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50429024 No.50429024 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50429135

Testicular torsion that resulted from a UTI I got that inflamed my testicles to the size of baseballs.

>> No.50429147

Ear infection. It felt like my head was about to explode

>> No.50429154

That’s classified.

>> No.50429195

Physical pain:Removing 6 molar teeth at the same time
Sentimental pain: Not having 6 teeth molar and not being able to chew I felt so depressed that I almost killed myself, in fact I'm still in depression due this, because it also affected my tongue position and breathing, barely feel alive anymore.

>> No.50429202

Heart break

>> No.50429256

Cam back from the store to find my cats guts mangled on the street after but was somehow still alive and crying in pain. Painful for us both.

>> No.50429264

Tonsillectomy recovery. Brutal

>> No.50429266
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>realizing she really isn't coming back

>> No.50429270
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>> No.50429271

The pain of not find the kid of person's that I'm looking for, and to not find a place to stay

>> No.50429291

being an incel

>> No.50429310

Killing off one of my molars nerves to pull it out successfully. Holy shit all I saw was white light. The most insane searing pain I've ever felt

>> No.50429313


Burying children and babies while I was a gravedigger. I will never be able to reconcile the idea of god with what I’ve seen.

>> No.50429354

heart ache over a girl that rejected me
literally nothing worse than that

>> No.50429395

I got laid off from my dream job and my 8/10 fiancé dumped me in the same week

>> No.50429456

buying chainlink

>> No.50429470
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Me draining my balls for the 7th time one night. I thought my balls had imploded

>> No.50429474

Cleaning a gunshot wound with salt.

>> No.50429500

the market conditions right now

>> No.50429505

disc in my spine slipped and pinched against a nerve cluster. it was three weeks before I got spinal surgery, and during those weeks I experienced unending pain. it's known to be one of the worst pains a person can feel, outside of actual torture. my surgeon said I was the first patient he saw with that condition who was both conscious and able to speak coherently. got very close to severing some of the nerves and losing the ability to move the lower half of my body.

>> No.50429567

>disc in my spine slipped
how did that happen?

>> No.50429625

my grandmother died today

>> No.50429632

A large wound on my lower back from a surgery had infected. It hurt constantly and putting any kind of pressure on it caused intense pain.

In the ER they had the bright idea to squeeze out all the pus by hand.That was truly 10/10 pain. They cleaned the wound out properly later that day under general anestesia. I guess they couldn't wait for proper cleaning because of risk of sepsis or someshit.

>> No.50429661
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nice way of saying you were almost a limp dick for the rest of your life

>> No.50429705
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lonely and horny

>> No.50429710
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Lol, you have a doctor, hilarious.

>> No.50429765

I sneezed.
Apparently, one of my vertebrae had a weak wall or something. One big sneeze was enough to tense my muscles in just the right way, putting pressure on my spine and causing a disc to burst out and slip to the side.
I was in the best condition of my life at the time, healthy and fit, and after three weeks of that pain I looked like a frail skeleton. I couldn't sleep, except when I passed out from exhaustion twice a week. Didn't know that pain could be like that. I had tons of prescription painkillers, but nothing helped at all.
All better now, and stronger than ever!


was worried about that, yeah

>> No.50429922

jesus christ

>> No.50429945


>> No.50430044

The swelling after having broken my nose

>> No.50430341


>> No.50430366
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i still have a picture of it

>> No.50430387

You have lung cancer.

>> No.50430431

Bro plz tell how it started. Im experiencing some nutcord pain atm. Did it start with moderate jolting pain that kind of shoots up?

>> No.50430506

tooth pain and no other pain is even close as shown by several anons in this thread. don’t ignore a broken tooth anon. only pain that can’t be described will come from it

>> No.50430511

Wound on stomach. Could barely drink because it hurt so much. Couldnt eat for a week pain was that unbearable I rather starved. Had to be hospitalized ofcourse.

>> No.50430519
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>> No.50430525

The realization Im the problem.

>> No.50430560

Double outer ear infection in a foreign country with no access to antibiotics. Seriously considered offing myself in the rainforest where nobody would find me. Should've done it when I had the chance.

>> No.50430601

>lower back
You mean your ass. You had one of those ass crack cysts, didn't you?

>> No.50430602

disc pain is worse. At least you can still move around with a bad tooth

>> No.50430631

fair enough

>> No.50430638

thanks anon now i’m afraid to sneeze

>> No.50430650
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Poor kot

>> No.50430672

loosing my dad at the age 19
disc prolapse
thinking about my wife cheating on me
broken foot
broken finger

>> No.50430673

Seconding testicular torsion. Like having knives in your stomach, literally. At least that's what I imagine.

>> No.50430677
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>buying a car that will take months to payoff
>realizing all females are vapid whores

>> No.50430701

dad died in my arms
stage 4 lung cancer

>> No.50430713

Got ran over by a truck one time

>> No.50430734

Getting anaesthetic in my big toe for ingrown toe surgery. Felt like it was coming through the other side.

>> No.50430765 [DELETED] 
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Realising that it was over before I was even born.

>> No.50430769

I got severe food poisoning and ran a 105 fever to the point I began pseudo hallucinating. I legitimately knew I was in danger of dying. But it wasn't painful in the way you'd think it was. Just wildly uncomfortable.

The most pain I've ever felt was getting switched as a kid. Happeend up until I was 13ish... and I was hit with a soft switch so hard it swelled and whelped up. Basically like getting lashed with a whip.

>> No.50430800

Oof, to imagine a simple sneeze could cause so much damage to your lower back. Brutalus.

>> No.50430807

Drug induced psychosis with oneitis on the side

>> No.50430810
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Realising that it was all over before I was even born.

>> No.50430824
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getting 1 Seeker NFT from Sylo when I could have gotten more than that.

>> No.50430847

I can't imagine anything worse, I'd prefer trench warfare to experiencing that

>> No.50430870
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lmao, you know he did

>> No.50430875

>Did it start with moderate jolting pain that kind of shoots up
To me yes, but within maybe 15 minutes I was lying in bed not moving a single muscle due to the extreme pain.

>> No.50430930
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A migraine where it felt like a big old hot fire poker was skewering the inside of my brain, making it feel like a rotisserie hell chicken. AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.50430943

get a partial denture or implants

>> No.50430951

Drink more water you generic cat faggot

>> No.50430971
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>> No.50430984

I shattered my femur and broke my wrist while high on mushrooms.
I fell out of a tree onto a root.

There is apparently a very small club of people who have gone into shock while high on a quarter of boomers.

>> No.50430998
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High school crush wanted me bad but I was shy. Late 20s and still want her. Was going to ask her out, but she's married with kids in another state. I lost over 200k last year. Not getting closure with her feels worse.

>> No.50431007

>realizing that fiancée was never coming back
>realizing that I was the problem
>realizing she honestly did deserve better

>> No.50431023


I had it. It was far worse than breaking a bone for example

>> No.50431064

Took omeprazole for a burning sensation I had in my throat (probable esophagus ulcer). As a side effect of "acid reducing medcine", I woke up feeling like the inside of my stomach was on fire in the middle of the night. Sat up right on the couch for a full our of pure agony, seriously avoid this shit and try all alternatives if you have GERD or any other acid reflux problems. They give you a list of side effects that can fill a whole book when they prescribe this to you. Christ, just try tums first.

>> No.50431101

Take a spoonful of baking soda.
I have no issue with omperazole but I’m sorry you do.

>> No.50431112

a really bad psychedelic trip
im convinced any description of hell made by religious texts come from bad experiences with psychedelic drugs

>> No.50431140

When you dig graves, you don't see the body, no? You just set the casket inside the concrete box and lower it down, no? Or do you live in a third world country where you throw the bodies in the dirt?

>> No.50431155
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Backstory is my teeth and mental health got fucked up good at a little kid, and beyond a visit to the hospital in an ambulance my (dental) health was neglected by my parents. I didn't expect to grow older than maybe 16 so never took care of my teeth until years later, almost 30 now. My fucked up teeth (some infected and/or dead) needed root canal treatments.

Two years ago I went for three root canal retreatments as some of the shit was still fucked up and didn't heal. One molar didn't appreciate this. It got infected much worse and put so much pressure on the trigeminal nerve nerve in my lower left jaw that the left side of my face was in constant pain (increasing over time) which not only was at the molar but I could feel it up to my fucking eye and through my entire left upper jaw as well. I could feel my own heartbeat measured through pain. Couldn't do shit from how exhausting just going through pain was. Slept for maybe 30 minutes at a time when my basic bitch painkillers overlapped (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) waking up in more pain every time. I had opiate based painkillers at home from another surgery on my jaw but didn't want to take them them to not fuck up my now perfect mental health so decided to stick with that plan.
Unfortunately I took too long to reach out for help and had to wait 3 more days for an endodontist to become available. The day where I was meant to visit those guys again I woke up with a kind of gash on my gums to my molar which I assume released pressure in my sleep and the problem resolved itself from there.

Moral of the story brush your teeth and see a dentist to get all your shit xrayed every maybe 10 years

>> No.50431207

baby trapped. will never know my son.

>> No.50431237

I got trigeminal neurgalia from being hit and run and assaulted and bad tooth neglecting from my parents as well honestly will probably kill myself the pains so horrible and I got nothing to live for or look forward to

>> No.50431261

i'm sorry to hear that anon. stay strong.

>> No.50431266

Gum infection

>> No.50431274

my father beating me up until 17

>> No.50431294

Holding my dead son

>> No.50431323

being sicillian

>> No.50431324

I used to perch my butt on the end of my office chair (while reclining) for about a month.
My tail bone started to get a little sore. One day I woke up and with every step I had a shooting nerve pain searing through my body. I was howling in pain. Took 2 days to get back to normal. That fuck it passed.
Second worse is probably inflamed achilles. Has never been the same since. I've heard it is worse than having it severed completely.

>> No.50431362

That is fucked. If I ended up with that non-stop pain permanently I would have killed the guy that treated me and then jumped in front of a train immediately after.
Maybe there are reliable treatments now. I looked into trigeminal neuralgia a lot during that time, there may be surgeries where they can sever something and/or release the pressure, if it is not neurological. I hope you get better man.

>> No.50431382

cluster headaches were quite bad

>> No.50431436

She was banging others on the side, you just know it

>> No.50431458

also head to toe poison ivy

- i couldn't walk for a week
- i couldn't sleep for days on end until passing out of exhaustion
- the odor of the extremely strong topical medication the doctor gave me made me throw up routinely
- the sheer amount of pus that was coming out of my body as it healed was unreal. Because I couldn't move, I would sit still, and because i would sit still the pus would run off of my body and stick my body to the couch. I finally gave up after a while and just let it happen, and after a few days I had to get my dad to come help pull me off of the couch. The one redeeming aspect of all of this was that I played battlefield 1 for the entire time as I faded in and out of consciousness. That's the only way I didn't lose it.

>> No.50431506

If you're high as fuck, whatever you do don't watch videos of/read up on horton's headache/cluster headaches. That shit has scarred me and I literally couldn't sleep for almost a week. If you get that it's basically game over with suicide being the most lucrative option. Glhf.

>> No.50431518

back to r*ddit, weak normalfag

>> No.50431526

I also didn't eat anything for a few days and pissed where I laid, it was that bad. I had a bottle though

>> No.50431535
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Kidney stone that got loose and stuck somewhere in my urine canals. On a scale of 1 to 10 it was 9, because 10 for me would be pain, that causes death. Also the doctors confirmed, that kidney stones cause one of the worst physical pains possible.

>> No.50431561
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>> No.50431576

I had mine removed as a kid and all i remember is eating ice cream as part of the recovery. Don’t remember it feeling bad

>> No.50431615


>> No.50431638

I was gonna say foreskin stuck in zipper but damn some of these posts

>> No.50431653

did you have to kill him?

>> No.50431680

it was for the better anon.

>> No.50431682

is not true there are things that help im mostly pain free for over 2 years now

knocking on wood

>> No.50431695

fuck thats nasty

>> No.50431716

are you infertile now?

>> No.50431726

What was it like? I'm scared shitless of that shit. I have migraines or something myself constantly but those are still workable.

>> No.50431834

Well the worst ones are the type when you just live from second to second and try to make it. You cannot just lie in bed and wait it out so you do some stupid movements with the body like rocking back and forth or bang a wall for a while, walk up and down in a daze, go under a hot + cold shower, put head in a fridge, lie down on a balcony for a minute.. you get creative. You keep going because you hope will end any moment, but if you are unlucky (and deep down you know when you are) it can last way over 3h as states the wikipedia. It sucks, it takes some joy out of you in t he long run.

>> No.50431937
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Medbro here.
Have had lumbar disc prolapse with nerve impingement twice, severe pain, but not as debilitating as the cluster headaches I got when I was younger.

>> No.50431990

Fugg man. I hope you'll never have to experience it again. Sad to hear about the other guy that has it itt. Fucking hell I don't even.

>> No.50432099

Thanks man, I also really hope i stay healthy.

Is another guy in the thread? I want him to know that some things that really help are not the ones you normally get at the doctor for the condition. For me huge doses of vitamin D were the biggest help.

>> No.50432137

Yeah, this guy seemingly has it. Type of cluster headache I think.

>> No.50432173

Actually maybe not exactly the same thing but seemingly very close?

>> No.50432224

Oh i see, the sourcec of the pain is the same nerve and from quick google similar treatment should apply

Hey fren, did you try supplementing vitamins? Here is a guide for clusters: https://vitamindwiki.com/Cluster+headaches+virtually+eliminated+in+7%2C000+people+with+high-dose+vitamin+D+and+cofactors+-+Feb+2022

You can start just by 10.000 iU of Vit D3 and see if it helps before doing the whole regiemn.

If this doesnt help lsd/shrooms is a worthy consideration.

Hope you get better.

>> No.50432230
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I've researched it before, and you're right. I have so much sympathy for anyone who has endured them. A friend of mine tried to kill himself during an episode of cluster headaches by bashing his head against a wall; fortunately, he just knocked himself out.
The McGill Pain index (pic related) seems to be exponential, like the Richter Scale. Every little increase in rank is a massive difference in severity. I've had kidney stones before, but it was nothing compared to the slipped disc and the time I had a nerve in a tooth go into shock from an injury. I can't imagine anything worse, and yet there are people like you who have experienced suffering beyond comprehension.
i hope you're doing well now, medbro

>> No.50432247

yes very close, also migraines are quite close by mechanism of action so treatments also apply to those!

>> No.50432428

Used to get them several times per year, would get 1 or 2 each day, intensity/frequency/severity would crescendo then decrescendo for about a week. Inhaled oxygen and injected triptans helped, a little, sometimes. Fucking brutal.
Haven't had 1 in 8 years, thankfully.

>> No.50432456

Finding out a girl i liked was raped and killed by a black while living in NJ only to go home and be called racist by my liberal family for complaining about it.

>> No.50432604

I'll try increasing my vitamin supplements to see if that helps against my own headaches. Thanks man.

>> No.50432678
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>crash my car
>finally get quote on upgrading my car (again) while it's getting fixed
>double my $ expectation but it's my prized possession
>work announces a -10% pay cut the same week
webm related

>> No.50432788
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I've tried sumtripan, mushrooms, acid, gabapentin, fasting, vitamins working out, drinking nothing but water nothing helps it's a cluster migraine which never goes away but when the nerve pushes against the blood vessels it causes a pain in my face that feels like someone shot me with a 30-06 not even getting I'll become paralyzed with intense pain I've almost shot myself twice from it, I'm on my PC now sorry was at work on my phone when I posted because that anon had similar issues.

TLDR gonna suicide eventually from my broken teeth and fucked up nerves, and that's not my only issue my spine is another story.

NGMI frens, nothing to look forward to nothing to live for, eating mcdonalds 1 dollar cheeseburgers because it's all I got left and that's only because an anon here gave me $40 last night bless him.
I wouldn't even be eating today without his help, this life is a cruel cruel bitch and I'll die because of the doctors/people who hurt and fucked up surgeries because the incidents.

I hate this world with a passion I can't even describe using human language.

>> No.50432796

Holding LINK for 3 years sounds a lot worse than this

>> No.50432859

food poisoning from kfc

>> No.50432898

A retarded doctor who was performing lumbar puncture on me missed 9 times and kept digging the needle around nerves for 45 minutes. I was close to passing out from the pain so they decided to give it one more try before giving up. The last time was completely painless and it worked.

The headache afterwards was somehow even worse because she had fucked around so much. It lasted 4 days and the only part I can clearly remember is that I had to crawl to the bathroom and piss in the shower lying down because standing up amplified the pain 10x

>> No.50432901

extreme case of combined hemmorroids+anal fissures

felt like passing glass, toilet bowl was covered in blood, look like a murder scene.

was lightheaded from bloodloss and the pain made me dizzy to the point where I couldn't even stand up without support.

I've broken bones before and this was far worse

>> No.50432955
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I had a pilonidal cyst that abscessed, the blood loss when it popped made me feel so dizzy I would pass out, I'm fairly sure I had septic shock twice cause I was fading in and out of death, it actually smelled like rotting meat, I'm 99% I'll die regardless if I get better by 40.
40 is pushing it I'm 35 now.

Picrel after surgery.
I'm a fucking mess I just wish god gave me one year of being able to enjoy life, I miss being happy and healthy like you wouldn't believe.
Probably within a year I won't be physically able to come here and talk anymore.
This was some of the slimey pink like substance that would come out of my back infection.

Fuck I hate my life.

>> No.50432984
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That wasn't blood it was something else, the blood washed down the sink this was like some kind of slime I had to push it down.

Another pic.

>> No.50432998

Didn't they numb you properly? Every time I've had a tooth extracted I didn't feel pain.

>> No.50433003

And before you say anything trolls no I'm not vaxxed and these pics were from 2019.

>> No.50433014


stop getting gaped and fucked in the ass then


there's nothing special about these cysts. it's blood and pus. you have to get the sac removed and you basically can't sit on them while they heal. it's a huge pain in the ass (no pun intended) but it's not mysterious. you basically need to sleep on your stomach for months and if you go on a pc you need to use a standing desk. have you even talked to anyone about it?

>> No.50433065
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It was surgerically removed in 2020 right before the pandemic, it hasn't came back but my health has failed 10x worse since the surgery, the cyst was the size of a softball and bright purple, took 11 lances and one major surgery to fix.
And it was a lot more than blood and pus, doctor said he has never seen so much infected tissue in his life, and it was filled with every bacteria you could find, I've lost feeling in my legs after the surgery and everything just got worse.
Glad it's gone it was gross and making me super sick but it damaged everything.

>> No.50433092

Really surprised nobody has said kidney stones yet. Rolling around on the ground with what feels like hot knives stabbing you in the back for hours. I actually wished for death in those moments

>> No.50433118

this, but basketball size

>> No.50433122

OC spray. Ine continuous spray directly across open eyes from 1 foot away then doing a quick arrest control excercise and fight off 2 guys (sweating). It took about 3-4 mins to really kick in which allowed us to go through the exercise. But after that, it was pure hell for 45 mins. I did it for LEO training when I was in the military. Got tear gassed, got tasered, tattoo sleeve on my arm and huge art on my thigh (including inner thigh) and OC spray was easily far worse than all. Id rather tattoo my eyeballs than go through that again. It varies per person, but for me, it was a bad. Best way to explain it is imagine opening up 450 degree oven and sticking your head in it. But you can't get away from the heat/pain. We had one water hose for 15 of us. The only time it felt barely tolerable was when I had the hose directly on my eyes, and it was still super painful. When I didnt have the hose, I took dawn dish soap and squeezed it directly on my eyes, and it took away about 5% of it. The pain was for 45 mins straight. I can for sure see people getting seriously hurt or dying if you are handcuffed in the back of a patrol car with no access to water and start panicking. Its pure pain, pure hell for 45 mins with no breaks.

>> No.50433130

I get cluster headaches. I used to just call it being nauseous because nausea/dizziness always preceded it until others were like..nobody screams or has physical pain the way you describe it from being dizzy.

Most of the time it's a really bad migraine but sometimes I scream like I'm being murdered with each new wave of pain if I drink too much or get really motion sick from something.

>> No.50433131

short bouts of incefaloinfillibration 3 years ago.

>> No.50433154

I thought I had this but I got my testes xray'd and they were fine, maybe some pelvic floor shit? Idk it was really bad

>> No.50433231


USA. Most bodies weren’t seen, but some were. Some families displayed the baby’s tiny body in their open caskets. Not technically allowed but absolutely would not interfere.


It’s all fun and games until the grandmother, in vivid and unending tears, has to be torn away from the grass on top of the fresh baby grave. I wish I could unsee it.

>> No.50433354


"le god not real because bad things happen"

I hope you mature past that cringe highschool level of reasoning

>> No.50433387

Two words:

>> No.50433701
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>trusting an basedcuck with your medical treatment

>> No.50433718

kidney stones

>> No.50434009

That's how I'm sitting now. Never had a problem, maybe it's because I workout, idk.

>> No.50434331

Was practicing for a coding test as part of an internship application at a quant firm and started feeling like my insides were twisted in a knot.
I tried to puke but hadn’t eaten in a while but only got bile (spergmode coding all day with basically no breaks).
I went to the ER and they said I had appendicitis and had they had to operate that night because I could die from infection if my appendix ruptured.
Turned out fine but was kinda spooky and hurt like a bitch before I went under

>> No.50434599

On my face.
On my eye lid so bad I couldn't open it

>> No.50434734


>> No.50435010

Lol I remember you poorfag I hoped you would have killed yourself by now, I hope it comes back as cancer and kills your poor faggot ass.

>> No.50435176
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Lord have mercy, I am sorry fren

>> No.50435235

Rn at 23 I’m regretting wasting the last 5 years. I really kept twlling myself my real life will begin when I make a 100x. Thankfully now I am enrolled in college for the semester and will actively try to make my life better. Can you believe I’m just starting to lift? I pushed away so many people these last years and ignored so many girls. I have two friends from high school left. Fuck man.

>> No.50435242

i feel it every day
the unending pain of existence
i look for a shred of happiness every day to no avail
that kind of pain is worse than anything else i have ever felt

>> No.50435262

My grandma dying

>> No.50435305

What happened to your son? How old?

>> No.50435323
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>> No.50435359

What state are you in?

>> No.50435376 [DELETED] 

He died after he was born stillbirth, I cried for three months my life hasn't been the same my wife left me and took everything I had, I don't blame her I'm a mess I just wish I had some future to look forward to.
If anyone reads this I'm not larping I could use a hand up before I join my son


>> No.50435466

This is the wakeup call reminding me I'm getting closer to death.

>> No.50435600

Toothache. Felt like a truck was parked on my head. I had just run out of Oxys too. Couldn't do anything but hold my head and endure. Lasted maybe 20 mins. Worst pain I've ever felt by far.

Don't ignore your teeth, guys.

>> No.50435611

100k lost in unrealized gaines

>> No.50435617
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>> No.50435616

I have a rotting tooth should I just get it yanked out?

>> No.50435636

Yes absolutely. Whatever pain you feel will be 100x worse than a removed tooth by a doctor with anesthesia

>> No.50435655
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I would do everything in my power to Batman that crime scene and figure out who did it. And then I would get my revenge. I’m sorry anon

>> No.50435661

Guess you won’t breed after all

>> No.50435673

What do you think they have to do to be able to rip it out? I don't feel like having them clean my teeth, would rather just have them take x-rays and pull that bitch out.

>> No.50435680

First heartbreak. Thankfully I haven't had anyone really close to me die unexpectedly

>> No.50435694

Yeah, and if you say Bloody Mary 3 times with the lights off, she comes to visit you,

>> No.50435697

>fake dead kid story
Sickening; truly. Raj

>> No.50435728
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>didn’t take benedryl 50 pg orally
>didn’t use benedryl cream with cortisol cream he mixed together

>> No.50435804

A 1 & 1/2 inch needle through the tip of my big toe to numb it in order to remove an ingrown toenail. The doctor gave me a stack of 5 tongue depressors and said "bite down when I count to three". Still gives me shivers

>> No.50435814

The burning sensation was stomach acid you dumbass.

>> No.50435864


h pylori overgrowth in my stomach, pain that kept me awake for days

>> No.50435971

Mine is probably when I got endemic keratoconjuntivitis, worlds most hot shit viral pink eye. Seemed like a normal case of pink eye, got antibiotics from the doc, didn’t go away. Week later I go back as it’s continued getting more and more painful. They give me more antibiotics and tell me to the er if it doesn’t get better in two days.

Go to ER, at this point my eyes are basically sealed shut from pus and blood red. The pain is so bad I’m basically continually crying any time I open my eyes. So much light sensitivity I couldn’t even watch tv. After a couple hours they send me to an eye doctor who confirms it. They then have to physically peel off layers of scar tissue from my eyes with a wooden spatula. Hurt so fucking bad.

They tell me they can’t do anything else really til the virus runs it’s course. All said and done I was literally unable to leave my apartment for over a month, my eyes were fucked up and in pain for almost two. I now have some floaters and distortion in my vision which is the most annoying part. If any anons have remedies for eye scar tissue/floaters I will try literally anything.

>> No.50436049
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I had a great job where I hauled lumber. Just took the lumber on my shoulder, carried it over to the saw and cut it into nice bits. It was a few hours each day but I was sore as a dog after each shift. There was just one guy over 50 there, gen xers would drop the job when they got too old to deal with the backbreaking labor and shit. But the one old guatemalan guy who was like 'si strong back'. The younger guats didn't work at all they just pretended to work. Night and day. Just whites and guats lifting lumber all day.

>> No.50436308


(same anon, different device)

I'm glad you've come to grips with your own mortality, anon. I hope god is real and that he sends my stained soul to hell for the punishment it deserves. I am a deeply flawed man and I have begun only in the last year to see how deep it is. Also, funnily enough, no priest, convert through high clergy origin, or biblical scholar I've ever asked has been able to reason through why babies should be born, only to die. If you know, I'm all ears.

Enjoy your figured out life man, I myself am jealous.

>> No.50436315

Kidney stone.

>> No.50436368


>> No.50436483

My best friend dying. I was on the way to his house while he was robbed at gunpoint. I watched his dad wailing in pain at the end of the driveway while the cops blocked us from entering the house. That night changed me permanently.

>> No.50436531

damn how old were you when that happened?

>> No.50436548

The day I learned of my childhood friend's suicide the night before. The last text I sent him was a joke about drinking himself to death because I hadn't heard from him.

>> No.50436609

i tried to stimulate my prostate with a hairbrush without lube and ended up in ER

>> No.50436639

Fuck man. You're a good son

>> No.50436664

I have also not experienced real pain

>> No.50436667
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My right hand totally degloved

>> No.50436723

I can't imagine how that must hurt. I'm sorry. I would give you a hug if I could

>> No.50436738

Physically yes tooth pain is the worst thing I've ever felt. But I have been blessed in life. I'm more hurt by hearing of people losing children or young children losing parents. This world is beyond fucked up. Thank God that Jesus provides a way out

>> No.50436746
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>> No.50436762

Lost my father at 19 he died not in my arms because he refused to be touched (anyone who says cancer patients in my arms is highly suspect) he was in so much pain from terminal liver cancer only died a month after being diagnosed he wouldn't let us put sheets over him because the light touch caused excruciating pain.

I miss him dearly my life has never been the same since, I love you Ray I'll see you again soon one day I know if you were alive I would have made it, but I hope you understand your death changed everything about me...

>> No.50436774


Stomach pain so bad that I actually passed out, when I woke up it was the next day and I felt fine. Think I actually died and woke up in a different timeline.

>> No.50436788

Oh my.....explain

>> No.50436813

Sorry man. I'm not big into finding your inner self and all that but I think therapy may actually benefit you

>> No.50436821

Big toe crushed like a pancake under the bottom rail of an industrial hydraulic lift in a friend’s garage. When the swelling set in all the pieces of shattered bone started shifting around. The toe felt like it was going to fucking explode and nothing except opiates helped. The toe is still enlarged 15 years later but thank God it didn’t have to get chopped off. Probably would have been reasonable to do that with how flattened out it was desu.

>> No.50436899

Looks like this thread is dying so I'll share one that's not mine: q former work associate.

He's 35. Got married 4 years ago. Wife also 35. Had their first kid, a girl, 2 years ago. They got pregnant with #2 last November. By December, mama was exhausted and started slurring words. She chalked it up to baby brain. By Christmas she was unable to come up with certain words. They went to the Dr who initially thought she had a stroke and did an MRI. They found a tumor the size of a baseball in her brain. Biopsy showed stage 4 glioblastoma. They had to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy in order to try to save mama. Imagine I ne making that decision. And she is doing as well as anyone can with that diagnosis but she's not expected to make it another year

>> No.50436908

I made it up

>> No.50436933

I didn't really experience much pain in my life except for getting smashed in the nuts a couple of times and food poisoning

>> No.50437297

Watching my gf slowly die in a hospital due to cystic fibrosis. God I miss her.
I know people will shit on you but I understand how tempting it is to resent God after witnessing someone we love or see as innocent suffer for no apparent reason.
You gotta understand it is by the mercy of God we even know good things such as love and innocence even exist. Without His light we'd be consumed by our actual nature of darkness. Let's thank God for what He's given to us in His infinite mercy.

>> No.50437307

Nicked my cock with a beard trimmer really badly.

>> No.50437346

Sucks that just sucks

>> No.50437390

Sorry brother.

>> No.50437391

Broken ribs, cracked sternum, torn intercostals/subscapularis.

>> No.50437400

An abscess the size of a grape, in deep, directly overlapping my asshole.

>> No.50437413

Coke bottle up ass. Many such cases

>> No.50437436
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severe hyperacusis, 24/7, for three straight years. I’d endure anything I’ve read in this thread to make it stop

>> No.50437441

>begun only in the last year to see how deep it is. Also, funnily enough, no priest, convert through high clergy origin, or biblical scholar I've ever asked has been able to reason through why babies should be born, only to die. If you know, I'm all ears.
My theory, while incomplete is the only thing that makes me cope. It's that God, as He says in the Bible, tells us we're subject to a certain degree of randomness in our lives. So while there's a general plan for humanity we're still victims of chance and death. Meaning that sometimes... you get born already dead. Not your fault, not your parents' fault. Just how it is. Not a fan of the catholic/calvinist idea of babies in hell.

>> No.50437465

i opened the balcony door and a gust of wind knocked over a mini christmas tree which fell and the edge of the pot landed right on my big toe nail.
i was literally crying from the pain, but it was gone within about 5 minutes

>> No.50437469

Im 25 and in a similar position. Just grind and focus on making it, you can never start too late

>> No.50437481

In terms of psychological pain, 100% a bad trip is the worst you will ever feel in your life and the worst that it is even theoretically possible for a human to feel.

>> No.50437508

This is why I’m saving up to just get all my teeth ripped out and replaced instead of doing this agonizing piecemeal stuff with dentists.
Teeth are such garbage body parts.

>> No.50437536

Death of someone

>> No.50437549

Bf1 is great

>> No.50437566


>> No.50437579

I got those at least once a month from 17-26ish, and then they just stopped forever for no reason that I could pinpoint at all. Mine weren’t as bad as those suicide tier descriptions though. It was more like an extreme single-eye-focused migraine. I would just put on an eyepatch packed with ice and watch tv.

>> No.50437595

Go on

>> No.50437604

Got wisdom teeth out, decided to see what would happen if I didn’t take painkillers right after. Thought I was hot shit until the anesthesia wore out quadrant by quadrant of my mouth, immediately slammed opioids and promptly passed out. Woke up and I felt great because of the opioids, it was a weird day

>> No.50437646

i got unironically poisoned by potatoes that my wife made. she made a huge batch for me and nearly killed me, neglecting to realize that they were somehow months to years old and green.
i get that this sounds like a comedy sketch but in the old days peasants would legitimately die en masse when this would happen. i passed out from the pain while shitting my guts out and nearly died until they pumped my stomach, I couldn't keep much food down for three weeks after. I lost 40+ pounds and weighed 125 before i turned it around.
i know it was an honest mistake but i'm still fucking pissed over this.
also got cluster headaches and seizures in college due to lack of sleep. that is a close ass second but it's a different hurt.

fuck you edgelord

>> No.50437653

I’ve had weird teeth pain in some upper back ones, sometimes chewing shit hurts like hell. I’ve had like three checks up since and they say everything’s fine, I assume it’s nerve damage or some weird injury from grinding teeth before I wore a nightguard

>> No.50437660

Damn you should have sued.

>> No.50437667

Man this thread shows you most humans haven't even experienced a third of what I've been through....

I'm definitely going to die within 3 years ffs talked to a guy who was 50 today looked 20x better than me.
Reality hit me hard I'm not meant to hit 45
Sucks man just wish I could enjoy what little life I've got left.

>> No.50437713

Having my pet hedgehog pass away in my hands. I'm just thankful I didn't need to have him put down. I had scheduled it because I knew he was dying and his quality of life was dropping quickly. He was a good boy. Rip Romeo my best friend.

>> No.50437716

Trigemninal neuralgia can come from wisdom tooth extractions, I think mine came from being assaulted and then the hit and run, but I've been hit in the head many times before, any major trauma to the head can cause it.

Likely don't have it because it's so painful it's called the suicide disease because most people kill themselves from the pain, opiates don't even touch it.
when the nerves flared up it literally feels like someone opened fire on my face with a rifle, my whole face seizes up and the pain feels like I'm being electrocuted.
There's surgery options but it requires literally opening the skull behind the ear and using gamma rays to cut the nerve off from the brain 1/200 chance of dying 1/10 chance of receiving permanent life changing injuries like hearing loss, paralyzed face, etc.

>> No.50437732

>have kidney stones
>go to doctor
>tells me I just have back pain from being fat and prescribes painkillers
>after three days of agony I pass a 3mm stone

>> No.50437737

Remember Lazarus the beggar. Repent from your sins brother, you were burdened by a life of suffering but you will be rewarded in Heaven because of your humility and perseverance.

>> No.50437741

Kidney stone, was so bad that I had to go for surgery just to chip off half of it

>> No.50437770

A miscarriage isn’t “losing a son” Jesus.

>> No.50437788

i guess there's more aspects than physical pain too, so i'll share this as well while i'm at it.
emotionally, the worst was losing my long term girlfriend and both my parents suddenly in the same year. then all the covid meme lockdowns hit right after.
i am a mild autist and i like some solitude but i have never felt so god damn alone. the pain became physical in my chest, i genuinely thought this was how people would 'die of a broken heart'. i got things turned around eventually but i have no fucking idea how i didn't rope myself that year.

>> No.50437795

What a horrible cunt

She was trash dude, you're better off without people like that in your life

>> No.50437818

>The religion I was born into just so happened to be the right one
At least highschool atheists try and think, you never progressed past the opinions you had forced into you while you were still shitting yourself you weakminded cunt

>> No.50437831

>thee pain became physical in my chest, i genuinely thought this was how people would 'die of a broken heart'
The first week is the worst. You're just constantly trying to cope with the grief but for a few moments the realization that whoever died won't be there anymore really hits, and you physically feel pain. It's torture.

>> No.50437832

>Thread is entirely SAD BOY bullshit like heartbreak or losing a rodent pet.

Big sell sign

>> No.50437850

It's OK anon, I hear illiteracy is still a big problem in countries like India. It's not your fault the government doesn't give a shit about public education.

>> No.50437853

Isn’t this just autism?

>> No.50437863

Wtf anon I didn't need to imagine a feel of that caliber

>> No.50437886

It’s some kind of sick joke that goes have so many nerves in them when they’re so easy to bash accidentally. I dropped a big steel barstool on my toes, broke at least one of them and just about blacked out from the pain. The toe that broke didn’t heal right and hurts when it’s going to rain.

>> No.50437950

idk bruh. i don't remember many details about the first few weeks after each death. i probably just slept all day for a few weeks each time to avoid it. i have the autism superpowers for memory normally but the amnesia after that left me forgetting almost everything about that time.
not to sound so doom and gloom edgy but all i can take from this is that maybe i was destined to be that one weird family member that runs away from his past to start a new branch of the family tree in a new state.

yeah, my bad, i feel bad inflicting that on others but i figured i should share since the OP applies to me pretty well. shit sucks.
i'm a lot older now but i never really got over this. i'm not sure how one would begin.

>> No.50437984

Finding out about circumcision. I've dealt with it for most of my life now and it's destroyed my sex drive. I'll never meet someone and have a family because I'm too ashamed. How do I cope with this? I'm worried once I make my money and have no more distractions I'll take my own life. When I think about it for a while I get extremely depressed.

>> No.50437992

I am >>50437297 this anon. I remember crying nightly for a good couple of weeks. What hurt the most was to come to terms with the fact that she was not physically there anymore. Like, she wasn't just asleep or gone in a journey. She just wasn't, at all. I could never see her or talk to her anymore.

>> No.50438038

i think i believe that deep down but i really struggle with it.
financially speaking of course.

>> No.50438057

going on shitchan

>> No.50438176
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not joining holoride metastaking program earlier when I had the chance to.

>> No.50438212

After they put a tiny camera up my peehole to find a kidney issue, I was pissing blood afterward and felt like I was trying to give birth out of my dick

>> No.50438442

Because they were chosen to not suffer for very long in this life. Also you got to see suffering in a bottle neck. Many lives get saved you just don't hear about them.

>> No.50438472

one time when I was a kid I woke up in the middle of the night with this pain in my sinuses it was excruciating it was so painful I couldn't even whimper I could barely breathe I have no idea what the fuck it was or why it happened or why it went away but I am always kind of terrified it will come back

>> No.50438794

Being rejected by someone I loved

>> No.50438878
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Probably food poisoning. It hit me the next morning. I was in class at college a went to the bathroom. I ended up in so much pain I was curled up on the floor in a cold sweat and couldn't move.
Loss of family member + childhood home + all my stuff including my car.

>> No.50439043

Losing my dad to the vaccine and then losing a childhood over money after I invested everything that I had into him and he ended up losing the money and I hit rock bottom last year.

>> No.50439159

>#The realisation that this shit is my cross to bear# - "I who have nothing", Vinnie Paz, Jedi Mind Tricks

>> No.50439166

When the Jewish Rabbi cut my benis and gave me a blowjob

>> No.50439184

Getting impaled on a spiked fence and pulling myself off

>> No.50439280

You win.
This is the highest on the pain scale.

>> No.50439295

Doctor Pajeet knows what he is doing.
Don't worry.

>> No.50439306

Putting my dog down after fifteen long years back in February
I still miss her

>> No.50439331

You need a better family

>> No.50439345

omeprazole is poison

>> No.50439935


>> No.50439958

10 years of waging and counting

>> No.50440005


>> No.50440153

Two inch deck screw through the knee. Flat end first.

>> No.50440202

inflamed retained wisdom teeth
removing them and pain afterwards was almost vacation compared to it

>> No.50440380

Dude try to put habanero powder in the nose on the side of pain some ppl say its a miracle cure. What can you lose, have to try..

>> No.50440401


>> No.50440412

kill yourself socio

>> No.50440414

Discovering true female nature.
Still have not recovered.

>> No.50440436

a lot of people here with pulled teeth
my root canal treatment keeps failing, should I just get the tooth pulled? and then what, an implant or a bridge?

>> No.50440999

Losing my mobile device due to theft was biggest pain due to the things in the phone. Now that Lox network is stepping up to curb this globally, I want this mumbai based fags to go back to their holes.

>> No.50441018

Being alive

>> No.50441217
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You're a literal demon

>> No.50441495

woman shit

>> No.50441533

Because they go to Jannah. The length and the suffering of this life is infinitely small in comparison to eternal bliss. Maybe if those babies grew up, the society would change them, stain them, and they would become horrible individuals-like most of society - unworthy of the greatest of rewards.

>> No.50441652

>I sneezed.
Don't fucking tell me this anon. Christ why'd you have to tell me this

>> No.50441684

Finding out I was being cheated on a few weeks before we were supposed to get married.

>> No.50441695

who was switching you anon?

>> No.50442108

i went to the hospital after binging on dxm and spice and some amateur jammed a catheter in my dick and it did some damage. they blamed me saying i tried to pull it out (no fukken way). it felt like I was having a long, uncomfortable orgasm cause my brain chemicals were absolutely bonkers to begin with from the drugs, like I think I actually know what serotonin tastes like after that day

they sent me from there to the mental hospital and I was bleeding out of my weiner and that hurt too

nowadays my stomach hurts, it comes and goes in little waves and it's pretty rough. not quite as bad if i abstain from caffeine drinks and hot foods but those are some of my favorite things

>> No.50442180

the slow and steady degradation of the only true love ive ever known when my gf got stuck abroad for 2 years during covid with no way to see each other

>> No.50442198

When my dad died of cancer

>> No.50442204


>> No.50442435

fell off a ladder from about 10 feet up, landed flat on my back
didn't break anything, not paralyzed, but for the entire rest of the week I literally couldn't move without screaming, I was so sore

>> No.50442485

Getting bitten by a viper, my arm swelled so bad that my skin cracked at joins, causing bleedings

>> No.50442522
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c4-5 cervical disc burst, constant pain and suffering that lasted for 5 years about

>> No.50442663

Cracked jawbone.
Appendix inflamed and ruptured on the way to the hospital.
The sutures from my wisdom tooth removal failed and the hole was completely exposed.
500 dollar short at 100x leverage on LUNC priced at 10 dollars got liquidated 2 minutes before a gigadump.

>> No.50442724
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Food getting trapped in my oesophagus. I don't know what caused it but for a few years if I ate something fairly dry then there was a good chance it would get stuck what felt like most of the way down and it was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. Worse then the time I had an abscess in my tooth on a flight that expanded due to the pressure. Drinking water only made it worse, the only solution was to induce vomiting.

>> No.50442813

Blunt trauma caused inflammation of veins, which turned into full blown infection.

Felt like my leg was peeled and set on fire. Pain enough to make you pass out but so bad you get brought back by it as your about pass out.

>> No.50442879

which one hurt the most?

>> No.50443440
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i dislocated my shoulder in a dirtbike accident and spent like 2 hours with it jacked up before the doctor maxed out the morphine and yanked it back into place.

>> No.50444157

> I sneezed.

>> No.50444294

I’m guessing that diet or environmentally related.

>> No.50444307

Holy fuck anon everything okay?

>> No.50444335

At least you had pain killers

>> No.50444438

L4 disc slight protrusion . Can't imagine if it wasn't slight.
My body went into shock at one point ,felt like heaven.

>> No.50444518

I might have a new id now but the doctor who did it was unironically a pajeet woman. Never again

>> No.50444550

i hold chainlink

>> No.50444589

This thread has not helped my hypochondria

>> No.50444617

testicular torsion, slingshot my sweatpants waist band into my left nut while i was pissing in the middle of the night. never been the same since.

>> No.50444675
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Go get checked. Ultrasound isn't that expensive, and you can go to a walk in clinic if you want a nurse to fondle your nuts while they figure it out. Look into pelvic floor exercises, sooner rather than later. It will fuck with your life, I had a year of pain medicine and doctor visits before I got used to the pain. Sex will be finicky, just depends on how bad it is. Mine ultimately came down to a UTI and needing to do pelvic floor exercises. Good luck, and welcome to hell.

>> No.50444691

my dirtbike has caused more injuries to me than anything else in my life I wish it wasn't so fun and I could just sell it and get an e bike

>> No.50444713

The worst pain I ever felt was after I invested in 0xBTC after their official twitter told me it was bitcoin on Ethereum. I was trying to buy actual Bitcoin.

>> No.50444845
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fell down the stairs a year ago and injured my lower back. Everytime I tried to stand up and tried to walk it felt like a million lightning bolts shooting through my lower back and leg. Had to crawl to get around the pain was so bad. Never fully recovered. I was pretty fit and active at the time, and could not longer do any of that, spiraled into a depression and till this day still want to kms waking minute

>> No.50444889

I doubt it was diet could have been environmental but who knows.

I'm getting similar sores again except in different areas.
If I could kill myself without hurting everything around me I would in an instant.

>> No.50444896

Holding Link after Elon went on SNL.

>> No.50444900


I’m glad you have your theories, and I hope you draw great comfort in them. For me, I’m not sure I can. But I appreciate you reaching out and explaining your thoughts, as opposed to feckless antagonism.

Just remember fellas, death comes for all - enjoy this life while you have it.

>> No.50444932
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Oil worker here. Drunk. Got a BJ from some whore in a 3rd world country with no condom. Picked up a MSRA (multi-strain antibiotic resistant) STD infection that spread to my urinary tract and prostate. Couldn't get a flight out for 3 weeks out of DRC and felt like I was pissing glass which sucked because I had to piss ever 10 minutes. Make it to Dubai. See 3 quacks who have no idea what is going on. Make it to a Urologist who tells me I might die from the infection. He JAMS A FUCKING Q-TIP IN MY DICK HOLE SEVERAL INCHES SO HE CAN GET A SAMPLE OF THE INFECTED PUS which he needs to run a test to determine what type of bacteria is killing me. The q-tip comes out and the doctor says, "wow, that's totally yellow." I vomit from the pain.
(wait, it gets better). He runs a culture over 7 days to see what the bacteria is.
At this point, I am seriously considering hanging myself in my hotel room while I sit around in adult diapers waiting for my best mate to fly back from Germany on his rotation trip out.
Get the antibiotics and they work but because my prostate is SO INFECTED I have to go to the Uro daily for 2 weeks so he massage my prostate to push out the pus. I had to take unpaid sick leave for 4 months AND live in a hotel in Dubai during this period while we fight with a range of antibiotics and physical therapy. The upside is I developed a negative association to whores and whenever I see one I feel like vomiting.

Never, ever get a BJ from a whore with no condom.

>> No.50444962

Losing people I love and care about

>> No.50445022

>Never, ever get a BJ from a whore with no condom
Not using a rubber in Africa of all places is just asking to get an exotic mixture of STDs

>> No.50446285

I used to be a traveler like you until I took a deck screw to the knee

>> No.50446516

When I saw my eight year old son get taken by a great white.

>> No.50446775

OC spray to the face

>> No.50447029
File: 3 KB, 244x511, ZHAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing this...
Im too deep into the rabbithole anyway so I can't just drop it now.

>> No.50447178

Never understood how whores can transmit those giganigger STDs without they themselves dying first

>> No.50447380

Try TRE maybe. Shit is weird but veteran friend with chronic back pain unfucked himself.

>> No.50447440


>> No.50447478
File: 100 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dropped a 45lb plate on my ankle putting it back on the peg after squats. somehow didn't break any bones but did some pretty bad tendon damage and will never be fully quite right on that foot

>> No.50447597

I will probably end my own life when my cats finally leave me.

>> No.50448190


Sinusitis. Felt like my head was going to explode.

>> No.50448551

I'll try to make it up to you.

Something needs to be done about all these lowlife, violent, subhuman niggers. What a shit show we're becoming.

>> No.50448581


Trully hope you find solace in some way fren.

>> No.50448904

Buying crypto for an ex gf I don’t even speak to anymore.
>I still check the wallet performance

>> No.50449077

I'm sorry buddy. I've been trying foreskin restoration but it's a hard task, mentally taxing. Keep your head up

>> No.50449150

Doctor started cutting me a bit too early after putting the sedatives in. I wouldn't say it was the worst pain I've ever felt, but it was the scariest because I was tripping really hard.

>1 post by this ID

>> No.50449721

nearly a year ago I felt my mom's hand growing colder as she passed away due to terminal cancer, I lost my dad when I was 11

I think never in my entire life had I ever cried like I have afterwards

>> No.50450061


I'm sorry anon.

>> No.50450252


Wtf, never heard about this...

>> No.50451348

unironically this

>> No.50452484

I hate glowies so much