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File: 537 KB, 1076x1575, vitalik shills bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50426432 No.50426432 [Reply] [Original]

fuck off baggies and your antichrist

>> No.50426448

vitalik bugerin lol

>> No.50426463

Literally nothing bad about eating bugs

>> No.50426490

>Your face when you realize he’s right

>> No.50426494

mETH head cope

>> No.50426839

based. normies can find no flaw in his arguments and just resort to seething

>> No.50428576
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>literal billionaire
>is retarded

>> No.50428592

>makes polcucks seethe
nice just bought 10 more ETH

>> No.50428605

He's trying to fit in with his new WEF friends
Post the tweet he made defending CP

>> No.50428738

He's right, though.

>> No.50428785

Bug powder dust, you say?

>> No.50428812

I’d be mad if I were a poor too

>> No.50428890

If you can't afford shit then why should I carry your weight? Fuck off and eat the bugs and live in your pod. I'm gonna get rich and avoid that fate because I'm not a lazy pussy.

>> No.50429002

He's a hyper autist, what do you expect? Of course he'll look at things through a pure utilitarian optimization lens.

He's not relevant for philosophy or politics, he just needs to make good software.

>> No.50429208 [DELETED] 

he isn't wrong about onwership. what % are you using your owned belongings rn? obvioulsy a system with shared use CAN be more efficient, for most items.
the bug part is NPC babble though. if we find something uncomfortable to eat theres a reason for it.

>> No.50429227

>>50426432 (OP)
he isn't wrong about onwership. what % of your owned belongings are you using rn? obvioulsy a system with shared use CAN be more efficient, for most items.
the bug part is NPC babble though. if we find something uncomfortable to eat theres a reason for it.

>> No.50429269

That's what China says about eating dogs too

>> No.50429283


>> No.50429373

> if we find something uncomfortable to eat theres a reason for it.
Some cultures find dogs uncomfortable to eat, but they are also meat. This is the other side of "I won't eat bugs, but am fine with cows/pigs/chickens". It's just what you're born into, actually looking at slaughterhouse footage is unappetizing, just like eating bugs

>> No.50429443

people actually salughter animals as a communtiy activity in the countryside and have no issues eating fresh meat right afterwards. it tastes a lot better than refrigerated meat.

and yeah, eating dogs is fine for the chinese (only in certain parts of china) but i'm not chinese and i would not eat dogmeat even though it's protein, and you're just another npc who can't deal with reality so is way oversimplying things

>> No.50429513
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THIS is unappetizing.

>> No.50429545

None of this explains why bugs are gross but pigs/cows get a pass.

Your response is consistent with the truth, which is that it's just the cultural expectation that you behave that way. What does it have to do with bugs? You can honestly say slaughter house footage isn't gross either? Charred bugs looks tame by comparison.

>> No.50429681
File: 387 KB, 750x488, 28CC6FAB-E038-4D18-931C-7FDDD6E4AE23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But on the inside it's the same stuff, if this is a picture of dog meat, it's sickening, but if it's a picture of a cow, it's tasty?

No point in getting upset about bugs with deeper inconsistencies like this existing. (Picture is just top image search for "red meat")

>> No.50429751

All the disgusting parasites don't have a other you? Who depoops the bugs for you?

>> No.50429776

you have no taste in meat LOL
since you don't understand why red meat is good (cow) you don't understand why dog cannot have good cuts
you're a fucking retard talking about things you don't understand

here's a tip: the size of the cut matters, the nerves to muscle ratio matters, size of the bone matters and the fat distribution matters
go to a churrascaria by a platense and talk to the cook if he would ever cook a fucking dog
you are a sub human little cuckhóld kike cattle

>> No.50429803

his position is somewhat reasonable:
bugs - as a supplement, not a replacement, key word here is experiment
ownership - he doesn't say owning nothing, just downsizing. if you haven't experienced this personally you won't understand the nuance here

>> No.50429975


> The Dabengou translated as “Big Dumb Dog” is the most used dog in dog meat farms in China. They are mutts produced by breeding St. Bernard dogs from Russia or Kazakhstan with local Chinese dogs. This produces a “beef” like texture of fat and lean, allowing the dog meat to be made into more tender dishes like burgers, sausages or steaks. They also produce larger amounts of pups, weigh over 200 pounds, grow up faster and are immune to most dog diseases. A single St. Bernard from a premium Chinese breeding farm can range from $3000–4000 since it is desired so much to produce larger mutts.[282]

>> No.50429994

Shalom rabbi
You first

>> No.50430101

>akshually being able to own things is inefficient and REDUCES your freedom
I'm somewhat minimalist but redundancy is resilient. If everybody owns their own cookware there's no shortages when everybody decides to cook at once (i.e. on Thanksgiving or whatever). This "when you need an axe, you could just rent one from the cloud!" line of thinking is characteristic of the most pampered urbanites who have never had to wait more than 24 hours for an amazon prime delivery or lost their job when an entire industry dries up overnight.

>> No.50430134

>"""beef"""-like texture
wow that's confidence inspiring. I'm sure they are just as tasty as animals that have been bred since before the beginning of recorded history to be eaten.

>> No.50430630

>being able to own
im not talking about removing the ability to own, but rather introduce the ability of rent on the clock.
e.g. you feel like playing VR, you just rent a headset and it's sent out to your apt via a tube-mail like service. then when you're done you send it back and only pay for the hours you used it for.
i buy a VR headset after every new generation comes out but get bored of them after 3 months but don't feel like selling because it'll be a hassle to reacquire one if i feel like playing again. there are many appliances people only use for brief preiods of time but don't like to go through the hassle of selling them and it only generate waste.

>> No.50430678

pretty easy to have nothing but a suitcase and a laptop when you don't have to
>change bed sheets
>clean car windows
>own a broom
and literally anything else that "bogs me down"
in one swoop vitalik went from le autistic niceguy to typical billionaire bullshit
>elon musk owns and lives in a tinyhome!
yeah when he's not at a fucking resort for 3 weeks to "work in peace and take some video calls where i wont be bothered"

>> No.50430915

>physical possessions bog you down and reduce freedom
there is no way that tweet is real. that is the most retarded take i have ever heard.

>> No.50430924

Vitalik barely works on Ethereum anymore.

>> No.50431028

Are bugs kosher?

>> No.50431617

Those services already largely exist. The market just doesn't care for them that much. Just like you don't like to go through the hassle of buying and selling used, most people don't like to go through the hassle of paying for something by the day/hour every time they want to use it. Most of this "you will own nothing" talk means that the government will be mandating these rental services or carbon-taxing traditional ownership into oblivion.

>> No.50432090 [DELETED] 

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2ixkQt3jj4

>> No.50432184

OMG I love bugs! I grind them up and put the powder in my coffee every morning. I put the bug dust in a glass of water at lunch for a nice refreshing bug sludge goy slop power meal. At dinner I mold the dust into patties for a nice filling bug burger. Don't forget to add a side of goybeans for that extra bit of estrogen to further develop a nice set of man tits.

>> No.50432249

>renting a VR headset
enjoy your pink eye

>> No.50432269

How does one go from cypherpunk libertarian to "the state should force us to eat bugs and nationalize everything" in such a short period?

>> No.50432308
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>when you're so libertarian you realize even your ideals are for sale

>> No.50432406
File: 5 KB, 210x240, A45F7E40-330E-4DE1-8A6A-014512686E5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i buy a VR headset after every new generation comes out but get bored of them after 3 months but don't feel like selling because it'll be a hassle to reacquire one if i feel like playing again. there are many appliances people only use for brief preiods of time but don't like to go through the hassle of selling them and it only generate waste.

>> No.50432812

>But on the inside it's the same stuff
predator meat is far from the same as herd animals which literally reproduce till there's no food left and all die out at once.

>> No.50432833

>Not the heckin' doggos!

>> No.50433028

Spotted the chinkoid

>> No.50433244
File: 108 KB, 1125x1077, 80370EC6-CC4E-45B2-A965-01BAED9042FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends how you farm and raise it, see >>50429975

We don't exclusively only eat herd animals either, bugs are literally only taboo for cultural reasons. It's how you prepare it. Lobsters even are extremely closely related to insects.

>> No.50433314
File: 12 KB, 182x277, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cattle don't have parasites
>Lobsters even are extremely closely related to insects.
correct, shrimp too. In fact, in many cultures it is not taboo to eat bugs and they are seen as snacks.

>> No.50433484

Its not a scam but eth is buit upon shitty ideas
>smart contracts
and now

>> No.50434151

Why I am so bullish on ETH

>> No.50434789

If you eat bugs it proves your poor as fuck. If your worried about eating the cheapest kind of food available youre poor and if you're poor you're a loser.

>> No.50434799

Because its up 20%

>> No.50434849

While he's not wrong about the ownership, the problem that he's ignoring is that we own nothing while ((they)) get to own everything. And in that sense, they will own us too as we continually pay them to use their assets. "Own nothing" is ok if everyone owns nothing, not "most people".

>> No.50434920


>> No.50437115

I hate chinks bros, i hate them more than jews

>> No.50437514

it's fine to own nothing when you're a literal billionaire, you can't rent everything you need

when you're poor renting becomes a massive liability because you can quickly go underwater

>> No.50437531

me too, I think it's perfectly justified to hate chinks
not racist btw, the rest of the asians seem alright by me

>> No.50437551

>Chinese eat bugs, bats, companion animals not bread to eat
>90% of all global plagues over the history of mankind originated in china
Gee what a coincidence

>> No.50437625

subhuman pieces of shit eat bug

>> No.50437758


this is the only correct answer

>> No.50437767

Ethereum is the only hope for crypto

>> No.50437909

>Of course he'll look at things through a pure utilitarian optimization lens.
that also explains the CP quote: much more people die from illegal drugs than in the CP "industry", and drugs can directly kill the consumer, while CP can't

>> No.50437938

Plant "protein" is contained in the chitin, which is indigestible by humans and a lot of people are allergic to it.

>> No.50437943

90% of disease came from wars leaving dead bodies everywhere, not from China. Besides, eating dogs in China is extremely rare, and only limited to that one region where it’s considered China’s Alabama equivalent.

>> No.50437973

seabugs aren't

>> No.50438664

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.50438677

Wuhan market is full of dogs to eat chink

>> No.50438799

I'll eat bugs once jews are required to tell the truth

>> No.50438819

But bugs aren’t utilitarian. They’re less useful as a source of protein than onions (discounting that onions turns you into a fag).

Same with personal property. Take away people’s property and you lose productivity. Henry Ford understood this; greedy fags now don’t understand it, and because of their selfishness everyone is going to be worse off.

>> No.50438842

Have you ever tried dog? It tastes like shit compared to beef and is therefore an acquired taste for poorfags like the Chinese. If my alternative was starvation, sure I’d eat it, but if it takes the same effort to cultivate as cow then I’m eating beef.
>t. Lived in Korea, ate lots of weird shit in asia

>> No.50438897

So they eat dead bodies too? You lose much face.

>> No.50438970

Ok faggot eat a crab then eat a tarantula and tell me how related they are.

>> No.50439200
File: 195 KB, 1000x563, x21351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reset chads are spreading

>> No.50439248

Based vitalik

>> No.50439258

you will eat ze bugs, jerk of to ze child porn

>> No.50439318

kiddie diddler fuck you

>> No.50439449
File: 351 KB, 600x600, 1643889360938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should stop eating bugs and focus on ETH 2.0. If he keeps slacking, other blockchains might overtake him like DOT ADA Elrond, even QANplatform

Cockroach eater has been detected.

>> No.50439608

> he still believes eth 2.0 is coming kek

>> No.50439642

This is why it's not a scam. He' on the inside.

>> No.50440140

Based. They can't tie the efficiency of the blockchain to one man. So many platforms built on Etheruem are doing well and privacy protocols like Railgun have joined the number.

>> No.50440147

Heard a lot about elrond. Might be stacking a bag soon.

>> No.50440155

Yeah. Anyone who's ever had grilled cicada knows what's up. Some bugs are real tasty.

>> No.50440161

Screw him and his great reset. A lot of chads are going to make it through crypto and they can't do shit about it.

>> No.50440196
File: 287 KB, 480x480, 2105526107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH prints +18% candle
>haters seething
One of the simple joys of life.

>> No.50440204

Id rather my car just sit collecting dust and ready for me when I need it than some nigger trashing it because muh share economy

>> No.50440205

ngl I'd rather eat metaverse bugs, I may starve but at least my food won't have a taste, hopefully, I can do all that with lace and use lion's semen as mayonnaise

>> No.50440244

Anyone with a brain is worried about social unrest derived from economic hardship. While proponents of the Great Nigger Riots of 2020 will swear up and down it's totally about race, it's not hard to see that the niggas are really just disadvantaged economically. Nobody with a loving family, a good job, and prospects for the future was out rioting. We are just starting to see the first wave of economic unrest.

I might "make it big" with crypto, sure. But if I don't, I'll probably work 45 hours a week for the rest of my life and pay 60% of my paycheck to a landlord, because people with money have realized that renting housing is really where it's at. They compete with each other to purchase properties they can rent out to the rest of us.

This is an untenable dynamic. What's the solution? Sure, you could work hard and become yourself one of the winners of this corrupt system. But that doesn't solve the fact that the average person is catching onto the game that's being played. Even if they have to hide behind flimsy allegations of racism, the fact is that they are poor first; niggers after. The poor are going to rise up unless they get concessions, unless home ownership becomes less of a pipe dream. Some people just want to work hard and live quietly. These people are being taken advantage of by a system that runs a game of which none can opt out. Something's gotta give, fren.

>> No.50440277

Muh cultrual relativism. Ya and there was a culture that found not eating the people u killled during war and battle a waste of good meat. Look at everything through your materalistic lens. You can have kids with your siblings too. 1st gen wont have any problems. Just bang ur sister bro its cool because "i fucking love science" . Nothing you are saying is interesting, new, or thought provoking. Just kys.

>> No.50440279

$RESET printin

>> No.50440286

ETH is a scam and Vitalik is a scammet

>> No.50440296

>Look at everything through your materalistic lens
Just so we're clear... are you saying that there exists a spiritual (or more probably, biblical) lens through which eating pork and beef is okay while eating bugs is not? Is this the basis from which you attack moral relativists and draw from your faith in some objective framework to say that you are morally correct?

>> No.50440326

All this talk about objective moral relativism. Start appyling it to people. Suddenly you are wiping out the other races, eugenics. Do you guys have any other 'A Modest Proposal' type retarded shit. Expect u are being completely serious. Fucking robots with no humanity.

>> No.50440339

I don't like to use this word very much because it's dramatically overused, but... you are a midwit. All these scattershot and broad references to all these concepts, but without any ability or desire to talk specifics, even when specific points are raised with you. Read a book instead of a Wikipedia article, fren.

>> No.50440344

Words words words. Oh man u got me. I need to eat bugs and have poop sex now. Sometimes things are what they are. If you have to engage in this level lf thought to make what you are doing not gay. Its probably gay.

>> No.50440347

Not everything is meant to be some sort of extra-efficient, soulless, powdered bug fucking hell world shit. Fuck that white power

>> No.50440362

Regular agriculture is hell-world. Not that I give a fuck

>> No.50440364

I do read and love the details in the moment. Then i discard them. I have no real desire to convert you. Its egotistical to think my big brain could ever convert anyone. We are social animals and the entire point of this is to create a percieved notion of social consensus I have to follow because everyone else is doing it. We are not logical rational well informed robots. We just do what the other monkeys do. Jesus fucking christ go for a walk and maybe read less.

>> No.50440367

>Words words words.
You posted words, yourself. If this "level of thought" seems high to you, I don't know what to say. It's just how I go about my life. It comes as naturally to me as whatever it is you're doing comes to you.

>> No.50440374

Factory farming is pretty rough, just don't think about it, its way less retarded than eating bugs

>> No.50440379

You're proposing logical, rational (well...) arguments some claiming you're not. Are you just going with the flow, then? Are you mindlessly just following consensus?

>> No.50440382


>> No.50440392

Regular animal husbandry is hellish enough

>> No.50440425

And, if we all just mindlessly follow consensus, what do we care what the specifics are? If the basic nature is to follow the herd and go with the common opinion, well, if the common opinion becomes to eat the bugs, who gives a shit? You're irrational and tribalistic, so you might as well do what everyone else is doing.

Unless... this isn't just "words words words," and people don't just make irrational decisions based on consensus. You are, yourself, proving this idea wrong by discussing it on the internet. You need to unfuck yourself.

>> No.50440449

It's like vitalik doesn't want me to own ETH

>> No.50442374
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>> No.50443277

we're at the point machines do 90% of the work.

>> No.50444534

That's it, I just sold my ETH for CNDL and FTM. I will not eat the bugs and live in a pod. ETHtards are welcome to however.

>> No.50444951

Cows chew the cud. Bugs are unclean and eating them is against His law. Except for loctus and grasshoppers.

Truth is this famine is sent by Him, it is not man made or climate change. He just had it with all the disgusting ass fucking and oppression of the poor, so His wrath is upon us.

>> No.50444977
File: 183 KB, 1200x953, 1641594837782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physical objects reduce your freedom so we're just gonna take them from you, ok?
i hate commies so much

>> No.50445175

Wheres the justification from eating meat to eating bugs? There's no meat shortage that couldn't be stopped by simply halting immigration since literally most of the growth in 1st world countries is due to third world immigration. Its a simple question, would you rather eat bugs, or stop immigration? It seems the higher ups are already deciding that you will eat bugs, your quality of life will go down, and there will still be massive immigration.

>> No.50445231

Also on the property argument: I agree with him. I dont own much because I personally feel burdened by owning a lot of stuff. More stuff you have = more attached you get to it = more pain you feel if you lose it. However that is a CHOICE I make personally, and I know that there are VERY legitimate reasons for having the concept of ownership and personal property. These people are trying to force it on the rest of us.

>> No.50445310

>None of this explains why bugs are gross but pigs/cows get a pass.

Bugs contain much less saturated fats and more PUFA's, which are already very very high in the modern diet. Most people now get their sat fats from milk and meat. If people switch from meat to bugs, their sat fat intake will drop even further, causing more and more modern diseases.

Bugs also contain significantly more Iron than meat. Sounds good to the layman, but anyone who studies the hormonal systems knows that this isn't a good thing.

>> No.50445395

do you mean third world shitholes with low IQ people whose ancestors were too retards to farm and have to eat bugs to avoid death by starvation? nice reference retard

>> No.50446607

It already exists, just not marketed heavily

>> No.50446661

Why would I eat bugs when I can just eat onions

>> No.50446702

Unironically should just use bugs for feeding farm animals. Safer and higher nutrition than the shit they make

>> No.50446762

Does any of this matter when the global elitist are using this great reset propaganda to buy up farmland and everything else that is essential to plebs.

>> No.50446787


It's already happening in Sri Lanka and now they're aftajxs82er the Dutch farmlands

>> No.50446790

haram and not koscher.

>> No.50446801

>there's no meat shortage
YET anon YET

>> No.50446867

Not really a bad thing, society has advanced to the point of food being the next art. When society dosent have shit else to do he's des waking up and wage it allows time to glorify art and now food. As soon as you look at food as just an energy source and nothing else than the world will finally reset

>> No.50447004
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Invest in mushrooms, bros. They're a way better alternative than kikebugs.

>> No.50447145

Damn I would eat that up

>> No.50447180

Damn vitalik knows about the nwo

>> No.50447314

he's so autistic he answered honestly, that's pretty fucking metal. he's also kinda right. obviously if you live in a developed nation you don't need to eat bugs, but most people in the world are not that lucky and they're a good source of protein

>> No.50447459

Im even surprised that he knows about the Great Reset lol.

>> No.50447662

>Physical possessions bog you down and reduce freedom.
I agree, give me your ETH communist skelly.

>> No.50447708
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lmao chink scum detected, fuck you

>> No.50447967

and bats too

>> No.50448126

No one cares about your eating habits anon, you're still eating the bugs

>> No.50448467

Not only dogs hehe

>> No.50448585

There's nothing like seafood

>> No.50448684

The last part is correct but needs nuance; lack of freedom to possess negates freedom from possession

>> No.50448720

I love shrooms

>> No.50448733

Literally nothing wrong with eating bugs.
The only "people" having screeching fits about it are normalniggers and low-iq incels, both of which fall under roughly the same puritan christcucked umbrella.

>> No.50448748

Nice dubs anon it's good to see reset bros stay winning

>> No.50448919

Vitalik is unironically a reset bro without knowing it

>> No.50448940

What's happening with her shorts lmao

>> No.50448965

Soon CT fags will be entering this thic liquid on reset

>> No.50448972
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>> No.50448991

This motherfucker trying to get me to eat fucking bugs bro? moving to Hedera. plus hbf destroys the eth foundation any fuckin day

>> No.50449108

The only asians I like are Japanese girls

>> No.50449278

japanese girls are creepy af

>> No.50449916
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Market is doing great lately, eth will hit 2k soon

>> No.50449964

Nah they cute, and also like white men more than their own so thats good for me

>> No.50450016

eth has literally been a counterpoint to btc since its conception. they hardly go up and down in unison.

>> No.50450040

Eth is better than btc in my opinion and you cant change my mind

>> No.50450509


There isn't anything inherently wrong with eating bugs. It's the premise that is the problem. The idea that we will be FORCED to eat ze bugs and that we will be forced to enjoy it while we lie in our pods. All the while the elites are sitting in their mansions and eating a whole cow. It's more of a demoralization thing, watching us eat slop while they eat meat.

If it turns out that everyone (including elites) all turned to eating crickets, it wouldn't be a problem. It's more that it's another "all for me and none for thee" thing.

>> No.50450547

All ALL "elites" as retarded as Vitalik Butter?

>> No.50450571


>> No.50450657

The majority, anyway

>> No.50450679


>> No.50450735
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>What's happening with her shorts
China's in a recession bro. They can't afford denim

>> No.50450809

What poor people eat now is MUCH worse than eating bugs. Fucking plastic-foodslop decimating your microbiome and nervous system

Would rather eat bugs than bread or chips

>> No.50451114

>the state should force us to eat bugs

It's not the state my dude, it's all for the sake of private profits.

>> No.50451693

Buy reset, its going to pump a lot now that eth is going up

>> No.50451746

Honestly I wouldnt want any, if I have to eat bugs for the rest of my life, why even live?

>> No.50452463

i'm still bullish on this one, but I dunno what the next top could be desu.
should i hodl till 800k mcap?

>> No.50453048

Yea I think you should hodl for more than that actually, I'm not selling until 1m, then I may sell a part and leave the rest but I think it will go much higher

>> No.50453403

It's kinda lacking volume rn. But it's not a bad meme. Probably a few deliverables can actually send it off.

>> No.50453759

Paperhands are lame and ngmi. This a comfy hodl. I'm going for the long term

>> No.50454150

Only chad hodlers get the prize, the rest will die poor and eat bugs for the rest of their lives

>> No.50454262
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>> No.50454279

Some are already buying. Should we expect a reversal?

>> No.50454660

Only time can tell

>> No.50455073

Dev has to be more active in the tg

>> No.50455209
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They got utilities for it to go on bigger scale coming this weekend, who knows if they can be big as they claim but I like whatever they doing and them having past history keeps me confident about my money

>> No.50455253

I think every meme crabs a bit before a list off, that is what is happening with Reset either.

>> No.50455264

Eth 2.0 ahahahahahahahah

>> No.50455288

ill take gut bacteria/microbiome health for $6000000

>> No.50455304

Took a month for bitcoin to fall out of that wedge, People got disappointed the era is over now, Bullishness is through the roof, whales slurping crazy, The same is going to happen with this, or it is going to be another one of dying coins if the devs don't support it no more

>> No.50455318
File: 50 KB, 200x200, 0936 - axpuKUb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth 2.0 is a scam. Eth is retarded, but it gave rise to a network of the most based holders. So, idgaf about the gas, as the memes being launched on it make me a few grands.

>> No.50455356
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I mean, we've seen how some memes get sent high after months of crabbing, when the hope is all lost, heck reset isn't even a week old and still got a long way to go.

>> No.50455359

memecoins launching on eth now ?

>> No.50455377
File: 101 KB, 1703x1505, bf5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you sleeping under a rock anon? You sound like a caveman.

>> No.50455453

If this is human meat would it be the same?

>> No.50455501
File: 20 KB, 200x186, 2637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, i think its three days old maintaining a good mcap for now, saw tsuka around 200-300K crab thought it would be not doing good, shit went 220X would have been high in six figures if payed a bit attention, people might call me retarded aped in big bags on reset,spunk, tsuka later and now i'm not trying to miss any eth moonshot which looks good

>> No.50455527
File: 6 KB, 250x164, 0796 - PvzVT60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy basically sold himself to Klaus's lies.

>> No.50455599
File: 63 KB, 395x578, jAyHtSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, >Tsuka is literally in ze moon rn. Had people paid some attention to it, they could have made a lot of grands with it.
>Best mode of fomoing in is buying a bag of reset, it's gonna be the next one you'll be regretting.

>> No.50455631

This retard is comparing bugs with seafood, I would throw a fucking crab to his face

>> No.50455726
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Seems like that nigger would inevitably eat a plate of bugs without any hesitation

>> No.50455765
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>> No.50455773
File: 41 KB, 200x200, 12532532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it pumped out of nowhere, people didn't infact knew about the name in eth category until they showed up at 40M all of sudden, and now to trending everywhere
>You'll own nothing and still be happY

>> No.50455960

Tsuka is one of the reasons why other memecoins won't pump.

>> No.50455985

This dude didn't do anything, did he.

>> No.50456003

The current society rewards being the best scammer and puppet, not actually doing anything intelligent. If you try to be big brain you end up like Tesla when Edison had him thrown in a dumpster.

>> No.50456115
File: 473 KB, 498x498, pepe-the-frog-torch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of reasons why one should hodl a bag of reset.
>Comfy chart, no whale price manipulations
>Is a long-term project with an IRL cause
>No whales, for now, the fate of the project is not reliant on a single person's or group's bags.
>Slow organic growth with widely growing community support.
>Utilities above all, with Dapp already launched and NFTs, mobile app and merch scheduled to be dropped soon.
>Build an IRL resistance fr, enlightening people about the great reset and why they should be resisting it.

After a month, I wouldn't be surprised if billboards of Reset are going to pop up in Times Square, and people standing up to the elites saying "We will not eat your bugs".
This is the future.

>> No.50456199
File: 90 KB, 550x600, VOh2zzB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly why a retard like Elon Musk has supposedly millions of worshippers.
>You're never supposed to worship billionaires
>They don't give a shit about you.

>> No.50456242

no it's not

>> No.50456334

>reddit haters conservatives and rich people
>but elon musk gets a pass because SPACE
Honestly Trump should have jerked off his space program more, he'd have the bernie voters in the palm of his orange hand.

>> No.50456445

>>but elon musk gets a pass because SPACE
Exactly, space make niggers cum nuts

>> No.50456552

chitin is in bugs, shellfish, and mushrooms. not plants.

>> No.50456749

I think et es like cellulose for plants and chitin for bugs.

>> No.50457093

>saturated fat good
>polyunsaturated fat bad
I feel like I'm living in a clown world.

>> No.50457152
File: 85 KB, 640x409, scorpion-roc-wieler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally they're both arthropods

>> No.50457621

Lurk moar

>> No.50457631

You are a Jew

>> No.50457639

Is he human?

>> No.50457655

What does iron do to hormones?

>> No.50457684

Eat your goyslop, there's a good goy

>> No.50457707

That's what a state is. The United States and United Kingdom are both corporations registered with Dun & Bradstreet.

>> No.50457809

How can you breed something to be eaten if you can't eat it until it is already dead and no longer capable of breeding?

>> No.50457891
File: 55 KB, 333x500, lil b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based autist Vitalik hands thousands of neets a pass to freedom. Yet, many are too stupid to accept it.

>> No.50457925

I wouldn't even be surprised if Sri Lanka cryptoniggers would buy the Great Reset just to get back at WEF

>> No.50458337

Because you have to be. Its smart contract is next to none. In the same way, I'm bullish on Secret Network building a similar smart contract in the privacy space and adding more coins that I can use for private transcations.

>> No.50458993

Everything is a scam in that case

>> No.50459221

you will be allowed a bug ration only if you've had you daily booster. Its for the greater good.

>> No.50459568

Sure he cant even afford 1 ETH, and probably has his tiny bag hacked because normies like this are not ven aware there are privacy platforms that can hide his wallet and farming strategies from prying eyes.

>> No.50459666

million dollar idea. go start your own company that rents random shit out to people, you can start with VR headsets. good luck.

>> No.50459952
File: 555 KB, 1919x1952, 1920px-Washington,_D.C._Miss_Helen_Ringwald_works_with_the_pneumatic_tubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'd actually be a million dollar idea if someone invented a tube post that works across entire citites. you just order the headset and in 30 seconds it lands in your apartment. then after ur done u just put it back in and in a few minutes (and sanitazation) new customer can rent it

>> No.50460513


Open minded guy, but somehow this makes biz seeth? No wonder the average poster is broke af. NGMI

>> No.50461011

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

>> No.50461069

nice cope
literally dont give a single fuck though cause whales are buying a it like its coke
some ETH giants like BitDAO are buying more than 380 ETH on a daily basis if you average it out and they already have 220k ETH in their treasury

>> No.50461111
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>> No.50461196

Billion dollar idea: put all your hard earned money into an eth project and make us all rich

>> No.50461232

the truth is out there anon, literally just seek it

>> No.50461253

Information about the Great Reset is spreading like wildfire. Sri Lanka first, then probably your country is next.

>> No.50461300

The skills you gain in IT apply pretty much nowhere else because of how abstract it is, and it doesn't help that the only people able and willing to put up with it are narrow-minded autistic people. The proteins in bugs are very inferior and humans do not process them well. Vitalik clearly gets too little protein in his diet, so he's not one to talk. Does he realize? No, because he's a computer nerd. Physical possessions do not bog you down, but Vitalik has never seen how poor people live, so he wouldn't know that they don't live in a world of total freedom. He has no clue of what he's talking about because he lives in a world of zeros and ones, not the real world.

>> No.50461390

Then might as well buy "scams" that start as microcaps, like Reset

>> No.50461412

I agree with both of his statements. I am by no means poor, but I only buy things I need AND want. I live quite a minimalist lifestyle and I travel a lot. Bug protein powder makes A LOT of sense from an environmental perspective and as a additive to normal food.

This being said: I would never advocate nor do I ever wanna live in a world where "owning nothing, and eating bugs" is the norm... Fuck the globalist CBDC New Liberal World Order.
I rather watch the world burn in nuclear flames than live in that dystopian future...

>> No.50461451

There's a reason WEF took down Klaus's video of him saying that famous phrase.

>> No.50461481

That a shitcoin or smth?

>> No.50461553

Here's their tg, @THEGREATRESET_OFFICIAL might wanna take a look. It's on a "sale" rn.

>> No.50461889

Gib some name sers

>> No.50461931

Fucking hang yourself you worthless pajeet faggots. Even the most clueless of newfags can see your shilling for what it is

>> No.50463499
File: 7 KB, 250x249, f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot, I hope you die in your sleep and never find happiness. You are a disgrace to the human race I hope you choke on your saliva and fucking die

>> No.50464010

street dogs literally eat garbage why the fuck would you eat them