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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50401651 No.50401651 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t say you weren’t warned anon...

>> No.50401666

So is this like the Execution layer for Celestia's DA layer, or am I getting mixed up?

>> No.50401703

Why would it 10x?

>> No.50401832

what projects should i buy on this?

>> No.50401842

>1pbtid shill thread
I'm literally interested in this project faggot, are you even going to share any details about it? Also what's the deal with the literally who markets its on

>> No.50401881
File: 60 KB, 750x920, F82DF725-1784-4419-B6A6-B2024CD83963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t know

>> No.50401891

No i don't know you giganigger that's literally why i'm asking

>> No.50401918
File: 83 KB, 640x358, 0A1B455B-7EC0-40A6-945A-7F4C0185C1A9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don’t know

>> No.50401926

nah, it's a literal pajeet chain on cosmos
celestia doesn't have a coin yet

>> No.50401928

no, that's why I'm asking.
shill me some coins on evmos

>> No.50401932

That’s not Fringe Finance. Oh you only said 10x, not 100x. My mistake, carry on..

>> No.50401954

Yeah I just looked into it and it's not at all what I thought. I thought it was the Execution part of the modular L1 stack but it's just some "build Ethereum apps on Cosmos" meme. Disappointing.

>> No.50401988
File: 82 KB, 837x830, 7A481C46-FCEE-4AF8-AA63-A68BED0F3BE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope more Poojets

>> No.50402045

Either explain more or kill yourself faggot

>> No.50402059

There's nothing really to explain, it's pretty much a shitcoin, as you can gather from the extremely low energy shilling.

>> No.50402077

it's an evm chain on the cosmos network.

>> No.50402099

Oh now I totally understand.
Do you ever look into a mirror and question your life choices?

>> No.50402125

checked and yeah sometimes

>> No.50402131

>barely functional evm
>the future
We have 50000 of these