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50395850 No.50395850 [Reply] [Original]

I picked a gay major in college and now I’ve divided to pivot career directions and go to law school. Does anyone have any experience with that or advice for getting in and how to handle it?

>> No.50395866

>tfw no moderate sized breast cute tummy monkey foot gf
yeah law school is a jewish scam. unless you're smart enough to get into a T14 school, you'll end up making $50k/year in some boomer's shitlaw office.

>> No.50395874

I would be very cheesed to meet this girl

>> No.50395893

I would go all day on her.

>> No.50395899


>> No.50395914

look at that little slut

>> No.50395945

What's a gay major? Do you have any work experience?

Kneepads are cheaper than law school.

>> No.50395952

My uncle works as a partner at a fairly large law firm so that’s why I was thinking about it, since he could definitely help me get a decent job.

>> No.50395965

Assuming you're American, don't bother unless you get into a T14 law school.

>> No.50395968

Biology and no since I’m still in college. Next year is my senior year and I only realized I didn’t like the major at the very end of my junior year

>> No.50395971

if he's not bullshitting you and means that he will give you a job at his firm (and not the usual boomer lies of "well i'll ask my friend at firm x" and nothing happens) then it might be worth it. go to the cheapest law school you can, ideally full scholarship.

>> No.50395979

Do you know what region kneepads are from?

>> No.50395988

I don’t know if I can get into a T14 yet since I haven’t taken the LSAT yet

>> No.50396002

i love cute mouse gf but thats not a cute a mouse, thats a little average fuck mouse

>> No.50396162

Post a cute mouse then

>> No.50396238

well, you gotta finish undergrad first. lots of steps to get into law school so you can start looking at it.

You're not special. People from all sorts of backgrounds go to law school.

>> No.50396268

>lots of steps to get into law school so you can start looking at it.
Can you give me some advice on what I should be doing now?

>> No.50396446

Law school is a scam. Everyone I talked to who went into it either hates their life or is a psychopath.

>> No.50396463

Take a Barbri course before starting. Get used to writing a lot. Also ignore retarded liberals in class and get high grades your first year.

>> No.50396527

Also for getting in take an LSAT prep course (Powerscore got me into a great school with a full ride scholarship.)

>> No.50396547

>Take a Barbri course before starting.
What’s that?

>> No.50396571

My college doesn’t have those and my schedule for my senior year is already packed, should I do it the year or the summer after I graduate? And how long after graduation should I wait before applying?

>> No.50396584

Once you're into law school it's a one week course that covers outlines of your first class and teaches you how to write effectively. It'll help you out compete people early as people are getting used to legal terms/writing style.

>> No.50396612

>wants to go to law school
>too lazy to do research
>too lazy to find application strategies
>too lazy to look up test prep classes/books
>needs constant handholding
this isn't going to end well

>> No.50396629

I just decided to go this month and I still have a year of undergrad left cut me some slack

>> No.50396630 [DELETED] 
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>ywn experience young love

>> No.50396639

law school is like HR for men

>> No.50396657

take an LSAT prep course and find the schools you want to go to

>> No.50396665

Powerscore is a private company. I'd look into their various programs (I dished out for a private tutor a couple times a week) and go through the course before taking your first LSAT. You can apply at your leisure, study the application cycle and get in as early as possible, ideally day one of the cycle.

>> No.50396676

Buy Solana with your life savings NOW

>> No.50396687

How much of a difference did the private tutor make in your LSAT scores? Or did you only take it after seeing the tutor?

>> No.50396704

It was massive for me, because I was able to pick apart the toughest practice questions and figure out how test writers screw over people who get overconfident. The LSAT can be learned, its just a series of logic puzzles that you can memorize.

>> No.50396822

This 100%.

>> No.50396950
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State sponsored gfs WHEN?

>> No.50396996
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>> No.50397011

He must be doing something right. 99% of the time posts like these are ignored.

>> No.50397034

Dude if you dont like what you're doing then cut your fucking losses and bail, this is real advice

>> No.50397065
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>> No.50398133

Yep she's dreaming of sucking Chad's cock

>> No.50398176

god I would like to serve her some of my cheese, if you know what i mean