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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 192 KB, 961x720, condosalwayswin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50364873 No.50364873 [Reply] [Original]

Our time has come. I will finally own a condo on the LA coast. What are you gonna slurp?

>> No.50364893

an SFH house anywhere within 1.5 hours of boston.

>Captcha GASS0

>> No.50364905

Cope and seethr. You are priced out forever.

>> No.50364904

Gonna build a trailer park.

>> No.50364913

You call this a dip?
Zoomers and millennials really are fucked when they celebrate because prices have stopped going up
I’m still priced out of anything good on the coast
Probably have to move to Tennessee or some shittier place like bama

>> No.50364929

The dip has hardly begun

>> No.50364940

There is no dip, just a slight crab then another bullrun.

>> No.50364963

rate hikes soon, the slurpers will inherit(it was written)

>> No.50364964

Wow it's down 20% from ATH but it's up 100% in the last 5 years. You sure showed the jews

>> No.50365063

down 20% so far

>> No.50365157

No it's not lmao

>> No.50365204

>earthquake cracks the foundation
>$20M in maintenance gets allocated amongst the 100 inhabitants
>sorry goy your HOA fee is going up another $20k/year for the next decade
>can't sell it because no one is dumb enough to pay the HOA fee

>> No.50365244

big brain strategy

>> No.50365257

Real estate crashes are slow it'll take years to shake out.

>> No.50365294

Slurping a nice place by the beach in my Midwest flyover state and then slurping a place in France where I have family. I will be on the boomer snowbird rotation 30 years ahead of schedule.

>> No.50365311

good news for you, it was inflated 5 years ago as well. It's been inflated since 2015.

>> No.50365360
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>beach in my Midwest flyover state
will look like this

>> No.50365397

>earthquakes do not damage single family homes
>earthquake insurance does not exist
>OP is not a fag

>> No.50365421
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>> No.50365452

the building housed poor renters not old money cali coast chads

>> No.50365467
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I feel like I can finally move out of my parents place. have enough for a down payment. I take home $5500 after tax. 200-250k(in texas) budget.

>> No.50365492

you got this anon

>> No.50365494
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Nah that's an interstate stop several hundred miles away

>> No.50365611

>rate hikes soon
Two more weeks until prices come down, right? LOL cope

>> No.50365757

for road trips, having these every other hour is nice

>> No.50366177

I feel I've seen at least 3 anons/larpers post pictures from inside those condos in the last few months. Do they just all look really similar in CA?

>> No.50366431

Recession is the most bearish shit for real estate, lmao

>> No.50366529
File: 1.07 MB, 1201x754, lU3RfKYkcj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked in Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia and Pennsylvania for the funniest bag holder and I found this was first purchased in 2006 (last peak) for $514,390. This bag holder tried to get $10,000 more at this peak but nobody has taken it and he has now dropped the price to what he paid for in 2006! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.50366563

I will be buying REITs thanks for paying body corporate fees. We'll fix the front door in a couple years.

>> No.50366567

Rate go up -> money is less affordable to borrow -> housing prices go down -> buy house for cheaper with flighty higher interest rate (historically still low as it’s ever been) -> pay it off for 1-3 years -> rates go down -> refinance -> the amount you had to “overpay” for a couple years is still nothing compared to the discount on the notional loan amount

>> No.50366653

Cope. You will rent from people like me for the rest of your wretched life.

>> No.50366661

This, but with a variable rate mortgage at the top, when all normies are terrified of them.

>> No.50366679

>money is less affordable to borrow -> housing prices go down
Poorfags like you don't drive the market.
You might as well post
>Lambos are too expensive for the average retard, therefore Lambo prices must crash soon

>> No.50366701

What are you even saying
It’s a well understood macroeconomic event. Money easier to borrow means price goes up

>> No.50366784

It doesn't work the other way around, because there are plenty of buyers who can afford the prices without needing to borrow anything, because they pay cash.

>> No.50366802

lol how many houses do you think are being bought with cash? ridiculous

>> No.50366863

this is hilarious. absolute bagunit

>> No.50366890
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Looking at grabbing some land out of the city. Northside of the Columbia most likely. Washington state is pretty gay but the location is excellent aside from that. Ideally I'll find somewhere nearer to the coast (fewer wildfires) and by running freshwater source.

The plan is to build a small cabin to start and build things out from there. Best case is slowly working towards something totally self-sufficient. Garden, PV+ batteries, well water and river/rain capture with tanks, and non-electric backups for everything.

If we can get a 20-30% pullback that's ideal, we'll see.

>> No.50366902

>5500 sq ft
Lmaooooo who the fuck would want a house this immense yet have neighbors and sit on a road

>> No.50367121

>he doesn't know

>> No.50367125
File: 1.62 MB, 1200x1070, 1457565702541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat zee bugs
live in zee pod
it is inevitable, goyim

>> No.50367169

nigga you retarded if you think it only works one way

>> No.50367184

bro forgot he lives in WEST virginia not Virginia

>> No.50367238

Sorry, I don't converse with non-white people in matters of business.

>> No.50367240

Everytime I pass by that condo in Santa Monica on the PCH highway I will hold a giant cardboard sign saying OP is a faggot.

>> No.50367258

I mean the vast majority of houses by count and by notional cost are paid with mortgage so

>> No.50367260

not an argument, nigga

>> No.50367288

I live in LA. We are crammed to the brim with lifelong live-at-homers and people who can’t afford housing so they end up homeless. There won’t be a crash here. Any slight dip in value will instantly get swallowed up by the teeming hordes looking for somewhere to stay. You must be from outta town somewhere

>> No.50367318

Go away NIGGER

>> No.50367320

I've tried explaining the difference between cash and credit to zesties dozens of times but it runs like water off their backs. They firmly believe mortgages are the only existing form of financing and everyone else is walking around with a suitcase full of cash fresh off the federal presses.

>> No.50367348

To be fair remortgaging is still the cheapest form of accessible long term debt on the market.

>> No.50367370

Lmfao imagine being this mad because you lost an argument, nigga

>> No.50367375

Im well aware of other loans people can get to get cash to pay for things…I repeat. Almost every house is bought with a normal fixed rate or 3/1, 5/1, 7/1 mortgage

>> No.50367387

>The plan is to build a small cabin to start and build things out from there
Good luck, unless you're somewhere in the real boonies, hours from the nearest store, there's gonna be county zoning that prevents you from building anything yourself - especially cabins, which Jews really seem to hate, for some reason (unless they're multi-million dollar "cabins" in Aspen, of course).

>> No.50367435

actually this is a good deal in an excellent location NEAR DC despite being in WV there might be some unforeseen problems. The vinyl siding on houses like this is a big turn off but def not a deal breaker. Curious...

ok a quick look looks like those houses sold in 2017ish for $300k BUT now they have houses half the size of his selling for $500k so yeah he's gonna get cucked he should be asking 900k for it based on comps so maybe it a bait listing by a jew to drive prices down kek

>> No.50367444

Why is county zoning a thing?

>> No.50367511

Ok looks like he got ripped on the price bc same neighborhood same builder same size houses sold for less than $300k (which is hard to fucking believe for how big they are but they used cheap materials)

So yeah that also might be a typo on Zillow for how much he paid in 2006 but it's possible he just paid double what the other buyers in his subdivision paid

>> No.50367544

>I'm literally a broke nigger, therefore prices must come down
black fragility

>> No.50367579

almost a third of houses in 2021 were bought with cash. It's a real occurrence, it just doesn't mean what zesties think it does.

>> No.50367582

it works both ways zoomie, low interest rates raise prices, high interest rates lower them


>> No.50367594

Are you forgetting there will be a recession so none of those people will have the money to buy anything?

>> No.50367640

23%. It’s higher than I’d guess but still doesn’t change anything. These cash buyers are still bidding against mortgage borrowers. Prices still rise and that doesn’t change because someone can afford to pay cash at a higher price

>> No.50367777

I'm old enough to be your father.
>high interest rates lower them
It's not happening. High prices are here to stay, and they will climb even higher in a few years.

>> No.50367837

Checked and completely wrong pilled. Imagine being old and not understanding interest rates

>> No.50367853

It’s a really easy google to read about the relationship between interest rates and housing prices. Idk why you think you know better

>> No.50367854

whatever you say grandpa

>> No.50367882

What don't you understand? Higher interest rates pricing out the already marginal buyers isn't a problem.
Higher rates and high prices will simply adjust the composition of the homeowner class: wealthy individuals and large corporations.
Homes don't have to be affordable for regular wagies. Those wagies will rent forever.

>> No.50367891

>It’s a really easy google to read about how inflation is transitory. Idk why you think you know better

>> No.50367977

I know of many people who are sitting on a stash of cash waiting for the opportunity of lower real estate. The dip will be swallowed instantly. Honestly wish you people would stay where you’re at, it smells like piss here and we’re already full

>> No.50368039
File: 174 KB, 1336x484, va nfcu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standing by to slurp with welfarebux

>> No.50368074

what will they do with all these homes, rent them out to wages that can’t afford mortgage payments?please show me examples of homes that rent for less than a mortgage payment.

>> No.50368136

yeah this is what we call cope

>> No.50368232

I am going to put up a casino and the prizes are:

tier 0: nothing
tier 1: bag of bugs
tier 2: synthetic meat
jackpot: real steak

>buying real state with wagies taxes as a NEET
I have based department on hold for you, sir

>> No.50368238

Gj you learned how to quote a post brainlet

>> No.50368390

>hehe never gonna afford anything
>t. Bagholding hooose flooper
Keep telling yourself that.
t. Vault 50 bankruptcy attorney

>> No.50368588

imagine being a zoomer and not understanding how the economy works. Ill try to break it down for you.

Jews print money. government wastes money defending israel. housing prices go up. jews charge higher interest rates to yankees who borrowed money to defend thier "greatest ally". housing prices rise some more. jews increase interest rates again. rentoids are priced out of the market. higher interest rates also mean businesses lay people off. people who borrowed alot of money before the high rates on variable mortages get fucked, lose thier shirts, have to sell property for less then they paid. house prices begin to dip. construction companies stop building houses, cause thiers no money in it. housing shortfall occurs. rentoids get fucked. housing prices begin rising again. inflation is solved. jews print more cash to loan to government to give to israel. housing prices rise again.

>> No.50369060

Maybe purchasing power but not prices.

>> No.50369080
File: 1.02 MB, 2461x1295, USDA-Map-US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get a mortgage through USDA for 0% down and 3% rates, basically half off right now, and not deplete any of your savings. Just buy outside of the shaded areas.

Throw your savings into Crypto instead and thank me in a few years.

>> No.50369121

Are you 19?

>> No.50369476

>Slurping a nice place by the beach in my Midwest flyover state and then slurping a place in France where I have family. I will be on the boomer snowbird rotation 30 years ahead of schedule.
Which beach anon? I'll join
You don't have to know I'm living there, but maybe you would find me out someday

>from Ohio
>moved to cities for SWE career

>> No.50369480

this is truth
inflation is going to ravage the savings and piles of cash you think are worth anything
blackrock is has been buying it all 30-60% over the asking price for years and will continue
you will own nothing
you will eat ze bugs

>> No.50369496

also you zoomers should differentiate real inflation (protip: actual CPI much higher than 10%) adjusted price of real estate and nominal price of real estate
nominal price of real estate is GUARANTEED to keep skyrocketing so if you don't have huge steady and increasing with inflation cashflows you are GUARANTEED to be outpriced

>> No.50369554

I was ready to slurp but I had part of my down payment funds in crypto lol
Oh well renting isn't so bad

>> No.50369596

>renting during recession
>"not so bad"

>> No.50369650

Why cant u buy in the shaded areas??

>> No.50369701

If your poor. Need to make less than 80% of median household income for county. Around $68k where I was looking.

>> No.50369753
File: 108 KB, 1460x525, usda income limits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the county. Plenty of places with 70k-90k limits in the Midwest. College towns, rural suburbs.

>> No.50369776

USDA loans are meant to get people in rural parts of the country. Government is heavily subsidizing people to buy outside the suburbs and the inner city.

>> No.50369869

Wow that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

>> No.50369885

If this map is going to strike out most of NE ohio, why not the whole thing?
Why leave the shittiest parts? lol

Is this just a shading of cities? How was the map generated? Is it measuring density or black people?

>> No.50369943

>Depends on the county. Plenty of places with 70k-90k limits in the Midwest. College towns, rural suburbs.
So I probably wouldn't qualify as a $250k/year engineer with passive staking income, right?

>> No.50373230

fuck thats tempting as fuck but i love fiber internet

>> No.50373267

>$10k more at this peak
you're forgetting about inflation. $514k in 2006 is about $755k today, and that's if you believe the official jewish lies of the CPI. at any rate, he's still massively underwater. KEK.

>> No.50373285
File: 39 KB, 162x587, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be eligible for a USDA home loan, your total household income cannot exceed the local USDA income limits. The current standard USDA loan income limit for 1-4 member households is $103,500

rip nm

>> No.50374332

>you're forgetting about inflation.
you read that and think the poster "forgot" about inflation? pretty pedantic comment from you

>> No.50374359

Sluuuurping a comfy family home
FOMO cucks absolutely seething

>> No.50374416

a mountain villa in ubud and cliff + beach front villa in uluwatu with helipad so i can sleep in the mountain and spend the day on the beach
need to learn to fly heli too

>> No.50376505

He forgot when he bought also apparently kek

>> No.50377412
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1642148062698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cali coast over miami coast
>preferring blue haired lib retard fat cunts to conservative coked out latinas who cook and clean for papi
What did he mean by this?

>> No.50377515

Based and Santa Monica Canyonpilled.

>> No.50377661
File: 1.33 MB, 1844x1666, ywnoah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already been slurped.

>> No.50377685


>> No.50377749
File: 3.07 MB, 4187x2791, 1641050695661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just listened in on a few analysts for work, I can’t name my employer, and believe me or don’t believe me I don’t care.
normal people have absolutely no fucking idea what’s about to happen in 12 months.
It is going to be biblical.
You thought 2008 was bad?
This is *finger quotes* correction *finger quotes* will make one's anus go into reverse
You think you can get 1 condo in LA?
You will see lenders offer stupid concessions and gifts to buy their bags
You will see realtors offer to shuttle you express, with cookies and doughnuts to buy.
Imagine seeing price drops of up to 75%
Oh oh my God my nipples are so erect
We haven't even begun the bear market, all whats happening now is foreplay.
Wait until October, that's when the real fucking begins

>> No.50377781

>Buy a condo 30 feet from the freeway

>> No.50377826

the problem in miami is the crime and future flooding and flood insurance rates

cali has cheaper rates for that, but higher property taxes and if your residency is in cali you also have income tax.

but I get it, you need to find a good condo but you'd be presed for north beach/south beach for less than $600 HOA fee and then 1% annual property tax fee, looking about $5000 in taxes annually + $7200 in HOA

so unless it's a free condo in miami, good luck

>> No.50377841

With the increase in the number of homes on the market and the 5% decrease in prices. they are doing a shit job of buying everything up.

>> No.50377862

Anything southern Lake Michigan. Looking at the Holland, Michigan area. Somehow property is still nice and cheap. I think it's the racism.

>> No.50377885

I should dress up as an over priced home for Halloween

>> No.50377968

Enjoy the 80% hispanic
Enjoy the littered roadways
Enjoy the ghost town crackhead downtown
Enjoy the coming nigger riots
Enjoy the exorbant property taxes
Enjoy the smog filled air
Enjoy the shark ridden murky oil spilled beaches
Enjoy the pothole ridden roads
Enjoy the wildfires in summer
Enjoy the souless bourgois liberal karen neighbors

But yes anon good job buying the top of a third world metropolis

>> No.50379932

That’s not just any freeway dude, it’s the Pacific Coast Highway. The beach is right on the other side of that picture and those condos all have ocean views.

>> No.50380002

Just buy in Rhode Island dude. It’s way cheaper than the Boston suburbs and the food is better. Mass holes are retarded about needing to live in Mass

>> No.50381136

>please show me examples of homes that rent for less than a mortgage payment.
By your dumb logic, no one can afford to rent and landlords make 0 profit.
These big corporations can sit on houses forever. Yes, the wagies will rent. In fact, corporate rentals purchased with cash or cheap corporate debt don't even have to be consistently profitable because there's value in capturing critical sectors of the economy (housing). What happens if a company grows to the size of Google and owns rentals in entire states?
The time horizon is decades, and that's enough to create a generation of rentoid serfs.

>> No.50381612

Because it keeps cityfags out of your comfy county.

>> No.50382062

I just sold my place in Charlotte for $1.595m. Am moving to a rental for the next 3-4 years and then plan to buy the place back for $950k or so. Easiest money I've ever made. Literally and unironically.

>> No.50382222

LA’s dead, brah.

>> No.50382424

LA is getting really really bad. Santa Monica is a total hellhole now and even Beverly Hills is full of crazy homeless junkies. You’re better off getting a place in Ventura county, like Thousand Oaks or Westlake.

>> No.50384256

Why not move to somewhere more sane and use the pile of cash to pad out an early retirement?

>> No.50384458

>an SFH house

>> No.50384938

you left out living above a freeway while encircled by a homeless drug market

>> No.50385731

>Throw your savings into Crypto instead and thank me in a few years.
Agreed. Crypto would pay back big time as a long-term investment to users. A sector I've seen with good potential is privacy protocols which would be around even after the regulations.