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50419687 No.50419687 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a prog head but I think it's safe to say that there would be more innovations in the coming years. Do you think we would be way ahead or not?

>> No.50419704

Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?

>> No.50419716

holy uncanny valley batman!

>> No.50419727

-The euro will collapse, either because the ECB doesnt increase the base rate sufficiently, or it does and the PIGS collapse
-This will lead to a market of 500 million people flooding to safe alternative stores of value aka crypto
- btc cannot provide sufficient liquidity so people will use Nano, the people's currency
- my bags make me a millionaire
Trips confirm

>> No.50419801

I want to be in that mans pants.

>> No.50419815

In the next 3 years it may have being written off

>> No.50419823
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>safe alternative stores of value
>aka crypto

>> No.50419825

Hey! You are not allowed to show women on 4chan if it's not a botched tranny or a fat blob.

>> No.50419835

>Where do you see crypto in the next 3 years?
99% of defi will be on Ethereum rollups.

>> No.50419847

Are you a gay

>> No.50419976

well, the glory days of trannies and pudgy blondes are over

>> No.50419999

into the trash it goes

>> No.50420011

Clearly that is not a man

>> No.50420013

quads of truth

>> No.50420054


>> No.50420077


>> No.50420117

I don't think it is

>> No.50420137

Gamestopnft makes crypto main stream.

>> No.50420142

Norwood III

>> No.50420488

I don't see any innovation coming from gamefi, though. Only projects focused on blockchain do that.

>> No.50420506

a ton of consensus algorithms for blockchains these days. I can hardly keep up. ever heard of proof of honesty?

>> No.50420544

Even at that, with a quantum computer with a very high qubit, hack persist. Only quantum-resistant blockchain can resist these hacks

>> No.50420600

Crypto are still not mainstream enough for that. Failed economies use USD, it's been like that since the US have been the only superpower. Yuan might replace it one day considering the huge gold stockpiles they're currently building and their huge industrial assets, but not yet.

>> No.50420613

I prefer hybrid blockchains because I believe they are quite secure.

>> No.50420798

There are already a couple of them. I think Lox and Geeq are both hybrid blockchains.

>> No.50420830

Yeah they are. I think any investment in hybrid related blockchain right now is worthwhile

>> No.50420852

I don't think that is the only criterion for quantum resistance though.

>> No.50420938

So many features to look onto, but I appreciate that the framework also strengthens and supports security.

>> No.50420985

I think that's the major thrust of the blockchain. A BFT of over 99%, according to their whitepaper. I wouldn't get too excited though, let's see it live first.

>> No.50421222

That's the innovation we talking about, and yes, I discovered additional aspects to think about.

>> No.50421258

All the blockchains that have been built since the advent of crypto, what real-world problems have they solved?

>> No.50421310

The latter data storage is amazing. They are offering solutions that are so distinctive that no one would want to ignore it.

>> No.50421327

data storage you say? has there been any usage outside the area of crypto?

>> No.50421348
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Security, but you may not see it. If you care about privacy, welcome to the hub

>> No.50421458

question is, has blockchain security increased the security of other real-world projects?

>> No.50421676
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Don't you mean multichain anon? That makes more sense to me.

>> No.50421685

Yeah it has. I think hybrid blockchains have a lot more to offer

>> No.50421688

If it deals with data collection and sharing, yeah. I think they provide the best security and, some cases, don't require smart contracts.

>> No.50421722

We will see how that works out. I'm looking into projects with use cases outside the crypto space.

>> No.50421837

Data efficiency in blockchains seem to be getting better. Businesses will slurp this one.

>> No.50421902

Based, plus those that enables others to develop on them. Those dApps won't build themselves.

>> No.50421991

This works with PoH right anon? That tech might be too complicated for jeets to understand.

>> No.50422027

common with enterprise blockchain, and there are variety of applications for this.

>> No.50422117
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Like decentralised application? Give me one reason why I should listen to you desu. They are all vaporware.

>> No.50422243

Hybrid with blockchain data. Not sure what problems monero is solving. Seems they need to borrow some fundamentals from Geeq

>> No.50422270

Aside from decentralized applications. There are a whole lot of real-life applications for this and some chains are really pushing hard for this.

>> No.50422350

Privacy is getting oversaturated. Devs need to focus on something else. We saw that happen with nfts. I don't see a difference here.

>> No.50422424

Real life apps like what? If organisations can't interact with the blockchain through it, lose it.

>> No.50422620

I think it's not functional to the public yet but yeah it's possible anon if they can maintain on what's written on their book. Don't want to expect much.

>> No.50422778
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Never expect too much with new projects. Know when to exit.

>> No.50422926
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This is very uncommon. Do you know what is common with enterprise? to improve the company's operations. Some are investing heavily in this direction because of the level of efficiency blockchain technology brings to the table, which is way better as compared to conventional edi and the rest.

>> No.50422982

a lot of major companies and institutions are starting to join the crypto market so im pretty sure we’ll be seeing a lot of progress
Some companies like Google, IBM and UbiSoft are already working with some crypto entities likes HBAR foundation to ensure a spot for themselves in the Web3 realm

>> No.50422984

I don't expect much. I want a working product and yeah, it's not a new project. I think the real development from a real project will take so much time if you understand what I meant kek.

>> No.50422986

Real life use cases are just as important. evolution is coming and stagnant ones will be left behind.

>> No.50423077

Spoken like a chad. Time brings fundamentals to life.

>> No.50423119
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The future of crypto is utile. These NFT sideshows and anarcho-libertarian fantasies (of the government kind of just standing by as crypto replaces the USD) are just pipe dreams. The future of crypto isn't gambling or selling video game items for real world money. It's going to be in the backend. The projects that make money will be the ones used for the backend of big business. Amazon bootstrapped a web service business by selling books and tchotchkes. Google built an advertising empire off of a search algorithm. What consumers recognize in companies (e.g. buy dildos from Amazon; search furry scat bara porn on Google) are very far from what actually generates these corpo profits. Don't bet on what excites consumers. Watch the hands of big business if you really want to make money and prepare yourself for the maturity of the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.50423232

Charles cardono founder highlighted that blockchain tech will radically transform the future, creating better government services across the globe and making them interoperable with each other. I share the same sentiment with him.

>> No.50423298

Based quads of truth

>> No.50423301
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I'm just speaking the reality anon. People wants an easy money and get rekt easily. If they want to get involved in a real project, they need to fucking wait.

>> No.50423311

Talks without work does nothing anon. What are they selling? That's the question.

>> No.50423316

thin air

>> No.50423443

Who knows? Don't just conclude. Transparency can be achieved here.

>> No.50423544

Road to vaporware fuck. 5 years is too much

>> No.50423736

You can't call as 'vaporware' if the team is continuously building. You're rushing too much anon. Security is everything for me. If you want to rush, build your own project fucking moron.

>> No.50423873

When moon?

>> No.50423876

What Lox is introducing to the space is truly remarkable. The loopholes in the centralized blacklist will now be filled through their innovative act.

>> No.50423926

NFTs are not just jpegs any longer. It can now be used for real-life utilities like tracking lost or stolen mobile devices via Lox network. A whole lot can be done with NFTs.

>> No.50423945
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Security has always been a thing, but I doubt if the space is as secure as many retards claim.

>> No.50424175

Wait for how long pleb? Five years without a working product is same as not waiting at all.

>> No.50424232

ugly whore
fuck jannies

>> No.50424242

Wtf this poh, POW and POS are KING

>> No.50424259
File: 142 KB, 640x640, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the pic bt w
what u gonna do about it jannie?

>> No.50424331

I hope you find your way with the good one.

>> No.50424494

Don't get me wrong but POH is different poor guy because individual validator determines if the txs they receive are valid or not.

>> No.50424646



>> No.50424825

Yes going to keep DCA-ing into MATIC every single month. literally fucking crushing it compared to retarded "eth killers".

>> No.50424927

I still don't understand wtf you are talking

>> No.50425501
File: 334 KB, 600x900, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

User is in control of the final decision to rely or not on the truth of the blockchain themselves. Every txs are validated on the network. Security check security check bastard.

>> No.50425910

Too much hack issues lately

>> No.50426187

Yeah it secure from hacks and manipulation. I think the space is improving. We just need to be patient and trust the platform we're using.

>> No.50426671

Scammers all over the world

>> No.50426694


>> No.50426837

Too long

>> No.50427322

That's something we can't avoid but we definitely can prevent through their tech solution. It's just a matter of time anon.

>> No.50428261


>> No.50428865

Eth killer is radix

>> No.50428880

NFTs are already doing a lot and breaking into the world of sports with the likes of Binance set to launch their own sport NFTs in partnership with Cristiano Ronaldo.

>> No.50428947

shib qom doge etc shitcoins erased (rugged, closed, etc)
most altcoins dead only eth and perhaps sol or something like that remaining
btc goes underground, exclusively a niche techbro hobby where no more money can be made only used for transactions and such

>> No.50429476

You are dead

>> No.50429496

Yeah I but video games are a way bigger market. Games are bigger than the movie industry and professional sports combined.

>> No.50429603


It sucks really

I see crypto going mainstream and the metaverse would play a major role in that as can be seen in the world of sports with Manchester City building their digital stadium in the space with Sony.

>> No.50430011

Are you crazy

>> No.50430370


>> No.50431244


>> No.50432296
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I see a future where this fat chunky dog stomps all ATH's with a 1000x just like BTC

>> No.50432959

truly there are preventive measure to wallet and platform security

>> No.50433049

blockchain generally has proven to be functional with its impacts in solving real world problems

>> No.50433263

the fuck is this

>> No.50433380
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You're right anon. Good things take time. That's why I'm watching the growth of the sports metaverse which is showing good potential. Can't wait to see its progress in the next few years.

>> No.50433590

Crypto is sure to be the next big thing, and by next 3 years i'm seeing huge adoption due to the innovation of several projects.Ore network and Allianceblock be doing the most, but praying also.

>> No.50433844

I secure my wallets with ORE ID, i really do not have to worry about logging in or navigating through different wallets

>> No.50434028

the adoption will be massive and I'm fucking sure Allianceblock will standout.

>> No.50434292

Loads of advancements are coming in already, and i'm sure 3 years will be bigger, with more projects like Spool, which will maintain relevance even in bearish markets.

>> No.50434748

having a proper utility is how this will happen, like you mentioned, Spool has the right utility where users can benefit even in the bearish market.

>> No.50434806
