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50385668 No.50385668 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50385674

small towns in missouri.

>> No.50385677

Camden NJ

>> No.50385686

Or Gary IN

>> No.50386135

He said 75% white lol

>> No.50386145

Anywhere Midwest outside of major cities

>> No.50386162

South Fulton GA

>> No.50386176

Nearly any town under 20000 or so will be >75% white in every state even California and Texas.

>> No.50386183

t. north fultoner

>> No.50386300

Correct but rural New England and California are both still very expensive. You can't even find a house built this century under $500k in bumfuck Vermont kek

>> No.50386323

>Scary Gary

>> No.50386732

if you can't live with rich white people, you failed as a white person and need to immediately KYS and get out of the gene pool.

>> No.50386878

most of WV, kentucky, and western regular virginia. but be warned, you will see some of the lowest iq whites currently living

>> No.50386887


>> No.50386933

aren't those full of methheads?

Why not a small town in, say, Montana?

>> No.50387010

des moines iowa

>> No.50387035

Idk, probably Iowa, Nebraska, or Kansas or some shit.

>> No.50387046

laughing at you white cucks from my cozy house in Dunwoody

>> No.50387182


Vermont seems really nice

>> No.50387221
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Charleston, WV is 90% white and is cheap AF. There is no meth, the preferred drug is oxycontin.

>> No.50387235

Probably anywhere near urban Idaho. Idaho's comfy as fuck.

>> No.50387305
File: 422 KB, 750x504, Me and the boys getting ready to say hi to Los Angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon speaks the truth. These places are lily white, but they've suffered multiple generations of halo effect, as the best and brightest left for better opportunities elsewhere. I realize now that my dad's family could be described as a "gleaning". A promising bunch that slipped through those cracks and stayed behind. If you live there, you'll realize that you're surrounded by "the rest" in a very bad way. Drugs, theft, and very little economic opportunity. This the thing people don't tell you about moving out to the sticks.

I can see a future where groups of like minded homesteading/homeschooling types flock to these states due to their laws, and form communities in the mountains that functionally displace the current residents. Then they will adopt the same folkways of the mountain people that lived there until very recently, and hopefully this time they shoot anyone trying to buy their minerals.

>> No.50387355

Suburbs in Midwest are pretty decent probably only place you can live in a house comfortably and affordably.

>> No.50387377

Those foreheads are so large that they could combine and create a new black hole which would swallow the Earth in mere seconds, destroying humanity instantly.

>> No.50387414
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>Yankee bastard pig dog man doesn't even know its own country...

>> No.50387431
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>> No.50387437
File: 19 KB, 326x189, Go_Apologize_To_God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those foreheads are so large

Mega-assed bitches and psudeo-tranny notices the foreheads!

>> No.50387440

what the FUCK is aurora's problem?

>> No.50387463

How’s the ground water there? Do you get a lot of droughts? How bad is the cold weather?

>t. Spent a lot of time in the southern rockies and live in DFW

>> No.50387491
File: 91 KB, 394x450, blm worship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big asses
>on a white girl
White boi actin' all black, get on your knees and serve BLM cock, cuck

>> No.50387529

East St. Louis

>> No.50387548

methheads confine to their own areas yall are just too isolated to understand that until you go and live in one of these towns

>> No.50387561

You failed the gay test.

>> No.50387573

>How’s the ground water there? Do you get a lot of droughts? How bad is the cold weather?
Not sure. I live "some miles away". But I checked out kansas, including the weather and water situation as a possible place to move to. It also has a very decent solar potential and policy, currently. They run quarter mile spray booms all the time from ground wells.

>> No.50387575

my family was once road-tripping near Gary and we decided to take a detour through Gary to see if it's really as bad as people say it is.

it wasn't. It's worse. It felt like driving through a town from Fallout, except instead of radscorpions staring at me through broken windows it was real humans.

>> No.50387590
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>> No.50387771

Small towns in Texas but it's 50% Hispanic white.

>> No.50387799
File: 47 KB, 513x673, 1657302344749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have that saved?

>> No.50387904

anywhere in new hampshire

imagine choosing to get cucked and voluntarily pay 5% or more income tax

>> No.50388111

Literally moved from cozy white Alpharetta to just east of 285. Fuck I hate niggers.

>> No.50388119

Oof, Scotland? Is it that bad in the UK now? I know a souffron that couldn’t wait to leave Texas for the Uk. I stopped talking to him because he’s a pinko twat. He’s posh and has Scottish ancestry but is blue blood English. I sometimes wonder if he’s beginning to see the err in his ways.

>> No.50388155

inb4 secret gay fantasy not secret gay fantasy

>> No.50388210

Maine or vermont

>> No.50388480

The brecon beacons is in Wales but I'm actually engrish. I'm just moving there.

I've attempted to move to the US numerous times and have no given up. It also appears to be getting worse, quite quickly.

>> No.50388490


>> No.50388758


>> No.50388798

wtf did i just read
cool story though?
if you're white, you have no excuse to remain poor. you guys literally have privilege amonst every other damn race.

>> No.50388824

Your mom's house

>> No.50388937

Yeah. Whites benefit from affirmative action and race based farm subsidies and even have groups like naacp and the adl backing them exclusively, why are whites so retardedand fragile with all the benefits unfairly handed to them 24/7?

>> No.50388949

Based, poor whites should realize the rich whites are their enemies and rape and eat their feminine plastic bodies.

>> No.50389662

South Dakota has no income tax and good gun laws. Pretty nice as well. But no fall season. You probably want portions of Pennsylvania, WA or Kentucky. Check around there and find some cheap land thats 30 min drive from a good food store and you arr set.

>> No.50389694

because Montana's super fucking expensive now. same prices as California, if not more.
Charleston is a shithole

>> No.50389733

>des moines iowa
des moines pill me

Also, any scouting report on davenport? Any reason if someone was doing Iowa that they shouldn't do davenport?

>> No.50389754

whats so bad about living next to colourd folks?
I live in a boring white country surrounded by geriatric white boomers. I imagine mexican or black neighbours would be much more fun, they would probably invite me to their cookouts and parties, smoke weed and whatnot. my neighbours just bitch about the weather all day.

>> No.50389790

Subhuman faggots like you should be airdropped into nigger shitholes of Haiti and Liberia. Spend a night or two in west side chicago, if you have such intense desire of getting your ass ripped apart.

>> No.50389981

honestly anon, what is your response to this> >>50388937 post?
inb4 no response at all or just pure cognitive dissonance and denial of reality.

you probably unironically think whites supremacists control the system amirite? sure makes no sense with the system passing anti white legislation and all. how about the media? white supremacists control that too right? kind of weird how in media every representation of a white person is a caricature of a backwards or evil person. weird how white supremacists do this..........

>> No.50391011

Get a load of this actual retard. Even brown people don't want to live with brown people that's why they all move to white countries.

>> No.50391031

you will never be human

>> No.50391044


>> No.50391110


Small towns in the rural Midwest, over 90% white fren.

>> No.50392400

you will die of despair, outlander. they don't call it Misery for nothin

>> No.50392417

If your definition of fun is getting robbed, assaulted, vandalised property, raped, and possibly killed, then sure! Great fun!!

>> No.50392420

Not true at all. Plenty of majority-black and >25% black small towns in the south.

>> No.50392438

im hearing buckhead is getting more and more dangerous from all the crime
i live in johns creek

>> No.50393345

Thanks, it is a privilege being White.