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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50418293 No.50418293 [Reply] [Original]

enjoy losing money

>> No.50418306


>> No.50418333

Not my problem
- Uncle Sam

>> No.50418371

It’s okay…he can have a $3000 max deduction (or whatever it is) for the rest of his life. The point of my post is to emphasize that taxes are not a scam

>> No.50418465

how does he have capital gains if he lost everything?

>> No.50418489

Retard sold at one point

>> No.50418491

u s a

>> No.50418502

Capital gains taxes in burgerland are absolutely retarded.

>> No.50418522

Seems fake. Taxes for last year should have been paid this April

>> No.50418552

How does one withdraw that large amount?
Wallets and exchanges have a cap around 10k-50k per day.
At least in Canada.
Haven't seen wire transfer from a long time.

>> No.50418592

none of this makes any sense

>> No.50418606

Those limits don't mean shit. You could always contact an exchange and withdraw all your money.

>> No.50418638

Shit didn't know you can do that
thanks N2GG4

>> No.50418675

if he didn't realize the loss by selling there is no loss

if I buy crypto A and I make $3m on it then I sell it all for crypto B which dumps 99.999% and I don't sell the loss I owe tax on the $3m capital gain

>> No.50418683

The only way he'd be underwater is if he stupidly signed up for the option the IRS gives to make payments on a lump owed and decided to let everything ride on LUNA in 2022.
Greed is a bitch.

>> No.50418699

tax extension if you file for one goes til mis oct

>> No.50418704

Australian financial year starts in july

>> No.50418963

My guess would be that this redditor transferred one crypto for another along the way, which is considered a taxable event in the US.

>> No.50419412

Imagine paying Jewish fees.

>> No.50419628

Crypto to crypto is considered a sell to dollars followed by a buy. It's retarded, but that's the way it is.

>> No.50419788
File: 181 KB, 768x768, 1648364963257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Monero.
Doesn't concern me.

>> No.50419954

It kinda makes sense since you cant do stock to stock without tax consequence either

>> No.50419985

Taxes are a scam, nigger. His 1.2mil capital gains is NOT counter as a loss, retard dumbass baboon so he still owes taxes on that despite losing everything the next year

>> No.50420005

Just dont report it. simple as

>> No.50420018

Play the game and get wrecked. I'm happy to see these parasites lose everything in clown world and it's all their fault.

>> No.50420021

He made a good trade and then made a shit decision to risk it all.
Taxes are not a scam.

>> No.50420023

LMFAO this faggot is a nocoiner
Go to reddit. Not here, faggot

>> No.50420034

They are a scam, you dumb nigger. Literally the whole point to taxes is to prevent people from obtaining good capital that could have been used to improve your life aka the point is to keep you in the slave system

>> No.50420068

So he sold something else at a profit and then put everything in Luna? He didn't set anything aside for his taxes? Didn't diversify anything?

Retard moment.

>> No.50420094
File: 57 KB, 1078x1015, over the hedge turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you didn't owe capital gains taxes on crypto unless you cashed out.

Why does he owe so much if he was just HODLing...?

>> No.50420101

Just declare bankruptcy and tell a judge you lost everything. Actually cry and don't wear a Rolex and you'll be fine.

>> No.50420104

>He makes so little that he is held back by taxes
You're just outing yourself as a third world poorfag.
Enjoy your bottled water and incesm, nigger.

>> No.50420106
File: 77 KB, 334x1024, 1657871024231m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxes are not a scam
Sure thing, kike.

>> No.50420115

you realize gains on any crypto to crypto transaction

>> No.50420120

Most antifa are upper middle class to upper class that only got to where they are by mommy and daddies money.
Hilarious that Americans project so much.

>> No.50420125

>bottled water and incesm,
So Americans?

>> No.50420138

Yes like I said: Third world

>> No.50420220

Nice projecting, retarded motherfucker
>he makes so little
I literally made over 200k last year in capital gains, you stupid dumb retarded cum munching bootlicking low IQ down syndrome faggot
And yes taxes are a scam. Only low IQ lefties disagree

>> No.50420406

>Hes happy about 200k yearly
Lmao poorfag plz

>> No.50420416

Dumb retard bitch. I know you're a newfag with only 4 figs to your name
Taxes are a scam and you're an idiot for not seeing it

>> No.50420435

daytraders will be hanged

>> No.50420470

He sold in 2021 and never set aside money to pay the taxes and then went full retard and put all his gains, 8 figures worth judging by how much he owes, into one thing which got rug pulled so now he has no way to pay the previous years taxes

>> No.50420569


>make big gains in one year
>don’t pay taxes
>next year use all money to buy a mansion

Does a person owe taxes in this scenario? Because I’m the eyes of the government there is no difference between gambling on shitcoins and actually spending the money; you still owe

>> No.50420586

whats the Question then?
gun or poison?
in front of a train, or off a cliff?

>> No.50420634

Helium pod, of course.

>> No.50420677

doubt he can afford such luxuries anon.

>> No.50420681

According to the retard tax laws: you are taxed everytime money enters into your account. Not over the money you have left after buying your shit.

That is reserved for the jews or the ultra-wealthy

>> No.50420715

The IRS obviously has a couple of paid here.
Get back to work you bunch of fuckscum.

>> No.50420722

unfathomably based

>> No.50420795
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>Reporting you crypto to the tax man
You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.50420860

No he probably just went from a crypto to another. Never saw an actual dollar in his account, total scam tax system as previously stated.

>> No.50420980

Nice projection

>> No.50421070

>that taxes are not a scam
>saying this on /biz/
fuck off back to red-dit

>> No.50421105

Can't Americans just do that rollover election thing where you buy another asset?

Or is that only for real estate?

>> No.50421108

thats literally every single member of antifa. you also see homeless methheads grouped in during the protests but they just want to set shit on fire. Anyone actually espousing antifa bullshit ALWAYS has a trust fund and their parents didn't love them

>> No.50421526

taxes are a scam
so is fiat

>> No.50421652

>pays goym tax
good goy, how could i be a NEET without you

>> No.50421674

get a load of this goy lmao

>> No.50421703

taxes have a calendar year cutoff.
>make $1M in capital gains at 11:59 PM 12/31/2021.
>lose it all 12:01 AM 01/01/2022.
you still owe taxes on that $1M in capital gains.

>> No.50424055

In some countries you can, sort of.
Sweden for example have a certain type of trading account where you are not taxed on selling, instead the account is flat-rate taxed on its value plus any deposits (around 1-2% per year)

>> No.50424130

I don't get it. Just sell the losing asset then immediately buy it back to realize the loss. Now you owe nothing.

>> No.50424346

Worst case is he gets his wages garnished. Big deal. Just make it back in the next bullrun.

>> No.50424774

kek based degenerate

>> No.50424821

Imagine? Imagine reporting crypto to the IRS. They only know what you tell them about. Really take a second and imagine doing this

>> No.50426477
File: 210 KB, 593x635, 1593732976113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owed 15k taxes after wiping out all my gains.

i didnt trade out my losses on time by EOY last year.

>> No.50427733

that and tax years
if you sell and make $3M in 2021, and lose it all in 2022, without enough to pay the taxes, it doesn't matter to IRS kikes- you still owe taxes on that a $3M from 2021

>> No.50427933
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Pepe_Cigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here I give FREE tax advise.
IF you are going to gamble in crypto do it within a Roth IRA.
Gains are NOT taxed.
The limiting factor is the amount of money ($6000 in 2022) you are allowed to add to a Roth IRA each year.
***BUT*** if you got lucky and saw a 100X increase, you would have $600,000 TAX free dollars.

>> No.50429911

I pay my 5% VAT every time I purchase something from the US.
No corporate, personal income and capital gains taxes in Dubai tho

>> No.50430155

making money is illegal, taxes are euphemisms for fines

>> No.50430171

the people who cant read your sarcasm are idiots. I laughed

>> No.50430292

Why dont people set aside the money they owe the gov? You can still make interest on it til you have to pay it, in a non risk way. Seems foolish.

>> No.50430319

doesnt apply to taxes and government student loans. govt has guns and you dont

>> No.50430616

Maybe in your shit hole of a country, lol

>> No.50430958

How can he owe 1.2M in capital gains if he didn't sell? It makes no sense.

>> No.50430990

Who are we parasitizing off, pray tell, in a voluntary exchange between two people? Fundamental misunderstanding of reality like this this is why every communism becomes no real communism the moment it is attempted.

>> No.50430991

You absolutely can wipe tax debt unless it was from fraud. I did it.

>> No.50431019

can't he just accumulate interest on taxes owed for 2021 until he does his 2022 return then carry back the loss

>> No.50431049
File: 21 KB, 640x628, 1656708413213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes perfect sense. If you cash your money out, you still made that money. It doesn't matter if you cashed it out and spent it all on a Ferrari you crashed the next day. You should still owe the taxes. It isn't the government or society's responsibility to babysit you and make sure you set aside enough to pay the taxes you owe.

>> No.50431195

wat r these taxes u speak of

>> No.50431375

back in the days people did try the 1031 exchange for bitcoin, but gov squashed that. traders that know what they’re doing will use a deferred sales trust, or something like that to protect capital from taxes.

>> No.50431389

That redditor is basically an honorary /biz/ anon.
>buy high
>sell low
>owe millions to the tax-man

>> No.50431764

its society's fault for coercing me into giving them my money in the first place, you fucking entitled cunt

>> No.50432800
File: 62 KB, 956x960, Crypto_McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its society's fault for coercing me into giving them my money in the first place, you fucking entitled cunt

The fat person blames their obesity on McDonald's for making their fries taste so good!