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50381609 No.50381609 [Reply] [Original]

In many big states their isn’t a single one. Their are some on some places but they seem extremely rare yet their are regular car washes everywhere why? Have girls in bikinis do it you can charge 4x as much? Is it zoning laws or something? The ones that do exist in say Florida or Nevada seem popular and profitable.

>> No.50381625

Maybe something about womens…rights?
Nah, probably some kike shit

>> No.50381641

maybe because it's retarded
imagine paying for this shit
onlyfans simp but irl

>> No.50381645

I don't know if you noticed, but we are currently in turbo feminist times where just glancing at a woman is practically considered as rape, twitter trannies would shut down such things asap

>> No.50381647

>charge 4x as much
>takes 10x as long
>requires 2x the labor which is more expensive to begin with
try charging 40x as much and maybe it will make sense

>> No.50381665

>Why are bikini car wash businesses so rare?
Because all the women are fat.

>> No.50381669

Go back to wherever you came from

>> No.50381672

What would stop someone from opening one though? I understand their would be bitching but from legal/business prospective. I mean their are like “sex positive feminists” talking about how sec work is real work. And again bikini car washes do exist their just really really rare in America.

>> No.50381690

Women can do only fans and dont have to go to jerk off carwashes.

>> No.50381695

Because a bunch of fat dykes and Karens would seethe about it today, and then the same ones saying it's exploitation would be demanding that trannies should be allowed to do it.

>> No.50381703

Not all but yeah I guess but obviously you go to Starbucks grocery whatever their are young attractive non fat women working their. You do go outside right? Their are at least 10x as many strip clubs as bikini car washes.

>> No.50381710

Women are annoying enough working in offices. So you think they're any less bitchy in bikinis?

>> No.50381730

anon it's really fucking weird to pay money to see women in bikinis. This goes for Hooters, Twin Peaks, those stupid fucking bikini cafes. It's fucking weird.

>> No.50381738

Because everything is about sluts already so why would I want some lazy whore in a bathing suit to do a mediocre job washing my car? Kazakhstan

>> No.50381740

I guess only fans and other internet porn is a thing but their is still people who don’t use internet would be interested. I mean their are bikini car washes that exist today and they seem to be doing well.

>> No.50381747

Their labor costs are too high. You can't compete against a mechanized car wash.

>> No.50381752

I mean they have dirty coffee stands so maybe it's just because the women are more protected inside their little booths and therefore feel more comfortable? Also, making coffee and showing your ass is a lot easier than actually washing a car in the sun

>> No.50381831

Because they can't wash cars for shit. it's weaid and look how she is standing on the hood.

>> No.50381861

Implying a is not b.

>> No.50381882

This only worked in white societies.

>> No.50381887

This. Imagine some roastie standing on your car, leaving massive dents all over it just so she can shake her ass for some real or imagined camera somewhere. Then to add insult to injury you're supposed to PAY the thot(s) for their "time" and "effort". It's pathetic and sad that the well meaning evolutionary goal of giving a woman income and safety in order for them to raise your children has become so subverted.

>> No.50381915

worst thread ive seen in years

>> No.50381925

Tell you what, bring back Whore houses and lower COL and taxes and maybe I would pay 16 year olds to wash my cock with their mouth and hands.
Another reason I want to get rich, move someplace where prostitution isnt illegal.

>> No.50381948

because sadly, we live in the age of women empowerment

>> No.50381961

There are alot of bikini coffee stands where I live in Arkansas. I have a couple grease ball buddies that love going for the attention. They get regular traffic.

>> No.50381971

I did it once. It was shit. Poor washing job. No tits on the window. Just a couple of skanks who don't know how to wax scrubbing with Dawn dishsoap

>> No.50381997

how does one not feel embarrassed paying money just to stare at women in bikini's? It's the same mentality that's causing actual prostitutes to become multimillionaires on OnlyFans. Think about what you're contributing to when you pay for that shit - it's absolutely embarrassing for the patrons

>> No.50382024

I see. I Can’t really just take your word for it. Obviously the wash is just part of it watching the show is the other half.

>> No.50382045

Wasn't fuck of a show. In the movies it seems like you get ass and tits on your windshield. In my experience it was trash

>> No.50382048

nobody is going to pay big bucks for some sluts to wash their car in this economy
not to mention the difficulty of finding a whole team of attractive women to hire

>> No.50382053

Because you want what you want and don’t care about the consequences it has on others? It’s not simping it’s an exchange of money for a service.

>> No.50382074

>it's about being a mindless consoomer
got it

>> No.50382075

But I agree with you still. Just explaining the logic of someone who would pay for only fans / a shitty car wash.

>> No.50382096

Alright. I didn’t know. I guess lots of people like you go in for the first time and are disappointed? Not a lot of returning customers then.

>> No.50382112

Well it wasn't a real business it was college girls or some shit in a parking lot with some buckets

>> No.50382428

Oh ok. But I’m talking about real business. I’ll link one for example https://www.baywashfl.com/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xHJ4I9QZu7U

I’m not in Florida btw, their is no Bikini car wash anywhere near where I am located not sure if that is a good or bad thing. Maybe I could get a gf and have her do it for me?

>> No.50382485

If a bitch ever stepped on my custom cars hood I would literally grab her by the hair and swing her body against a concrete post until she stopped struggling.

>> No.50382525

no woman wants to do this when they realize they can just go on the internet, do something just like it without getting wet & working, and get even more money.

>> No.50382553

What a gross stupid nigger. Zoom your stupid ass out of here

>> No.50382739

But you could say exactly the same thing about strips clubs which their are 10x as many of as bikini car washes. I’m just trying to figure out why so many strip clubs bikini baristas cocktail waitresses etc. but so few bikini car washes?

>> No.50382995

A proper hand detailing business where the staff are actually competent and know how to clean cars, but where they're also all cute girls in bikinis. No dancing, no acting sexy, just working competently. Y/n?

>> No.50383023

Probably because it's inherently public, and people can see you getting your shameful carwash. Also, maybe there isn't much of a cultural crossover between people who like cars and people who like strip clubs.

>> No.50383027

Y. Go open one.

>> No.50383053

That’s true it is very public I didn’t think of the shame factor.

>> No.50383223

why wont anybody beautiful let me suck their tits, i am beautiful

>> No.50383409

Have you ever actually asked?

>> No.50383425

women have the right to dance naked on my car for money

>> No.50383449

yes, well not for the tits but i ask for dates and stuff

>> No.50383482


>> No.50383579

Bro. Stop being such a beta faggot. Women are absolute shit tier life forms.

>> No.50383613


Because all women are fat...

>> No.50383717

No. Go outside. Seriously local grocery stores, coffee shops, gyms, clothing stores, etc. there are plenty of not fat young women.

>> No.50383776

>only fans simp but irl
Yeah man, men like bouncing tits and also go to strip clubs too. But you’re such a Chad you would never dare of “paying for it”. Chud Incel following the righteous Chad route for sure, kill yourself

>> No.50383797

women are only fir for one thing, wives
if a woman isn't your wife and having your children she is absolutely fucking useless
save for family, you should ignore anything that isn't a potential wife or your actual wife
SIMPing and hook up culture gave women a false sense of worth

>> No.50383816
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my paint is bad enough, I don't want some thot to make it even worse.
stupid bitches would probably clean my wheels and slap the same cloth right onto my hood.

>> No.50383821

Why would anyone go here? So you can just sit in your ar with Your Smiling Wojak face and stare at them for later masturbation purpose? Id feel like a fucking weirdo

>> No.50384302

What service?
For that matter, what service do strip clubs provide?

>> No.50384329

Like a art gallery?

>> No.50384381


>> No.50384498
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>Paying 400 dollars for a carwash

>> No.50384531

People who actually own nice cars don't want a bunch of dumb whores to ruin the paint. Also, porn is free and widely available as well as strip clubs

>> No.50384574
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Make it a tranny only job. Have their penisian bagenas dangling.

>> No.50384616

Retarded roasties will fuck up your paint

>> No.50384633

>trusting women to touch your paint

>> No.50385249

This. Even my wife sucks.

>> No.50385319

>wanting a bunch of people farting and bleeding out of their queefing pussies near your car

>> No.50385581

>going to get a car wash so you can oogle at women
This is so cringe to me. You're just sitting in your car smiling and staring at these women. Just go to a strip club or watch some porn..

>> No.50385598

I don’t know cars well. I have watched bikini car wash videos online and the car looks fine after the girls wash it? It doesn’t look scratched? I don’t get it.

>> No.50385647

You can't see from a distance but they'll put swirls and micro scratches in it

>> No.50385683

Oh ok. If I wanted to have a girl wash my car how could I make sure she doesn’t damage the car? Is it all about proper technique or is their cleaning tools and cleaning solutions that are idiot proof?

>> No.50385747

Enjoy the discriminations lawsuit when some ugly bitches and men apply for the job
There go all your profits + whatever else you have

>> No.50385759

Why would they wash cars when they can just start an OF?

>> No.50385826

>well meaning evolutionary goal of giving a woman income and safety in order for them to raise your children
The evolution goal is for alpha chads to have an entire harem to spread his genes. Tinder and sexual ((liberation)) is simply taking us back to prehistoric values

>> No.50386045
File: 134 KB, 750x769, CA488B21-D81E-4B6F-BF3F-72B6A2C73BF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would wipes like this work? I’m just thinking if theirs a idiot proof way, other than just having them not touch the car and hose it down.

>> No.50386149

My understanding of onlyfans is most don’t make even a couple hundred a month. And in the beginning when you first start posting their the money is terrible you have to build up. The bikini car wash she just applies and start working and getting paid.

>> No.50386257
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>blocks your path

>> No.50386332
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if some cunt stood on my car like that

>> No.50386423

Nothing stops you but you would be surprised how fast moralizers of all moralities will appear to throw roadblocks into your business. Once they have decided they don’t like that business good luck trying to get any business out together.

>> No.50386667


>> No.50386698

I'll give you a hint: niggers.

>> No.50386753

Do they harass the girls or something?

>> No.50387502
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I don't get it. Just grab your mooned zha0 bags, buy a high quality and tier prostitute and make her yours
you held your ch4ngpump bags right?

>> No.50387522

i grew up in the 80s it was common back in the 80s and 90s even for highschools to do fundraisers but after the 2000s with all the feminist faggotry it kind of died off. i cant imagine anyone trying it tehse days with all the cancel culture bullshit you are just asking for a lawsuit

>> No.50387538
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>> No.50387836

because there's a lot more risk involved than a normal carwash, and the cost of that risk is passed on to the customer. there are services which provide both at a better rate or more effectively, being a standard carwash for getting your car cleaned, and a strip club for looking at women. combining them together will cost the customer a shit tonne, not to mention insurance in case some horny loser like you jumps out of the car/films the women/assaults them etc.

All in all youll be paying a shit tonne more for just the experience than what the two services are worth if you specialized two different businesses separately.[

You could probably get away with a strip club that has a drivethrough for hot car washing, but its unlikely youll get the sales to make it cost effective

>> No.50388154

because inside we are all horny bitches
or greedy bitches, there are literally people getting excited about shitcoins like zha0

>> No.50388381

It's more about technique

>> No.50388547

i wash my own car

>> No.50389901
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I would never take my car to anything like this. I can just imagine how it would be

>roasties using same bucket to wash the wheels and paint, not using 2 bucket method either
>not pre washing the car using snowfoam to remove any dust and grit
>rubbing shampoo using a circular motion so it creates swirl scratches
>re using old wash mitts that are full of brake dust from other cars
>resting brushes and other equipment on the ground so they are full of grit

>> No.50389914

No, wipes like that would clean the car but they would also heavily scratch the paint. The only place I'd use something like that would be the wheels

>> No.50389944

This sends chills down my spine, like when the kids ask to help wash the car and I have to shout no.

>> No.50389956
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>iPhone nigger doesn't know how to use their/there/they're
why is it always americans that struggle with this shit?

>> No.50389983

The women that used to fit the sex work is real work demographic all have dicks now anon.

>> No.50390028

I ran one for awhile in Thailand, it was ok but basically none of the 'hot' girls are good at washing cars... in fact they are pretty shit at doing any kind of manual work. So getting good looking girls that would also do a good job became too much of a challenge. I folded and started Porn pizza instead.
Where the pizza types would be associated with a girl eg Nat Hawaiian and Pim Pepperoni. They would have a picture of them in a bikini on the bottom of the pizza box that gets exposed as you eat each slice (i disposed of this feature later as it was too expensive and girls would change too often). But the girl would deliver the pizza with her driver and go inside and do their sexy business and i would charge excessive prices for the pizza. It was great fun dont think anyone is doing it atm.

>> No.50390161

When people want to get their car washed, they want it done quick, so they drive through one of those auto washes. Besides, have you seen what people look like after washing cars for 8 hours?
Bikini baristas do well because it's less work for the lazy women and it's something the customers don't mind spending a little time waiting for.

>> No.50390212

Why would a women do bikini car washes when she can just open an onlyfans instead?

>> No.50390215

Have you seen our women? Why fuck would we want that on the car

>> No.50390247

Why not both? Make money while making money.

>> No.50390308

This. I need my water demineralised too.