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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 119 KB, 615x812, 1657932197053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50385178 No.50385178 [Reply] [Original]


once end of July arrive and market realize they have done it for a second month straight, the value of their balance sheet and any similar asset they don't own but are similar to the one they own will be worthless and let me tell you, they own a lot of MBS which mean housing market will collapse in less than a week.
Combine this with july 28 where number will be released about GDP which will confirm recession and july 26 where fed will make raise 1% interest rate.
You are about to see the biggest wealth destruction in history.

For brainlet, raising interest rate in a recession is literally how you get a depression 1929 style

>> No.50385208


>> No.50385229

how do I profit

>> No.50385236

I was about to buy a house, should i wait for 6 months? wtf do i do

>> No.50385250

Do these people at the Fed have private security or does the secret service protect them?

>> No.50385252

without an active market, it would take me weeks or months for me to come up with an accurate value on them

>> No.50385290

You forgot to count reverse repos.

>> No.50385292

This is only one week, not all of June.

>> No.50385302

What did they buy that they were supposed to be selling? Mortgage backed securities. I don't see that on the OP you posted.

>> No.50385317

Also, this.

>> No.50385366

>people will stop paying their mortgage because the securities aren't being passed around like i want them to be
the housing market is not going to crash, prices are going to fall and that's going to increase demand.

>> No.50385394
File: 1 KB, 129x64, wtfwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry goys, it's all under control

>> No.50385401

schizo thread just ignore

>> No.50385416

Everyone with a brain knows this, bobos are still stuck on listening to words rather than observing actions. The Fed never stopped QE, never started QT and never will. Bobos are unironically the ones fighting the Fed while projecting and claiming bulls are.

>> No.50385451

Wrong on all counts.

>> No.50385457
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whatever money you put towards a house, put 1/3 that money into DRV. you are now hedged and get to ignore the market.

>> No.50385460

Where do I find this data??

>> No.50385468

Seethe harder bobo, the market is going to keep pumping due to the inaction of the Fed. Bullchads win as usual, bobo losers lose.

>> No.50385473

well it doesn't help that the fed isn't being honest (what choice do they have, they can't reduce their balance sheet) and that "the market makers" (ie friends of the fed) are helping maintain the illusion

>> No.50385480

>the value of their balance sheet and any similar asset they don't own but are similar to the one they own will be worthless
When the Fed acts as a cautionless buyer for a certain asset class, doesn't that bode well for the price of such assets? And doesn't their continued balance sheet expansion indicate that their cautionless buying continues, thus sending a bullish signal for the assets that they buy?

>> No.50385516

The only people losing are the midwits (bobos), low IQ retards never sold and continue buying tech stocks and crypto, high IQ people realize the Fed is lying and never intends to fight inflation or do QT.

>> No.50385523

Or is this thread about how I've been raped three days in a row, in what was sold as a rape-free zone?

>> No.50385525

no, it creates the demand right then in the immediate, the market price is the outcome. they literally call it "open market operations" for that reason.
and a buying program always portends an unwind, at the government's expense and the economy's expense, when the banking system ultimately demands it.

>> No.50385545

>(bobos), low IQ retards never sold and continue buying tech stocks
>tech stocks
broken markov-chain bot, needs retraining

>> No.50385582

It's not very difficult to understand, you ESL retard. The midwits are the bobos and it's obvious for anyone who can read. The 2 ends of the bell curve remain bullish for different reasons.

>> No.50385609

>when the banking system ultimately demands it.
Yes, but wouldn't the continued balance sheet expansion indicate that this not that time?

>> No.50385690

>(-91.05%) past 5 years
sounds super great

>> No.50385707

The Fed's balance sheet is shrinking, brainlet. And QT has only just begun.

>> No.50385723

>2 more weeks
I'm so sick of you bobo faggots saying this shit, you literally sound like Q anon /pol/tards.

>> No.50385737

Heard today from my bosses (short form I work at a bank), idea is transitioning more towards the 70’s. Low growth, tight money, and being thrifty. Start a proxy war and the projection is accurate.

>> No.50385742

You're the one saying "two more weeks" you dumb sack of shit. The balance sheet has been shrinking for a while.

>> No.50385743
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Explain like im a black 5 year old??

>> No.50385746
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post chart

>> No.50385757
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>> No.50385762

No, I'm saying that the bottom was already in and we are going to pump from here. (You) bobos are the ones who keep saying a crash is coming, despite stocks being the most oversold they have ever been.

>> No.50385786
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Can someone just tell me what to buy?

>> No.50385799

they're never selling
you don''t have any fiscal responsibility
they can ever operate on a loss

>> No.50385801
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>> No.50385829
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>> No.50385850
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>> No.50385852

No, you wrongly said the balance sheet wasn't shrinking. It is. I never said a single thing about "the bottom" or "a crash".

>> No.50385915


Because I read 95b/month in the last minutes release

>> No.50386156


inflation based recession is far more damaging than a fed based recession. If the Fed doesnt cause a recession soon, it will come unregulated. Either way, its coming

>> No.50386209
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>> No.50386218

This is why the stock market is going up. And won't sustain any losses. The Fed is playing a retard's game trying to hide their propping up of the stock market to prevent panic. 371 was the bottom on Thursday and we're now approaching 390?

Will not end well for these Fed members

>> No.50386287

guys I feel like its possible (though I admit, extremely unlikely) that our alien overlord leaders may be lying to us with some sort of media brainwashing apparatus

>> No.50386373
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>mumus are now starting threads to cope-post
Fed has run-off $69.6b since it's peak in April, the stated rate of run-off is around $47.5b a month for the first three months, if the reduction were linear (it's not onv) we'd expect $71b reduction in the first 1.5m of run-off. Fed is following their stated intentions as closely or closer than when they were slowing QE, or operating QE at full strength. This is truly pathetic cope-posting

>> No.50386392

also in case anyone wants a real breakdown of what we're experiencing:

US print money, inflation go up

US spend money it doesn't have, inflation go up

Inflation go up, assets go up (holding cash bad when inflation go up)

Assets eventually reach, lets say "ridiculous" prices like 50 cents for a dogecoin or 300 dollars for a brick and mortar console game retailer with no meaningful digital strategy.

This makes the system look... Zimbabwe. Weimar. Hyperohnono

So what do you need to do? Surely you can't stop spending money you don't have. And you need inflation to continue because it's important to your debt and ability to pay it, so you need to lower asset prices.

Lowering asset prices will make it look like inflation is going down because assets are going down.

The Fed is currently judging itself on it's capacity to use the same media that perpetrated the scamdemic to manipulate asset prices lower. If you're not retarded, you're buying these assets with your inflating money.

Every time the assets approach "is the recession over?" numbers, the fed will use the media and sell their own assets if needed to deflate markets. Politicians will cock suck for oil, etc.

Inflation is not controllable. Money is being created through so many different schemes and bad debt that no central banker could possibly get it under control (without a new digital currency) even if they wanted to. And that's the point. They run it til the wheels fall off and then they sell you the replacement and they do it again. But the idea that inflation is controllable is fucking hilarious. Buy these fed discounted assets you retards. They may discount them again, and again, it may be 10 years of "stagflation" but when it's over, the assets will be all that matters.

>> No.50386407

Your pick shoes them buying tbonds
This bullish dumbfuck
Bankers are addicted to buying assets
They can’t even stop when they say they would

>> No.50386426

What are some good asset choices anon? Gold? Real estate? Yugioh cards???

>> No.50386460

>reddit spacing

go back you piece of shit

>> No.50386489

Liquor. Hard liquor. Stick with brand names like Hennessy and courvoisier, absolut, and patron.

>> No.50386521
File: 627 KB, 1170x2007, 3C066558-F743-47C4-BB56-37700A478235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QT for ants. Fed is not serious about inflation that much is clear. BTFO normies w a 200bps hike in July or the market continues to moon. Period

>> No.50386569

Who cares? May as we’ll be zero. Their Wat per month targets are not serious and insignificant. To BTFO of pivoters they need bigger and faster QT like 10x bigger and multiple hundreds of bps rate hikes. Anything else is them jerking off

>> No.50386637

are they seriously still fucking buying?

>> No.50386720

If they dont buy discount assets from the people they scared into selling what do you expect them to dump when the market starts to recover?

>> No.50386842

When will we know the process of QT begins? It was supposed to start June 1st but they continued QE till mid June.

Are you guys telling me that they are still doing QE and we are halfway through July?

>> No.50388566

repeat after me

>> No.50388589

You are such a coping retard. There's going to be massive foreclosures. But your stupid ass logic, the housing crash of 2008 never happened because people bought the dip, KEK 'z Not how it works

>> No.50388592

keep buying the dip then!

>> No.50388600

Last month was "no bid". No buyers. If they ever decide to liquidate this or next year, the banks will run into the problem of having something good on the books to even buy the damn things(recession reducing asset values, growth. and markets). Its might be a crack up inflationary depression where the markets are supported on nothing but shit assets and debt. Historically this is going to be one hell of ride.

>> No.50388693

Goof observation but wrong deduction.
This is actually bullish as fuck as much as I hate the mumutards.
They’re simply continuing to push can down the road.

>> No.50388837

look idk anything about the faggy ponzi trad markets but how the fuck is a "recession" that important? it's just 2 negative quarters right? like so holy fuck who even cares, markets dip. do stock niggers really expect a straight up line forever?

>> No.50388956

Sorry dude but inflation is over.
Priced in.
Now the Fed can resume printing and we all get rich.

>> No.50389817

bobo means bear around these parts pardner

>> No.50389890

Dont ask on a imageboard for financial without adding a pic

>> No.50389990

potentially absorbing sales of bonds from foreign countries selling us bonds and buying domestic to support their currencies

>> No.50389995

Chill with the antisemitism

>> No.50390067

8 months

>> No.50390720

>do stock niggers really expect a straight up line forever?
They unironically do

>> No.50391595

This isn’t even a balance sheet. Plus, your balance sheet can increase by taking on liabilities as well

>> No.50391634



>> No.50391708

So the balance sheet is decreasing after all. Just not as fast as they said. I’m not a fed apologist I’ve just been reading a lot of balance sheets the last couple months

>> No.50391716

bitch you sleep your way to the top
i prefer eric dale

>> No.50391752

looks like the markets are about to get raped by some QT

>> No.50391822

2 quarters of shrinking GDP locked in, now they can announce we're in recession officially
in recession banks will stop lending to de-risk, liquidity dries up, no cashflow, expect bankruptcies every single day, raining kikes on wall street
jesus return not in person but he return in spirit nevertheless

>> No.50391872

fed will dump all in september, 0 dollar MBS, pennies on the dollar, free housing
i don't care about those middle class suburban mortgages but this will crash real estate 50-80% globally
have my eyes on beverly hills mansion

>> No.50391920
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sounds 2gud2betru, I just want to afford a small house with a garden

>> No.50392000

You have to lose money to make money.

>> No.50392070

powell is hitting that reset button
>ugh ugh let's forget powell says he gonna reset housing
oooo mumu get slaughtered while nobody slaughtered bobo, we merely asleep for awhile

>> No.50392308 [DELETED] 

VIlidium will allow syscon and smart contracts to scale up to 4 million transactions per second, and allow the processing power to run Web 3.0 which means Smart cities, Financial system and Metaverses simultaneously.

>> No.50392330

Atleast 6 months, then ask again

>> No.50392355

What did he mean by this?

>> No.50392398

And that's the public balance sheet. Imagine the one goy aren't allowed to see.

>> No.50392622

>they own a lot of MBS which mean housing market will collapse in less than a week.
please let this be true

>> No.50392665

Dont fool yourself.
Depression is the goal.
They want you to suffer.
There is nowhere to hide.

>> No.50392776 [DELETED] 
File: 804 KB, 1024x725, Coomer Inu Ad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New launch alert.

He is not a man, he is the darkness that dwells within men. From the darkest layers of the human shadow, comes a creature, a thing, a void within existence itself - lest some fear his name - The Coomer. The Coomer lurks within all of us, waiting to consume.

From the creator of AMB3RT()RD, Launching at 6PM EST tonight on PancakeSwap, Coomer Inu (TICKER: COOM) - buy or he will conSOOM you.

Join the TG for instructions:

t[dot]me /CoomerInuBSC

>> No.50394110

Will Emerson gang

>> No.50394152

I don't think you understand why a "short" is called a "short"

>> No.50394205

This is unironically insane. But won't the market interpret this as bullish? The fed is not dumping their assets on the market, and that QT is functionally off? Good catch OP

>> No.50394228

of course the balance sheet is growing, federal and state governments are running fiscal deficits
monetary policy isn't going to change that, infact it's going to increase fiscal deficits (recession = less tax revenue, higher rates = more interest on debt)

>> No.50394286

Bartender here, Jack Daniels, Maker’s Mark, Buffalo Trace, crown, seagram, patron, Jose Cuervo, grey goose, Tito’s, absolute, Bombay, beefeaters, Bacardi

>> No.50394774
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So are we going up or down?

>> No.50394831

>Your pick shoes them buying tbonds
>This bullish dumbfuck
What is your first language?

>> No.50394858

Why would there be foreclosures? Many people got mortgages at 3% fixed. Nobody uses ARMs these days. It's practically free money.

>> No.50394884

they probably are selling and buying back in other sectors... rotating to make sure they p&d every market and fuck everyone across the board. wouldn't want to leave any money on the table.

>> No.50394896

LMAO yeah a 0.5% dip in the balance sheet after the last two years is some real harsh QT, USD strong am I right faggot

>> No.50394902

>t. thinks an MBS is a mortgage, and that trading an MBS somehow triggers a foreclosure
The IQ of this board is in the single digits.

>> No.50394913


>> No.50394916

>real harsh

>> No.50394968

it will indirectly, shits too complex for you and you have dunning kruger
i bet my watch is worth more than your entire net worth

>> No.50394983


>> No.50395050


>> No.50395102


>> No.50395117


>> No.50395174


>> No.50395193

Just popping into this 1pbdid bot bait thread to say mumus are retarded.

>> No.50395206

fuck off nigger we're not done

>> No.50395239
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>Bubble pops
>Richers lose
>Poors can afford stuff again
The horror anon.
The absolute shocking horror.

>> No.50395248


>> No.50395269

>>people will stop paying their mortgage
Boomer boxes are not priced according to mortgage payments retard. They're priced on what some boomer down the street was forced to sell for last week.

>> No.50395638
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What other monthly reports can I look at to keep track of this? I found the tbill auction results once but lost the link.

>> No.50395654

How are market makers helping to maintain the illusion?

>> No.50395886

fed faggotry -> recession -> layoffs -> no money to pay
add in inflation eating massively into purchasing power, putting a tighter crunch on what people can afford. if they were paycheck to paycheck several months ago they're under immense strain right now. such can be seen by record credit card debt going on right now, as people try and put it on credit in hopes the price goes down shortly after

>> No.50396178

isn't this bullish for the stock market?

>> No.50396247

what demand? consumer credit is ATH, techbros are -70% on their stock comp and getting laid off, boomers are dying, the world is healing.

>> No.50396546

>my watch
You're that Brazilian nigger with the fake watch pics and NFT obsession, huh? Go away, retard.

>> No.50396572

>if they were paycheck to paycheck several months ago
They weren't, because you can't get a mortgage like that, dumb Zoomzoom.
>what is DTI

>> No.50396686

your fucking retarded, i had lenders tell me they will “work the numbers” to try and get me a house. There were girls stocking mayo at walmart bragging about their first investment purchase. gtfo

>> No.50396717

>Market continues to moon
>Market has been dropping and crabbing for months

>> No.50396732

The vibrating, slightly drooping end on that chart fills me with deep existential dread.

>> No.50397565 [DELETED] 

Ethereum introduced Smart Contracts in 2015 and ever since there's been a litany of competitors seeking to be the Syscon’s killer up until now falling short of their ambitions by inadequately addressing one or more factors of the three major problems facing blockchain technology. They are Decentralization, Scalability and Security.

>> No.50397587

>muh anecdotes
imagine believing women and taking whatever garbage they say as gospel lmao

>> No.50398795
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>> No.50398990

No open market operations. Just letting the bonds mature. Dems are in charge after all and even Trump retreated on the idea of the fed literally dumping

>> No.50399169

>Poors can afford stuff again
Shit quality bait 0/10

>> No.50399317

Midwit here. What does ”tighten monetary policy” mean and why would they “forced” at that point? What would happen if they do something else?

>> No.50399551

Inflation would theoretically start to go to Argentina levels, which isn't necessarily bad if you are over 45

>> No.50399955


>> No.50400184

>Nobody uses ARMs these days
ARMs are currently a higher proportion of new mortgages than they were in 2008. Yes, people are that stupid.

>> No.50400368

It means slowing down or turning off the money printer to get inflation down. If they let inflation grow out of control people might start abandoning the dollar altogether for other currencies or more likely assets.

>> No.50400558
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bullish for chainlink

>> No.50400691

I love having a handful of gold. I can’t describe it. Also fuck Jannies for soft banning my home ip

>> No.50401459
File: 15 KB, 298x256, Screenshot 2022-07-17 at 04-06-40 https __fred.stlouisfed.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna deboooonk this real quick with picrelated and https://fred.stlouisfed.org/data/WALCL.txt where you can clearly see that the FED's balance sheet has come down over the span of the last 30+ days.
Granted it has not shrunk nearly as much as anticipated, but the FED never gave any guarantees.

>> No.50401498

the neddi pot has never looked more autistic

>> No.50401598

Yup. Little do the pivoters know they are buying the US Treasury's bags by buying 10 year notes at sub 3%. Their hubris will be the pivoter's downfall. Jerome will NOT pivot.

>> No.50401614

Stocks are "priced for perfection" not recession.

>> No.50401648

Yup. In a depression boomers and normies will panic sell their stocks and real estate for pennies on the dollar, only to be hoovered up by BlackRock with 0% (or probably by then negative%) Fed money.

>> No.50401695

cant see the fractal


>> No.50403688

No inflation is canceled Fed cuts start now.
Dab on a bobo
Dab on a bobo

>> No.50404230

I think the fed is partly trying to rapidly strengthen the dollar specifically to keep everyone using it during the current and upcoming political strife. Even if alternatives come up, a deflationary dollar will make people want to keep it. It's a good time buying strat

>> No.50404395

what are they shrinking?
what are they selling?
pls explain.

>> No.50404497

Not in the USA.

>> No.50405216

Yeah, reading a block-wall of text is an absolute pleasure isn't it you dickhead. Paragraphs are for the retarded and faggots, right sonny?

Funny you voluntary-gatekeeper cunts mention reddit so much and are oh so familiar with it. Fuck the fuck off.

>> No.50405371

Are you sure you understand what that statistical release says?

>> No.50405765

>fed isn't being honest
ANY, and I mean ANY, drooling retard that expected otherwise wnmi.

>> No.50406111
File: 3 KB, 88x31, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Reddit spacing you absolute new fag. But why don't you say the n (igger) word to prove you're from around here?

>> No.50406459

Kek, what are these retards doing? Crashing the economy with no survivors. I wonder if this is like a political hot potato and Biden gave Powell another term under the condition that he wait to sell until Republicans regain control to make it look like they caused it.

>> No.50406925

"Quantitative easing" = turn ON money printer and buy stocks to prop up market prices

"Quantitative tightening" = turn OFF money printer and sell holdings (typically resulting in a flashcrash)

At this point their hand is being forced by inflation. The previous already-really-fucking-bad 8.8% just got updated to 9.1. If they don't turn off the money printer and rugpull the market soon (REALLY fucking soon) then the USD will become completely worthless.

>> No.50407227

Run a soup kitchen, but for the affluent.

>> No.50407262

>If they don't turn off the money printer and rugpull the market soon (REALLY fucking soon) then the USD will become completely worthless.
If you’ve been paying attention to what is happening to the work the last few weeks, your statement is false

>> No.50407272

they don’t factor student loans into that kek it’s bullshit

>> No.50407294

Still a way better situation than yurop.

>> No.50407306


>> No.50407331
File: 67 KB, 1024x769, EA397EC2-D817-43E1-A63D-70C02E7788C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If the fed was serious about QT it would be 5% hikes per meeting, not .5 or .75 bullshit. Everyone is polishing brass on the Titanic. Have you all not read the Great Reset White Papers? Everyone will be made broke as fuck and forced to sign onto the UBI Program for food and housing with a contract that states you forfeit all rights to private property forever. You jerkies need to get up to speed. Bulls and Bears are going extinct because the Zoo is Fucking Closing!

>> No.50407390
File: 360 KB, 700x582, A95A0417-C754-4657-BF72-FEF72517C19E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically, it’s financial crashes during Democrat Admins (the Pen) and war during Republican Admins (the Sword). Now, with Obama at the helm, thru his Actor playing Biden, who the fuck knows what will happen. All I know is Trump was like, “I’m outta here!” He didn’t want this pie in the face on top of soft-killing 70% of the American Public via the Warpspeed Clot-Shots. The whole system/society must burn so a new, healthier forest can grow.

>> No.50407505

Kek intradesting bc we had a financial boom with republican, does that mean we'll have some based wars with Obama? Fucking based 360 walk away tactics here. BTW. You're bit about Trump not wanting term 2 makes so much sense and I've been saying that for a while now. This nigga hates losing and he'd be fucking smoked right now if he was "the shadow president" Kek. Normies on both sides of the political spectrum are so fucking dumb

>> No.50407572

Not even reddit spacing bro, I know it’s summer but jesus you are new. Disgusting.

>> No.50408574
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what assets should I be buying then?

>> No.50408681

>All I know is Trump was like, “I’m outta here!”
Democrats are drooling retards and are constantly outplayed by Republicans at every turn.
>hurrdurr same team
Yes, but no. There are power struggles in the world and each of the many sides has their reps.
Democrats, in the most drooling retarded fashion ever conceived in all of mankind, blatantly stole and election to in order to hold Trump's bags.

Imagine totally discrediting your entire party and the entire bureaucratic apparatus you need to depend on to hold all the LUNA you can just before it went to zero.

>> No.50408688

What would be your default move with $500k USD right now? 700k net worth. 100k in crypto

>> No.50408692

>This nigga hates losing
You are confusing battles and wars anon.
The greatest thing ever did was allow it to be stolen and bitch and moan loudly about it.

His name would have been ruined if he were holding this economic bag.

>> No.50408748

This reasoning pervades biz and only applies to security like assets or stocks or claims to goods (paper goods).
Real goods don't behave this way because someone has to TAKE FUCKING DELIVERY.

Long way to the bottom of REAL asset prices. The ones on paper are probably bottomed out though I agree.

>> No.50408934
File: 1.57 MB, 984x1449, dallemini_2022-7-9_0-21-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bet my watch is worth more than your entire net worth

I'm so fucking poor, bros.

>> No.50408980

>wearing a watch
Back to work wagie.
Being that I'm rich and the boss I have no need to ever know what time it is.
Occasionally I will ask the secretary.
You wear a tie too don't you?
High paid slaves.
Make sure and be well shaven too.

>> No.50409645

>10% inflation is totally normal!
>something something dollar milkshake!
>we're all gonna be rich!
You are welcome to buy if you think that's the right move.

>> No.50409845

This guy, this guy right here. He's a big faggot. He sucks nigger cock and loves it. Big huge ball sucking faggot.

>> No.50409895

Yeah bro, that's right bro. What a joke. all this anti-Semitism. Fucking clowns. The Jews are everyone's friends.

>> No.50409906

Try to find under-priced real estate.

>> No.50409981

absolutely not now. youd fuck yourself

>> No.50410270

the market has just begun to crash. 8-12 months wait and youre good anything longer and youll probably miss the bottom

>> No.50411500

Logically i would look for ways to get access to yields above 10% from decentralized platforms like aave, crv which have outstanding reputation.

>> No.50411568

You are so dumbed, fags like you got fucked by celsius and anchor and you lot don't even learn.

>> No.50411644

I can't tell if this is bait

>> No.50411677

Pajeet you lads are so impatient for the market to change direction, going 100k into crypto are you sure you have the balls to hodl when it dips.

>> No.50411692

Smartest thing you have done since you have been existing.

>> No.50411701

checked and this, then they'll pop up one more time before the real correction

>> No.50411715


>> No.50411738

You fags are just to weak to buy the dip, crypto doesn't need pussies like you.

>> No.50411783

>Bearish trend

You are still dumb enough to buy the dip?

>> No.50411825

>are you sure you have the balls to hodl when it dips.
Not a jeet but I’ll keep hodling until I need money to eat and I would only sell just enough for the food I need. You niggers were obviously not here for 2008. The Fed fags have about 4 years of austerity at best. It gets depressing when you and all your friends are too broke to go out, but it won’t stay like that forever

>> No.50411837

You are quite retarded and i am sure this is due to your lack of knowledge, you must still live in stone age if you don't know you can diversify your portfolio across yield farming protocols via spool.

>> No.50411943
File: 193 KB, 720x401, alex jones retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the housing market is not going to crash
>prices are going to fall

>> No.50412254

Could be worse, could be a German this winter

>> No.50414169

got some rare things on sale, stranger

>> No.50414708

>2022-07-06 8891851
>2022-07-13 8895867


>> No.50415198

This isn't a bad option actually, i like the idea of doing it two-thirds a year, especially through this unfavourable crypto season to really cut costs. And balance the last third in the good Syscon season....