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50385900 No.50385900 [Reply] [Original]

I hate the federal reserve so much it's unreal. When will they stop fucking with my life, financially speaking?

>> No.50385923

Checked dubs
It’s over until we end the fed
It was literally started to create more boom and bust cycles and perpetual war
We need a big change from the bottom to the top of society

>> No.50385961

he is literally telling you COPE with that face isnt he

>> No.50386022

debt existed before the fed and was wild and uncontrollable. the fed tamed debt. no, it's not pretty or perfect. I guarantee your ideas are much worse. the technology to improve the fed doesn't exist yet. but it will soon. buy crypto, hold and be patient

>> No.50386076

Holy shit you’re retarded
The fed isn’t even the best system we have now
You’re literally paying debt on money created from nothing
They created income tax just to fund the fed
I hope everyone tells you how stupid and cucked you really are
Even the banking system before the fed was better
Banks going bankrupt because they made bad choices is a part of the free market but I bet you believe bank bailouts are necessary too
Go back bitch
Biz isn’t for people like you

>> No.50386166

Correct about boom and bust, but I would say its existence is meant to capitalize on the threat of war. The US has longstanding agreements with many oil producing countries that it will protect them in the event of war; in return, all international transactions for oil will be conducted in USD, meaning all countries have to accumulate massive reserves of the dollar. This kind of agreement also extends to other goods and commodities with other countries, further ensuring that most international transaction take place in USD and all countries accumulate it.

This arrangement allows the Fed to balloon the USD supply and keep interest rates low (and for the US government to issue massive amounts of debt) without dollars ever risking inflation. Even in the current snafu with inflation, the dollar is wildly outperforming most other currencies

dumb. >>50385923 is arguing for the end of neoliberal central banking that abuses its mandate to enrich markets through debasing the dollar--- peak trickle-down economics that fucks over the actually productive members of society: workers and middle class. You are delusional about the Fed "taming" debt. Where are you even getting that? If anything, the Fed made debt an even more unstable thing through the practice of fractional reserve banking

>> No.50386223 [DELETED] 

you burgers are pathetic.
but yall too busy with your tendies, instawhores, thanking rapists/murderers for their service and being just ignorant

>> No.50386306

he is saying they tamed it by having a monopoly on debt, whereas before there were multiple agents issuing debt. This is not only dangerous it is extremely retarded because you just gave a bunch of bandits absolute power

>> No.50386374

We can’t use violence
The NSA and FBI have everything tapped and they’ll sniff us out before we get the bomb made
Then they’ll use it and the news to take away more rights
The only option is educating as many as we can about the theft known as fiat and central banking

>> No.50386399

When you show up at their house at 10:30pm and rape their family to death.

>> No.50386540

I didn't think a post on the internet could make me so irrationally furious.

>> No.50386779

>you just gave a bunch of bandits absolute power
"a bunch of bandits" being the people, do you people have any understanding of how debt and liquidity imbalances caused WW1? how the colonial era and the early modern era had nonstop bust phases where you didn't just lose your job, you fucking died because your lord went bankrupt or you got mowed down on a battlefield fought because your heavily indebted masters needed money? you can take advantage of debt with the fed unlike never before in history, liquidity is stronger than ever before because of the global financial system. just because you are a poor, zero iq faggot that doesn't get to fuck whores or live out your plantation life fantasy doesn't mean the system isn't a vast improvement over what came before.
free banking only works in a digital setting, guess where we're going? have you ever bitched about defi? then you know what the risks are and how we aren't even close to a functioning free banking system. it will happen eventually if you are patient and stop bitching like a child

>> No.50386793

>Where are you even getting that? If anything, the Fed made debt an even more unstable thing through the practice of fractional reserve banking
Money IS debt. It's always been debt. In the past, debasement has ALWAYS happened. There has never been a period in history where a state does not reduce the concentration of precious metals in its coinage or prints more money when it needs to fund its liabilities, typically wars of competition, where the loser would then pay off the debts incurred by the winner. This came to a climax in WW1 and had its aftershock in WW2. The Bretton Woods financial system of internationalized debt has kept relative global order for 80 years. It has kept markets liquid. It has democratized access to wealth. As we have entered the age of technocracy, the game is now broken. Sophisticated market participants use algorithms and bots to maximize yield, and any and all imbalances in valuations get found and bought out/sold immediately. If you are not capable of playing at that level, sorry you can't be rich. Maybe you'll do better once these systems transition fully into the digital space, but don't hold your breath
it makes you irrational because you have irrational beliefs

>> No.50386803

Free banking with 100% reserves
The problem before the fed was interbanking transfers drained reserves and caused a run on capital

>> No.50386909
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Not their fucking problem

>> No.50386937

you want them to inflate assets and ruin your country so you can have more money for bullshit?

>> No.50387091


>> No.50387145

lol nice try jew, we see right through your lies. Just because you dont do as much usury as medieval times doesnt mean it isnt usury. Good times are almost over for you it was a nice ride

>> No.50388621


>> No.50388629

He doesn't want to be remembered as the one that money prints, but he wants to be remembered as the guy that started another depression? KEK

>> No.50388661

get inside DeFi
literally escape fiat forever

>> No.50388762
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>> No.50388767

No sympathy for people who take out adjustable-rate mortgages

>> No.50388826

>liquidity is stronger than ever
Pretty sure most countries are insolvent and just creating a perpetual debt creation machine exponentially creating the amount of debt in the system

>> No.50389128

gonna get hate here but 100% true. a lot of people would have a much easier time at life if they accepted this. but, im ok watching plebs get rekt too

>> No.50389141

this guy actually called dollar debasement "trickle down". like this is how twisted austrianism has become. Its just an ideological fantasy used for painting things as bad with words you don't understand.

>> No.50389146
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the fed is smarter than you, this is crazy because the fed is dumb as fuck

>> No.50389167

You understand you worship the government that put them there, right?

>> No.50390291

he looks like my dad

>> No.50390297

you complain about the people who invented the metaverse? no shit sherlok
at least you can still get a few gems out of their shit, that's what happened to me with lovelace

>> No.50392136


This is your brain on YOUTUBE doomers
imagine being educated by doomtard podcasts

OK cryptosandtard

MMT unironically

>> No.50392241

the Fed was created to socialize banking losses and thereby create stability in the financial system at the expense of the taxpayer. the combination of the Fed and the USD being the reserve currency of the world has created an unprecedented global debt bubble that is going to ruin us all when it pops

>> No.50393617

>Ok central banking is fucking retarded, but all the other solutions are worse, really, honest they are
>don't worry, magic technology will save us from our retarded system
>aaaaany day now

>> No.50393699

Samefagging cuz I'm mad
>this system is the best one
>no, really
>yes it's a shit show that's bleeding to death in barely 100 years but it's still great
>Also it'll be replaced soon with more of the technology that's been so successful so far, as long as you buy more shitcoins
Someone give me a timeline on blockchain tech actually being used for a purpose beyond scamming idiots.
The wave of the future for over a decade and the most mainstream use is selling centrally hosted image files.

>> No.50395468

slow day in the office fbifag?
all wars are banker wars.

>> No.50397345

ok jew. Also
>thread still alive
this board is dead

>> No.50397495

yeah the triffin dilemma is upon us!

>> No.50397626

I love the fed, either my assets gets pumped through inflation or people will get fed up and kill the jews

>> No.50397642

You have to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

>> No.50397653


>> No.50397675
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, 1613056931187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fodder cattle believes everything he was taught in school

>> No.50397804

Does typing in all caps make you feel more mature than him?

>> No.50397817

Why should this thread get nuked?

>> No.50397821

its extremely cathartic

>> No.50398173

easier to read, unironically

either that or reddit spacing, unironically

>> No.50398800

Jesus Christ the things we tell ourselves to make it feel alight.

>> No.50401362

The Fed was created to allow banks to engage in fractional reserve banking without fear of bank runs. That's it. From there it evolved into a complex money supply manipulator, insuring bank profits.