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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 436 KB, 1136x852, 5bb25aee1909070422377d75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50410553 No.50410553 [Reply] [Original]

In the next 1000 years the United States will morph into a subcontinent similar in demographics, material quality, and lifestyle inequality to places like India.

>population explosion leading to overcrowded continent of North America
>drastic changes in demographics such as IQ and Literacy rates, racially and ethnically heterogenous population.
>dangerous and inhospitable, cramped living conditions for the poor masses in city slums
and rural people being just as poor if not absolutely destitute and starving due to crumbling infrastructure and incompetency
>luxurious, walled off compounds and ivory towers for the elite mega rich
>1000 year history with many golden ages and dark times similar to the history of the Indian subcontinent.

How do we acquire as much prestige, wealth and power to make ourselves and our progeny the new maharajas and padishahs or kings and master kings of the masses of the slums.

>> No.50410585

By stacking LUNC

>> No.50410593

Large parts of US already are like India, heck we even have our own streetshitting hellhole in San Francisco. However I think US will end up a lot like hybrid between Brazil, Mexico, Haiti and South Africa. US will be a lot more violent compared to India.

>> No.50410598

>>population explosion leading to overcrowded continent of North America
LOL. Nobodys having kids anymore chud its going to become like japan

>> No.50410631



I drew some inspiration from these good documentaries.

There is something fascinating to me about the idea of being a a literal whale of wealth above a population of billions of poor people.

I want all of the masses to owe me rent basically.

How do we do this /biz/?


3rd world world

>what are mexicans and south americans.

>> No.50410642

The U.S. isn't turning into India, it's turning into Brazil.

>> No.50410702

Mexicans and south americans won't breed either if they are secularized and feminized. The United States black fertility is negative already, despite blacks having lower impulse control than both those groups.

>> No.50410712

I have also been looking at the megalopolis regions of the unites states to determine the best places I should acquire mass amounts of land.

Since I would already own these places, when population skyrockets and they build their hovels on my land they will all pay me rent and I will be rich and powerful and they will not be.

>> No.50410725
File: 43 KB, 593x360, Figura-9-Propuesta-de-Megalopolis-en-USA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot pic related

>> No.50410800
File: 1.58 MB, 2100x1275, z306ixghxoe61[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1 - become rich
Step 2 - acquire large portfolio of rural and suburban land in and near mega regions
Step 3 - become biggest baddest landlord on the block(continent)
Step 4 - Profit and Repeat

Step 5 - Descendants will become kings of the ages and rulers of the generations.

>> No.50410850
File: 77 KB, 1169x611, congo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave this board immediately your IQ is not high enough to be thinking about business and finance

>> No.50410890

This image is not in the USA stop trolling faggot.

>> No.50410959
File: 422 KB, 768x768, 1653438495108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be in a few years, at the rate things are going.

>> No.50410976

stack guns, ammo, ancient coins, wine and valuable skills

>> No.50411002

>In the next 1000 years
this number came from your ass

>> No.50411003

We are gonna start doing the needful

>> No.50411057

>government seizes your property because minorities need it more

>> No.50411118

this is absolutely in the future with the way things are going
why do you think they switched from "racial equality" to "racial equity" lol

>> No.50411185

>population explosion leading to overcrowded continent of North America
>The U.S. population grew at a slower rate in 2021 than in any other year since the founding of the nation, based on historical decennial censuses and annual population estimates.

>> No.50411191

the indians and those chinamen you see buying all of the real estate just tells you that they're richer than us. you dont see europeans do the move anymore. white people just made the anti technological breakthrough in government socialism in recent years. i end up just explicitly searching for "chinese ____" products on amazon, this is the economics board so maybe you'd understand my justification for that, simply they give better products for 30% less and you dont need to subscribe to previous brand dogma like "oh louis vitton sells polyester fabric but its louis vitton so its good.npc". think back to the british empire or dutch east india company, or previous america, white people had the advantage to colonize (if im using that word correctly as its used often to mean a bad thing but I dont mean that), but now its the east colonizing us, and the socialist governments justify that by calling it a white replacement or a classic socialist psychological phenomenon to destroy old family values or culture. but again seeing as how this is the more economical board youd see the profound consequences of socialism playing out as they are

>> No.50411708

Lol, I forgot about those statistics in Africa.

In reality though, being a a wealthy hierarch in Africa isn’t feasible anyway because of niggers.

At least shitskins in India, Asia, Latina America can maintain some semblance of society and have portions of the upper echelons of society that live like westerners do.

Africa will always just be Africa.