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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50415038 No.50415038 [Reply] [Original]

oooohhhh wagieeee

>> No.50415058

I just got done waging.
I'm so fucking hungry I don't know how the hell I'm gonna make it to the 29th when I get paid....
I can't keep eating peanut butter it's making me sick.

>> No.50415063


>> No.50415075

Jokes on you, I worked night shift during the weekend.

>> No.50415100
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shut the fuck up please just shut up man

>> No.50415115

Apply for food stamps dumb ass. Or go to a food pantry charity

>> No.50415145

>Go to a food pantry
I work nights...
Food stamps don't work for my barely above pay the state didn't adjust for inflation you gotta be making 9 or less for stamps here.

>> No.50415162

you will eat the bugs and be happy

>> No.50415223


You are never going to go anywhere with your slave mentality, real men make opportunities, not excuses

>> No.50415257

do goybase learn and earn free crypto, sell and withdraw and you have at least $25 to buy several boxes of mac and cheese

>> No.50415272

at least I think I got $25 from it, but either way you can buy rice and ketchup or something

>> No.50415282

I am at work right now

>> No.50415299

So want me to go call off work to get to a food pantry?
And want me to write legislation raising the wage for food stamps?
The first one is possible but if you knew my area you would know the meth heads depleted all charities around here, they stopped serving random people you must be a family now and register proof of income or they won't give you shit and it's a 2 month waiting list, I've tried them all after other /biz/raelies suggested it, not possible unless I got keedz n sheit.

>> No.50415307

About to leave my current job for another one. Hopefully next week.

>> No.50415319

I used those up ages ago.

>> No.50415360

>So want me to go call off work to get to a food pantry?
weekends exist

>And want me to write legislation raising the wage for food stamps?
Find a job that pays better, or under the table or move

All im saying anon, is that the system is retarded, if you put your mind to it, stop being a blackpilled defeated cuck and try, you can outsmart it, and you can thrive. genuinely.

t. make 200k a year (0$ on paper) and on foodstamps, unemployment and medicaid.

Thanks for paying for my groceries and healthcare with your wage taxes BTW.

>> No.50415372

>he didn't declare his $25 gains
Enjoy getting anal raped in jail bub. Just reported you to the IRS.

>> No.50415398

So you larp on a anime board and rugpull people and also make it harder for people like me with disabilities and physically maladies to not only receive help but also rub it in my face.
Classic go kys faggot.

>> No.50415402

>Three meals a day in prison
Problem solved

>> No.50415403
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Time to get back to the cage wagies I need to buy my next house for rentoids while I fuck hookers in Thailand

>> No.50415418

at least I have an income, unlike you poor fag.

>> No.50415423


>> No.50415433

again, you arent interested in actually helping yourself or changing your situation. it seems like you are more interested in finding others to blame for your misfourtune.

I genuinely hope you are able to find some decent food anon, and I also hope that you are able to dig yourself out of the hole you are in.
Good luck fren.

remember, no one will take pity on you, and no one will give you anything, you need to TAKE it.

>> No.50415443

lol, thanks

>> No.50415456

Shut the fuck up kiddo nobody listens to you in person, I'm not certainly going to listen to some faggot who openly degrades people struggling while simultaneously assuming everything about that person, and also making it harder for people like myself who need benefits to actually receive them, you have the honor and ranking of a dying meth head.

>> No.50415476

I correct that, at least meth heads are usually white, you're just a nigger.
And when you get caught defrauding the state I hope they realize you got money and fuck you hard
>t. they can and they will.

>> No.50415515

Go to a church and tell them your circumstances. They won't ask for anything in return.

>> No.50415528

>openly degrades people struggling
because I was just like you when I was younger, I wasted my time blaming everyone but myself for the situation i was in. Most everyone I know who is in a bad situation financially is there because of poor choices, nothing else.
Might be some projection on my part, but you remind me alot of myself.

Life is incredibly hard and painful for everyone, and nobody cares, so you either man the fuck up, take whats yours, or roll over and die.

even if you ignore everything I tell you, please just contemplate this one thing for me:
There are ways to earn money outside of what ((they)) tell you that are not that risky, figure out things you can be doing to get there every day, learn a new skill, start a side gig, something, anything is better than wallowing in misery.

this >>50415515 is a good idea, alot of churches will give out food. especially in poor areas.

>> No.50415533

Dude I stopped reading anything you wrote after your first post, if you want to waste your spastic energy please be my guest.

>> No.50415539

I work in a bar faggot, my weekend starts here

>> No.50415542

Good luck anon, I know you can make it.

>> No.50415564

> TL;DR bootstraps

homie needs food like today man, not a lecture

>> No.50415568

still waiting for you to post something of value instead of these shitty platitudes

>> No.50415576

>You are never going to go anywhere with your slave mentality, real men make opportunities, not excuses
>I hope you make it
This is schizophrenia /biz/ take notice, the only faggots who lurk here anymore are people like him.
I take it back, maybe you do need gibs afterall.

>> No.50415634

And yes I'm pissed.
I'm pissed I gave money to family and loved ones when I had it, only for them to spit on me and condemn me when I'm down.
I'm pissed I put in extremely hard work for an ex employer only for them to steal from me, fire me while I'm sick and injured from their job.

I'm pissed because I've done nothing but help people my entire life and I've never progressed, I'm pissed because I need help medically and can't afford it.
I'm pissed when I see niggers like you and niggers I work with making the same money as me and have perfect teeth, new cars, designer clothes and food stamps and health insurance.

I'm pissed I work harder than anyone I know and I've gotten nothing in return for it except multiple diseases that require surgery one after another.

I've never had a leg up in life not one single fucking day, and I gotta get lectured by some nigger who probably steals money and steals from the system and tells me literally nothing of substance in 7 posts.

Yes I'm beyond pissed and this isn't even scratching the surface.

>> No.50415653

See if you can sign up for cointiply and earn some crypto for watching ads + playing games (playtime its called).

You can leave the games running 24/7 on a spare phone if you have one. Once you hit a certain amount like $3 you can withdraw to whereever in btc or doge

>> No.50415656

Why don't you just buy a house?

>> No.50415683

post wallet faggot, ill buy you a cheeseburger. because ive been exactly where you are now.

like I said, life is bullshit. stop giving, start taking. (no i dont mean be a peice of shit and steal from people, though stealing from corperations and the gov is another story)

>> No.50415717

It's probably bait but I trust you, I'm venting more or less I'm highly pissed at life right now because I'm doing the honorable things and it's derailing faster than I can keep it together.
I just hear nothing but negative shit from everyone all the time while I keep a shitty smile on my face holding it back trying not to give into the temptations of this retarded world.
My anger comes from more than I can explain here, if you could see my brain you would instantly understand.

>> No.50415804

>I'm doing the honorable things and it's derailing faster than I can keep it together

I gave my brother the down payment for a house a few years ago, I ended up sleeping in my car because I didnt have anything left and he wouldnt even let me stay with him.

I dont know your situation, but in my experience, everything passes, good or bad. Keep up your hard work fren, one day you might get blessed, or one day you might get an opportunity to truly help yourself.
the only thing I was trying to tell you, is that if the world is fucking you left and right, why not fuck it back? Again, dont steal from people, aviod stealing at all if you can, but doing something like not declaring income and getting on food stamps wont hurt. (probbably not realisitic or the most helpful, but an idea)

seriously though, you got this, and I really do mean it, you will get through it some day.
I also really will buy you a borgar.

>> No.50415856

Pick up some random item on Facebook marketplace free or the Craigslist free section, then post it to 25 different Facebook groups offering to trade it for food. Say that you are hungry. Use normie buzzwords. Someone will fill your fridge up.

>> No.50415880

Only works if you’re brown

>> No.50415899

Well I am hungry.... I'd be kinda retarded to pass up food out of spite although the anger made me less hungry, so you weren't entirely wrong in doing it.
And I'm not really upset you get stamps or medicaid, I'm jealous because I've tried but I do now how to work the obamacare system I did it before for a prior surgery so I'll likely do that again they didn't give a shit.

You didn't say what wallet, I hate feeling like a god damn jeet asking now but like I said I can't let my pride rob me of literal nutrition I've done it before and it didn't help me either.
And I apoligoze for being a dick I'm just in a bad place mentally/emotionally and physically but doing my best to power through it, I got another job less than 3 weeks after being fired while I'm sick as fuck which is out of character for me, I usually fall into a deep depression but I knew if I allow it to consume me this time I'd probably seriously kill myself, It's embarrassing to even talk about because I'm on a tightrope one breeze away from being worse off than I've ever been in my entire life and I'm not a young man anymore I can't keep this cycle shit up anymore.

Family being shitty is the biggest bite, because I fell into a small windfall last year and instantly paid for everything for them and it wasn't cheap including giving them each a grand and I got rugged by the crypto market and my life hasn't been the same since to the point where I am now, and their short term memory kicked in and now they treat me like an outsider because I'm broke and it fucking hurts worse than anything else but not that I didn't expect it, they've never really been supportive of me even as a kid.

>> No.50415941

I worked all weekend and didnt even realize tomorrow is Monday

>> No.50415976

anything on coinbase works, btc, eth, usdc, sol etc.
If you post a kadena wallet ill give you a little extra.

>I apoligoze for being a dick
Dont worry anon, its an anonymous underwater scuba oragami website, 99% of the posts here are jeets, scammers, or people looking for (you)s.

this crash has really hurt, and must especially in your situation. Im sorry to hear your family is shitty too, at least you know not to give them money in the future.

all you need to do is hang on for a few years and I am hopefull that we will see another moon mission the likes of which has never been seen before.

>> No.50416022

I don't have a KDA unfortunately I don't know how to make one either but I got a CB eth wallet might look janky when it deposits but dude anything helps at this point literally got like 50 cents maybe 75 lol and I don't get my first check till the end of the month which is just making this final stretch to somewhat normalcy that much more difficult right now.

I won't be making the same mistakes I made in the past, and thanks man I don't know what to say besides you're definitely gonna make it if you can be friendly with me when I'm in this mood, I'm pretty much an asshole right now and you're just seeing my mental state on paper.

>> No.50416145
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on its way, sorry it isnt more, but should buy you a nice borgar or something, hope it can last till your next check or at least strech it out a bit.

WAGMI anon, never give up or give into despair.

>> No.50416181
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Thanks you anonbrother, it doesn't matter if it's 50 more cents, just being kind to me when I've been surrounded by nothing but negativity gives me hope and that's what I need more than anything.
Bless you man I mean it.

>> No.50416235


I have downloaded blender and Houdini and I am riding on the copium of finding furry whales to fund my bills from degenerate 3d porn

>> No.50416261

Thanks again anon, that helped me a lot more than you think I can stretch it pretty damn far.
You're definitely gonna make it.

>> No.50416271
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>it doesn't pay much, but at least it's honest

>> No.50416300

no problem fren, just do me one favor,
go take what is yours and keep your spirits high, even when it seems impossible.

>> No.50416324

I will fren, and believe me my mentality has changed drastically towards a lot of things, this job is to get to my next stage in life I'm far giving up even though by all rights I should have and most in my position would but I've put this much time into life I better reap my rewards eventually even if I have to take it.

This helps immensely, this time last year I would have never thought I'd be here.

>> No.50416453

>this job is to get to my next stage in life
Fuckin A right anon, you are not going to be stuck forever, I grantee that.

>> No.50416639
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I'll get there one day at a time, but you gave me more time and that I won't forget, thank you fren.

>> No.50416649
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Also just cause I wanted to post this.

>> No.50416662

mealworms on sale this week by me
>Biden has a plan

>> No.50416672

Weekly demoralization thread
Sunday night neetPosters never fail

>> No.50416734
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This was a re-moralizing thread for me buddy.