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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50389021 No.50389021 [Reply] [Original]

>be america
>print 40% more dollars
>real inflation is 40%
>everything costs 40% more
>wages barely move (5-10% at best)
>everyone's making less real money
>nobody has any money to spend on anything
>recession occurs
>increase interest rates to make sure everyone loses even more money
>recession gets worse

So this is the power of the federal reserve, huh

>> No.50389048

You missed the part where they save us from the recession by creating more inflation.

>> No.50389066

this is my favorite part :^)
buy ze gold + silver + copper wiring

>> No.50389091

its literally over. convert to bitcoin

>> No.50389098

>muh compooter money
how about you grow up and buy PMs

>> No.50389152

Are you an anarchist or something? The world would literally stop turning if the government didn't take half your money and obliterate the rest of it.

>> No.50389176
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>> No.50389191

Go back to facebook or whatever nitwit factory you guys are coming from

>> No.50389287

why buy the milk when you can get the milk for free?

>> No.50389322

its 2022 anon
where can i buy a good knife for shaving off bits of gold and silver? maybe a good pocket size scale as well? unless you have a good tutorial on how to eyeball the correct amounts when slicing off a sweet shiny sliver of silver?

>> No.50389350

>ummmm actually the fed prints reserves and it's not aCK
Your a midwit

>> No.50389416

If only they actually did obliterate the other half of it because at least that would be deflationary. Instead they inflate it into worthlessness which is just welfare for the rich who hold inflation safe assets like land ie bill gates and all his farm land.

>> No.50390241

I keep waiting for capitalism to collapse to make stones our new form of payment, I will keep that fantasy in projects like lace

>> No.50390276

And you see the effects of it every day. In my city the rule of law is breaking down. People just do whatever the hell they want, including robbing, shooting, stealing, selling pussy or whatever. People fighting each other more. Homeless camps taking over entire city streets and sidewalks. And the president keeps giving away money to Ukraine aka himself and his friends. This shit is bad.

>> No.50390522

So…Los Angeles…

>> No.50390589

Reserve notes literally can’t make it into the money supply of the ordinary economy. QE only suppresses yields which changes the risk aptitude of institutional investors.
This is a prime example of why plebs like you guys should stay out of finance. Stick to buying dracula tokens and let the grown ups worry about the real shit.

>> No.50390594
File: 45 KB, 697x500, TIMESAND___COVID2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wages barely move (5-10% at best)
yeah but you got that $1200 COVID check

>> No.50390716

What happened in 2013?