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File: 574 KB, 800x420, boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50400416 No.50400416 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone called out their boomer parents for financially ruining the country?

my mom was asking when i might buy a house, which is a less than subtle hint that she wants me to attract a wife and give her grandchildren...well, i kinda went off on her, saying it's difficult when i'm paying into the boomer welfare system (aka social security/medicare/medicaid) that i'll never collect a penny from, all while getting screwed by the (((politicians))) her generation put into power for decades. she doesn't give a shit about the national debt, inflation, etc. anyways, she got very quiet and ended the call not long after. i hope she feels bad about what she did.

- she got a full ride to college from her parents, used it to get an english literature degree
- she married right after college, not having to work, other than some sporadic part-time teaching when she felt like it
- my parents qualified for some favorable mortgage in a developing area, very low down payment that their parents covered, and mortgage was $270/month. plus, if they fell on hard times, they could pay as little as $90/month without going into foreclosure, it just extended the loan.
- she divorced my dad, tearing the family apart, and i've never once heard her give a reason, other than she wasn't happy. of course she got the house and kids.
- she still didn't have to work, collecting child support and welfare
- she remarried twice, and eventually inherited money from her parents, and still barely works. the sad thing is, the portfolio she inherited in 2001 is no bigger today, because she kept extracting funds from it, and she actually thinks that's "good performance" because it hasn't gone down in 20 year bull market, a bull market specifically created by boomer politicians to benefit boomers.
- now she stays home, due to fear of catching covid. i think she has an abnormal fear of death, because she knows god will not be kind to her ill deeds.


>> No.50400445

Shut the fuck up you fucking zoomer and go make me a double cheeseburger with fries and a shake you fucking nothing

>> No.50400451

You are a bad son, I hope they drop you.

>> No.50400454
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>> No.50400464

Yeah I try to awaken my stupid ass parents almost daily. It's like they are programmed into being NPCs. How did this happen to their generation? I even see it in ours, but less so.

>> No.50400466

She just asked when you might buy a house. Touch grass and get off /pol/ for a couple of days it'll do you good.

>> No.50400545

bitch, i make 120k a year

>> No.50400625

This doesn't seem to be the case any longer friendo. I will buy your bags at 75% down

>> No.50400677

Uhuh sure. Little cry baby bitch doing the Jews bidding. Your parents ought to take you out back and out a shotgun slug through your brain for being such an ungrateful clueless retarded little faggot

>> No.50400700

well my dad is great, no issues there, although he's also bad at managing money. at least he supported our family, though.
my mom thinks the government should confiscate all guns

>> No.50400731

you know you're supposed to grow out of the blaming your parents for everything phase before you're allowed to post here

>> No.50400746

Sounds unproductive. Anyways, if you make 120k a year you should be able to get a mortgage on something. Buy the cheapest house in the area you can put up with.

>> No.50400761

>Anonymous (ID: 1P7jx9KM) 07/16/22(Sat)20:36:26 No.50400
Holy shit what an ungrateful son

>> No.50400780

i have enough to buy a house, but only because i worked my ass of to get a useful degree, paid off my student loans (no help from boomer parents), and live far below my means. that doesn't mean i want to overpay for a particle board single family home. maybe i should tell her that i'll buy a house when my parents give me the down payment, which is what she got.

>> No.50400799

>that doesn't mean i want to overpay for a particle board single family home.
Doesn't really matter unless you live in a giga-bubble like Australia or Canada. Just buy the shit shack. A house is a financial instrument for avoiding rent payments. That's all it is. Airbnb your extra room if you want

>> No.50400807

Stfu your mom should whip you

>> No.50400870

>has anyone called out their boomer parents for financially ruining the country?
No, because my boomer parent enables my comfy WFH lifestyle where I don't have to pay rent, and I'll swallow my pride to keep that.

>> No.50400889

>boomer employer hires at 20 bucks an hour
>asks when I'm gonna buy a house

>> No.50401062

Yeah I have talked about this a lot with my dad. I'm not sure boomers had it much better...

Dad graduated in 1980 with a degree in mechanical engineering, worked full time at a car wash and was able to pay off rent + tuition. His starting salary (in 2022 dollars) was $107,880 and rent was $1,078. His salary was 2.0 the median income at the time.
I recently graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and make $115,000 rent is $900. I also worked full time in school but have $36,000 in student loans. My salary is 3.5 the median income.

Average home price in 1980 was $170,000 with 30yr mortgage at 16.63% = $2,373/month payment
Average home prince in 2022 is $348,079 with 30yr mortgage at 6.25% = $2,229/month payment

>> No.50401166

No my parents are from Rhodesia and Kenya so they are actually good people. They understand how fucked everything is.

>> No.50401208

Her first, most obvious mistake was not aborting you.

>> No.50401215

the housing situation isn't comparable, interest rates were high for a short period of time, but they could be refinanced lower. no amount of refinancing is going to help someone who spent a quarter million on a townhouse at 3%.
more importantly, an inexpensive home in 1980 didn't mean it was a bad neighborhood with bad schools. If you live on the coasts and get an inexpensive home now, your neighbors are going to be degenerate trash.

>> No.50403296
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>divorced your dad
>collected child support and welfare
> inherited money
>barely works

Your mom sounds like the average woman which is to say selfish, lacking self reflection, and bad with money. Not sure boomers are the problem.

>> No.50403328
File: 268 KB, 640x520, 1657942541948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120k is lower middle class these days.

>> No.50403345

perfect! FICA as a portion of your income is tiny and you should have no issue purchasing and affording a home

get to it champ

>> No.50403350

then why don't you own a house?

>> No.50403375

i could but theyre leaving me 7 figures and still working their asses off so why would i?

>> No.50403378

>$100k/yr in cali comes out to around $72k before the increased COL

>> No.50403443

Smell like financially assblasted boomer.

>> No.50404613

Maybe he is just sick of zoomer kids falling for every Jew trick in the book and turning on their family because of some retardedly perceived wrong doing.
These kids really need to fuck off back to tik tok. They fall for every single meme on here and then repeat it with gusto like they have any clue about the real world.
I guess it's what us millennials get for doing the same 10-15 years ago.

>> No.50404831
File: 97 KB, 680x680, 1657337173357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left home
>worked on farms shearing sheep
>Gets with dad, has kids
>divorces him
>keeps the mortgaged house because it was in her name (she used lottery winnings for a deposit)
>She's living on social welfare, the money that's supposed to look after us goes to pay her mortgage
>She does this for twenty years and studies a degree in the meantime
>graduates with her mortgage paid off, enters a median paying job and now just has herself to support.

>I do the right things in life, have a well paying job and buy a house
>I become her favorite son
>after a series of psychotic episodes, I can no longer hold down a full time job, become a NEET on welfare
>She has the gall to shame, belittle and guilt me for "being a lazy person that doesn't want to work"

Women really do think only they are entitled to welfare.

>> No.50404852
File: 28 KB, 624x417, _85573494_andrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average home price in 1980 was $170,000 with 30yr mortgage at 16.63% = $2,373/month payment

That was a brief spike with the Volker shock, you're being unfair there. The boomers had from 1970-1978 and 1985-today to finance houses.

>> No.50404860

Then stop crying like a little bitch. If you cant buy a house on $120K you never will

>> No.50404868

You are a moron

>> No.50404891
File: 26 KB, 609x503, 1655863628550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers didn't start the social programs you spastic blog poster. Learn American history and stop blaming Boomers when it was their parents.

>> No.50404899


This. OP got a lot of hate but everything he said was right. It is possibly the very first time his mother, a women who always has relied on others realized how easy she had it as a women. Because that is the important part, she played her woman game perfectly. She is delusional and OP called her out on it. She had every chance to give her kids the same "luck" she got but she selfishly spent it on herself and having a easy life. I wont judge OP for saying what he did, because this runs deep for him.

>> No.50404972

Youre a dumb nigger, account for inflation you fuck. 107k in 1980 = 384k today. That fag dad of yours was making 384000 dollars a year, working at a FUCKING CAR WASH. And that 1000 dollar rent? I'll bet he wasnt renting some slum like I am, no, that fag probably had an entire HOUSE to himself. Apples to fucking oranges you disengenuous faggot. I barely scratch 30k a year in a manufacturing job, and your dad made almost half a mil by hosing down cars?
If thats true then fuck you and fuck your dad.

>> No.50404975

>le women bad
Take your mummy issues to /r9k/ you demented fuck

>> No.50404994

>his starting salary in 2022 dollars
>in 2022 dollars
>in 2022 dollars
>in 2022 dollars
Maybe if you could read, you could make more than 30k/yr.

>> No.50405016
File: 1.64 MB, 750x1334, 1656568670380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh femcunt

>> No.50405049

Oh shut up faggot, 107k a year for working at a car wash is fucking bullshit. I apllied to a car wash once and those fucks offered me 8 dollars and hour to work alongside niggers and risk getting poked my meth needles cleaning out someones car. Thats 16k a year to work with niggers and risk your health, meanwhile your fag dad made more than most college graduates at a literal bottom of the barrel job AND he didnt have to deal with needle littering junkies or niggers. Your dad had it made and was living the american dream to the max. Pray tell, where can I get a job making 100k a year by spraying someones car with a water hose? Yeah didnt think so.

>> No.50405051

Dont care desu my life is meaningless without money I need to be broke right now to have any motivation to grind away at my business.

Also what is screeching at your mom going to acheive you retarded baby

>> No.50405144

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.50405165

>niggers xd xd xd xd

Have you ever considered you on make 30k because you're a demented retard who takes /pol/ seriously

>> No.50405222

I hope you’re trolling, or a zoomer. If you’re this retarded as an adult, you need to get your shit together.

I’m not the guy in question. We have id’s. Use them. HIS dad worked at a car wash to pay for college, and made that money as a starting salary when he became a mechanical engineer. His point was that this modern situation is worse, but not as bad as you think - and in your case, you need to actually think about your future and make a path forward instead of getting mad at boomers.

>> No.50405263

>us millennials
Nice try boomer.
>They fall for every single meme on here
The same can be said about boomers.
If boomers are that great, why do we stuck in this shitty economic that they made and still perpetuate it?

>> No.50405424 [DELETED] 

I WISH I could afford college, I would have went years ago. Instead I have to work full time just to afford my minthly expenses. And an education is almost as much as a mortgage so thats a non starter. Maybe if college only costed what, 800 bucks like it did for him, then I could do it no problem.

What does /pol/ have to do with not wanting to be around niggers? Do you really think its all just a big meme? No fucking retard, niggers actually are that bad. Ive met maybe 1 token cool black guy in the past years, the rest have been chip on their shoulder angry bad attitude blacks. This has nothing to do with /pol/ and everything to do with black behavior in real life.

>> No.50405441


>> No.50405598
File: 95 KB, 1169x491, 30yr_mortgagepayments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart of monthly payment for 30/yr mortgage, NOT adjusted for inflation. I would take 3% rate over having to refinance down.

It's survivorship bias, you're only focusing on the boomers that made it not the ones who greet me at Walmart.

>> No.50405636

>boomer parents for financially ruining the country?
yeah, surely it had nothing to do with globohomo central banks, greedy corporations, or Federal policy
lets attack our own instead. good goyim

>> No.50405637

my parents are self hating boomers, they completely agree that their generation ruined everything and continue to do so to this day. i never brought it up until they did though. you would be surprised how many of them are like this

>> No.50405757

get off drugs ?
do push ups ?
read ?
go to church ?
get a job ?

>> No.50405818

>go to church ?
So I can pretend Im there to be righteous and holy and worship God? The only reason to go to church is to find a half decent woman to marry and even then theyre just fucking the nigger boys they meet in teen group or whatever.
Id rather blast my head off with a shotgun desu

>> No.50405846

My dad gave a thousand dollar for me to invest, put me in a religious school and pulled strings to get me in a good college so they’re cool. Jews and boomers are parasites and cancers tho.

Emphasis on the jews, since boomers are little more than yiddish golems

>> No.50405900

I've unironically tried everything. I've tried exercise, I've tried many different jobs, I've tried doing different hobbies and activities. I even did three months completely off technology because of a kaczynski phase.

I get bewildered at the other people with head problems that try nothing. I hate this and just want my life back.

>> No.50405914

Yes I really told them, they apologized

>> No.50405962

They're watching the world burn and wondering why. Give them some redpills to alleviate their pain anon.

>> No.50405988

Because Jews you fucking moron. Your mom and dad had as much control of their countries destiny as you do now. I.e. none.

>> No.50406013

I'm doing fine financially, but thanks for your concern.

>> No.50406039

I mean, the lies are unraveling already by your second post, it's time to leave this thread and create a new one, why continue posting?

>> No.50406155

>unexplainable psychotic episodes for seemingly no reason
Unironically do a turpentine cleanse.


>> No.50406164

Try again and again and again until you get what you want.
get off drugs
do push ups
go to church
get a job

>> No.50406211

Everytime I try I get smacked the fuck down. You can only get a knife pushed through your heart so many times before you decide to say fuck it because it happens every.single.time and isnt worth it. Besides, you dont always get to "try again". Sometimes its a one shot stop. Im not good enough for a lot of things. Im really not, otherwise I would have them already. Given my charecteristics and behavior I figure its best to save them and myself the trouble and just not even bother. Im feverishly paranoid of people going through my stuff and women are uneasy arpund me as is, so its a no-go before it even takes root.
If I didnt have to worry about affording my bills in the meantime then I would go to school, but I cant afford them both at the same time, either I go to school and be homeless or I work and have a place to sleep at night.

>> No.50406261

dad has almost overdosed on red pills at this point

>> No.50406342

Anon I don't know how to tell you this so I'll be blunt. You're retarded and a terrible son.

>> No.50406382

No but I've debated telling my grandfather (mid 90s) that although donating the majority of his money to charities is altruistic (bullshit, fuck charities), that he has three grandkids who have yet been able to purchase a home despite being gainfully employed for over a decade and may never be able to do so without family assistance. Show him some charts demonstrating average home price versus income, and also healthcare and college tuition versus income.

>> No.50406458

>parents born in 1959
>work hard
>buy nice suburban home
>manage money conservatively, pay off the mortgage in full
>no debt
>have a son and provide for him
>pay for his education
>let him stay in their home until he finds a job
>help him with down-payment on his first home
>continue giving him handouts and subsidize him while he loses tons of money buying stupid stocks

I would never "call out" my parents, they are angels. They did everything they were supposed to do for me and more.

>> No.50406469

Is your mom a chink?

>> No.50406731

He did you fucking tard, read it again

>> No.50406742

Stop bitching about other people and get your ass in gear, commie.

>> No.50406872

>help him with down-payment on his first home
Lost me there. You jumped from 18 years old to mid 20s and up in an instant. My dad wont even lend me 2k to buy a piece of shit car, and you think parents will fork over 20k so their faggot kids can potentially own a home in 20 years?

>> No.50406908

No I'm not a loser who blame others for my situation in life

>> No.50407057

They need to be called out for spawning a faggot like you.

>> No.50407175


Stop being poor.