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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50412232 No.50412232 [Reply] [Original]

Please read this: https://cryptos.blue/avalanche/1548507634302496775/

I think we already all agree that Avalanche is based tech, but the native token seems unironically kinda fucked and that Medium post kinda confirms what I was already thinking.

Subnets do fuckall to the value of AVAX, they're even detrimental to it because they literally stop a fat chunk of burn in favor of their own subnet native shitcoin. The "but subnets need validators" thing also seems kinda wrong because you can unironically just get 1-3 validators and call it a day.

What do you think?

>> No.50412329

Should have lurked, would have saved you from buying a vc controlled shitskin roach token that double spends.

>> No.50412438

OP that's the midwit take on things, Which's why AVAX haven't taken off already:
>In Avalanche the notion of primary network exist, Meaning AVAX get its value in the same manner ETH/ADA/BSC etc does in addition to value Subnets bring (See points below), So it's not either/or but additional use case for AVAX. In Avalanche the primary network is already the third most profitable protocol in the last 180 days, Even more than BTC
>Every subnets need to secure multiple validators, thousands/millions (depends on the size of the application) of AVAX per subnet which'll cause liquidity crisis long term
>AVAX will be used for moving across subnets
>Rollups will inevitable search for the fastest settlement layer that's also decentralised, Avalanche consensus will make the C-Chain *by far* the best option to deploy on for many use cases that doesn't make sense on chains which have longest chain rule versus true finality, Meaning Rollups on Avalanche could become more popular than on Ethereum long term, Much, Much more popular if Subnets take off and the protocol further decentralise itself
>Subnets will need to lock millions of $ in AMMs to provide liquidity
>General use cases subnets are probably going to be the most popular subnets, These subnets will use AVAX for gas and do probably tens of millions of txs per day
>Many subnets, especially those who care about decentralisation, will use AVAX as gas token because it's far easier to incentivise validators with AVAX instead of unattractive native token they use for their dapp
>Even if they use their own native token, Avalanche validators can and probably will demand payment in AVAX so those subnets will need to buy AVAX in order to incentive them
>Validating subnets will possibly be a cheat code to financial freedom, Imagine how many people will surge to buy a validators if it proves to be as profitable as it sound in theory.. We'll have to wait and see.

>> No.50412517

Also important thing to note is that Subnets activity doesn't need to be high in order for AVAX to keep a very strong burning rate. For example, AVAX burned at rate of 7M AVAX per year due to a single crab game(!), Long term even 1% of Subnets aggerate gas fees will cause deflationary pressure, But like i said above, Many dapps, The primary network and general use case subnets will use AVAX as gas tokens, as well as cross subnets txs and Rollups, You can bet on much higher use of AVAX across the network than 1%, Possibly 20-50% in a potentially 1B+ daily txs network.

Trust me, The burning rate is the least of your concerns, Emin is correct about it although i would like Avalanche team to try to defend their product better because they really have a good defence..

>> No.50412585



>> No.50413202

>try to defend their product better
they are too busy doing promos and learned that lesson from fighting with literal whos on twitter.

>> No.50413254

> Avalanche based tech
It's eth with extra steps, they borrowed the subnet concept from ICP so i'll give em that but lacking a team of 300 engineers it's hard to pull anything relevant off

>> No.50413278

Exactly. We got too many reddit tourists when people are unironically shilling a roach token

>> No.50413311

kys mustafa

>> No.50413336

If was going to pick a vc scam it would be either near or sol. Everything else is dogshit in comparison and neither of them are even finished yet. Avax does have a lot of jew money flowing into it though.

>> No.50413481

it's what icp is failing to strive to achieve. you guys are lunatics.

>> No.50413957

>>Believes Jewish gold is flowing in to it.
>>Still doesn't buy in.
Stay poor you fucking idiot.

>> No.50414510

Why would anyone give a shit about this turk scam
>inb4 pajeet matic is a scam
NO, just no.

Avax had its pump it will now bleed to nothing because it doesnt hold any value, nobody uses or used avax except for ponzis like time or wonderland one of those ACTUAL SCAMS. The chain isnt even cheaper then ethereum, the shills are literally everywhere and the ceos a annoying cuck. lets also not forget the cringe adverts on smelly nyc subways, the loads of bots on this board, etc etc

avax may pump again ngl but it wont be a pump based on tech etc rather a pump based on USD becoming worthless, just face it no one gives a shit about an expensive slow centralized turkchain like AVAX

>> No.50414934
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>Avax had its pump it will now bleed to nothing because it doesnt hold any value
and around 6 Billion marketcap.
>nobody uses or used avax except for ponzis
we got aave, curve, platypus, yeti finance, Trader Joe, Vector, Benqi, Yieldyak etc. pp. and more are coming. in total we have far more than 200 dapps.
thats where the $2.82 BILLION TVL still is and thats ONLY the C-Chain, in the future the top 100 coins will all belong to Avalanche Subnets.
>The chain isnt even cheaper then ethereum
a swap is 10 cents and the finality is SUB SECOND, thats cheaper and 10000x faster than Ethereum.

what can we conclude from this?
Avalanche is superior to whatever Ghostchain you are trying to shill here.
you can now proceed with your seethes and copes but it wont feed the village.

>> No.50415013
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>Subnets do fuckall to the value of AVAX
Every Node has to stake 2000 AVAX. a Node CANT validate ALL the subnets atg the same time so eventually you will be forced to run more than 1 Validator if you want to participate here. this means demand for AVAX goes UP which means token price goes up too. Staking ratio is already at around 58% and the rest is in DeFi.
>you can unironically just get 1-3 validators and call it a day.
there will be hundreds possibly thousands of Subnets.

its best to think about Subnets as "Blockchain as a Service". if you understand how SaaS changed the industry you can get an idea how "BaaS" will do the same.

>> No.50416380

based mb

>> No.50416975
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Hey nigger, I am holding AVAX and I am making money

>> No.50417061
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>you can unironically just get 1-3 validators and call it a day
nice low IQ take, nice of you to remind us that we are still early

>> No.50417247

>that webm
amazing 10/10, including the picture of Brendan Fraser with the short stack black chick is a nice touch

>> No.50417252

Right? Lol like saying L2 work just fine the way they are. No need to decentralize sequencers. Good look getting any real value on your network with 3 nodes.

>> No.50417324

Do you retards understand that the only thing needed to get this tvl is hit ctrl-c and ctrl-v? It's not organic value, it's the same fucking contracts

>> No.50417431
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>it's the same fucking contracts
running cheaper, faster, and more secure. c'mon anon, rub your two little brain cells together and think: why would people go out of their way to lock billions of dollars of value onto the c-chain's EVM if ethereum's EVM has the exact same contracts. It's not hard to figure out.
And maybe you are just being purposefully obtuse, but I'm just going to call you a mouth-breathing retard instead. Fucking retard.

>> No.50417577

Shill me on buying an avax node, how much is it, 10k?

>> No.50417889

Okay ser let's take the crypto brown pill, you see there's a Vishnu living on the block chain. Where Sandeep has mixed in his curry codes and btfo avax curry redeemers. No, he does not get blown out by 4chancels, and at this point in his life, he doesn't care about some random threats made by biz manlets. He comes from the alleys of Mumbai with a nefarious determination to be praised by the crypto world. People in his village only care about elderly people's acknowledgements, so he's decided to thrive in this crypto space and blow the fuck out of everyone.

>> No.50417945

Avax roaches will rope soon when icp will outperform it

>> No.50418102
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>oh no new subnet stole traffics from C-chain
It's like they don't understand the concept of horizontal scaling at all
Just pay HUGE gas fee to us and be happy

>> No.50418439
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>borrowed from Icy Pee
wow you really have dominics 4 inch cock all the way down your söylent structured esophagus faggot
for one to build a functioning product rather than just brainstorm whitepapers and peer reviewed niggershit is the difference between the thinker and the do-er
it's what actual innovation entails dumbfuck
It's like the retards that think they are the first to have a gorillion dollar idea that they refuse to share and they just need the le funding. newsflash, your idea isn't original in the slightest, and you will never act on anything.
now go do a flip faggot

>> No.50418492

I refuse to buy back in above $10

>> No.50419546
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Typical low iq streetshitter (you)
Attacking the attribute of the person, rather than addressing the substance of the argument.

>> No.50419610

I lost hundreds on this stupid piece of shit coin glad i didn't put more money in

>> No.50419721

You're not making 'money' unless you sell it for actual money that can be used for goods and services.

>> No.50419790

>Insane Clown Posse
>I See Pee
>Internet Computer

>> No.50419810
File: 116 KB, 1080x888, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TVL is a flawed metric because of fractional reserve L/B and usury.

You got AAVE, Curve, Platypus, Yeti. There literally over 10 chains siphoning liquidity from ETH through offchain third party bridges. Tell me what makes Avax special? There is are more than 10 chains that are EVM compatible.

Swap is 10 cents consistently? So this person on twitter complaining about $20 swaps is probably lying.

refute what I just said.

>> No.50419821

Attacking the attribute of the person, project, rather than addressing the substance of the argument. This is why /biz/ is dead.

>> No.50420214

He's a dummy to come down against over-collateralized lending. It gives ICP another use case when people can borrow against it, more use = more value.

>> No.50421120
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i have 180 of these roach coins. value in 2024?

>> No.50421214

Conflating inorganic tvl numbers for actual value and yet you call others retarded, you should look in a mirror little one

>> No.50421297

Swap price went down because the most gas guzzlers on C chain moved to their subnets retard

>> No.50421645

Taking away value for the Avax native coin.

>> No.50421668
File: 151 KB, 1893x707, 81DB6DA2-8489-4879-9A1C-F1D93984EBFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that time where AVAX paid shillers would shit on MATIC?

>> No.50421682

time to convert all my stash to matic

>> No.50421689

Oh no no, the absolue state of Avax Chads.

>> No.50421721

Shut the fuck up autist, go on and hold your chainlink bag

>> No.50421748
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>based tech
It's not even based tech

>> No.50421924

MATIC's tech is dogshit

>multiple re-orgs daily, often hundreds of blocks deep
>entire TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, of which team control 4/8
>20 min finality on ETH
>2 validators have enough stake to control and/or bring down the chain
>classical consensus - cannot scale validator set

>> No.50421986

Sell the news coming up see you back below soon, Disney chain.

>> No.50422036

Any to any smart contract calls are pointless. Bridging fees are miniscule at best. This guy is coping by arguing about semantics.

>> No.50422060

Dude was arguing about a networking term that has been around way before any blockchains.

>> No.50424169
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How are you making just by holding AVAX? Aside from staking, is there any other way? I also have LOX, BNB, and MOOV in my bag. please help a poor fag like me.