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File: 14 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_(3-2_aspect_ratio).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50427058 No.50427058 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to make money in this country? average salary: 30k
average salary/wage outside of london: minimum wage to 20k.
There's no ways to make money and you can't save anything on the wages that have been stagnant for decades. Crypto was our only hope and unfortunately i fucked it up and didn't make any money even though i've been here since link was 18 cents. Any ideas? i see bongs occasionally on threads here and other boards mentioning salaries and it's always 60k, 90k, and even a 200k director recently.

>> No.50427094

Shouldn't you be more worried about not melting today?

>> No.50427110

ehh it's about 30 degrees but it's not anywhere near insufferable inside with a fan. Just don't go outside and you're fine.

>> No.50427118

do you have enough money for a pair of kneepads?

>> No.50427122

Banking is probably the best paying bong job, you have to be a soulless husk to actually succeed

>> No.50427176

Not possible, you need to go down a certain career path from a young age which i haven't. I don't want to work retail/warehouse/food delivery for the rest of my life, i graduated about 5 years ago and have been a neet since. The wages are so low, i have no motivation to work them for such peasant pay.

>> No.50427178

I suspect you will be looking back on this week as a real high point as compared to the next two years in the UK

>> No.50427188

Just... leave?

>> No.50427222

You not really going to make big money being employed- you need to be running your own business

>> No.50427223

brexit cut off the EU exit, most in the UK don't speak a second language, immigration to english speaking countries requires a points system (except the UK).

>> No.50427239

You don't produce anything. You just manage other europoor fags money and sell soccer streaming services.

>> No.50427247

Just... learn a new language?

>> No.50427269

Anon thats going to take 2 years minimum

>> No.50427276

look child, I'm emigrated, stop writing "just".
just stop being stupid. not so easy, eh?

>> No.50427286
File: 191 KB, 640x480, 1634889713791.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

financial job in London, or one of the large northern places

>> No.50427295

let me tell you what this twat will say
> sooner you start the sooner you finish
> moaning won't get you anywhere

>> No.50427309

Unironically going to become a paraplanner soon desu 30k starting and only up from there.

>> No.50427321

I live with my dad rent free, work in a restaurant where all my food is paid for, and I dump pretty much all my paycheck into BTC/ETH/LINK. Only way I'll possibly make it, hopefully I can afford a shitty studio apartment in outer london in about 6 years

>> No.50427324

This country is doomed. I might as well jump off a bridge and end this shit. I fucked up on this life.

>> No.50427351

finance in the UK is a dead end, the EU will slowly cut you out and it will be one long slow redundancy march.
the UK is fucked as most of our 'economy' is bottom feeding off real activity elsewhere. not all of it, but a lot.

>> No.50427354

Just do coding bro. I'm making 90k total comp, 27 years old

>> No.50427358

Most things that make money are not easy or risk free. There is a premium paid for delayed gratification and risk taking.

>> No.50427372

did you consider putting 45% in a furnace leaving you 5% up vs the last 6 months on BTC?

>> No.50427391

No, its just a fact like OP said one 200k director. This is the truth you need to be a top employee in this country to earn this kind of money. There are self employeed people even on the low end. One man band plummbers making 100K a year.

>> No.50427421

I'd agree having your own business is the way to go, depending on the domain.
Never been a better time to get your foot into the door for something, given the labour shortages.

>> No.50427431

Nope, BTC will recover and make new ATHS, always does nocoiner

>> No.50427452

however ultimately the fact remains in the UK:
> house prices have detached from wages
you can't work your way out of that, well you can, but you are likely going to be living next to a guy who works on the garbage bins who bought in 2003 as a top earner buying in 2022.

>> No.50427491

>delayed gratification
>risk taking
OP you need to deal with this and over come this. If you dont then you will not earn the big wages you want. In a employed or self employed environment

>> No.50427756
File: 2 KB, 460x54, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average salary: 30k
hate to break it to you but it's not
i fucking wish
i would murder people for a green card
i'll get there eventually but i'm stuck here for now
because wages have detached from everything and just been stagnant for years while real earning power burns away
there are no real industries here of any description and as much as the government might make noises about technology that's all it is
the cost of living is astronomical and wages are barely better than europe
at least if you're italian or greek you get to enjoy homes for under £200k, real food, and nice weather

>> No.50427790

Who needs money when you have Pakistani rape and big government surveillance?

>> No.50428003

Average house price is now £370,000, just 15 years of your median salary lol

>> No.50428005

uk or usa? 90k in the uk is a lot outside of london and what exactly do you mean by coding and how to get started? i don't have time to sit around for 2 years to learn.
No real advice here besidse the obvious leave the country or start your own business both which aren't really possible.
25k-30k, not a huge difference, it's still a poverty tier wage. This country is so fucking garbage, it's unreal.
Yes i'm aware, it's extremely difficult to start your own business. Not only do you need to be very talented in whatever industry you plan to start your business in but also need lots of capital. I have neither.

>> No.50428074

Average wage 25k and to get a decent sized house that isn't a complete shithole in a decent sized town and not even a city, you are looking at somewhere between 230-300 minimum. So i estimate your salary/wage needs to be 50-60k to even qualify for a mortgage and on top of that you need a pretty big deposit. I don't think the WEF is going to have a hard time making us eat ze bugs and live in ze pod when we're already living 2 bedroom shitholes paying £550/m. There's just no opportunities to make any real money here. For example 1000 people graduate in a certain field, there are only 100 jobs, the other 900 either become NEET, work in a warehouse or retail. There's no hope, i unironically wish i was american.

>> No.50428096

Good old bojo was going to instate a 5% downpayment minimum but the jews got him

>> No.50428168

>Not only do you need to be very talented
would you call your former/current employers very talented?
the barrier to starting a business isn't needing some amazing skill it's needing customers and capital
the average business owner isn't anything special they just had balls and didn't fail because they managed to get any customers
i'm sitting on enough capital that i could start a business but i have zero intention of starting one here i just need an idea and motivation to go for an E2
>25k-30k, not a huge difference, it's still a poverty tier wage.
it is but it's still a significant difference
at this point the uk is just america with none of the positives and even more negatives
there are some nice places in the countryside sure, but a house there would cost you more than all your organs and limbs combined and whereas in the states you can live in the wilderness even if you're poor
first time buyers can get 5% deposit mortages but only for certain properties iirc

>> No.50428172

>No real advice here besidse the obvious leave the country or start your own business both which aren't really possible.
You dont really give us much other then meh i want more wages. So any easy business with no capital. I dont have a clue if you clean toilets for a job or a doctor.
You could just as a example, set up a kitchen fitting company. You create a website for £300 on fiverr- do it yourself if you that skint. Got to youtube learn as much about SEO as you can. SEO the fuck out the website. Rank 1 on google after 6 months. Employee joiners to fit it all for you. All you do is sell meet clients. There you go easy 100k a year business for you. Hop to it

>> No.50428195

Bojo is a kike, retard

>> No.50428219

You won't be ranked #1 after 6 months. It's not 2007

>> No.50428258

do you actually have any sort of career at all?
you sound like a smug 17 year old
there are not one man band plumbers making £100k a year
there are small businesses with 4-6 employees making £100k a year sure but you are not going to invent that overnight
>SEO the fuck out the website.
you realise that a significant portion of that requires either money or traffic? you can't just optimise your figcaptions and magically trump amazon in search results

>> No.50428272

"CITY" "KITCHEN FITTER" + added long seed words easy. 1 in 100 kitchen fitters have a website and of that 1 0.1 is SEO. Im not trying to sell iphones here

>> No.50428311

>i don't have time to sit around for 2 years to learn.
good luck ever making any real money with that attitude

>> No.50428323

>make 50k
>if I work for the next almost 4 decades I can retire on a pension of around 37k per year
>this includes state pension


>> No.50428348

I make around £5.5k to £6k per month after tax. I have achieved this by having a decade of experience in a sector that is highly in demand.
I'm quite risk averse however, so whilst I could borrow 500k for an actual nice house I wouldn't ever do that cus who knows maybe my salary gets cut in half at some point. I also have the majority of my networth in crypto and stocks and so what was 200k last year is barely 100k today. No chance an am I selling that in a bear market so I'm stuck building up my cash again (last year I had 0k and now I have 60k saved)

>> No.50428357

Then sell them leads? Kitchen fitters sound like the last people you wanna be dealing with

>> No.50428364

>requires either money or traffic?
You heard of a fucking printer and using your legs and posting flyers?
Self employed since 18. Suck a dick, clueless stay in your wage job faggot. Those that lead and those meant to be lead

>> No.50428410

No, sell them a kitchen fitted for 5K go buy the kitchen for 3K pay 2 joiners £500 to fit. You made 1.5K - simplified

>> No.50428481

Like dropshipping directly from the manufacturer? That sounds like sth they'd wanna talk to somebody not a fidget spinner you buy online. Have you tried that particular one?

>> No.50428483

>You heard of a fucking printer and using your legs and posting flyers?
>Self employed since 18.
you know i actually believe you
it's just that means all of six months

>> No.50428596

No, you have a website or do flyers. The client rings you says i want a new kitchen. You arrange to go to there homes. You take measurments talk about design. Find the one they want in your kitchen catoloage which you got from a local kitchen wholesaler. Get the kitchen price add how ever much on top you want for profit. Send them a invoice. They accpet. You buy the kitchen from the local wholesaler- delivered. Higher two local joiners to fit it. Job done all you did was use your time found the lead signed the client up. And i only used this as a example

>> No.50428749

>since Link was 18c
Anon, how the fuck? what did you do? give us a blow by blow account

>> No.50428793

Well i can tell for a fact your not self employed.
>i'm sitting on enough capital that i could start a business but i have zero intention of starting one here i just need an idea and motivation to go for an E2
And if this is true im 100% sure you will piss up the wall - complains about UK house prices so im 100% sure you not got that much anon

>> No.50428806


> 5% deposit on a cheeky deanobox
> hmm yes enjoy your 350k debt you’ll be paying off over the next 40 years

Delusional retard

>> No.50428842

>you don't want to spend £250k+ on a three bedroom semi in this shithole so there is no way you could have six figures in capital
continue to prove that you are underage please

>> No.50428851

>30 degrees
You a scouser lad? That's probably why

>> No.50428906

Unless you went to a oxbridge/top10 London university and are privately educated you have little to no chance breaking into finance in the UK, there’s no meritocracy at all only a massive old boys network which only wants to keep its friends & family in the last well-paid yet not needing to be technically competent profession in UK, same goes for law.

Inb4 medicine/engineering copers, wages here are less than half of what you can earn in the US. We’re a nation of total fucking losers and keep voting for people who are only interested in keeping the top 1% of society happy.

>> No.50429054

Jokes, think im underage. Because i used a very basic low skill level business of "kitchen fitting" and you went on about fucking capital to SEO a shitty kitchen fitting website. While at the same time admits he doesnt run a business. Like i said mate your crypto earnings will be gone, you come across like a fucking useless melt, complain and highlighting the bad while offer nothing of value

>> No.50429134

Watch this video :- https://youtu.be/EC0G7pY4wRE

It's the City of London Kikes

>> No.50429151

If I ever make it, I'll buy a nice small flat in london.
I know it's a retarded choice looking at the hard facts but I have never felt the way I did when I was in london for a week ever again. It's insane really, it's a great fucking place to be at when you have big boy money. I lived in 4 major cities in europe and currently live in a large german one (cologne) and they are all utter shitholes compafred to london. I don't know what it is since again, on paper london is a horrible place to live at. But the vibes there are unreal.
Also if you're bitching about not making it in england try germany lol, I get taxraped and probably won't be able to afford a warm shower in the winter.
>Verification not required.

>> No.50429277

>considers london to be anything other than hell on earth

>> No.50429401

>don't have time to sit around for 2 years to learn
Why not? Yes you do

>uk or usa? 90k in the uk is a lot outside of london and what exactly do you mean by coding
UK. I'm a devops specialist (AWS)

>> No.50429415

>only went to London for a week.
Lmao fucking hell dude, you don't think everyone feels that the first time they go to London? It's a great place to live for a few years as a student yeah, but as an adult it gets so fucking tiring.

>> No.50429457

London is a nihilistic cesspit

>> No.50429468

what point are you trying to make here? getting a mortgage at a fixed rate is the best investment you can possibly make. a £300k mortgage now will be the equivalent of a £600k mortgage in 5 years time. you can't get a better deal

>> No.50429501


Buying a massively overpriced asset in the most financially precarious time in 15 years, yeah mate smashing idea

>> No.50429524
File: 156 KB, 900x506, british advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do all british man say rhyming joke to stranger in pub and clink mugs together?

>> No.50429571

How is it overpriced? There will never be a house price crash and you know it. The price is propped up by too many schemes and too much immigration by rich asians and arabs.

I've been waiting for a crash for 3 years now. Never coming.

>> No.50429587

>these are the people giving you financial advice

>> No.50429597

I assume people talking about finance don’t mean accountancy? I work in big 4 outside of London and once you’re qualified and a manager (so probably about 4-5 since leaving Uni) the average is about £60k. That’s decent and all but considering the 3 years of Uni, followed by 3 more years of exams and the shitty hours/work I don’t think it’s worth it. I did a STEM degree and some of my friends went straight into software dev and more or less earn the same if not more. Feel like I fucked up

My cousin is an investment banker and obviously makes far more but you need to be a particular type of person for that, which I’m not.

I’m going to take a gap year desu and teach in Korea or Japan or some shit, then might emigrate to Australia/Canada

>> No.50429615

3 years? What are you fucking retarded?

>> No.50429636

Can't blame you for being angry about the situation. It's incredibly infuriating, but yeah, I think there will not be any crash and you'll die waiting and lining your landlords pockets

>> No.50429695

For those worried about a housing price crash, you should just purchase a property with a help to buy equity loan (40% of the value of the property). If the value of the property goes down then so does the amount you owe on the equity loan.

Has a further benefit that it is interest-free for 5 years then payable at 1.75% in year 6 - well below the rate you'll pay on a fixed rate mortgage even at current interest rates.

Only retards don't do it.

>> No.50429730

the uk has massive problems now.
the Fed are raising rates and the BoE are already lagging, but the more the Fed raise the more GBP will fall if the BoE don't raise.
When they raise housing will drop. Guaranteed.

>> No.50429735


I work in elf and safety init lads and I earn approx £60k. Not great but i live up north so that money goes a lot further round these parts. Pretty sure it would be poverty tierdown south though.

>> No.50429748

another UK govt prop, but unfortunately you also all have to eat and buy energy, and brits writing down numbers about their house on a piece of paper won't help one iota with this.

>> No.50429759

There's 110,000 new arrivals from Hong Kong looking for properties in London right now lol

>> No.50429812

Makes me want to scream even reading that. Hopefully Scotland independence comes soon and I can move there somehow and get cheap property in the highlands

>> No.50429847


There’s a massive demand and a small supply, new houses are literally prefab 2 bed deanoboxes which sell before they’re even built because the alternative to owning an overpriced shitbox is giving some greedy landlord cunt your money, which is going to be worth 10% less this time next year.

Stop shilling the Ponzi scheme, there’s going to be a massive correction soon and I hope all of the same breed of cunt who own a BMW 1 Series on finance are left holding the bag when their Taylor wimpey 2 bed is worth 30% less than it was worth 2 years ago.

>> No.50429859

You have to eat whether you rent or buy a property. What is your point retard? At least when you buy a property you have equity and eventually ownership. You'll waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on rent.

>> No.50429900

I am europoor and I moved to Switzerland. I make 130k WFH and I am quite stupid, if you are smart you can easily make 200k or more.

I don't get why more europoors don't come here.

>> No.50429924

Isn’t it a bitch to get residency? Agree though I have been there for a few weekends and also visited a friend who worked in Zurich before. Beautiful country

>> No.50429940

99% of 4chan lies about their salaries. Those kind of wages are incredibly rare and outside of nerdy software engineers, the kind of people who get those jobs are not regulars on 4chan. A lot of people on this board do have fat stacks of crypto but anyone claiming a salary of over like 50k goodboy points is almost certainly just lying.

Anyway, you're basically fucked, there's no way to make any money without starting your own business and if you're a white briton the government is set up to make the process as difficult for you as possible in every way.

I'd leave, go to Malta or something

>> No.50430015

This is true, there's a considerable detriment to work-life balance when your salary goes above £40-50k, although there's not a great post-tax benefit until you reach maybe £70-75k+. My position is that I have a comfy WFH job for £50k and run a business.

>> No.50430035

You just need to find a job and you get residency automatically. It also helps being white unlike America where it is something negative.

>> No.50430083

i make 300k a year part time dog grooming i don't know what you're complaining about.

>> No.50430128

You need talent to create/offer something that will attract customers and you also need capital as you said. You're forgetting the part where 19/20 people who start a business fail and lose money and time. Sure you can aim to be that one but even then it's difficult because you need capital and talent in something that you know will attract the attention of customers and keep them coming back. It's not as easy as you are saying. And no 25k-30k is not a significant difference, especially not now with prices for everything going up. You are right about the UK, there's no future here and also why anyone who has already "made it" has left the country.
It's not just about me wanting more wages, our wages have been stagnant for decades while everything has slowly gone up and recently skyrocketed while the wages haven't really changed and are basically soft-capped at this point unless you're a professional in an industry that is in demand. I'm a NEET and have been since i graduated 5 years ago because i can't get a job and i obviously have no money. I don't have £300 to create a website and i don't know web development to create it myself but even if i did manage to do this, you're telling to just SEO when everyone else already does it. And the worst thing of all you mentioned are employing joiners. No one is going to work for a middleman like that, it's just not feasible. You think it is but i doubt you've seen it or even done it yourself. Joiners are not exactly the type of people you want to contract and if they fuck something up, you are liable for all the damage or whatever they do and you'll go bankrupt because you don't have any money and aren't overseeing anything just being a middleman but also taking all the risk. I read your other post about printing flyers and i think you're a little outdated, first it's the SEO to get top of the search in 6 months and then it's walking around town putting flyers?

>> No.50430277

>spend 2 years learning something that people told you would make you money
>don't make any money after it and another 2 years already wasted on top of all the years you spent NEETing
yh that's what i meant
You forgot the part where they're increasing pension ages by 2 years so you'll be 70 years old near your deathbed getting 30-40k.
Thinking about it makes me suicidal so i'm not going to go into it. It's pretty self-explanatory how hard someone has to fuck up to not make any money even though they were around when link was 0.18.
Agreed but i would have been happy with a career in medicine but i'm incompetent and simply didn't go down that path or have the opportunities available to me. Can't really change to it in your midto late twenties.
I worded that badly, i do have time, actually time is the only thing i do have but i don't want to waste time on something that i won't benefit from and i know a lot of things that people recommend end up being a waste of time. Devops salaries are around 60k usually, not bad but i think it takes about 5-7 years to end up in that position to even think about getting a 60k salary. How do you get into such a career without graduating in computer science or something similar? Can you self-study certs? i recall being told that you need to get a helpdesk position and then do certs and work your way up somehow.

>> No.50430279

people like you make 4chan shit, you just haven't even bothered to think before jumping on it.
my point is that as a whole the UK needs to produce or it's fucked, you can't just keep writing that you are all rich on bits of paper.

>> No.50430297
File: 133 KB, 800x600, big_kat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens to be one of the easiest countries in the world to make money in, because you don't pay any tax at all when spread betting. You can spread bet on currencies, individual stocks, futures etc.

All you gotta do is learn how to trade. You can do that in a year or two if you take it seriously.

>> No.50430343

Your government makes it uninvestable

>> No.50430375

Same shit here bro (US). Wage in big city : 50-60k, cost of living 40k. Wage outside big city: 30k. Cost of living 30k. Can't make shit. Every calculation I make shows that in terms of relative purchasing power, relating to typical living expenses like housing and food, boomers made 2x as much as we do, if not more than that. If your cost of living stayed the same but your income doubled, would you be on easy street? Boomers were. They think you are.

>> No.50430405

Boomers could purchase for 3-4x their salary. We have it literally five times harder. Relative to income our houses cost five times as much. A boomer could have bought 5 houses for what you pay for 1 adjusted for inflation.

>> No.50430450
File: 108 KB, 600x482, lowwage_highrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason you can't make any headway is because our new computerized, highly financialized system immediately swallows any productivity gains.
Say we all get 5% more productive. For once they pass it on to the workers, pay up 5% across the board. You'd then have 5% more to spend on a mortgage or rent. So housing costs all get bid up as the establishment constantly keeps housing tight via immigration / zoning to ensure it gets bid up to the max wages can support.
How old do you think the image is on this? Well over 100 years.

>> No.50430474

spread betting aka leverage trading in crypto but for forex. I've seen the learn to trade thing countless times but no one mentions where to begin. So many scammy courses and shitty youtube videos but no real information and no proof of these people claiming it's worth doing for 2 whole years.

>> No.50430488

Valid but who gives a fuck about being patriotic for the UK? We all know it's gone to shit, just wanna make money here...

>> No.50430495

that's why it's going to shit, the UK has become American, and those cunts are going down.

>> No.50430516

How can wages go up when a pole was there to take the lower wage? I'm not even anti-immigration. But we have to be honest about the effects of importing cheap labourers

>> No.50430535

you are replying to me?
yes immigrants have two jobs:
1. suppress wages
2. put pressure on housing stock
my example was to show that even when wages go up the system adapts to swallow all productivity gains into land. wages have increased a bit over time, but not in real terms (including rent) for this reason

>> No.50430551


Most first year grad med students are like 25 - 30 average or so I was told by my doctor ex, still time mate. I guess the real issue is the fact you lose 4 years of earning time to graduate onto 33k max in return for a 45 hour week and only after 2 years of foundation training then 5-10 years of speciality training you get to see 80k a year

>> No.50430594

thinking of running an overemployment scam with a few months of overlapping 2 remote jobs so i can get ahead a bit. you just can't do it otherwise. not sure if it's worth giving up this comfiness for but i could get closer to a down payment. mortgages are cheaper than rent, but you can't get a mortgage unless you have that down payment, and you can't save up $50k cash when you don't earn much more than the cost of barest living.

on the other hand as soon as i buy in the housing market will doomp so why bother working hard for anything.

>> No.50430647

How is working two jobs a scam?

>> No.50430726

i bid on a place last year and lost out to a cash buyer from HK. You just can't compete.

>> No.50430806

it's not. it's fucking the employer over to the same extent he's already fucking you, so it feels like you're getting away with something. think i shall. did you know boomers got 10% interest on their regular savings accounts at a bank? meanwhile the best "high yield" account I can find is 1.65%. Per $10k deposit that gets you a whallopping $165 a year of interest. You can afford a pair of shoes and a shirt with that! Wow boy.

>> No.50430814

Is this 30k U.S. dollars?

>> No.50430842

also they are not paying uk taxes / paid uk wages.

>> No.50430944

How did you get into that role? I've done the easiest AWS certification as I had a free voucher for it.
Is it worth pursuing? I've been struggling to find a career path and keep getting into low paying roles even though I have a software engineering degree oops.

>> No.50430955

I'm p sure I'm one of the directors you read about in a thread. pretax salary is 220k/Yr. the real truth is, unless you start your own business, you can't make it here.

you need to be the guy who pays your wages

>> No.50431013

>he thinks this wasnt the last bullrun
Poor guy

>> No.50431074

It's not too late for you to buy link, also hbar.

>> No.50431307

I work a £32k job which I sit at my desk for 8 hours a day doing fuck all, what do you think the best use of my time would be to train up on that I can do from my computer in 6 months?

>> No.50431341

Finance in the uk is king. Off shore tax havens is the only remaining bit of the empire left, there not going any where. Eu will get dragged down by the poor arse countries. How long can france and germany bail out europe for? . No matter how much parts of this country should be nuked, just ain't going to happen. In reply to OP self employment is where its at. If you can do something better than what your doing in some shit job just go for it. Most wage slaves regardless of any country will not make it. Tax free isa is also worth looking into

>> No.50431515

Regarding self employment so many big companies are focused on keeping costs down its generally not too hard to build a good rep. Any one i know who is doing well is going their own way or does private work on the side. Can't be crying that you choose to be a bitch to earn someone elses P

>> No.50431546

>I've been waiting for a crash for 3 years now. Never coming.
Agreed. I waited 20 years and it never happened. A bunch of use used to hang out at housepricecrash.co.uk forums.
Crypto is my last hope. I keep DCAing.

>> No.50431552

Worked for 3 years for a software company doing cloud stuff. Got myself the two associate certs (architect and developer) and after many applications I landed this job.

>> No.50431571

And yes, it's definitely worth pursuing. There's a bit market

>> No.50431625

>How do you get into such a career without graduating in computer science or something similar? Can you self-study certs? i recall being told that you need to get a helpdesk position and then do certs and work your way up somehow.
I have a degree in electrical engineering and I was still able to land my job.
Just work hard and build yourself a profile and internet presence to stand out. I've worked a lot on my StackOverflow and GitHub profiles, and those things were noticed by the people interviewing me (they actually mentioned my stackoverflow profile during the interview).

That, plus a couple of associate certs as I said here >>50431552

Work hard and stand out

>> No.50431632

learn to code i guess

>> No.50431863

is there anything specifically that a mid-wit could get competent enough at in 6 months to land a job?

>> No.50431900

>still time
not really, i'd have to do my gcses/alevels again and then hope i get accepted and then it's 5-6 years of med school and i'll be in my 30s just graduating if that. I think i'm already past the point of studying and doing exams.

>> No.50432001

how did you get to where you are? the amount of people earning 200k+ even pretax is so little, it seems near-impossible. I agree opening a business but these days you need so much capital just to get started, it's really rough.
What language are you talking about? besides the certs, what are you filling your github with?

>> No.50432026

Tried it all by now and you're right, almost all of the content out there is hopelessly outdated or crap presented by people who don't trade themselves. Day Trader Next Door on YouTube, this Canadian boomer guy, is legit.

>> No.50432051

Unironically a great idea, the longer you can stretch your debt the better. I hope to die with at least 6 figure debt to my name

>> No.50432098

>What language are you talking about? besides the certs, what are you filling your github with?
Python, terraform, aws stuff

>> No.50432157

>I'm quite risk averse
>I also have the majority of my networth in crypto and stocks
you are retarded.

>> No.50432197

So i need to learn python and terraform and then do aws certs after already getting a job and years of experience somewhere doing cloud stuff?

>> No.50432213

The money is shit here but you need to get the best/most cushy job you can and just invest it. There are many places with worse handicaps.

>> No.50432219

I'm a bong and I gross roughly 90k. But i'm in a profession where I would be paid easily twice as much if I lived in NA. Wages are low here but tbf so is cost of living.

>> No.50432237

Well, that's what I did. I'm just sharing my story. Yours will be different

>> No.50432245

>so is cost of living.
its on par with the US...

>> No.50432264

>html/css/js (front end web stuff)
thousands of tutorials online

or if you wanna go a less code-y way you could look up free courses in devops (managing servers) get some AWS certificates (amazon web servers) and thats probably enough to land a junior role then you'll learn on the job

>> No.50432302

*note a junior devops/dev wont beat £32k likely, but with 1-2 years experience can go £40k+ but easily more once senior (3-5 years)

>> No.50432344

I came to London in 2012 from Spain with very basic english and a CS degree. I'm currently making £110k base as lead data engineer.
London is brutal but there is ways. Also is true that this city only makes sense when you make A LOT of money. If you don't own a property at least in zone 3 you are fucked. London is to work, no way to retire or have a family. I was checking nursery for my new baby at it would be like £2k a month. Fuck this.

>> No.50432349

Sure if you live in bumfuck nowhere and never have any health problems for the rest of your life

>> No.50432385

This is basically the fat chick mentality; you want shit without putting the work in or even trying. You don't offer anything. And the harsh reality that you're going to have to face is that with a 5 year gap on your CV, you're going to have to start on the bottom rung somewhere. Follow your ego and you'll be posting this same thread a year from now fromt he same room and the same chair.

>> No.50432468

That’s because half the people here are autistic so they end up becoming software devs and in London it’s not hard to make £100k+ as a dev

>> No.50432491

>Unless you went to a oxbridge/top10 London university and are privately educated you have little to no chance breaking into finance in the UK

Only really applies to bulge bracket London offices directly out of uni. If you're Russell Group, have a couple of years under your belt in a non-capital city and aren't a complete idiot, you can basically take your pick from most IBs and asset management firms. Huge numbers of people end up as contracters doing this.

>> No.50432523

Bankers come from all backgrounds and there isn’t a specific job titled “banker”, there are bankers with vastly different skill sets. Some are just good talkers, others brilliant mathematicians, some have a legal background, others just work hard. You can have a history degree and work as a banker. I was technically a banker when I worked at an IB building trading apps as an engineer, didn’t consider myself one but many others did

>> No.50432539

>A boomer could have bought 5 houses for what you pay for 1 adjusted for inflation
Thats what they did lol. Vast majority of landlords are boomers who sold their house in London after it x20 in value and then brought houses everywhere else where prices hadnt skyrocketed yet

>> No.50432554

> I don’t have time to sit around

You already said you’re working shit jobs like delivery, of course you have time

>> No.50432569

This is complete bullshit and cope that retards who couldn’t get in convince themselves is true, it’s one of the biggest memes of the century

>> No.50432647

>nursery for my new baby at it would be like £2k a month
Everyone says learn to code but maybe I should open a nursury. If I sit 10 little retard kids in my apartment for 2k a month each I'll make 20k a month minus the cost of apple juice and crackers. What is the catch here?

>> No.50432695

Of-course i have time but that time is worthless if i'm spending 10 hours a day learning something that will not benefit me in a year or two which is why i'm saying it's important to know where things will lead and to be certain of it.
I get what you mean but we're talking about investment bankers that make big money, very very hard career to get onto, impossible for someone in my position.
Not true at all. I know i will have to work for peanuts right now IF i can even get a job but i'm wanting to plan and start on something that will benefit me well in a few years time whether that's coding and going down the devops route or anything else. However, starting on the bottom doesn't mean i want to work retail or warehouse, i want to work a job where i can progress and earn more each year.
Well i'm happy for you but your situation is drastically different to mine. You came here with a CS degree and became a data engineer in london where 100k+ is feasible software dev jobs.
Can you actually get a junior position with just certs? i looked at a few jobs for this role and they all seem to want some experience and other things, the technical requirements i'm assuming are all covered in the certs. How long do these certs take?

>> No.50432712

Spoken like someone who has never been around kids or had to take care of. Children around 3-4 years old are extremely difficult to take care of, that's one, nevermind a group of them. But yes building a nursery and hiring professionals and making money that way seems a good route since they're always going to be in demand.

>> No.50432766

hire a mexican maid at $8/hr utt to actually care for them. as a bonus she can teach them spanish.

the answer is loicenses by the way. of course boomers didn't need any license to open a daycare. reminds me of the septic tank installation meme.

>> No.50432781

I heard all you have to do in the UK to get a good job is to have a full set of teeth.

>> No.50432827

>very very hard career to get onto

I've worked with investment bankers that have no degree and come from council estates, if you're willing to work 24/7 and come showing understanding you can probably get in. Your problem is that you've convinced yourself you can't do anything and just expect money to come to you.

>> No.50432884

>went from 2nd world country
>arrived in UK
>went to Uni for free (thanks cuckistan)
>now i earn 60k+ a year.

why are brits so retarded that they dont see the opportunities in front of em?

>> No.50432896

>What is the catch here?

You randomly get stabbed and live in a polished tard for of people who're nothing like you.

>> No.50432960

is these the ones working 78-120hr's per week on 60-70k kek that drop out many such cases

>> No.50433002
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>Not true at all. I know i will have to work for peanuts right now IF i can even get a job but i'm wanting to plan and start on something that will benefit me well in a few years time whether that's coding and going down the devops route or anything else. However, starting on the bottom doesn't mean i want to work retail or warehouse, i want to work a job where i can progress and earn more each year.
It's easier to get a job when you have a job, anon. And a shitty retail/warehouse/bar job is going to beneficial; it fills your CV in the meantime, it shows potential employers you're not a headcase who can't keep a schedule and - more than anything else - it will light a fire under your arse to improve yourself and your lot. you might even make some friends and get laid along the way. Even a call centre job (for a financial company, for instance?) is better than adding another two years to the 5 year chasm on your CV while you sp[end it upskilling (something you haven't manged to do in the past half decade). Get a job. Any job. Use that experience as motivation.

>> No.50433170

60-70k are graduates, even as an engineer I was on six figures + 50% bonus. The bankers make a lot more.

>> No.50433383

That’s not fair. You’ve given us nothing to work on except your whining.
You graduated? Great. What did you graduate with?
You don’t want to retail slave? Great. What do you want?
Difficult to start your own business? Is. It. Fuck. It’s a piece of piss. You pick your job, your market and the product / service you are going to deliver, then deliver it and bill them. Inform HMRC that you need to pay the appropriate NI contributions and you are done. Congrats, you are now self employed. Talent is nothing to do with it, though it can help. Capital requirements are entirely dependent on what you want to do, and even then there are ways.
If you meant it is too fucking hard to think about and research a niche, you simply are not cut out for self employment or any sort.
Frankly, you seem like you are happy in your misery. Unless you shake your limited view of the world and what you believe is possible within it, you are unbelievably fucked, regardless of whether you live in Bongland or not.
Pull your fucking finger out.

>> No.50433399
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£50k as a "senior" software dev, if i moved now i could easily get £85k, which is still way less than the North America. UK is fucking terrible for wages, somehow people have been tricked into thinking £30k is a good salary, when the businesses they work for are netting millions.

I have a visa for Canada but to go i have to get vaxxed, what do?

>> No.50433537

This x 1000.
Shows us what we are working with. Fuck right off mate. Offline marketing is killer with the right ideas / places.
Simply put, you don’t want an answer except “poor you, don’t worry, the bull market will return maybe possibly one day”.
On the off chance you DO want an answer, spend the next few weeks reading anything by all the shit hot marketeers from the last 30 years, then use just one testable element on any product or service you can deliver.
In fact, just DO ANYTHING. Fucking commit to it. Even if you fail, you will learn far more than a years worth of /biz/ posts will teach you.

>> No.50433730

Check net pay and the cost of housing and food before you come to Canada.

>> No.50433827

I have to be earning like 200k cad for it to make sense. Doable.

>> No.50434014

>what did you graduate with?
Accounting but my grades aren't good enough to get an entry level job so that's a deadend.
>what do you want?
money obviously, i don't want to wagecuck 9-5 for minimum wage, i mean these are obvious.
>difficult to start your own business
ofc it is, every business owner will tell you how hard it is and the statistics don't lie. 19/20 business are failures. You are over simplifying things but things don't work like that. Talent has everything to do with it, creativity, talent, niche, experience in industry, etc are all factors to whether or not you can find that successful product/service and whether your business will go bust or not. Capital is essential and acquiring it is not even close to as easy as you claim it to be. It's perhaps the hardest thing even ahead of finding the right product/service. Banks won't loan you shit because for example a NEET is not going to have good credit or years of wagecucking and using a credit card to prove he's a good little wagie who can be trustesd with small loans and even then it's most likely to be denied if they know you can't pay it back since obviously your wage is peanuts and the reason you want to start a business in the first place. They aren't dependent on what you do, they are a necessity no matter the business and the more grand your "idea", the bigger the capital costs. Even the lowest level of business requires a significant amount and you have to be content that it can all go in the snap of your fingers as is the nature of businesses and startups. Not sure why you think finding the right niche in current times where everything is saturated "easy" when in reality it's very hard and you need to be really smart to find something that isn't too saturated and will be profitable in the right environment. "you're not cut out for self-employment" i spent months trying to find profitable products from china to sell on ebay/amazon and got nowhere so it's not about me being lazy.

>> No.50434084

Man i need this guy in my life telling me to stop wasting my life away

>> No.50434136

okay good so long as you've run the numbers

>> No.50434168

why don't brits start companies? You guys were world leaders at one point. Where did the motivation go?

>> No.50434381

No money to do anything including start wages. The government is happy with the population living paycheck to paycheck on low wages barely enough to survive but never to get out of the rat race. Only the few lucky ones get out.

>> No.50434438

if you're creating innovative products you'll make money and have good wages. Are you continuing to innovate?

>> No.50434564

you left a country with a cheap cost of living and couldn't make the best of it... Now you're the stupid brit.

>> No.50434593

>be a normal middle office worker in America in a big bank
>live in a LCOL area
>make a comfy six figure salary
>my bosses boss begs me to go to Belfast or London because they desperately need people there
>tell him to fuck off because I like living in my area with all my friends, family, and low cost of living lifestyle

What are you Brits doing over there? Why the fuck are these Directors begging me to go to Bongland? There’s jobs over there, you just have to fucking start yourself on the right path to get them

>> No.50434671

it's the same in north america. The NWO is just a borderless prison planet. canadians have tons of opportunities to make big money in the states. It seems like the system is designed to move people around the world.

>> No.50434924

office wagies here make 20-25k outside of london and 30-35k in london, they aren't making those wages here.

>> No.50436831

Something we continentals could help y'all with and that helps us as well? Something outside the established trade businesses perhaps?

>> No.50437621

Oy pissywank here, don't buy the LINK token.

>> No.50437676

I make 27 million a year grooming goldfish part time, so yeah.

>> No.50438360

I did YouTube since 2020 and made around 250k from it. Unfortunately my channel got demonetized last month, I'm trying to get it remonetized because I genuinely got fucking fleeced by the person who reviewed it (I make my own gaming content). I'm stuck with this cash and don't know what to do, not enough to buy a home in Scotland and pay for the maintenance/monthly bills, but just enough to make it big in the next crypto cycle.

For now I'm just doing research, I'll end up going in on LINK ETH and SOL most likely and holding until the next big bull cycle, then cash out and fuck off to Scotland because at least houses there are semi affordable compared to the absolute bull fucking shit that is London.

>> No.50439388

i make 52k on crypto alone. less with taxes though.

>> No.50439453

It's not as simple as that. The risky thing would be purely having gbp. I also fiest bought crypto back in 2013 so I'm like 3x profit still

>> No.50439490
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You're a native English speaker. You can quite literally move to any country in the world and get a qualified job if you have a bachelor's degree in whatever.

Why you're sticking around on your godforsaken Indian subcontinent is beyond me.

>> No.50439696
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You do realize it's hard to make money everywhere and you're actually really special right? Real lucky fella
I make 1000 a year and i consider my life to be full and happy (luckly i made 4000 more from investing on loveloot), how about you op, can you say the same?

>> No.50439913

I currently work Lloyds in the north. It's comfy but I'm on entry wage of £25k and then next year it's £30k but yeah it's tough cos if living costs. My rent is fucking £650 and I'm not even in premium location

>> No.50439925

>money obviously, i don't want to wagecuck 9-5 for minimum wage, i mean these are obvious.
You've been out of work for 5 FUCKING YEARS, doing nothing. On what planet do you think you're going to walk into some mid-level role? Your circumstances basically demand that you start at the bottom rung, regardless of field. If you has spent that five years literally doing anything, you'd be in some piss easy supervisory role just now. "It's not about me being lazy"... Fuckin NEETs... you guys are delusional.

>> No.50439937

You want to go with a third party contractor and pray that you get a good placement. Such as FDM or Kubrick. It gets your foot in the door even if you're lacking skills. And in an event of a recession you've got two levels of job security

>> No.50439945

Hang yourself, pajeet faggot

>> No.50440008

That's loser talk.

>> No.50440088

There's your problem. You expect money to be a motivator. At the bottom, it isn't. You show potential employers you have a gibs attitude and they next you without you realising it. Last 4 agency posts I had all wanted me to go perm.

>> No.50440108

that's a lot. Remember it's the average HOUSEHOLD income that's around 30k, meaning two incomes. If you're earning close to that by yourself then you're doing very well.

>> No.50440125
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Growth in the salaries of young people was harvested by taxation on businesses run by boomers who would have spent it on themselves anyway to pad their pensions.

It is the same everywhere- the hippie generation that was about peace, love and non-greed ended up hoovering up the next 50 years worth of economic growth so they could fuck 18 year olds in Ukraine and Thailand.

>> No.50440137

What part of You will own nothing and be happy do you not get exactly

>> No.50440411

honestly if you cant save 30k living at home (assuming working since 20 or something) and your parents/grandparents left you nothing for a house deposit then they never loved you enough for forward planning and youre a retard.

>> No.50440686

>went to Uni for free (thanks cuckistan)
Not in the UK mate

>> No.50440778

>We’re a nation of total fucking losers and keep voting for people who are only interested in keeping the top 1% of society happy.
Well said, bojo and sunak having a lockdown party while they tell the whole nation to stay at home for Christmas to save lives, yet Sunak will most likely be PM. People care more about the weather than the people in charge of running the country.

>> No.50440804

>Why is it so hard to make money in this country?
It really isnt. Just learn an in demand skill. Employers in my industry are fighting each other for employees
I'm outside of London on 6 fig salary.

>> No.50440811

seems like larp, what is your industry and where outside london?

>> No.50440841

Software, Belfast

>> No.50440844

Imagine the smell oh my days

>> No.50440866

What sort of benefits do you get? I have none at the moment and am neet.

>> No.50440898

Dobro.. are you talking about ESL teaching? I would rather shag my own sister than be a white monkey earning 7 quid an hour in some fucked up asian country.

>> No.50440987

>i see bongs occasionally on threads here and other boards mentioning salaries and it's always 60k, 90k, and even a 200k director recently.
People fake it until they make it. Everyone on here is disingenuous besides a few people, like myself.
> Why is it so hard to make money in this country?
Because you’re an island nation with very few natural resources left to exploit and a larger than it should be population. Wages must be low for your nation to be competitive.

>> No.50441087

Start a business you NPC, this is /biz/ not /wageslave/

Imagine putting in all that effort and wasting the best years of your life to spend 80 hours a week working in “finance” so you can pretend you’re the wolf of Wall Street or whatever these sad fucks tell themselves to cope all just to make 80k a year (50 after tax) and rent a shoe box in an overcrowded “diverse” shithole like London

Even tradies with their heads screwed on make way more than this and have a laugh doing so

>> No.50441101

Hey mate, i'm currently thinking anout doing AAT 2 and AAT 3 with no prior experience, will I be able to get a job as an accountant after that do you think? What is the rough salary for a non degree holder but with AAT4 after 5+ years?

>> No.50441113

Wouldn't know, pubs are utterly degenerate places to visit. I haven't been in one for over 10 years.

>> No.50441127

£60k lol, what is that like 40 after tax, NI, and student loan?

What a waste

>> No.50441139
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I am 24 & I make £360k a year on my own business. Like in any country, wagie jobs are fucked by boomers but in UK it's especially bad due to incompetent goverments+ people voted to get fucked on Brexit. You were likely better off in 2014 than today in 2022 due to all that shit.

The reason you can make no money doing wagie jobs is because of 08 + inflation is now making working a joke. I see my IRL friends really struggling (yes they don't know how much I make, I keep it all private I'M no retard)

Today I am melting, it is 35c, we bongs can't handle this with no AC!

>> No.50441167

I'll fit your AC for you if you explain what business you created.

>> No.50441183

I prefer not to say because it's a market most anons on here would probs be autistic to copy. But I'll just say it's around video game development & an army of jannies to run them. Yes, I really wish I had AC right now lol.

>> No.50441189

Bricklayer here, 80k yearly.
Did 107k last year but with alot of overtime/saturday work.

>> No.50441205

If you make 360k mate just install an AC it's honestly not as expesnive as people state.
I've got one and I'm a 40k wagie.

>> No.50441216

Fuck off to a factory then

>> No.50441237

hopefully your cottage burns to the ground with you inside it night 1

>> No.50441269
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>he doesn't realise his goal is to leave ASAP

>> No.50441302

Churchill sold off your empire to please his handlers. Sorry Britoid, but you've been condemned to third world status.

>> No.50441796

People are complaining but I really don't see the UK as that bad.
Been in Japan for almost 10 years and looking to move back to the UK as it is better for raising a family, both financially and culture-wise.

You could live a lot more comfortably off something like 40k in the UK than the equivalent in Japan.

>> No.50441959

You already have middle easterners and Indians; I'm sure your nose has long already acclimated.

>> No.50442040

software engineer in hft, 26 years old bring home £160k TC (avg.) can be higher or lower, expecting to be higher this year.. depends on bonus.

mostly work from home and live in a small english town, commute once a week.

tired of this 'poor me' bullshit on this board. i saw a welder post that he was proud of working hard and about 12 people jumped on him shitting on him. fuck you all. WORK HARD, REAP THE REWARDS. THATS ALL THERE IS.

I have my day in the sun because I earned it

btw go to the gym and become huge retard ffs

>> No.50442128

just.... just complete BS. you do not earn that kind of money and based on your post I have decided to designate you a retard.

>> No.50442218

This I sacrificed 5+ years of my life just to barely get my foot in the door because I realized from an early age that banking/trading are some of the only jobs that don’t pay like shit here

>> No.50442234

>Hopefully Scotland independence comes soon and I can move there somehow and get cheap property
You do know Scotland wants to go even harder left/woke? You'll be living next to 1 million afghan "refugees" in your highland hovel

>> No.50442248

Where my civil service bros at?!?
>HEO position
>All I do is join Teams meetings and reply to emails
>Impossible to get fired after about a year in the CS
>Comfy (albeit increasingly shit) pension
Gov life best life

>> No.50442324

Tfw comfy civil service WFH job on 48k atm :)

Live in Scotland too so does pretty well

>> No.50442375

nice 28k salary in London

>> No.50442376

Based and public sector pilled!

>> No.50442390

45 akshuly but ok
SEO not worth the extra management BS

>> No.50442468

Once you get the taste it's hard to want to go private again :^)

maybe in the future if private salaries can far outweigh what I earn now for my field but I'm 27 with about 2 years experience in my current role and am probably not far off another promotion so it's pretty good atm