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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 889x988, WagieNapCage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50398573 No.50398573 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50398595

Do the reptilians not understand that we can't just lock our knees like livestock and go to sleep standing up?

>> No.50398648

Shut the fuck up. This takes up less space. If you don't like it, love it.

>> No.50398665

You could lay them down and stack like 4 on top of each other to efficiently use vertical space

>> No.50398685

>he can't into napping like a flamingo
ngmi anon.

>> No.50399168

wagiebros wagmi

>> No.50399565

I can see it, now:
>Climb into Nap-Cage.
>Fall asleep.
>Wake up in pain as my face hits the tile floor.
>"Anon! Your break is over! Get back to fucking work."

>> No.50399582

They make these things called beds

>> No.50399587

Imagine being able to fall asleep standing up

>> No.50399620
File: 10 KB, 206x196, 2b0c5090-7098-11ec-86d0-0fb37a094a4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like it, love it.
makes total sense!!

>> No.50399633

>fellow humans, we took notice of your negative outcries. Behold! Space efficient sleep units!

>> No.50399782

This is just a cheap headline. The solution is to make it socially acceptable to take naps in your office. Which I can do at my WFH job.

>> No.50399802

isnt sleeping upright unhealthy?

>> No.50399822

Extremely, good way to die before 50 though

>> No.50399840

Stay mad incel. Nap boxes are the future.

>> No.50399889

Real talk: more jobs need to allow napping. 15 minutes of rest does a lot of good during a long shift. Humans were not meant to be active all day without rest. Event 15 minute breaks and lunches aren't good enough. We need to properly shut down, close our eyes, and relax at least a few times a day, and most people just chug another energy drink or make more coffee.

>> No.50399916

>when even capsule hotels are too spacious

>> No.50399960

This is the answer. Workplaces are all bringing in tons of armchairs, break rooms and quiet spaces, but it's still socially unacceptable to do anything more than take a half-hour unpaid lunch break.
There have been times when I've gone out for lunch with coworkers, talking about work for an hour or so, and when we come back people have commented on us taking a "long lunch". We aren't getting paid, it doesn't matter how long we take. If I'm feeling a bit worn out in the afternoon, I should be able to sit in one of those armchairs and play video games for an hour, but that would be social suicide.
Getting reasonable breaks to count as part of your paid workday is the next step, but I doubt managers will ever understand it. It will always be about the number of hours you spend at your desk rather than the amount of work you do, unless you work from home and they just don't know any better.

>> No.50399975
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>15 minute breaks and lunches aren't good enough
When I worked nights at a factory my fucking lunch was 20 minutes
Sometimes I almost even have survivors guilt from escaping

>> No.50400038

This makes way more sense than scaling back working hours. Chuds absolutely btfo and seething about this

>> No.50400210

I knew a guy who could. Well, he fell asleep slouched and leaning against the wall once. He used to be an amateur wrestler and got hit in the head a lot though. I think he may have had some sort of permanent concussion.

>> No.50400245

How would that work? Bashar Al Assad and his father loved to torture random people by putting them in jail cells like that where people could not sit or lie down because it is painful and almost impossible to sleep.

>> No.50400282

From the picture it looks like there are some foam pieces that you're supposed to somehow wedge yourself into.

>> No.50400292

I worked a factory job. 15 minute break around 10am, 30 minute lunch at noon. The second that buzzer went off, I'd be in the break room, head down, eyes closed, earbuds in. At lunch, I'd eat quickly and nap for the remainder of the time if I could. I got damned good at napping, but even with that extra time resting, I'd still leave feeling totally exhausted most days. Almost fell asleep at the wheel a few times.

We need so much more rest and we let a bunch of coked up jews tell us that the 8-hour work day was normal and healthy.

>> No.50400325

In Japan sleeping at work is viewed differently than in western countries. In the west it's seen as being lazy, but in Japan it shows that you have worked to the point of exhaustion and gave your all. It's called 居眠り - inemuri.

>> No.50400841
File: 420 KB, 2256x1298, thegreatresetdotzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to eat the bugs join the elites

>> No.50400993
File: 128 KB, 439x250, i vhill be happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just put the pod beneath a desk

>> No.50401038

need a nap? try bullet

>> No.50401048


>> No.50401051

Kek you will sleep in the coffin desk

>> No.50401068

kek. Imagine the humiliation of sleeping in a pod under your desk. Literally degraded to a robot with a charging station.

>> No.50401080
File: 334 KB, 619x622, 57434139-EF09-4AC0-AB15-EE41CDC07FA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50401084

Actually that's what they do in ZOG prisons.

>> No.50401086

Have you tried it?

>> No.50401161

Hurr durr ZOG! Its da jooooooooos! I swear its da jooos its alaays da jooos DA JOOOOOS

>> No.50401189

This is no longer a discussion.
Get in the pod.

>> No.50401225

It's hot in there. You're supposed to lock your knees and you pass out but since it's an upright box you can't fall over.

>> No.50401253

jew detected

>> No.50401264

>hours you spend at your desk
found your problem. Maybe do man work instead of women work? Just sayin.

>> No.50401278
File: 262 KB, 800x800, O1CN01OhYlez2EZfmEofuE4_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.50401334

In the future, when everyone uploads their mind to the internet, the elites will tell us we're taking up too much RAM and overheating the GPUs so we all need to download into the 8GB USB stick.

>> No.50401477

Syrian prisons was zog prisons. Americans used to send people to Syrian prisons through their "extraordinary rendition" program. Before the Afghan war , like during Clinton, America shunned torture because they wanted to be a shining example of good morality so instead they had different Arab, African and Asian states where they could send people to be tortured on their behalf.

Syria didn't only do it for USA, but also on orders from other Zionist countries like Canada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maher_Arar

So Syrian prisons was Zog prisons

>> No.50401499

don't forget that we had (have) domestic rendition prisons too

>> No.50401597

I guarantee that my job has more men than yours. In my entire career I've met a single female with a similar job to mine.

>> No.50401615


>> No.50401632

It reminds me of the days we were told to hide our sleeping bags at the office because visitors were coming through.

>> No.50401635

>8.0 hits Japan.
>Millions of pods slightly rotate.
>Japanese forever entombed.
>Future archeologicalists write tales of flamingo Pompeii 2.0

>> No.50401975

todd came in the sleep pod again guys

no naps this afternoon

>> No.50402007
File: 432 KB, 1389x1365, 1547279973685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying never stopped, the bullies just got everyone to stuff themselves into lockers now

>> No.50402031

That looks a lot like that oven Jude Law used in Gattaca

>> No.50402073

I always wondered how normalfags can spend their lunch breaks eating & chatting before going back straight to work. I genuinely need my lunch hour 30min power nap or else I start snoring in the office.

>> No.50402120
File: 738 KB, 1242x842, 1654282986242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'd take it. I was working as a Tradie for my entire working life up to this point (9 years). Now I got an office job in the same industry. Wearing the tight button-up shirts, I can't even take the arms-akimbo-splayed-out-on-the-desk high-school-nap anymore. But there's some times where my brain won't work, and caffeine isn't the answer. A nap space, even like that, would do wonders.

>> No.50402146

>If you don't like it, love it.

>> No.50402154
File: 71 KB, 720x625, 49348608_2121522464572392_3978561990221103104_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked closely at the pod itself
>sit on a bench
>fold your arms onto the shelf in front of you
>tuck your head into your folded arms
Unironically I would LOVE this shit. I'd knock out in a heartbeat and if you could wake me before too long, I'd be refreshed as all hell. I'd rather take this than a lunch-break.

>> No.50402176
File: 1.43 MB, 824x1445, 67545976_400316077262643_4608893108568981504_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem is, if you've ever been an American man who drove a Japanese car, there's no way these products are designed to be comfortable for the average American body. Driving a Mazda gave me back-pain. But if there was an American-sized option... I'm in.

>> No.50402214
File: 294 KB, 1200x1799, 178703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fold your arms onto the shelf in front of you
>tuck your head into your folded arms

>> No.50402368
File: 108 KB, 601x601, da2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50402379

or just dont be fat.

>> No.50402403

I was 160lbs at fivefooteelevenandthreequarters when I was driving that car. Fat got nothing to do with it. A Japanese car is made for bugmen.

>> No.50402424

Sounds like a liability and health hazard. The company is gonna lose money on this because no body will use it.

>> No.50402436


>> No.50402476

Imagine being this ugly and retarded, heres your (you)

>> No.50402854
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>> No.50402912
File: 1.67 MB, 736x992, 1637662437310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only knee how right you are.

>> No.50403012
File: 15 KB, 190x200, 1652895831964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, time for some exoskeleton or genetic enhancement to fix that. Think of the chi- astronauts!

>> No.50403070

As a global civilization, economic system, whatever you want to call it, we are in some deep shit.