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File: 83 KB, 1000x915, 55ba87b8dd0895c81c8b4581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50404300 No.50404300 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be the first to admit it
zoomers are cooler than us
they're way fucking cooler
some may be trannies but the other ones are 10x cooler

>> No.50404308

deadass no cap?

>> No.50404312

Millenial generation was full of people that shamed others for their interests constantly. Im impressed by zoomers ability to be so confident in themselves but also so unemployable.

>> No.50404329

>Im impressed by zoomers ability to be so confident in themselves

It's because 4chan calls self confidence even if you are different based and 4chan controls internet culture and soon world culture.

>> No.50404327


>> No.50404366

I mean these days you HAVE to be confident, the internet made it so everyone on earth has at least 10-20 thousand people minimum aware of them if not outright cyber stalking them. Can't show weakness, so now everyone pretends everything is cool even if it isn't.
You'd BETTER be confident.

>> No.50404376

ok boomer

>> No.50404397 [DELETED] 

eat garlic when you know you have work from home next day
take 40mg of zinc (picolinate) every day
dont cum at all
if you cum eat ginger, drink ginger tea, eat 80 mg of zinc that day and eat shit for a few days (2-4)

>> No.50404411
File: 56 KB, 800x450, Pierce_Brosnan_The_Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennials are the absolute bottom so their successors being above them is truly not impressive at all.
>boomer wizard here

>> No.50404419

you're not the zoomers I'm talking about

>> No.50404464
File: 940 KB, 899x505, 1655339678987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, define cool tho.

>> No.50404470

This. Basically millenials were boomers v2; constantly with the cancel cultures; but the left and the right want to cancel the other side.

Zoomers go back to the roots of the X gen; total chaos; who gives a fuck.

>> No.50404493

Pretending that everything is cool if it's not doesn't sound confident

>> No.50404495

Not American but I notice the decline of video games since I was younger has led to a lot of boys having their primary interest being girls which leads to the sort faggy behavior one has to stoop to when trying to get your dick wet with a retarded 16 year old.
I remember only being interested in vidya then.

>> No.50404500 [DELETED] 

>be borderline zoomer that takes care of his old boomer bedridden father and workaholic mom
>reunion with boomers and millenials after wage hours
>they try to convince me to have children and marry after some drinks
>simply say "nah im just leaving that to time" while flaffing my arms
>they actually end up agreeing with me and saying they can't talk about it because of social norms and how much time kids and marriage take

to this day I don't know if they were being polite about my nerd status or if it's that much of a liability, I mean having a family must give you the push for productivity but at the same time it feels like such a responsability

>> No.50404507

power and it's implication
that's all cool has ever been.

>> No.50404564

It's literally because its the closest thing there is to meaning before you die. You will stop enjoying alot of things you could do for hours as you age. Saying "just do hobbies bro" is a cope. It works but not forever.
Having a family is like throwing your genetics into the future and being like "You figure it out."

>> No.50404569

Is Bill Gates cool?

>> No.50404618

His wealth is cool.
If he wanted to play the cool guy he could.
He's consciously playing the everyman-nerd role so people think "he's just like us".
All the elite strive for you to think "they're just like us".
He's hiding his power level.
He's hiding how cool he is.
Because if the plebs ever figured out how cool Bill Gates is they might get smart and that's bad for business.

>> No.50404669

My wife has a teenage zoomer brother, and I once watched him start spontaneously dancing in the supermarket's produce section. Some other kid -- a little bit younger -- then ran up and joined him. They were doing Fortnite moves. They suddenly stopped for no apparent reason, and went their separate ways. All this happened without once acknowledging each other, making eye contact, or saying anything.

>> No.50404694
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, jocko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporate viral meme technology.
The evolution of "product as culture".
Soon it will be "product as personality".

>> No.50404977

not the zoomers im talking about but ok