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File: 2.42 MB, 1366x7056, FollowTheScience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50381118 No.50381118 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the FDA and CDC hemorrhaging staff? Should I apply there? There are some top spots open.

>> No.50381185

>Literal who website
>Anon sources

This is your brain on /pol/

Please go back faggot.

>> No.50381253

suck my fat swarthy penis and sell all your chainlink, faggot

>> No.50381441

>Implying big pharma stonks won't crash as soon as the cattle wakes up and stop being compliant
Your days are numbered. Profit while you can.

>> No.50381455

r*ddit tourist thinks anybody cares about his opinion.

>> No.50381592

This is the most bullshit fucking article I've ever read. Reads more like a personal diary from some faggot NPC larper who frequents /pol/

>> No.50381679

>anon sources with the CDC, NIH, CIA, Google, Saudis, etc. all told us x emotional thing
Wow. Powerful stuff. Need to unpack this.

>> No.50381696
File: 450 KB, 1048x1280, 92453fc1-beed-4ff8-adc6-28107c4252f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most bullshit fucking article
I've seen much worse. Looks like OP hit a nerve. The part about the vaccine being completely useless on kids but still pushed for political and financial reasons is definitely true at least.

>> No.50381775

Unless you have a PhD, you won't do better than a fellowship (training positions, not permanent staff). Even with a PhD, they mostly hire people who've been in fellowships.

>> No.50381811

>another bullshit source, with the pic blurred on purpose so people don't recognize it
Fucking kek
Why are you conspiracy tards so fuckin stupid?
At least your grifters are making bank off your NPC brains.

>> No.50381920

It's just a bullshit article header, written in a funny way, no need to seethe. Don't worry, you're free to get all the boosters you want, as long as your dear president stops trying to inject my kids with that shit.

>> No.50381973
File: 17 KB, 413x395, don1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes a vaccine 4 times, still gets sick with "covid"

>> No.50382106

this is the kind of post I expect from a link tranny

>> No.50382172
File: 360 KB, 1366x595, authors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except it was written by these people so nice fail

>> No.50382236

so I guess this means /pol/ is getting their information from credible MD and PhD sources while you trannies get yours from some humanities Social Justice mental reject who works for NYT or CNN? Got it, we always knew this btw because you are fuckin stupid

>> No.50382309

>100000 doctors say get the shot
>1 grifter with a medical degree tells you it's cancer aids poison nanobots, and also don't forget to support me through patreon and thanks for having me on your talk show
Looks like you're beaten by your own logic faggot. Imagine being this much of a fucking retard lmao
Have fun with the permanent brain damage hahahaha

>> No.50382374

sorry they'll all be filled with grifters paid for by big pharma.

>> No.50382387
File: 33 KB, 400x544, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I can understand nigger cattle mooing

>> No.50382450

Fuck the basedence and fuck you niggers too

>> No.50382458
File: 168 KB, 389x518, 1655431107206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fun with the permanent brain damage hahahaha
Even if that were true and I took a 20IQ hit I'd still be smarter than anybody who willingly got injected with the heckin' science juice.

>> No.50382490

why do link trannies seethe so much over nothing?

>> No.50382578

They are leaving because of the clot shots and infinite booster doses for kids with no scientific evidence of their benefit and LOTS of evidence of their harm. Just like the senior advisors which resigned when the boosters were approved.

>> No.50382619

It's funny you think using one of our expressions and greentext makes you blend in. Stop projecting and take your own advice. Leave. Don't come back.

>> No.50382620

I hold chainlink

>> No.50382634
File: 55 KB, 600x1104, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is link living rent free in your head

>> No.50382677

You realize post-vaxx syndrome and muh "long covid" are symptomatically indistinguishable and that the lipid nanoparticle targeting helps the spike be more deeply and ubiquitously and numerously spread in the relevant sensitive areas, right? And that the myth that natural infection causes myocarditis has been shown to have no established association but the vaxx has a massive one, right? You fell on the sword of your own undeserved arrogance/self-righteousness which was really just uncritical ideology and obsessed fear over what has been a known literal flu tier risk since the first major IFR studies out of Stanford and is substantially less than flu tier now with Omicron. I feel so bad for everything about you.

>> No.50382704

The Stanford studies completed in APRIL FUCKIN 2020 btw. How are you STILL this scared?

>> No.50382956

stfu stinky

>> No.50382988

normies truly ruin everything, fuck this website.

>> No.50384153

you've had brain damage since your stupid little dome popped out yo mamma's pussy retard

>> No.50385897
File: 76 KB, 828x818, 1657862962013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Literal who website
>>Anon sources
>This is your brain on /pol/
>Please go back faggot.