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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50391726 No.50391726 [Reply] [Original]

sup /biz/
how do you navigate the current job market?
>inb4 not a wageslave cuz muh 20 figure portfolio

>> No.50391750

>start working as support monkey in telecommunication
>shit job, shit pay, braindead coworkers and customers, 99% of the job is pushing unwanted products on people before connecting them to a different agent

>apply for job at a CEX
>get the job
>suddenly in a Customer Support Specialist role due to 'previous experience' of 2 months
>handling KYC, fiat/crypto payments, stocks, scam cases
>worked through the LUNA shitstorm
>35k euro yearly, +10% in stocks, sponsored learning opportunities, endless perks (like unlimited paid vacation)
>flexible work hours, can basically choose weekends and super late/super early shift to get pretty much 2x my salary
>can start/stop working whenever, as long as i'm hitting my hours and KPIs (my performance is top notch at this point + making nice overtime)
>can work fully remote, still go to the office from time to time

>> No.50391767

>talking about finances with international coworkers is a lot of fun, food and drinks at the company are top notch
>socializing with people without any anxiety
>check some of the people out on linkedin
>turns out i've been socializing with people that have a shitload of experience (lead person behind apple pay in this country, people from various top notch tech companies with lists of achievements long as fuck)
>feel valued, higher ups appreciate my crypto and general financial knowledge & my work professionalism
>crypto onboarding person tells me they were aware of me since the first interview (know basically way more than them)
>crypto person tells me they're switching companies soon, I'm the perfect choice to fill their spot as onboarding person
>basically lined up for being promoted in my first 3 months
>make personal goals with team lead
>company will pay for Blockchain Council certificates and ACAMS licences (KYC/AML)
>can go into Compliance & instantly make over 50k with a bigger percentage in stocks + even more money if taking the onboarding role (pushing 100k yearly with overtime, weekend, WFH bonus)
>mention my long term goal would be to go into developing, ask about internal opportunities to learn - 'yeah it's possible, let's talk about it after working out your short-mid term goals first'
>life is good
>get laid off with 50% of the company the next day

>> No.50391784

and i'm basically back at the starting point
went from being motivated as fuck, having a solid career plan and a promotion pretty much lined up, looking for an apartment for me and my pets -> to being drained as fuck and having little motivation to apply for anything
browsing through linkedin, it seems everyone is being laid off right now
and support is usually the first department to be leaned out, going into compliance is out of reach right now due to the sheer cost
outside of the crypto/tech/startup space, it's pretty much impossible to make 35k with minimal experience & 35k euro yearly isn't even enough to afford an apartment
with overtime and weekends, pushing almost double that - getting an apartment in the right price range is still very hard/semi-impossible

how are you /biz/bros dealing with the current market conditions regarding job stability?
i did some of those free linkedin certificates for multiple skills (communication, support, AI, crypto, digital security, leadership, management, HR, etc), i've been bored so i did a couple hundred of those lmao
got some outreach from recruiters, but it seems getting anything in a similar salary range is impossible + everyone is having layoffs. and nobody mentions the salary range unless you go back and forth 10 times.
got a role offer for 'Account and Relationship Management Executive' with a shitload of responsibilities, those fucks wouldn't even go over 33k & I had to squeeze it out of them after 3 videocalls ugh

how2job my frens?

>> No.50391798

i'm not reading any of your fucking shit but that is a fantastic apu

>> No.50391837
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>> No.50391851

You could sell drugs anon or grow weed and sell it or start a mushroom farm. The market is trash right now good luck.

>> No.50391931

I'm looking more for legit income sources, not side hustles.

One of the things working at a CEX with international people & finance people, was the fact that pretty much everyone loved drugs but didn't know anyone lol

I made a royalties deal with a guy i know, basically got 50% of the profit whenever anyone went to him.

But that's not a sustainable/legit income source desu

>> No.50391992

Ya idk man I work in medical billing which is mostly recession proof, you could check that end of the spectrum it can pay similar to the rates you mentioned by getting into billing and insurance claims. Pretty comfy desu.

>> No.50392133

How much bullshit did you have to sling to land the CEX job? Do they expect you to be as delusional about the "to the moon" as they are? Or do they come across in a more measured and pragmatic sense?

>> No.50392215

Not much to be honest.

I applied for 2 positions - community management (socials/discord) and support (zendesk only)

Would be 3 interviews via google meet, but i had 5 because of applying for 2 positions.

Weren't as much interested in my resume and the gap in it, but more about my drives, interest in this job + had some general crypto questions (VERY basic) and an example of how i would reply to customers in a few scenarios
For example if raging because of fees and leaving a bad review (acknowledge issue,explain taker/maker fees, link to article)
and bullshit like that

Onboarding was streamlined, processes are streamlined, you basically work by following a path on a lucid chart, find the right macro to answer, customize a bit, done.
If you aren't brain dead and did this for two days, you could basically skip all the chart following, go to the right macro, edit a bit before answering, do the account change or whatever solves the issue & get full KPI score with extra points for customizing the response in record time. (basically ticking all points for payrises)

>> No.50392333

And not sure about the delusional part.
Not sure how much i can disclose, but while there weren't any moonboi echo chambers and everyone was pretty realistic about volatility of the sector (while assuring us the jobs are safe, due to their money stash = then layoffs lmao)

One of the most delusional things was one of the parties though.
First month i started they had a huge fucking party.
The venue was an old brewery, cost a shitload money to rent it.
Free alcohol was flowing everywhere - cocktails,drinks, craft beer. I drank probably a 1000 euro worth of cocktails there
Was drinking for 8+ hours, drinking pretty much every second to deal with anxiety of being around 1000 people as my first social situation after the pandemic
Free food - i counted at least 15 free gourmet food stands + snack bar
Had a relatively famous musician there who def took a shitload of money for the private show

Oh and you know what? They FLEW OUT every single employee out of 12 countries for that shit. Paid flight, paid stay, paid everything.

That was a delusional level of money spending, but hey, the next 2 months they assured everyone there are no issues and our jobs are safe due to their backup money for bear market.
Then they laid off a shitload of CORE people that made the platform work.
That's delusional as fuck. As a financial company you should know your finances every fucking second, and prioritize job safety over your employees over throwing legendary company parties for newly hired people.

>> No.50392658
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