450595

The time frame explicitly in discussion was the downtrend but even more pertinently to your retarded input it didn't include the initial period of release which sees a token find value from 0. So the linear scale on mine was suitable for multiple reasons.

>> No.50450616

The only person making money from link is people shorting it and Sergay who continuously dumps it. If you're still holding link after 2 years of this shit you're forever doomed to be nigger cattle.

>> No.50450630

>my time frame is relevant because… look it just is ok?
Kek newfags are cute

>> No.50450651

If you're still holding btc/eth after 2 years of dumping you're 'tarded 2