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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5037524 No.5037524 [Reply] [Original]

Smart money is selling.

>> No.5037549

someone is fomoing hard^

>> No.5037576

>i sold yesterday too early please sell to make me feel better

>> No.5037602

This gonna flip omg

>> No.5037646

nah any tiny bit of news out of omg and it is gonna moon instantly

>> No.5037658

True, it's not going to be 1/4 of a dollar, it's gonna be 4/1 of a dollar.

>> No.5037691

of course /biz/ starts shilling a coin after it moons

>> No.5037716

are you new?

omg already mooned and is bleeding. you can buy REQ on binance if you want to offset yout losses

>> No.5037804

i own both retard. omg hasnt already mooned. req is going to be using omg plasma blockchain also. i dont get why you idiots are so against it

>> No.5037895

OMG hasn't released jack shit and it's already over a billion market cap. As soon as they release anything - ANYTHING - it'll moon like hell.

>> No.5038002

>Hasn't mooned
>Over 1bil MC
pick one

>> No.5038029

req and omg will work together.

>> No.5038108

lol do what you want bro. 1billion dollar marketcap is literally nothing on the trajectory the entire market is moving.

>> No.5038138

Should I set a stop-loss for this at around 1300 satoshi?

>> No.5038172
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>> No.5038199

Should've bought more than 10k

>> No.5038254
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Nice little FUD.

Up 400% since 2 weeks ago.

And this is on NO news, a major ETH bull run, BTC crash and on the ccusp of the prototype being launched.

Sure, please, sell. SELL IT ALL.

>> No.5038388


>> No.5038489

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.5038502

thats the point. its all been speculated

>> No.5038559

wow nice argument. i can almost guarentee youre a poorfag with probably a 10k networth. you will see the big picture soon.

>> No.5038599

It's obvious at this point. Colossus is right around the corner and we're heading for 2k+ sats. Good luck with your shitty FUD OP.

>> No.5038629

There is literally no reason for this coin to exist.

I'm going to laugh so hard when it goes down with chainlink in 2018.

>> No.5038671


Delusional bro.

We're gonna see $0.50 tomorrow.

I suppose you think OMG's 1 billion valuation is fair?

>> No.5038706

I think all ethereum spinoffs are bullshit.

>> No.5038736


It's not tied to Ethereum. They can piggy back it on any network.

>> No.5038788

OP sold his REQ early and doesn't want to miss the moon mission so he FUDs you

>> No.5039025

drop you motherfucker i'm not done accumulating

>> No.5039116
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>unironically thinks people will sell

>> No.5039308
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>> No.5039444
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Im looking down on you from my huge stack of cash, hysterically laughing at you poor peasants.
Youve been warned so many times, we are leaving for moon without you

>> No.5039499

Good entry point right now?

>> No.5039516

Why is Request Network worth more than kyber????

this is going to crash HARD

>> No.5039523

Anything below 50cents, get the fuck in anon

>> No.5039528

kyber is NOTHING without REQ

>> No.5039538

Atleast put some effort into your FUD please, god you FUDders are annoying. But not putting any effort into it makes it 1000000x more annoying

>> No.5039551

backed by Y combinator. So was coinbase. Gonna be added soon.

>> No.5039562

+50% today. Sorry bud you missed it. It will correct to +30% like it always does.

>> No.5039581

>taken out of bittrex just before the pump

>> No.5039588

Request Network is worth more than all of their partners which they rely on to succeed

huge red flag

>> No.5039613

it never was on bittrex

>> No.5039620

Yea, that's not going to happen...

>> No.5039634


>> No.5039635

>huge green flag
apple is worth more than all of their partners (you know, like cell service providers) which they rely on to succeed

stay dumb anon

>> No.5039638

I didn't miss anything anon

>> No.5039646

Kyber is at $1.29

>> No.5039705

Sometimes i wake up at night thinking i've spent money on IOTA...

Thank god its REQ

>> No.5039718

>not understanding how market cap works
im a REQ holder and im not selling until 1 dollar just for the record

>> No.5039766

I bought 2k and sold 75% for 40% gains. Feels bad man...

At least I let the 500 ride out though, could have sold all of it.

>> No.5039770

i love when the FUD hits

means youre in the right coin

>> No.5039808
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don't sell for anything under $1

>> No.5039839

>using logic is now FUD

typical /biz/
dont say I didnt warn you

>> No.5039936

>>huge green flag
>apple is worth more than all of their partners (you know, like cell service providers) which they rely on to succeed
stay dumb anon

>> No.5039985



>> No.5040050

lol nice one .

>> No.5040059

wow up 58%. feels good making money in this here market. what are you invested in

>> No.5040088

fuck you

>> No.5040387

I got 10k bought at 531. Had a sell order at 1049, logged in to cancel, got filled partially, saw someone else selling at same price, bought the amount right back.i was up to 330%ish last time I checked. I'm kicking myself buying only 10k though

>> No.5040425

can you guys sell already so I can buy low. Thanks

>> No.5040472

Sold 200k

>> No.5040832

Not enough, feed me more. LTC and ETH gains were real.

>> No.5041191

sold all of my request for iota to make a profit. I'm stressing so hard hoping req will drop down sub 20 cents

>> No.5041538

nah we are going to 1$ babyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.5041582

>tfw 5k of ETH locked up in coinbase
>tfw cant get in on this ride until after the update is released

>> No.5041744

REQT is crashing

I tried to warn you all

>> No.5041792

Shouldnt we see it go lunar on friday when the update is released?

>> No.5041793
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How do I turn REQ into USD?

>> No.5041833
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>trying to ride the pump'n'dump waves instead of hodling

you guys are the people who will post in this board complaining about how you had 1000 req and managed to lose it all because of "day trading"

1 year from now it won't matter if you bought in at 500, 1k or 2k sats niggers

>> No.5041848

price in plus this is obvious pnd

>> No.5041861


>> No.5041867

is it worth buying in if it hits .50 by next week?

>> No.5041880

1 year from now crypto will be nothing

>> No.5041896

>trade for BTC/ETH
>sell BTC/ETH for USD

>> No.5041947

Stay poor

Aside, you can tell biz is in the market rn Bc of the influx of brainlets selling low

>> No.5042016

Just added 300 REQ to my stack

Once you make x3 with an investment, day trading gets psychologically easier

>> No.5042171

Sure, if you're a day trader. Once it hits other exchanges it'll go up again.

>> No.5042245

source pic pls

>> No.5042411
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Tfw bought at 800 sold at 1530 around noon bought back in at 13xx sold at 1670 and just bought the dip again at 1450

>> No.5042536
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I have managed only this small trick

Still feels better than sex
Now Im too nervous to go to bed

>> No.5042601

0.18-0.20 USD

>> No.5042678
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normie here.
on binance, wtf am i looking at?
does my choice of buying req with eth or btc matter?

>> No.5042712

absolutely not

>> No.5043138

If BTC is bullish then buy with ETH and vice versa

>> No.5043189

Smart money sold 3 days ago / thread.

>> No.5043201

As a college guy from Eastern Europe who got 500 euros freelancing and wants to get into this thing with the main focus of long term profit, what do you guys think of going 50% REQ and 50% Wabi? As far as I've been lurking, REQ has potential to grow decently large in a few months.

>> No.5043239

%50 percent REQ and %50 percent XRB, but you better invest right now

>> No.5043265

50% REQ and 50% LINK

>> No.5043290

Too late to buy in? Looks like there's not much more room to grow

>> No.5043318

Wow, we have an actual retard here.

>> No.5043320

Market cap: $168,448,554

Plenty of room to 2-3x

>> No.5043334

smart money has moved into neo for the inevitablre pump in the next 48 hours, we will be buying back req when it dips to 1200, thanks!

>> No.5043349


Unfortunately I'll only be able to do so tomorrow afternoon (~16ish hrs) :(.

I'm thinking Wabi because
>On Dec 31, WaBi team are going to announce their partnerships. If Aliexpress is one of their partners, WaBi will skyrocket.

>> No.5043772

Not a bad investment, the tech is cool. I think there's a good chance it'll do well as soon as some more of their partnerships are announced. probably hold for a few months at least. I think raiblocks is definitely worth investing in though, still not on any main exchanges and the tech is really good.

>> No.5043868

When people are saying they bought in at 300k or whatever, are they measuring that by Sats usually? Or actually 300k REQ?

>> No.5043912

holding on to my wabi wabi, req and waiting for ltc to rise so i can get my shit back.
serves me right for going back in and getting greedy...