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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50398893 No.50398893 [Reply] [Original]

I’m sure many of you are having a tough time of it all right now, it’s okay anon.

Let’s turn this into a thread of positivity! What are you actively doing just now to improve your life? What made you smile today? What big plans do you have for the next bull run? Let’s name one nice thing about each of our countries.

Let’s please keep this thread n-word free and clean language only. Many thanks in advance.

>> No.50398911

NBA topshot sucks but I got a fuckload of cards on there when it looked like the future of finance + collectibles (it's not) and I finally gave in and listed like 400 cards one by one. It's like $2000 in total so obviously it's worth it but Jesus Christ the absolute horror.

>> No.50398934

Kek did that shit go down?? I knew a dude who was bragging about these limited cards he got on nba top shot. This was like 4 months ago so giga kek

>> No.50398939

I'm taking some time to tell Linkies that there hasn't been any real progress for years and the devs are just stringing them along, milking this cash cow for everything it is worth

>> No.50398964

Sorry, I should have known this is just a cheap set up to create the most disgustingly inorganic conversation about your shitcoin by samefagging

>> No.50398997

After a shitcoin bullrun of a lifetime, I'm playing 4 gacha games at the same time to cope with my new gambling addiction

>> No.50399014

Nice anon, how much did you make?

>> No.50399235
File: 5 KB, 201x250, henlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I petted a strange dog today and it wagged his whole butt....it was a yellow lab.

>> No.50399356

Just a little less than I lost in a shitcoin dump of a lifetime. If I still had money I'd be gambling with that, not with my time in gachas

>> No.50401655
File: 453 KB, 828x1286, 77259D81-74AC-4E74-BAF3-B85FED2A20C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough time ? What are you talking about ?

>> No.50401763

I don't know what to do during this bear market.

>> No.50401785

For me, it's Action Taimanin. I'm not proud of the amount of money I've spent on this game, but it does help me cope at the very least.

>> No.50401786

I'm very positive about GMT and about what could be in the future. I hope that the game keeps having updates through time and be one of the first apps that would be innovative in terms of metaverses and gameplay between the players as a "social app" to get rewarded and get friends through the time

>> No.50401791

Meant to reply this guy >>50398997

I'm a brainlet.

>> No.50401801
File: 90 KB, 750x900, 1657914085676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can tell you friends is to find Jesus in your lives to improve yourselves.
Good luck.

>> No.50401816

Did you earn those coins by trading or something? Or do you save a bit of your money in investments in these cryptos?

>> No.50401819

>hot action ninja sluts that get raped by orcs but doesn't actually feature the good shit (porn)
literally WHO is the target audience of something that teases its player so much?

>> No.50401831

b-but /biz/ told me that MATIC was a jeet scam... what the fuck happened?

>> No.50401835


>> No.50401844
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>> No.50401850


>> No.50401863

damn, i'm not going to say anything about step'n because I don't have any shoes there to prove the game and see how much I can earn, but one day probably I will have a pair to see how it looks and how it is gameplay

>> No.50401879

I still don't understand why they call themselves ''social app''.

>> No.50401892

you can make a lot of money with stepn by minting with the sneakers, also running. but i wouldn't spend so much money either because of the risk of loss.

>> No.50401977

Fringe Finance has finally launched after 2 years of waiting and it’s nice to see something tangible. Tvl is slowly creeping up too so next bull run I may actually be able to buy a house

>> No.50402226

Labs tend to do that, especially pups. Love labbos.

>> No.50402229

USDC. Cashed up earlier in 2021

>> No.50402252

After two years of utmost misery, depression, and suicidal feelings, I got back into lifting and have reclaimed my athletic physique from before. Feels good.

About your picrel, I remember in the 2018 bear market low when BTC was around 3k I was accumulating like a motherfucker, and I was dating this girl who I was trying to convince to buy BTC. I was trying to explain the halving cycle, and that she should sell as much furniture or possessions as possible to buy in at these levels... she was exactly like the person in your photo. "BTC has crashed from 20k, it's over and it was a scam. My dad told me so." In november at the 69k top, I saw her at a social function and she was like, "I really really regret I didn't listen to you" and then asked if I wanted to go "get a drink". I said no

feels good