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50422962 No.50422962 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on GMX?

>> No.50423219

its meh both as a product and an investment in their token
inferior product compared to GNS overall
also 90% of it is staked in SSS... i dont see how they are paying people out other than minting tokens which people wont sell till there is a run on the LP becuase fees dont generate enough to justify its valuation
I am holding some and staking it but im like 80% GNS 20% GMX
(for my leveraged DEX plays)

>> No.50423347

Best defi coin right now

Shut the fuck up gns shill and kys

>> No.50423477


>> No.50423571

Based, biz was and always is a GNS board.
GMXtards can go back to crying on their TG why this board doesn’t shill their shit project

>> No.50423999

Let's see.
GFARM/GNS started in Jan 2021, GMX started around the same time (GNS started 1-2 months earlier btw).

In that same span of time:
- GMX has implemented partial TP (GNS discussed this since Aug 2021, still no implementation).
- GMX has already gone into multi-chain (GNS is still stuck in one chain, citing no resource for that for now).
- GMX has implemented single staking (GNS is still implementing).
- GMX has 10-20x daily volume more than GNS.
- GNS UI is buggy (trades periodically disappear, need backend to be restarted lmao).

All in all, GNS is just too slow. The team feels... too amateurish, and seems oblivious to what traders need (Seb said trading competition in bear market is worthless(lol !?) meanwhile if you're in any TG trading group, nowadays many CEX are heavily doing trading competition).

I still have GNS bag (just for diversification), but clearly GNS is losing hard.
My biggest bag is in GMX, then SNX, then Premia, GNS bag is the smallest.

>> No.50424503

The focus has been different. GMX has only 5 pairs to trade, which is garbage tier. Meanwhile GNS has stocks, forex, and more crypto pairs.

So while GMX has worked on those Minot features, Seb has worked on platform architecture to support the most pairs. Now GMX is copying that, not sure how that's better.

>> No.50424673

All I know is that Arthur Hayes shills GMX

>> No.50424723

This is such cope

>Now GMX is copying that, not sure how that's better.
Copying what? What did GNS invent? lmao

>> No.50425072

Single DAI vault that takes on PnL of trades access all pairs. GMX is copying this almost exactly with the GLD synthetics update. GNS was the first to build and implement this architecture

Contrasted to GMXs LP structure which had underlying assets in each tradable pair, which means they couldn't use it for stocks or forex and they couldn't put shitcoins in it.

>> No.50425163

>Single DAI vault that takes on PnL of trades access all pairs
Single pool of money to trade synthetic assets is nothing new. It's called contract for differences (CFD) in tradfi.

google it, or at least learn about the project you're invested lol.

>> No.50425687

Ok? That's like saying ledger accounting has been around for centuries and Bitcoin is nothing new.

GNS was the first protocol to implement CFDs in decentralized derivatives trading and now GMX is following suit because they realize their liquidity system is inferior.

My point is that GNS is not behind, they have instead focused on developing the architecture to host the most pairs possible. All the other features you mentioned are tertiary and will be launched in the future. They are not as important as the architecture.

>> No.50426185

>Ok? That's like saying ledger accounting has been around for centuries and Bitcoin is nothing new.
That's the whole point lmao, just because gns is 'somehow' the first to implement CFD on blockchain then they can shit on GMX thread? Some cope there.

With your logic:
- GMX is the first to implement single staking on a trading platform, so GNS is copying them because they are implementing single staking.
- GMX is the first to implement multi-chain for a trading platform, so GNS is copying them because they want to go multi-chain.
- GMX is the first to implement partial TP for a DEX platform, so GNS is copying them because they want to implement partial TP.

See how retarded that copying claims are?

Here is the fact:
1. GNS volume is 1/10x of GMX, while Matic has 1000x users, 100x volume, compared to Arbitrum.
2. GNS hasn't implemented the things I mentioned earlier (partial TP, etc).
3. GNS has zero visibility on twitter, shit marketing.

All you have is just excuse, excuse, excuse.

>> No.50426227

ITT faggots arguing over some of the first ever DEFI leverage platforms in existence not realizing both can succeed and make their holders millionaires

>> No.50426352

Based af app, probably one of the best ones I've ever used

>> No.50426454

No shit, that's why I hold both. But to say GNS is TEH BEST is just delusional at this point.

It's just so funny to see how GNS maxis are soo fast at shitting GMX. Meanwhile on TG, GMX is not even aware of GNS existence lmao (except when that midgetwhale guy comes into GMX TG and shitposts there occasionally).

>> No.50426504

I'm a GNS maxi and I realize both can succeed. I just like GNS at the moment due to it's lower mcap valuation. Who cares about what a few degens say on telegram?

>> No.50426657

You are strawmaning my comments, I truly don't give a fuck who made what first, I think competition is good for both the protocol. Arguing otherwise is low IQ.

Back to the original comment, my point is that GNS devs haven't just been sitting around doing nothing, they have been implementing a superior architecture system, this involved a lot of trial and error and adjustments to get right. Particularly through the Luna fiasco.

GMX implementing this same architecture just proves it's superior.

I am not retarded, clearly GMX has features that are great and that GNS will implement as well.

>> No.50427049

Stop being disingenuous, Tano, you fat fuck.
GMXtards were going gaga when LUNA shorts fucked the DAI value making fun of allowing shitcoins to trade and now you want to trade shitcoins. We all saw how you twats got your panties in a bunch when Lunaman said GMX was copying us. So much for “not even aware of GNS existence”
Fucking nigger.

>> No.50427220

I'm not tano, and not every poster is tano lmao. Have you ever considered GMX with 3x of GNS userbase has more... holders?

>GMX thread, but full of GNS baggies getting triggered

>Lunaman said GMX was copying us
See how petty GNS team is?

>> No.50427234

cringe baby leverage

>> No.50427299

Your Reddit spacing is very obvious, man. Give it a rest. You have a million dollars, twat.

>> No.50427323

>Lunaman said GMX was copying us
>waaah waaah everyone else is so fucking stupid. We're teh best why nobody accept us! why nobody buy our bag waaah
You seriously need better people managing GNS if this is the best "strategist" on the team came up with

>> No.50427359

Isn’t it interesting that you move goalposts and mention us when I gave a clear example of cringe posting about us in your special TG group?

>> No.50427379

>You have a million dollars, twat.
Say that to GNS whales, I heard azr cashed out almost $500k selling all his GNS bag. Also, midget sold almost $500k on this price bump.

Even your whales are getting rid of their GNS bags lol

>> No.50427394

Double (You)s just making it more obvious that it’s you, kek. Stick to twitter, big boy manchild.

>> No.50427417

I forgot, what's your goalpost again? Like coming into GMX thread and shitting & getting triggered like a little person you are? lol

>> No.50427446

Haven’t seen Tano seeth like this in a long time. Clearly struck a nerve.
Like I said, Biz was and will always be a GNS board. You need to go back now. I can’t imagine being as rich as you and still seething at anons on fucking biz on a Monday.

>> No.50427575

>seeth like this in a long time
lol, kettle meet pot.

Ah, forgot to add, maybe you should make your goalpost to pump your bag instead of cluttering other people's thread, at least make it look sexy.
From what I saw your bagholders are reeing every day in the past month in tg & discord lol

>> No.50427671

Are you not going to hide and pretend like you’re not Tano anymore? Also, no more (You)s if you continue the Reddit posting.
Stop confusing me with other poster. You’re the one moving goalposts. GNS and GMX both user base cry and cringe at each other, yet you act like it’s only one way. Get off your high horse, twat.
>b-b-bag holders
I don’t care, i bought at 150/gayfarm2

>> No.50427676

midget is such a nigger doing that shit at the height of the momentum he harmed the coin big time after being such a shill.

>> No.50427887


>> No.50428092

Top 10 anime betrayals

>> No.50428939

I guess biz is full of GMX tards

>> No.50428955


Continue seething you idiots

>> No.50429085

also gmx is on arbitrum. not touching polyshit

>> No.50429530

>go to gns board
>find gns tards
mind blowing isn't it

>> No.50429654

I sold my GNS the latest whale movements are bullshit
They will likely sell the news once SSS releases with such pitiful rewards
GMX already mooned so I won't buy that even tho their development is faster and better

>> No.50429732

I'm considering swinging. The market cap on it's just too small to ignore. Idk.

>> No.50429835

Tano here.

The post above wasn't me you braindead incel piece of dogshit.


seethe and cope fuckers and you will more when I get rid of my bag you toxic fuckers.

>> No.50429903

I hold $80k in GNS that I bought back in May and I'm honestly considering selling it to buy into GMX instead. GNS is down SO fucking bad from earlier in the year and can't recover worth a shit, while at least GMX has held its own.

>> No.50430014

You care far too much about the opinions of others even on an anonymous image board.

>> No.50430203

Translated: I am going to sell my undervalued holding in GNS to buy a holding in already pumped GMX.

Are you retarded? Sell low buy high.

>> No.50430221

nigger I'm in profit on my GNS buy, but GMX would have been better, and never fell as much

>> No.50430257

no reason to use GMX over GNS. its GNS with way less pairs to trade. dydx is better for longer term trades because the rollover fee is way lower than gns and gmx. hoping gns lowers rollover fees because i like it more than dydx and dydx bans certain countries

>> No.50430259

I rofled at this, thank you.

>> No.50430284

u guys literally have like 4 trading pairs lmao

>> No.50430291

You're retarded, literally
Did you not read what I said (I switched to my phone, I'm the first comment)
Gnx is all staked and it makes no real revenue
Please compare
Revenue / market cap
for both, then get back to me
If anything your arguments show gns is undervalued

>> No.50430383

That's why it has more volume
When gns gets to arbirtum alot of volume will switch from gmx to gns as gns is a superior trading experience

Also no one has mentioned how if gmx stakes were to sell their rewards the protocol would crash (unlike gns)

>> No.50430399
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Make it and sui stacks for GMX?

>> No.50431106


>makes stuff up

“gaaais why do u keep bashing me?”

>> No.50431591

probably only has a 10-20x in it by end of next bull run
this is compared to GNS which has a 100x
After seeing this thread I will closely watch GMX and if i feel they compied GNS well enough and their product is actually better then GNS I will buy a bag.
however GNS is a clearly superior product without the ponzinomics that GMX relies on for huge valuation
I will watch GMX if i feel it is ever an equal product or better than GNS i will adjust my portfolio for my leveraged trading dex exposure from 80% GNS / 20% GMX to favor GMX slightly more

>> No.50431983

spoon feed me on GMX volume, revenue, fee, and P/N stats
GNS has bunch of dune analytic portals dedicated for it
the link on the top banner of both their network / docs website along with the platform itself
> pls lmk what I made up 1 pbtid GMX shill

>> No.50432412

Wow what an absolute fucking dumpster fire of a thread. Came in to talk about GMX, find a shitflinging match between a bunch of faggots who apparently all "know" each other from telegram lmao. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.50432471

I love GME, it's the way to go and I'll probably buy more. WAGMI frens.