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50404535 No.50404535 [Reply] [Original]

Is 3 billion of these people bullish for the global economy?

>> No.50404541

What do you mean by 'these people'?

>> No.50404546

Niggers dummy.

>> No.50404580
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Bro it's bearish and not only for economy
IQ will fall, nobody will want to work again, those who will work won't have the brain to do anything meaningful, rapes murders and theft will be all other the place, the whole world will be nigged
I don't get how kikes would let that happen, I must be missing in their plan

>> No.50404583

Short answer: no
Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.50404589

Fucking phone

>> No.50404607

Absolutely, these people are the socio-economic future of Europe, I see engineers, doctors, scientists, leaders, businessmen etc.

>> No.50404705

When you talk about niggers one must make exception for the tribes that actually do have some minimal aptitude for civilisation like the Igbos from Nigeria who give high status to pursuits that lead to riches and status so elite igbo families sending children to white countries to become a doctor and so on.
However as a whole niggers will never be civilised.

>> No.50404710


>> No.50404738

40 years ago people thought chinks would never grow rich so who knows

But based on the current evidence there is little one can say in favor of their future
I wonder how people will think about them when they're still poor in 100 years, will they still blame colonialism? Or will everyone become race realist (Tbh I think most people outside of the west already are)

>> No.50404798

This, they're not people

>> No.50404823

So not people

>> No.50404841

Igbos are a meme. You're just seeing the top 1% who emigrate.

>> No.50404843

Their plan is they're either insulated enough to avoid the niggrification of earth or have private security (either whites or mestizos) to protect them. But the kikes aren't known for long-term planning so this will probably bite them in the ass.

>> No.50404953

Priced in an sheit

>> No.50404962

Fair enough.

>> No.50404990

It is naive to think we won't get some genocide action in the coming decades. Humanity has been all nice and dandy since we have had good economic times. With increasing global temperatures ruining Africa and other shitholes and the global capitalist system in what will possibly be a long downturn, will we go ape again?

There are too many mouths to feed. We are artificially keeping these mouth on life support in hopes of them improving. It is detrimental to humanity's progress. We import them and a lot don't assimilate, it is a net-loss. I'm not saying to go Adolf on them, because I think that will happen on its own. Let them fend for themselves. The best of them will thrive and the rest will die. I live in Europe and it is clown-world here. Germany just can't stop fucking Europe up. Two world war attempts and now they control Europe economically and politically, while being completely retarded on every front possible. Previously the UK managed to step in and reinstate control on the continent, but now if thing were to escalate I just can't imagine there being any action to do anything about it from anyone in Europe.

Will they let the nigger flood in when they come from Africa? Or will they see their doom.

>> No.50405004
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>> No.50405010

Scale the empire state building

>> No.50405014

Nobody is going to read that, Chud.

>> No.50405067

cope and sneed

>> No.50405084

>Is 3 billion of these people bullish for the global economy?
if they get western education they will do most of the non-specialized blue collar work.. these are probably first generation immigrants put to work without any training, remember most of these people live in stone/iron age settlements in Africa.. imagine dropping a cave men in Europe and asking him to vacuum clean an office, nigger doesn't even know what vacuum cleaning is.. first immigration will be rough to adapt, but their kids will have western education and be able to integrate well into society and once they are integrated they will make their parents lives way easier... it's the same with every new migrant group

>> No.50405170


Thats the theory politicians in EU have had for the past 50 years. Guess what, it's false. It does not work. One thing is having them as 10% of the population like in the US. (And thats a big issue, they riot in the streets). This 10% is after many, many years of supression and acclimatization of the american mindset. Even then the experiment has not gone particularly well. In Europe the imports are in majority or approaching it after only 50 years. They are still first generation and second generation, living in areas dominated by their culture, language and and worldview. One known observation is that immigrants to new countries often stay stuck in the ways of their country at the time of immigration. This makes them even more conservative. Europe is over in 20 years. The way of living will disappear and they will all fall into disarray when the countries go bankrupt and fail to provide the gibs they previously did.

>> No.50405172

>monkey escapes from zoo
>nigger confuses monkey for his uncle
many such cases

>> No.50405191

dont forget that the IQ difference between europeans and central africans is around 30 points. Its hard to make africans understand the basics of bricklaying

>> No.50405202

i might have lost my life savings to crypto but atleast god didnt make me a nigger

>> No.50405219

>40 years ago people thought chinks would never grow rich so who knows
But chinks didnt have half the planet doing everything for them. Niggers have zero motivation to learn, adapt, or grow.

>> No.50405385


Yes, this is the underlying problem of which all the issues stem from. You can't rush genetics in a couple of generations. They are breeding intelligence out of civilization. Jews in general have a very high IQ, maybe they think retards are easier to control. I do wonder how they will handle the african chimp outs though. And arabs in general hate jews, so this isn't good for Israel long term.

Can it be, they really are dumber than we think? Because jews can only exist in white civilizations. Arabs and blacks will lynch them if given the opportunity.

>> No.50405402


Chinks have a long history of civilization. Africans have not. Asia is doing really well and don't have to worry about niggerification. They will however experience an influx of whitey though.

>> No.50405758

Did they miss what happened during revolutions? Even in Sri Lanka 1-2 week ago?
Their private army of insect-fed, retarded half-negros won't protect them against hundreds of thousands of niggers with machetes who to dance in their pools

>> No.50405780

Ffs I must have some nigger blood, I literally can't type a post without forgetting words

>> No.50405856
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>> No.50406062

The most hilarious part is that white women are absolute whores that will open their legs for Jamal because its exotic and aggressive. The entire continent deserves to perish because of its whores t b h.

>> No.50406108
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At least they are working in that video and not shooting each other up, thats better than 90 percent of their race

>> No.50406375

China used to be one of the richest civilizations in the world.

The only reason why they were so dirt poor way back in the 50s was because of harsh communist policies and a shit ton of wars.

>> No.50406417

There will not be 3 billion of them.

You know how schizos on the internet are always talking about how Bill gates and the government are causing mass population reduction using vaccines? But in all the countries where supposedly they're trying to depopulate, the population is already going way down and it doesn't make a difference?
But yet they still want to reduce the population to half a billion?


>> No.50406794

You can hate them all you want but working with them in oil they are often extremely polite and hard working. They don't act like basketball players in America do.

>> No.50406821

I actually kekd and jejd. This has to be a parody.

>> No.50406885
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>The few that work represent all of them!

>> No.50406903

More bullish than 1 million white trash free loaders? Definitely!

>> No.50406941

Yes, white girls.

>> No.50407076

Saudi's and Israel are best friends.
Blacks are the Jew's cattle.
Controllable by schizophrenic religious impulse, media and junk food.
Jews don't need whites.
They need agreeable slaves.

>> No.50407315

>Controllable by schizophrenic religious impulse, media and junk food.

>> No.50407370

True, you are just seeing the top one percent, but the Igbos have a higher literacy rate than white America. The Igbos were so intimidating that the British government had to chain them to the illiterate northern Nigerians to stifle their growth(Lord Lugard admitted this).
Their culture promotes hard work and financial prudence, that's why they are doing great things in foreign lands.

P.S Stop being a racist piece of shit, it's not our fault that your leaders are acting against your peoples best interests.

t. an Ika man(Igbo "subgroup")