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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 512x512, Req.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5040278 No.5040278 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please tell me what is going on with REQ?

>Was going to buy yesterday at $0.16 but decided to wait until tomorrow
>wagecuck all day and come home to see it jump 50.00%

Why the massive jump? Colossus hasn't even been released yet. I'm hoping its just a pump built on the rumors of upcoming releases. I'm not trying to buy at ATH but the FOMO is hitting hard

>> No.5040317

Its got a working product coming out so the valuation is increasing relatively. What's not to understand?

>> No.5040323

Honestly im shocked this went up the news they released was terrible after it was hyped up. I would argue it was negative they were basically told to stop using ING etc. I sold off and will check back after the big correction.

>> No.5040336

It will correct a little bit in the coming days, but don’t keep putting it off, anon. Today’s ATH could be next weeks ATL

>> No.5040344

probably because not everyone is retarded and actually understands why ING removed themselves from REQ and doesn't think it's a big deal at all

>> No.5040363

Next weeks support floor*

>> No.5040434

You understand that the team IS supported by ING I hope? You understand that because of the law, INF can’t be stamped on a project that received ICO crowdfunding? You understand these simple things? The correction you’re looking for isn’t coming, new support levels are being healthily established after each pump. Good luck

>> No.5040459

I'm was planning on going in at $0.2 but depending on the projects progress i'll jump in closer to $0.25

>> No.5040461

I hope every single one of you "waiting for the correction" or attempting to time the market stays poor forever

im holding my 300k stack since 5 cents and not selling until im a millionaire, kill yourselves

>> No.5040491

why does biz only shill coins after it moons?

I'd stay away
something is fishy about this pnd

>> No.5040500

pump group paid pajeets for ico accounts

they are stuck in REQ now so they pump it with a volume bot and shill it hard af

fake reddit subs, fake orders and volume, fake interest

give it a few weeks and you will see less posts about REQ when they exit their position

>> No.5040524

lmao stay poor fag

>> No.5040525

you dumfuck REQ's been shilled since it was .04 cents

>> No.5040540


3/10, pretty creative but lacks depth

>> No.5040589

For all the risk-averse scared kids who look for every reason why a clearly good project will fail, this guy is the guy who gets all your money in the end.

Just know you get fucked by the chads everytime you fuckup and miss out on a coin like REQ. Get REQ or get REQT

>> No.5040618


If you bought 300k at 5 cents and now it's at 25 cents you're already a millionaire...

>> No.5040662

oh god

>> No.5040668

in India*

>> No.5040706

>why does biz only shill coins after it moons?

Bagholders who want out. I am like you, I am gonna keep out of this pumped scam coin

>> No.5040716

try again brainlet

>> No.5040746


Your the most jealous cunt ever. This was being shilled here since ICO, even in the dark days when it went half ICO price.

Yet you couldn't even bother researching and investing.

Stay poor.

>> No.5040757

Come on anon, wake up:

300K*0.05*5 = $75K

>> No.5040840


you sound mad

im making money off russian whales who fucked themselves what a time to be alive

anon asked why the premature moon and no one else has given him an answer that isn't a shill

i was in the ico eurofag and have been selling this shit at every peak pump

are you so dumb that you cant see past your emotional attachment?

jelousy is for bitches there is a moon mission every other day

>> No.5040888

obvious larp

>> No.5040914

will it go down under 18 cents? I'm stressing, I bought iota and went all in so I can make a profit. out of any time I fucking do it, iota has to crash so hard and at the same time REQ has to go up

>> No.5040924

>Why the massive jump?

People are getting positions for the real moon mission which is charted for later this week.

>> No.5040957
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>> No.5040981

It's because ETH decided to chill out and the fags who left came back and it pumped along with the freeloaders looking for their fix. It's going to go down again, so chill.

>> No.5040992

it will correct hard soon

>> No.5041004


>> No.5041054
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>> No.5041063

Once the dip happens I hope you flip floppers buy in and just hold. Learn your lesson.

>> No.5041065
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You're welcome

>> No.5041096

said the increasingly nervous man

>> No.5041101

yea im obviously larping for those (You)'s

faggot channers give me more replys please it helps my ego

>> No.5041123

we get it u like larp calm down

>> No.5041152

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.5041174

you can tell guy is hitting his vape so hard as he giggles at his retarded larp posts

>> No.5041194

What are the chances is comes back down to 1300? I sold the bear trap earlier today.

>> No.5041229

its almost like TA doesn't actually work

>> No.5041246
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>> No.5041430

Ok. How about "I sold the first large red candle I saw after a large pump." It's only a bear trap in hindsight. Now is it going back to 1300 or not?

>> No.5041470

Please make this one of biz official banners

>> No.5041515

will this shit ever go back up? I got too Jewish and sold my bags day trading before it mooned

>> No.5041542

back down* I mean

>> No.5041543
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Fuck my sides are killing me

>> No.5041546

what's this from?

>> No.5041996

weak hands like you deserve to get left behind, fuck off I hope you stay pooor

>> No.5042158

put me in the screencap

>> No.5042197

>o down under 18 cents? I'm stressing, I bought iota and went all in so
Maybe he interpreted as 300k worth at 5cents.

Still solid meme/10

>> No.5042237

I already have 17k but I just fomo'd back in for another 4k. God damn I'm probably going to regret this, but if it dips again I'll probably just drop in another .05 BTC.

>> No.5042643

Bought 3.7k at 14 cents. Thought I had more time to acumuhlate!

>> No.5043271

obvious whalepump. Literally nothing has changed since yesterday for it to justify doubling. I took profits at the peak. Not gonna sit around and get dumped on by some whale pajeet.

Bombs awayyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.5043280

put me in the screencap

>> No.5043391

The wale pump is real. You could see all today a pump followed by a huge buy wall 50 sats below what it was sitting at. Another pump, the wall gets removed and reset.

>> No.5043518
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Sold at 1350 yesterday because i thought the main pump was over

>> No.5044183

poor fag normie here.
I have 105 Req on Binance. If this shit moons and I wanted to sell, how do I do it with this site?

>> No.5044224

This is correct

>> No.5044268

I day traded just to build my stack up, whats wrong with a poorfag who genuinely believes in REQ and wants a fat bag for when it hits Jupiter?

>> No.5044348

I was in the same boat—bought IOTA near ATH. Just decided to take a small loss on my IOTA and buy REQ and it's already been turned around and I'm up.

>> No.5044364
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missed the big rally because I was waiting for coinbase to finally recognize my deposit

Is it too late? :(

>> No.5044374

what the fuck does this shitcoin do? what the value in this?

>> No.5044382

because it only recently got known by the masses. req is here to stay.

>> No.5044384
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>> No.5044413

smart money is buying more. sure, i'm certain there will be a 25% dump when the news hits, but christ, i'm so comfy.

>> No.5044433

I swing traded REQ from 9000 down to 4000. Lost more than 50%.

I really sucks at being a swing trader, I keep missing the selling time and buying time. I could just hold REQ for 1 month and make 500%.

>> No.5044439
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>> No.5044449

stop trading you suck

>> No.5044463

Same here did. No more swing trading for me

>> No.5044483
File: 15 KB, 342x345, 1507328268733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought below ICO
i'm riding this thing to a million
see you on Mars guys

>> No.5044492

how the hell did you manage that? i nearly doubled my stack. you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5044557

yeah it's over 25 cents now, sorry bro you missed the first fuck train. next one comes with the release of colossus in the next like 9 days or less. This is not a bad coin to go all in on as I've only been making money off it

>> No.5044667
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Yep, same thing.

Swing traded myself down from 300K to 270K REQ.

The market has shown me mercy because the USD value is still rising and I'm still up dollar-wise, but I've resolved to hold and not flinch like a day trading, jittery faggot.

>> No.5044762

because i decided to buy req on a whim literally seconds before it started pumping.

sorry anon, i'll let you know next time

>> No.5044867
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>> No.5044935

well well well looks like req is dumping

looks like I was right


>> No.5044947

It's a long term investment.

>> No.5045015

i'm not daytrading my req, friendo`

>> No.5045195

no balls

>> No.5045543

what the fuck why does this keep going up
who the fuck is buying at this price???

>> No.5045564


This price is a bargain

This will be at least $1 eoy

>> No.5045588

>new support levels are being healthily established after each pump
How can I tell this by looking at the chart? What should I look at?

>> No.5045621

Someone post the "artificial intelligence" graphic, I can't find it anywhere

>> No.5045957

30% retracement from a peak is typically where price will begin to recover unless its a particularly bear market