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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50361131 No.50361131 [Reply] [Original]

we are ushering into a new era and only biz is grasping how significant it will be. millions will be made and tears will be shed. discuss.

>> No.50361194

What’s the ICP Sui/make it stacks?

>> No.50361236
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500/5000 is the standard

>> No.50361247

nothing like the IC exists, years ahead, buying as much as I can
and fuck your layer 2 shit before you even start

>> No.50361513

its 1488/6000000

>> No.50361650


still not buying this scam, cope harder bagholder

>> No.50361674

Fuck out of here fagglit. You lose

>> No.50361691

We don't need your $5, keep them in Solana and Doge

>> No.50361727

imagine being an ICP bagholder
I cannot imagine anything more cucked

>> No.50361748

I heard that the Internet and computers already exist even.

>> No.50361780

natural integration is impossible

imagine putting a Playstation 1 disc into a ps5 and come back to me when you google it

>> No.50361803

Is that like when you put your dick in a butthole?

>> No.50361877

at $1k per icp

same here icpbro

>> No.50361951
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Don't forget that the founder of SOLANA and FTX, (((SAM BANKMAN-FRIED))) created a fake ICP trading pair called ICP-PERP to dump the price of competitor Layer-1 chain Internet Computer Protocol, into oblivion.

>> No.50362098


>> No.50362107

Yes, and that's a good thing. I loaded up my back at 5 and locked it away

>> No.50362174

I will show you how possible it is when I integrate my dick in your ass when ICP hits $2k

>> No.50362184
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I was thinking about heading to the bank to wire 100k in order to dump it all into ICP in one go. Perhaps it is more prudent to set up weekly buy orders of 1k? 2-5k? I can't do that. I'm an all or nothing kind of guy. So maybe I'll just dump it all in at once and wait a few years...

>> No.50362246

>we are ushering into a new era and only biz is grasping how significant it will be. millions will be made and tears will be shed. discuss.
Hey, I checked into ICP, I'm satisfied it is another capital absorbing scam. The idea of a blockchain hosted datacentre used by businesses where randos vote on how it functions based on a token is the stupidest proposition ever. There is a lot of dumb shit in crypto but you don;t ever get a completely unworkable idea that is also directly in competition with Amazons and Microsoft core businesses but with a technologically inept and unworkable proposition........icp is the scam to target complete technological illiterates. This is going to less than 10 cents by the next bull in five years. It is the dragonchain of this run.

>> No.50362251

Based schizo with his "bank accounts".
Go for it.

>> No.50362256
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>> No.50362263

>I was thinking about heading to the bank to wire 100k in order to dump it all into ICP in one go.
You need to appoint someone you have family connections to and profoundly trust to be your guardian because you are obviously not able to make decisions or care for yourself.

>> No.50362303

no thanks anon, icp is pretty much dead since 2021, i will be instead investing in matic that's literally taking over the market. at the end disney's accelerator chose polygon, the only blockchain to be part of its 2022 program

>> No.50362307

I've heard rumors Dominic weeps for hours every day in his office. He was distraught over the hackathon submissions.

>> No.50362314

I know this is a scam. But this isn't why.
It's cheap and they'd simply buy up the tokens themselves just as they acquire so many other things.
Amazon and MSFT buy out things much more expensive almost yearly.

>> No.50362334

Disney went woke and is going broke.
Desantis hasn't even started wrecking them.

>> No.50362393

AEX Global Ambassador is now live, providing you with a stable job in web3. Don't pass up this opportunity.

>> No.50362416


>> No.50362443
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Still gotta pay the bills.
I dumped my life savings into ETH at around $15 pre-EEA unveiling. It was only about 10k but it paid off tremendously despite that to this day not locking in any of these gains.
I did the same thing following the covAIDS crash of 2020 but with a six-figure sum. It has also paid off tremendously. I have still decided not to lock in profits and therefor tax liabilities.
Only mistake I made was dumping 125k worth of ETH into GRT back in December 2020. GRT has been the absolute worst decision I ever made. That being said, I'm still up. Been following ICP since mainnet. It's been a shitstorm but the more I look at it and lurk the chain..the more it is giving me ETH vibes circa late '16. Could be like buying ETH at $15 all over again but this time I have more initial capital. Remind me why I need a guardian, again?

>> No.50362459
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kek ICP baggies
3 cent eoy... Hold tight Mr Dominiqs heavy bags

>> No.50362630

will these btc flowers be worth anything or should I dump them now while they are going for around 300 icp. I worry if the icp price goes up then the btcflower price will just go down in icp

>> No.50362934

>launched in 2021
>pretty much dead since 2021
What happened to Ethereum when it launched in 2015?

>> No.50363753

ICP ETH integration canceled chuds

>> No.50364412

this literally doesn't mean anything

>> No.50364730

>infinity symbol
every fucking thing with infinity symbol was a scam or flopped

>> No.50364738

Imagine saying that when you thought it couldnt possibly go any lower at 20 United States Dollars

>> No.50364796
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How many GBs of ICP do I need to make it?

>> No.50365134

How much does it cost to store 5TB of hentai on icp?

>> No.50365319

100 ICP if you stake it for 8 years. Which first you about 800. OR just buy 800

>> No.50366820

As the price tanks, the sui stack keeps increasing kek.
>2023: Icp suicide / make it stack 5000/10,000

>> No.50367135

What does ICP do?
When LINK and ETH where starting people would constantly post big posts about what they do and how its revolutionary

You dont get that for ICP

>> No.50367205

When you see that kinda of posts, it will be triple digits per pee with normies calling 10k eoy prediction. Get a sui stack at least faggot

>> No.50367289

ETH and LINK had those posts from the start
why dont you explain why this shit is good you shill nigger

>> No.50367298

Dude it has some of the most innovative tech in crypto right now!

>> No.50367314

I heard the team is fake and Dom just photoshops them around him, sell

>> No.50367350

We did everything already buddy you can just look around dyor no one is going to spoon feed you

>> No.50367465

You're right it's a PnD VC scam. No one can explain how the tech works, it's all buzzwords and they really don't have 200 employees at all, it's a ghost company made to siphon funds from schizo bagholders lmao.

>> No.50367554
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Samuul sends his regards

>> No.50367576

This is retarded. I can do 20 billion blocks a year if my blockchain is centralized.

>> No.50367653

You're just a fucking brainlet.
I see you trying so hard to shill your little flower ranjesh. Your community depends so hard on your income little wonder you're cooking so much curry

>> No.50367697

>instead investing in matic
Polygon has a huge opportunity to grow exponentially. Added more MATIC and KOLNET to my staking bags.
Most Web3 solutions for DeFi problems are built on polygon

>> No.50367723
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>40 dollars is the bottom

>> No.50367739

>You lose
listen anon.. i hold some ICP, but if you bought anytime before like a month ago, hasn't the only thing you've ever done while bagholding ICP is lose?

>> No.50368113
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>before like a month ago
>all crypto has done is dump since November 8, 2021
What is time horizon
Don't bet the farm
Don't bet rent money
Does nobody else see how advanced this is? Look at the roadmap and look at the UI. I only use ETH but the more I look at ICP the more I see opportunity over the long-term
Also, FUDposter never answered to >>50362443

>> No.50368374
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nigga if you have all that money to spend, it should be a no brainer to throw a fat stack into ICP.
join the club, and get ready for pain.
we are delusional. either ICP will scam out, or it will rise to the very top.
there is no inbetween. it’s going top 5 or it will crash and burn and fall another 90%.

>> No.50368485
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Nice pic and nice
>join the club, and get ready for pain
Goddamn, that does not make me feel any better. All right, I'll join the club. I'm going in with a 10k initial before the week is done. My ideal stack would be 2kICP. Set it and forget it for several years. But yeah, the chart ain't promising. Again, what did ETH do after it's launch? Dumped like 95% then went on to do multiple thousands of X returns in the following years. I don't have "all that money to spend" because 90% of my money is already in crypto. Mostly in ETH. Scared money don't make money, though. I'm almost there because what the duck else do we have? If shit hits the fan in such a way that networks go black..money should be the least of one's concern. Right?

>> No.50368564
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In which case, all that tasty food, ammo, metal, cigarette, alcohol and gun stack is worth bartering with trusted local

>> No.50368682
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>> No.50368706
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>> No.50368729
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i’m a poorfag so i only have like 700 of them but at this point i am attached to this project at a cellular level so that’s what it is

>> No.50368770

>token that does literally nothing
>shilled by people who do not understand the capabilities it can do (hint: nothing)
>no actual backing by anyone meaningfully intending to use it for its advertised purpose (hint: everything)
>it's literally NOTHING
jesus christ

>> No.50368793
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I'm married to ETH. It's all I know. My BTC I will never touch and treat it as a forever-savings account. Offline. ETH I can fuck with. ICP has such a better user interface. And it seems far more advanced. Time will tell. ETH is going nowhere but up. Just as sure a thing as BTC in my mind, just better gains with a bit more risk involved. ICP gives me ETH vibes from 2016. That FUD about cancelling ETH integration? Kek. Look at the timeline, roadmap. It ain't cancelled. It's coming within the next two major updates. Icey Piss looks delicious. I may marry it myself, too. I know how you feel. I know how traders say never marry your investments. Most of the time it is true. But if you get something like an AAPL or AMZN, you'll be glad to have married it ten years from now. As said - faaget-abaat-iit

>> No.50368877

Holy shit this fag has never used the protocol. Never bought even a couple-hundred dollars worth, set up Plug wallet and see for yourself. There's so much going on with this. With the blessings of Vitalik, it makes me question whether ICP will beat ETH to market with many of Vitalik's ETH2 features.

>> No.50368927

how many hundreds of millions were empty?

>> No.50368935
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reminder that spinner cash will btfo monero

>> No.50369103
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you’re a good cunt mate. hope to have a beer with ya one day

>> No.50369255

ICP will make that NFT chain obsolete, there will be a wave of integrations next year. DOGE SMART CONTRACTS …. If they can integrate Bitcoin they can integrate the forks easily… this is your wake up call … get a bag of at least 1k and stake it for 8 years… im sorry to my fellow piss heads buts someone shilled icp here months ago so i have to give back every now and again

>> No.50369285

If you bought months ago you would be heavily down, moonman is a scammer faggot. This shitcoin only dumps, it will NEVER pump in your lifetime. It was an elaborate scam feeding you buzzwords so you baghold while they dump on your stupid ass LMAO

>> No.50369958

so is this the new link? where bag holders constantly shill that it's the greatest thing ever

>> No.50369997

Incorrect… i found out about it in january but i knew the market was going into crypto winter (4 year cycles) i sold my matic which i had bought for .015 cent in 2019 and began DCAing into ICP… i am a chad i have rental income from property i bought in 2011 (the bottom of the market here) i bought at 4.88 and again at 5.20… i also have a lot of cash ready to buy again (always keep your power dry) thank you for indulging my ego brother… heed this advice: read the richest man in babylon and wait for opportunities to find you..

>> No.50370126
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>Source : Raj A from New Delhi and Choisun from North Korea.

>> No.50370240
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TLDR for the sub 80 IQ's. Marketing only brings you so far, at some point, you need to deliver the platform or your platform will end up on the altcoin-graveyard. If you've been in this space long enough, you know that I'm telling cold hard truth, but majority of the faggots here all bought shitcoins high and are now underwater and seething at ICP because ICP is taking over the space.

Yes, your platform will fade to oblivion permanently. Remember Stratis, Ark, ICX, Qtum, Digibyte, NEO , the popular smart contract platforms from 2017? The platforms couldn't attract developers to make it relevant.

Developers are MVP, without developers, the platform can't output applications that accrue value for your network like token-burn through tx's, and the network can't generate enough revenue to offset the cost of cloud storage and hosting. Open up the dashboard. 1000-4000 smart-contracts are deployed everyday on ICP.

https://www.icpexplorer.org https://www.cryptomiso.com/months_6.html Most active blockchain on Github. DYOR and see if I'm lying.
This is how we know that ICP will be relevant the next 20 years. You can't win over developers, your POS chain becomes obsolete, if you win over miners, your p.o.w chain gets 51% attacked.

>> No.50370307

None of those are functional dApps, those devs just created worthless dApps so they can claim the grant money/funding. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of money laundering scheme orchestrated by dfinity themselves, they hire a bunch of pajeets to make useless dApps then give the grant money to them then get it again later on LMAO. Just face reality retard, ICP is the biggest scam this cycle.

>> No.50370375

114k smart contracts deployed, and the chain is still in phase 0, canister deployment will go parabolic after BTC-Integration.

>Functional dApps compared to what ? When did ICP launch and when did Solana, Avax, Eth launch? All the other highspeed chains have few years head-start.
All the dApps on ICP function, no hacks, no exploits, 100% uptime.

>> No.50370509
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Where the devs go, the money goes.
ICP is number one in github commits.
The devs are coming and they are coming in waves. ICP is quickly becoming the fastest growing ecosystem in the space. And make no mistake, it is an ECOSYSTEM. An ecosystem with waves of devs getting cunt deep inside.

the internet ecosystem is about to fucking BOOM

>> No.50371055
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I was in an event where the CTO of Dfinity spoke of ICP.
I looked around the room and it's was like >80% jeets. The room even smelt like a weird combination of curry, cheap cologne and cow.
If that is not a sell signal, I am not sure what else is.

>> No.50371890

trash scam
1b blocks and still no smart contracts worth showing after a year
its merely a nft vaporware at this point

>> No.50371921
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> this
as a researcher/dev I can see how ICP's solution is way superior than its competitors. My team and I are trying to port some of our research projects onto ICP to see how much better it is as a solution compared to say eth/L2 combination or some of the claimed faster chains, ie sol/avax (they have much lower throughput in real world applications than claimed) and so far we are convinced. We typically work on private chains and this is the only public chain with a respectable throughput out there in the market.
My professor was impressed at the technical implementation and research and I quote him "Dfinity has real scientists and engineers".

>> No.50372163


>> No.50372536

>My team and I are trying to port some of our research projects onto ICP
No one would do this, you are larping

>> No.50372628


It has a minecraft game running on it. Mario 64 used to be playable on it. Enough said.

>> No.50372719


>> No.50373166

Yes i am larping and I got caught

>> No.50374330

> random blockchain startup achieves blocks

Blocks happening aren't achievements.

>> No.50374944

Price would go up as they bought the tokens. It wouldn’t be so simple.

>> No.50375366

moron, icp is clearly gonna stack those blocks up, and then label it "future art" and auction it for 40 billion dollars. Dom's gonna be rich.

>> No.50376338 [DELETED] 

KEK. I just want to know what the big deal with ICP is. Projects like DEIP, IXS, ARTCO all have the same products: web 3, NFTs, or F-NFTs.

>> No.50376367

if this metric meant anything BSV would be the standard and crayg a genius

>> No.50376479 [DELETED] 

Heard of IXS through their partnership with ALBT, I know they're heavy involved in fractionalized NFTs

>> No.50376502

Question is, will it sell for 40 billion or are they overestimating this

>> No.50376543

Yeah only, LINK eventually leads up to their words and by the very minimum, have good partnerships and integrations. Though, in terms of oracles DIA is a fair one to look at too

>> No.50377377

This Internet Com Puter definitely has sales

>> No.50378261

It used to be 100/1000 when it was like $20 lololol

Today it's 10000000/8888888888888888

>> No.50378902

I could a usage case for ICP cycles in VR porn, not just normal stereoscopic VR porn, but VR 6DOF porn. (6 degrees of freedom)
But would require obscene amount of disk-space, computation just to render the file and a new file format.


>> No.50379143 [DELETED] 


>> No.50379222

> Mario 64 used to be playable on it.
it wasnt running on the ICP
you could just download the file from the icp
like cloud storage

>> No.50379436

That cube shit doesnt run on icp either
it just uses icp to store user data

like a bunch of other nft games using other blockchains

>> No.50379597
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desperate ICP baggies don't understand this

>> No.50379953

To put in perspective what a feat Internet Computer Protocol has achieved by surpassing one billion blocks processed in a little over a year, this is how long it will take a few other major blockchains at their current pace:

Bitcoin will take ~18,000 years (Currently at ~750,000 blocks)
Ethereum will take ~5,000 years (Currently at ~15 million blocks)
Solana will take over 18 years (Currently at ~120 million blocks)

Holy shit we are gonna be rich bizbros

>> No.50380027

I was considering purchasing an internet computer, but after reading this thread I have changed my mind.

>> No.50380583

Icp isn't real, you're all experiencing a shared psychosis

>> No.50381296

frozen piss will make us all rich, $2k eoy, moonman shall deliver

>> No.50382033 [DELETED] 

bmup lol lmao

>> No.50382189
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Why didn't this pump in last year's bullrun? It's been out since May 2021

>> No.50382574

It went from $20 in January 2021 to $400 ($2800 on some scam sites) in May of 2021. Is that not a pump?

>> No.50382776

an artificial pump and dump doesn’t count. The coin hasn’t had a true chance to come into its own organically, yet.

>> No.50383761

It's just a stupid 4chan scheme.

>> No.50383875

Only people buying icp are racists. Dont be like that my fellows anons of color.

>> No.50384158

i always know to steer clear of coins that have people that act like this attached to them

>> No.50384571

do nocoiners really?

>> No.50384701

this is 4chan, everyone here acts delusional about anything

>> No.50384804

the human psyche is built on delusions

>> No.50385601

Dumb. A high concentration of schizo-posting is either an extremely good sign or a huge red flag, with no in-between. Bitcoin, ETH, LINK, all had massive amounts of schizo-posting in the beginning. But so have shitcoins like XRP. It's up to you to do the research and decide for yourself.

>> No.50385671

kike coins had tons of shiling oh so didnt the other kike coin. every crypto in your post is a jew psyop to rob people and keep the jews in power instead of in the past. all "investing" is organized jewish crime. the only reason btc and eth are allowed is because they are jewish organized crime tools to rob people

>> No.50385722


>> No.50385734

Why is the coin still around?
Who is still shilling this? Does anyone actually fall for it?

>> No.50385782

because everything else is a redundancy (ethereums with extra steps)

>> No.50385800

everything, has massive schizo posting, it's not an indicator you would want to use when investing, i hate this board so much.

>> No.50385927

Not true. Legit schizos tend to gravitate toward new tech that has the potential to revolutionize the industry, and away from old tech or rehashes of old tech. So you won't find many schizos discussing BTC anymore, or ETH, or any of ETH clones, or shticoins and dog tokens. There's a big difference between legit schizo posting, baggie cope, and paid shilling, even if on the surface they can seem very similar.

The reason schizo-posting is a good indicator is because schizos will devote literally thousands of hours researching everything about a subject of interests, and all of the connections and externalities that surround that subject. The downside is that they're so obsessed with proving their theories correct, that they'll invent connections if none exist, or stretch things too far into the realm of the absurd. When the connections are there, and logically make sense, you can trust that the schizos are leading you in a good direction. When the connections are too far-fetched and make no sense, that's when it becomes a huge red flag. Therefore it's up to you to listen to the schizos, absorb their knowledge, and independently verify their claims.

>> No.50386013

Pretty bizarre, people are cheering about the size of a database table, mostly filled with irrelevant junk metadata that is just an implementation detail and does not contain anything of value.

>> No.50386238

no. one. cares.


>> No.50386258

the ICP suicide stack is exactly 1 because owning it and watching the price only go down asymptotically toward zero will make you commit suicide. Seriously, open up that ICP weekly chart and take a good long look

>> No.50386638

>clearly cares

>> No.50386756


>> No.50386850

I am suspicious of staking ICP, the rewards can change whenever it's voted on the rewards changing. There's no guarantee that you'll make the same now as you will in 2, 4 or 8 years

>> No.50386939

>Mario 64 used to be playable
>used to be
yeah and what happened to it lmao, cool computer bro I love the idea of my files disappearing based on a node operators feelings

>> No.50388003
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Thanks Arkham and NYT! You sure saved me from a scammy whammy!

>> No.50388227
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dios mio.. la creatura del bankman....

>> No.50389034

This hideous brown abomination is what jews mean when they say “diversity is our greatest strength”.
You grandkids will be disgusting quadroons unless you start killing these fucking heebs in mass.

>> No.50389296

Yeah cause all the other coins pumped "organically" and were not influenced by market makers. You are so fucking stupid, along with all these other dumb fucks.

>> No.50389358


>> No.50390675

bmup lol lmao penis

>> No.50390703


look at what xrp did to the shitzos though. literally turned them insane.

>> No.50390883

why do you newfags whinge on about xrp so much it mooned.... 3 separate times.. fucking retard

>> No.50391036

I have 15 ICP...will I become rich?

>> No.50391216

What is this a BSV thread?
Blocks for the sake of blocks doesn't imply or mean utility in any way.
Way to set your goalpost wherever you want.

>> No.50391271

heres one of them

>> No.50391321

Yeah a good example why /biz/ are just a bunch of retards. I getting my stack but I’m not buying 5-10k ICPs lol

>> No.50391456
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ok so icp has 1.7 billion mcap right now..at its peak it was around 10 bill when the price was $60-$70. if it ever returns to that mcap, it will probably do a 10x right? so why are there icp $1k+ memes?

>> No.50391520
File: 1.27 MB, 1274x811, tyler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started with a group called tyler that created the narrative that ICP would reach $2020 on 12/21/2021, then it switched to $2000 EOY.

>> No.50391587

When btc marketcap is 10+ trillion, think where ICP will be...

>> No.50391774

mouth breather

>> No.50391874

No ICP will be five figure post BTC and ETH integration, then once it fully slurps the web and becomes a true competitor to AWS it will become a 6 figure token. 10 ICP tokens will make you millionaire.

>> No.50391914

It won’t do a 10x even at that MC because the supply is increasing. It’s going to stop increasing in like 8 years.

>> No.50392014 [DELETED] 

Why has Syscon chosen to remain Proof of work while so many industries are focusing on transitioning towards Proof of Stake? The main reason is to increase scalability. We understand the alert however we have chosen other methods of increasing our scalability without sacrificing the security that Proof of Work provides.

>> No.50392522
File: 47 KB, 720x589, FUxW9DJXsAAi_Z9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ICP $10,000
> 2.4T MC
biz at max retardation

>> No.50392652

>peak $10 billion
lmao try $400 billion. it was right under ethereum. one ICP was worth $2.8k at opening on binance. do the math.

>> No.50392690

what happened to the old people memes that was the only good thing about this shitcoin

>> No.50393727

It will never stop increasing. It’s just that the inflation rate will be flat at 5% in 8 years unless it’s voted to change

>> No.50394768

accumulate more anon. 500 is the minimum safe range, as it’s the suicide stack. my piss stays frozen and my wallet stays thick

>> No.50394901

You have to give a man some credit. After snorting the whitest line of moonsugar in the vincinity off the finest young HR harem roasties' asscracks dominic keeps it going at least until 6am every single night. He keeps calling his programmers multiple times in the middle of the night about his ideas to keep them from "lazying about" and "wanking off." He also keeps talking about how he will "Fry that fat hooknosed goblin in a pan" all the time while banging the table of employees not doing their due duties.

We CAN let him get away with this.

>> No.50394936

No it wasn't they fucking sucked and I hate them. They should not come back. Dumbest fucking thing no one identified with or found funny

>> No.50395561
File: 499 KB, 760x1642, Screenshot_20220716-135546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save this pic and post it in all ICP threads

>> No.50396506

But wasn’t it proven that nobody sold when the price spiked? And the spike was liquidity issues or something.

>> No.50396553

I don’t even know anymore. No idea who is J’ing who.

>> No.50396640

It becomes deflationary as more usage happens.

>> No.50397036

Watch the movie Ghost in the shell. The Motoko language was named after the main protagonist. It's unironically really good. I'm saying this because it talks about diversity, but actually gives a good reasoning for it and explains how we got to this point through it.

>> No.50397149

Mods are deleting R1b posts
Mods are J

>> No.50397616


How does 3 hot and ready little caesar's pepperoni pizzas sound?

>> No.50397640

WTF is the point of ICP? It's like the internet now but even shittier.

>> No.50397870

>What does ICP do?
Absolutely nothing imho. I wouldn't put a penny on it. I'll rather take my investments into other projects with real uses like tech marketing.

>> No.50398335

Which projects stand out in tech marketing?

>> No.50398447

>Which projects stand out in tech marketing?
I know for a fact that KOLnet is 1 of them because it is pioneering the IMO concept for project launch.

>> No.50398819

What do you mean by IMOs?

>> No.50399256

Initial market offering. KOLs will promote projects and get paid with presale tokens of the projects they're promoting which makes them a part of the community from launch.

>> No.50400029

t. faggot

>> No.50400286

Managed to scrape together 230. Wish I had more to invest but I’m putting it all in an 8y non dissolve. I figure with the age bonus I can get up to 500 and start printing passive income if this ever takes off

>> No.50401373
File: 188 KB, 760x753, Screenshot_20220716-124735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it. All I know is what I saw/continue to see.

>> No.50401381
File: 425 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20220716-130217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50401577

>get paid with presale tokens of the projects they're promoting
Have fun with the SEC and getting S-1s filed for those securities you're describing

>> No.50401587


>> No.50402023

god market is real stupid, (((They))) will slurp it all, and by the time the masses wake up, it's already too late and the new world order will still cntrol by the same group.

>> No.50402095

don't they have 20% more pepperoni now?