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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50421572 No.50421572 [Reply] [Original]

Worst performing during the Great Bull Run
Still falls down 90%
Is there anything more pathetic than BAT?

>> No.50421661
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>> No.50421686

link performed worse

>> No.50421705

>Is there anything more pathetic than BAT?
The people who think BAT is lifechanging tech and will moon to infinity.

>> No.50421761

You'd be a fool to not accumulate cheapies of this gem at these levels.

>> No.50421771

It’s not life changing but it is an innovation to the ad industry and that coupled with a good browser with a large user base easily makes it one of the best cryptos worth owning. By the way you hold BAT.

>> No.50421803
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>> No.50422054

2 more weeks... just 2 more weeks...

>> No.50422098

If you’ve made it this far why not see this thing thru to the end. The wallet is superb, the browser is great, the team is fire, the supply is maxed out, the growth is substantial, more utility is being added, Eich is a proven winner. BAT is a ticking time bomb.

>> No.50422307
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this. trust the plan

>> No.50423066

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.50423151
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never understood batbros. why are you surprised. did you not even bother to read the whitepaper? and fuck jannies btw.

>> No.50423726

Never understood luna bros. DeFi meme is pretty burned out too.

>> No.50424710

1. The token name is retarded (Basic Attention Token kek)

2. We need to KYC to earn 50 cents a month

3. BAT can't be redeem to Brave Wallet

What were they thinking?

>> No.50424809
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too bad brave coin is just a scam and their piece of shit so called browser leaks webrtc data

>> No.50424830

Yeah the dogBAT coin.
Community has be reduced to a few pathetic trannys who do nothing but complain and talk about what they'd do with each other's cum.
Glad a sold it all for zha0ge

>> No.50424915

>Still falls down 90%
MATIC is up by 80%. nerds choosing the wrong godamn fucking investment.

>> No.50424990

Surely theres no value in consumer facing applications that have an addressable market of billions of users who spend 6 hours a day on average browsing. Theres absolutely no value there, not now, not ever

>> No.50425146

So many L2 competitors...

>> No.50425169

john you seriously need to get a fucking life this is just pathetic

>> No.50426341
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I feel like the BAT-bros are all demoralized after a month or so of hype, but for no apparent reason. There was no bearish news (aside from Afro-dao) that I'm aware of, right?

Other than the usual John Faggot bullshit anyway.

>> No.50426445

I would cum deep in her Jewish pussy

>> No.50426458

Five dollars per BAT when?

>> No.50426712

I’m just a little disappointed that they stopped running JRE ads and haven’t really began a big marketing push. I was also kinda hoping there would be another release or partnership or something. We were on a nice roll with wallet upgrades with solana, filecoin and near etc. Thought that search ads and pay with BAT would happen soon. The way Jimmy talks on the calls sometimes makes me think we got a long way to go, but the ads buys are still coming in and the users keep going up so I’m not panicking.

>> No.50427582

I think we have a long way to go for product market fit. The point when there are so many advertisers for different search keywords that the average high school kid makes $25 a month. In the meantime let's hope utility is the theme for the next bull market.

>> No.50428414
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I don't get the hype either. I'm just collecting the ad rewards to swap for other investments. PMs being the main one.

>> No.50428479
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Reminder! :)

>> No.50428509

>other's success in dog coins

>> No.50428513
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>I disagree

>> No.50428839

>The way Jimmy talks on the calls sometimes makes me think we got a long way to go
the way this cock sucking faggot talks makes me think that they havent even begun to think about beginning search ads, or anything else of substance. i cant fucking stand listening to this fucking faggot talk hes so complacent about everything, like dude its been how many years and you still havent dont shit

>> No.50428868

The platform & company are valuable, but that doesn't translate to token price. Tell me when Brave does a public stock offering, and I'll go all in.

Whitepaper argues for the long-term price stability of BAT, Eich himself said BAT is meant to be stable, it's designed to be a crab coin.

There was no apparent reason for the hype cycle either. Down in the market, "bear market gainer" narrative was artificial, so it petered out.

>> No.50428901

>I’m just a little disappointed that they stopped running JRE ads
That was the equivalent of giving a thirsty man a cool drink of water, and then taking it away the second water touched his lips for the first time.

>> No.50429103
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As a followup, Eich says repeatedly Brave wants the price of BAT to be as stable as possible.

>> No.50429178

The best marketing ever for Brave would be the token increasing in price

>> No.50429244

Well, they've gained 62 million users without the price being all that important. It doesn't really affect their prospects for long-term growth or profitability.

>> No.50429359

> It's designed to be a crab coin.

BAT was at $1.9 a few months ago

You are retarded

>> No.50429846

You're correct in a way, the actual volatility of BAT is higher than ETH or BTC, so they failed in it being less volatile. That might change as they get more users. In either case price isn't their priority, and wicking to $1.90 over a couple days after 4 years of nothing is pretty crabby for crypto.

>> No.50431448

Someone in threads had suggested there’s a bureaucracy problem at Brave. Maybe Jimmy is growing increasingly frustrated with the chain of command. I think he’s got some good ideas, but Luke doesn’t mind being the squeaky wheel and maybe Jimmy is too afraid break rank. Brendan should just call everyone back to the office. Fuck this work from home bullshit. It’s ruining peoples job performance

>> No.50431917

I've had covid for 6 months now and it still beats holding BAT all this time.

>> No.50432651

You don't have long covid. You're just fat.

>> No.50434024

if he wanted a stable price why would they fix supply at 1.5 billion?

>> No.50434164

In the BAT whitepaper they say price gets dominated by velocity with more users, and velocity suppresses the price. High enough velocity & fixed supply isn't as much of a factor.

>> No.50434319

I hope you’re right. I’d love to see the price of BAT pamp and hold its position while I watch nonbatties cower for eternity when the market crashes and I buy up all their assets for pennies on the dollar

>> No.50434376

You misunderstand, more users means higher velocity means lower price. It's offset by more stuff being bought with BAT, but together those two mean the price is stable, crabs.
pages 32-34:

>> No.50434757

It means neither of those. All it means is that with more use its subjected to less volatile swings. You have to think of the context in which it was written. A $30k market buy back then would cause like 3% slippage. More users just means more evenly distributed liquidity thus less volatility. It has nothing to do with becoming a stablecoin or crabbing.

>> No.50434778

not selling my bat, treating it like a pet rock. get fucked faggot.

>> No.50434836

think about it logically, why the FUCK would anyone want this retarded coin that pays people .001 cents to watch jewish advertisements. Best bet if you're bagholding is to just cut your losses and put whatever you have left into something that actually has potential.

>> No.50434896
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They say long term price stability, not short term swings, that investors & speculators (biz) will become less important.

>> No.50434968
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reminder this has to break 45¢ convincingly if we want to get out of this crab range

>> No.50435175

Just bought 5k more. Love me some cheapies.

>> No.50435197

it's literally free money, why are you complaining?

>> No.50435293

It says right there that the models are imprecise. At the time the whitepaper was written, bitcoin was one of the virtual currencies they were referring to. The price at that point was pretty stable. The thesis ended up getting turned on its head. Not sure why everyone goes to this snippet of the whitepaper when the main thesis is that ultimately utility eventually sets the standard for valuation rather than speculation. Basically what they are saying is that eventually you see something like coca-cola instead of tesla. We aren't in either category currently. Not enough ad buys and not enough speculation.

>> No.50435311

Wait so BAT is a fucking stablecoin? I think I made a huge mistake

>> No.50435485
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>> No.50435573

It needs to pump hard. The sell bots are out in full force. The AI’s are not happy about this pump

>> No.50435743
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I don't get it, and Google image search has let me down.

>> No.50437868

Bear markets not over. Nice little dead cat bounce for all these shitcoins that are about to slide even harder. BAT will probably climb a few ranks in the coming weeks.

>> No.50438025
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I'll buy some more if we get back down near 30. I'll buy a gigafucktonne if we get to 20

>> No.50438282

People at Brave have a lot of BAT

Of course they want this token to moon

They are working hard to get rich

>> No.50438308
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>pick one

>> No.50438316

> More users means higher velocity means lower price.

So, if Brave reaches 1 billion users one day, you think BAT would go even lower?

This is the most retarded post I have read on /biz


>> No.50438345

Can you read?
>it's offset by more stuff being bought with BAT
>together those two mean the price is stable
Just read the whitepaper. It's not hard.

>> No.50438427

Just use your brain. It's not hard.

Do you really think BAT would be a $0.40 stable coin if Brave reaches 1 billion users?

>> No.50438456

>he's still speculating on BAT
Bro. Brave, Uphold, and BAT are all just stepping stones to buy XRP legally.
You get free BAT from clicking boxes, and you dump it in XRP.

Alternatively, you could wait for XRP to moon (which it will) and ride along with it. The value of BAT always moves with XRP.

It's clear as day.

>> No.50438469

Of course not, it'd be a $2 stablecoin with a billion users. You have to give them some credit.

>> No.50438531


You said just a few posts back:

> More users means higher velocity means lower price.

Why would the price increase to $2 then?

You are a retarded fudder.

>> No.50438595

Since you are incapable of reading their own whitepaper, I'll do it for you:

Price of BAT = quantity of services purchased / (BAT supply * velocity)
Higher velocity (volume/mcap ratio) decreases the exchange rate
For Brave, this comes with more users, so the increase in velocity is offset by increased quantity of services purchased with BAT.
The end result, as I and the whitepaper say is "the price is stable", long-term price stability is their predicted outcome. Whether BAT is $0.10 or $100, it has little effect on Brave's profitability, which comes from advertising revenue.

>> No.50438644

>mfw held BAT for 2 years and sold at $0.47
BAT is the perfect coin for 2017 oldfag cucks like myself who still think utility matters in crypto. It is almost certainly one of the most used tokens for its intended purpose and yet no price action. BAT and VIDT proved that crypto is a meme and always will be

>> No.50440587

It's a stable coin "whether BAT is $0.10 or $100"

kek kek kek

>> No.50440597

Yes, you.

>> No.50440906

That’s the right idea kiddo. I’ll do the same. Kinda hoping we have one more big crash but it seems everyone knows the Fed is bunch of pivoting pussies and the dollar is approaching its last days

>> No.50443388

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.50443789

Do batbros sleep in all day or they all on the west coast? It’s way past pajeet time. Why are these threads always dead on EST AM time?

>> No.50445462

they probably cuck with real jobs n shit

>> No.50445666
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Can confirm. Wagecuck for a lawfirm, 70 hours a week, Socal.

>> No.50446034

I’m up at 5:30am EST currently prepping for a skilled wage cuck job ATM in case I start running dry do to inflation and WEF policies. I’ve successfully ducked a normie 9-5 for years, but I’m honestly afraid Klaus is gonna rugpull humanity so I gotta be ready for anything.

>> No.50446328
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From the Bravecraft server

>> No.50446364

Shorting any currency that has a minecraft server sounds like a winning strategy to me.

>> No.50446371
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whitelisted, go to the BAT discord if you want to join

>> No.50446432

Holy cringe

>> No.50446571

>no self serve
>no themis
>no api
>tipping is broken
>accounts constantly flagged
>token not needed
but they have minecraft, lmao

>> No.50447247

Is this somehow connected to the coming SAND integration I keep hearing about?

>> No.50447692
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So this was an accurate representation after all? Bearish that you guys are all soi faggots
Who needs all that? We have HECKIN MINECRAFT

>> No.50448203


>> No.50449874

Community call at 2pm today

>> No.50450000

im going to repeatedly scream luke is a nigger

>> No.50450014

CHECKED and KEK'D. Now you have to do it.

>> No.50450336

If we could just get past the sell wall at .44 we’d shoot right up to .50 no problem. Can someone here just spoof a huge buy order so we can ignite some FOMO?

>> No.50451007
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Nigger meme ruined this coin. Simple as.

>> No.50451279

whats the link

>> No.50451307
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>> No.50451703

did Jan say search ads were coming in 2 weeks?

>> No.50451985


>> No.50452367

did they give a search ads ETA