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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50377257 No.50377257 [Reply] [Original]

Mega Millions lottery is up to $480 million. You did buy your tickets for the draw tonight, right?

>> No.50378197

Where do I buy?

>> No.50378351

Bong here, can we buy too?

>> No.50378368

you're more likely to make it buying mega millions lottery ticket based on a 4chan post than any token shilled here

>> No.50378522

Your local 7-Eleven :)

>> No.50378549

Premined scam

>> No.50378823

id rather put the money in something useful like MATIC that has been pumping for a month now.
what are the chances of me winning the lottery fucking 0.00001%? no thanks

>> No.50380371
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Playing the lottery is literally for losers. https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2012/11/hipsters_on_food_stamps.html

>> No.50380390

>poor fag cant spend money on fun

let me guess you never bought a beer or icecream too?

>> No.50380469

If I win I'm putting it all into STX and BTC.

>> No.50380524

See, this is what lottery/crypto faggots don’t understand. The lottery (and gambling in general) is so damaging to your psyche that eventually it prevents you from thinking rationally about career/business decisions, because all you think about is “what I’ll do WHEN I hit it big”, instead of the THOUSAND steps it takes to make it big on your own.
That is why only losers play the lottery. The winners are out there raking out small gainz every fucking day, which adds up to a fuck-load after 10-20 years of working.
Your logical fallacies don’t work here.

>> No.50380580

I literally hate people who participate in the lottery. You have to be a real NPC to throw your money away like that.


>> No.50380608

>No I never enjoy a cold beer or icecream. Im too busy working my butt off to make it!!!

too busy being poor to have fun

>> No.50380645
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>Mega Millions lottery is up to $480 million

If you win is the smart thing to take it all at once or over 30 years?

>> No.50380745

Yup, I can see this happening to me. I own 500,000 shares in a nano-cap biotech company that is about to start a phase IIb trial. These shares are essentially lottery tickets that will have their number called in 18-24 months. I would be lying if I said that holding them was not a distraction to my day to day life.

>> No.50380774

*may* have their number called, not will.

>> No.50380849

Always all at once, pay the tax on it and you are done.

>> No.50380954

If I won a jackpot that big, I’d take half of the lump sum and start aggressively market buying chainlink just for fun. How much would that move the price if someone bought ~$150m worth?

>> No.50381002

what company

>> No.50381035

I play the lottery every day for people and this is true. All they do is lose money, they'll be tens of thousands in the hole and win a few hundred or thousand if they're lucky occasionally. It's ridiculous. And poor mfs do this shit too. It's exactly why I don't believe the sob stories about poor people most of the time.

>> No.50381042

Antisense Therapeutics.

>> No.50381062
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The Feds also use the lottery to pay off their crisis actors used in their staged mass shooting events.
Lots of winners from Sandy Hook...

>> No.50381066
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>You have to be a real NPC to throw your money away like that

sir you are on /biz/

>> No.50381092

just bought some because of your post anon, if I win I'll drop you 10mil

>> No.50381117

No I'm not a nigger

>> No.50381150

that author is a nutcase

>> No.50381224
File: 74 KB, 500x460, Amazing_Luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literally hate people who participate in the lottery. You have to be a real NPC to throw your money away like that.

$2 for a chance at $480,000,000
I will drink one less soda today for the this chance.

>> No.50381226

Winning numbers are in my id

>> No.50381244


>> No.50381283

>not a single number in the id
a very poignant statement, there is no winning the lottery and the best choice is to simply not play. like pottery.

>> No.50381292

>$2 for a chance at $480,000,000
nobody ever wins unless (((they))) allow it
have fun staying poor

>> No.50381294

Shiiite, market cap of only $46 Million, that’s not a lot of money to bring a new drug to market. I’m rooting for you though.

>> No.50381316

Yeah, but in a good way.

>> No.50381322

Yup, they are on a shoestring budget. Only $21 million cash on hand. But that's why it's a "lottery ticket" play.

>> No.50381338
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>>$2 for a chance at $480,000,000
>nobody ever wins unless (((they))) allow it
>have fun staying poor

Then *YOU* do not play.

>> No.50381374

It's just incredibly improbable, but anyone can win.

Not everything is a Jewish conspiracy /pol/tard

>> No.50381393
File: 29 KB, 399x385, laughing-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wire me money and I'll buy you a ticket

>> No.50381431

actually it's a fund for time travelers to get period currency in an inconspicuous way.

>> No.50381466

I'd sooner believe this

>> No.50381470

You always take the lump sum. Never promise anything to anyone for any reason unless you like lawsuits. If possible in your state you hire a lawyer and cash out the amount to a trust so you never have to give your personal info to the public. You then go into hiding as all your distant family and friends decide that they love you.

>> No.50381487

I got a better chance of asking some frog here for 10k than ever winning even a million from a lottery

>> No.50381498

>Doesn't have a pact with his bros that if one makes it big, he shares it.

>> No.50381525

I'm literally sitting inside a house with no power and it's 90 degrees, but I still have made a pact if I ever make it big first thing I do is give all my close frens 50k and allocate 500k towards a year of us just being unemployed like we we as kids.
Then go back to waging/life.

>> No.50381548
File: 1.79 MB, 3000x2317, Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If possible in your state you hire a lawyer and cash out the amount to a trust so you never have to give your personal info to the public

Good IDEA!
Tell as few people as possible.
Stealth wealth is best wealth!

>> No.50381549

Only retards and niggers “play” the lottery

>> No.50381575

I don’t have any bros except for my actual brother and he is an asshole who married a cunt that I hate.

>> No.50381586

Sorry bro, I'm not retarded :( Good luck tho :)

>> No.50381640
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>Sorry bro, I'm not retarded :( Good luck tho :)

Someone is going to win.. it will NOT be you

>> No.50381927
File: 22 KB, 848x524, Screenshot 2022-07-15 at 21-14-25 Quanto costa giocare al SuperEnalotto - Giochi Nazionali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you pay more money to put more numbers on the ticket?
Her in Italy most games have what's called "playing a system", where you pay the equivalent of the number of tickets that you'd have to buy to get all the possible combinations of the N numbers you put. This gives you much better odds than spending the same money on single tickets every draw (so you're better off putting that money in a piggy bank and spending it all at once when the jackpot gets huge).
I don't play the lotto so I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that it results in you actually buying all the individual tickets for the combinations, rather than a single big ticket, which is advantageous because you can get the sum of all the (far more likely) small prizes from combinations of 3 or 4 numbers.
So not only you're significantly more likely to get the jackpot (still an extremely small chance), but you're much more likely to break even or to make a small profit.
It might be different with the MegaMillions game, but normally a higher jackpot also means that the smaller prizes are more substantial, so you can calculate the point where the small prizes are big enough to be worth the risk to you (which you can further reduce by playing as many numbers as you can afford).
If you can't do this, just buy all the combinations individually.

Then there's the whole "which numbers to play", which I haven't done any research or math on, but I don't think it makes any difference. Just use random.org to generate some numbers or google which numbers haven't been drawn for the longest, I don't think it should matter, and if there is a way to find numbers that are even slightly more likely to be picked, it's either way above our head, or you already know how to calculate that, so I have no advice on that.

It's still gambling though, so nothing is guaranteed and you could very well win zero even with the increased chances, so don't spend any money on this that you're not ok with losing.

>> No.50381936

Tax on poor people

>> No.50381959

Also, the biggest way to improve your odds is to play a game that's just easier to win.
In Italy the best one is MIllionDay, where you can only win up to a million Euros, but you "only" have to guess 5 numbers out of 55.

>> No.50381993

this is one of the most based articles i have ever read. my own beliefs resonate so well with the author of that article, in a way that i've never found with anyone i've ever talked to irl.

how do i find these kinds of people that are razor sharp and are always willing to cut through bullshit despite social norms and accepted viewpoints? where do they hang out?

>> No.50382009

How is this shit fun for you morons

>> No.50382070
File: 55 KB, 656x679, 1648754785720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's nothing more than chasing a high and waiting to get the next kick. let the addicts and addicts-in-training have their "fun".

it's funny because the people who turn to addictive things for "fun" are losers who have never experienced the pure joy and fulfillment you get from producing something of value, creating something meaningful with your own hands.

>> No.50382271
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28 45 36 21 12 47 08

>> No.50382348
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Fewer players just increases my chances to win

>> No.50382611

what are the odds of winning, and how does it compare to guessing bitcoin seed phrases?

>> No.50382650

one ticket is all you need

>> No.50382667

From a quick google search:
>mega millions jackpot
1 in 302,575,350
>12-word seed
1 in 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

>> No.50384464


>> No.50384538

it's a few bucks for a little bit of wishful thinking. Far better than blowing through a grand on some bad shitcoin trades.

>> No.50385115

What if the lawyer just cashes out and keeps your money?

>> No.50385205

That's why you hire a second lawyer so instead of being robbed by the first lawyer, you're making two lawyers equally rich.

>> No.50387130

peak retard

>> No.50387167


>> No.50387668
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>> No.50387814

It's for anonymity because in a lot of states if you don't do this then your info is open to the public. At that point it's not your friends or family members that you worry about but every criminal with half a brain and 0 morals.