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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50352991 No.50352991 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good /biz/ simulators?

>> No.50353112


I just ordered a logitech g29 so I can play American Truck Simulator. You create your own trucking business and travel around.

>> No.50353122

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy

>> No.50353176

victoria 2

>> No.50353183

Tropico, most realistic biz game ever

>> No.50353208

age of empires

>> No.50353237

Game dec tycoon is pretty fun

>> No.50353250

Is this true or just a meme? I'd like to try more paradox games but hoi4 is such bullshit it makes me want to bite my dick off

>> No.50353364
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The one and only, Capitalism 2

>> No.50353404

Dollal Simulator


>> No.50353409
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>> No.50353423

Vic2 is the best if you like economics and diplomacy mainly, I don't like war so it's my favourite. It's nothing like Hoi4
The russians cracked capitalism lab with all dlcs my friend, play that one it is a direct upgrade

>> No.50353473

It's really outdated so you probably won't like it but yeah

>> No.50353507

EVE online
Puzzle Pirates (when it was still active)

>> No.50353514
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The OG simulator of being a Wall Street insider getting rich without effort by screwing over retail cucks.

>> No.50353915

Capitalism 2

>> No.50353952


>> No.50353957

Thanks friend, I wasn't aware of that version. After a five min search i found the latest cracked version .v7.1.05 with all the dlcs.

>> No.50354213

minimum wage slave simulator

>> No.50354245

Not outdated at all.

>> No.50354349

Patrician III is the ultimate buy low, sell high game.

>> No.50354449

Bumbly Beach. Good level. I enjoy refining Dinky Park to an autistic degree.

>> No.50354574


>> No.50355107

The vanilla economy is borderline retarded later on in the game, unless you get some mods.

>> No.50355118

Dwarf Fortress

>> No.50355221

This one?


No idea how many viruses there are.

>> No.50355474

yea, scanned and nothing came up on my end, not even false positives that get flagged in some cracked software.

>> No.50356124

the anno series is quite fun, maybe not really a business simulator but an economy simulator

>> No.50356155

Simcity 2000. My business rating was always way down for some reason and i never figured out why.

>> No.50356687

Weird. When I extracted the files and ran the exe file my Avast blocked creation of some files when I started new game.

>> No.50357024

Lmao I actually had to play this and give a short speech for a grade 8 business class assignment

>> No.50357249
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It teaches you the world is about feeding the loan sharks.

>> No.50357291


Yeah, but the distances are compressed, so you're not getting the same realism and sense of scale. I demand fully autistic 1:1 scale maps.

>> No.50357312

I've recommended this game on /biz/ too many times to count now.
It's a shame there aren't more modern games like this today.

>> No.50357372

SimFarm is a good simulation of the business side of farming

>> No.50357656
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Hoi2 with black ice

>> No.50358373
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>> No.50358418

Paradox games teach you to manage large organizations, think strategically, approach life in growth/consolidation cycles

>> No.50358430

The only actual biz game ITT

>> No.50359543
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The Mcdonald's Game of course


>> No.50359613

any boomers here remember dope wars?

>> No.50359745

for what would i need games? crypto is indistinguishable

>> No.50360069


>> No.50360082
File: 519 KB, 1936x1936, 2221F6F2-F748-4CB0-B131-007EACF2932C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember a game from the 80’s where you inherit money and play for 30 years trading 150 companies? It was remade later without allowing the usual tricks. (You could buy up a company with a lot of tax losses carried forward, maneuver it into a tech industry, set research to maximum, and wait.)

Or you could just play the OG Railroad Tycoon.

>> No.50360104

hunie cam studios, a game where you pimp camwhores

>> No.50360147
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Wall Street Raider, a game in development since 1985. It's the Dwarf Fortress of financial simulation

>This Wall Street investment simulation is widely recognized as the ultimate in sophisticated financial simulations. It's a corporate takeover and stock market game, in which players strive to build their corporate empires by fair means or foul, all the while trying to stay one step ahead of the SEC, IRS, Justice Department, EPA, Congress, powerful unions, corrupt governments, and ruthless competitors who will crush you if you fall into a weakened financial situation -- not to mention various man-made and natural calamaties and economic disasters you will have to survive.

>> No.50360161
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>> No.50360669

Ah, Wall Street Raider!

>> No.50360924

Caravaneer 2

>> No.50360987

This, and oiligarchy are the OG /biz/ satire games.

>> No.50360988

offworld trading company

>> No.50361173

Isn’t caravaneer 2 an old new grounds game

>> No.50362325

ur pic is the only one that matters

>> No.50362344

Mount and Blade Warband is what taught me the concept of passive income

>> No.50362447

>be me, be child
>playing sim city 4000
>citizens NEVER wanted to use public transportation
>public transportation is one of the few ways you can gain money besides property tax
>be eternal mad that my sims were a bunch of retards that don't get the signal that I want them to use public transportation so we don't get bankrupt
>years late I learned that this game was based on true American behavior and that it wasn't a bug at all

>> No.50362496


>> No.50363654
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>> No.50363683

checked and you should play Sexy Hiking which GOI is based off of.

>> No.50363779

puzzle pirates holy fuck i miss that game.

>> No.50363933
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>Railroad Tycoon
My nigga

>> No.50363947

If you only knew how bad things really are.

>> No.50364037

I miss that game like you niggas wouldn't believe

>> No.50364055

It was the best wagie simulator ever. With real skillgaps for every single profession.

>> No.50364190

Based and puzzle pilled. That game really gave me a taste of what it would be like to own a small store, and the fact that it involves having your cash tied up into a ton of stock that you then had to sell for a tiny profit margin, barely recouping what you put in.
Was so much easier to just make a ton playing poker. But then people started playing poker like retards and it became a a lotteryfest, quit not long after.

>> No.50364194
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back when it was actually good, nothing was better

>> No.50364207

Star Wars Galaxies was good

>> No.50364249

>Was so much easier to just make a ton playing poker. But then people started playing poker like retards and it became a a lotteryfest, quit not long after.
Ah yes, the old days of grinding pillages for 8 hours and then gambling all the money away on poker, kek. 10/10 pirate simulation

>> No.50364410
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>> No.50365547
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Fortune street

>> No.50365614
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Dope wars

>> No.50365619

hey hey people

>> No.50365645

Never heard of this but looks based, better than civilization?

>> No.50365666

Was it fun to play in 90?

>> No.50365850

literally fired this up again a few weeks ago after 7 years. I'm already looking at spreadsheets

>> No.50365883

Do you think Sseth browses biz? I've seen screenshots of biz fly by in some of his videos, but it's hard to say whether he just dug up some memes or actually posts. He seems like he'd fit right in.

>> No.50366267

holy fuck youre a loser, what a clown ass world we live in lmfao

>> No.50366315

No offense but why?

>> No.50366866

Ive looked everywhere but I cant find a crack for the full version, help an anon out?

>> No.50366879

Dude come on man

>> No.50368885

>for what would i need games? crypto is indistinguishable
I feel like a gaming background helped in some way

I was an early days Runescaper >>50360161

I feel like there is a linked factor here to whyRunescape leads into crypto. It's like a combination of a certain class, mixed with a double digit hour (per day) gaming hobby and triple digit IQ. All the actual middle class+ kids were playing WoW, because $5 vs $15/month didn't matter to them and didn't need a game to run in a browser lmfao

>> No.50368948

fuck you fag let the man enjoy his hobby

>> No.50368950

I'm glad I found Rimworld when I did. Very comfy game

>back when it was actually good, nothing was better
Never played EVE, but I played escape velocity nova which was a kino spaceship game

>> No.50368983


I remember getting this game from a cereal box when I was like 8.

>> No.50369079

harvest moon

>> No.50369112
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wuw for vex?

>> No.50369115

WoW and manipulate the market on the auction house

>> No.50369321
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just play path of exile and be a trade warrior.

>> No.50369379

honestly not the worst idea, you can make some nice side money during the first 4 weeks of a league too if you RMT your shit when you're done
it's not much but extra $500-1000 for running a crafting bot and keeping up some trade alerts

>> No.50369493

Animal Crossing

>> No.50369502
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Depends. Celcius and Luna redditors hopefully all kill themselves.

>> No.50369535

When I was younger I used to enjoy pretty much every game I played and the better ones literally sucked me in for days. For the last ~5 years each game I try bores me after an hour or even sooner. Are the games shit now or did I get old and grumpy? The last game I actually enjoyed thoroughly was fucking Thumper

>> No.50369638

Games didn't get worse, as a kid you just didn't know better. I know that feeling bro as a kid I had the shittiest games yet I loved them all.

>> No.50369646

the games dont change, the way you play video games changes my dude.

when i was a kid exploring runescape or maplestory for the first time its all about exploring a new world that could have anything you can imagine in it, maybe even unimaginable things. by the time i started playing wow i was "good" enough at gaming in general to start learning the economy and how to grind efficiently from day 1. by the time i decided to play path of exile, before i even hit character creation i was already googling what builds can be min-maxed the hardest, because i sure as FUCK wont be wasting my time playing a suboptimal build, fun be damned. Unfortunately getting good means having less fun :(

>> No.50369709

This has to be one of the worst things about getting old because nobody has warned me this would happen. I know my body would gradually get shittier etc., but nobody told me I'd stop enjoying 90% of stuff that I used to love. I just get bored so quickly. Even fucking drugs are not as much fun as they used to be

>> No.50369748

>For the last ~5 years each game I try bores me after an hour or even sooner
>Games didn't get worse, as a kid you just didn't know better. I know that feeling bro as a kid I had the shittiest games yet I loved them all.
While it could be this or "the way you play video games" as other anon mentioned, how old are you?

This sounds pretty much how my vidya addiction passively began to subside. I just couldn't get into ANYTHING.. I'd be into the IDEA of playing video games, but actually picking one from my library and sticking through with it was becoming a rare event interleaved with binging some never-ending multiplayer game like PUBG, rocket league, dead by daylight

It could just be your mind realizing that the games are ultimately limited ways of interacting with the world. The only things possible are what some human designers at a company could fit within the time limit and budget. If it's not programmed, it's not possible.

There's only so many things that can be seen in gaming. Couple that with 20-50% of the industry moving to shit like loot boxes, drip feeded progession that requires 1000 hours, etc and I think my mind had seen enough

Peak gaming for me was 2007 (freshman in HS) and probably because it was still social for me. Games were taking the biggest leaps in tech and hadn't been totally infested with microtransactions or other dumb crap yet

My recommendation if this resonates with you: just quit gaming. Why force yourself to get back into liking games? What's the benefit?

Mass uninstall, join a martial arts gym, learn about crypto, and
maybe play 1-3 matches of something like DbD after work, but don't force yourself to.

Lastly, after quitting for a bit, more regular life activities will seem more appealing to you; they'll literally be more fun to engage in. Vidya fucks you up by making anything else in life feel boring or like a chore because it "doesn't compare" >>50369709
>I just get bored so quickly.

>> No.50369763

>Mass uninstall, join a martial arts gym, learn about crypto, and
oh I meant to add that you can replace vidya with tabletop games (in a social setting). I got really into tabletop RPGs. check our Free League publishing's catalogue.

It at least makes your gaming social. Do it with a crew of friends though, not online. I met my group at the gym

>> No.50369787

stonk market

>> No.50373057

nice reddit post frendo you have heckin good opinions

>> No.50373239

That's not a game. It's Chip and Dale's MMORPG

>> No.50373317

I came here to say this. It’s a great game of supply and demand, think I’ll play it this weekend. I really like the daily challenges.

>> No.50373468

>wage irl so you can wage in a bideo game

>> No.50373517
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>> No.50373737
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>> No.50374232

What game is this

>> No.50374364


>> No.50374464

shadow president. old but you have to play old games to avoid pozzed agendas.

>> No.50374527
File: 2.67 MB, 2560x1440, 3y23TYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
>but anon, gommienism isn't /biz/
This game has commie aesthetics, but what you do is you build an entire country on top of unspoiled nature, extract its resources to feed your ever growing industrial machine, and export your excess production for massive gains. Think factorio meets sim city with a dash of transport tycoon. Not for brainlets.

>> No.50374546

Agreed. 2007-2012 EVE was peak online ludo.

>> No.50374572

I never understood truck simulator, why not just get a job and get paid to waste your time instead

>> No.50374620

I had to take an abstinence from the trucking game. It's too good especially with mods. I dropped my phone and crossed the yellow lines and it gave me real life "you fucked up A-A-ron" feelings.
I like driving and hauling trailers and in the winter when I'm off it's a fun time to crank the speakers up and drive some big goofy stretched semi truck across the desert 90mph overweight.
All the little towns they mapped are super realistic, I visited my buddy's area in New Mexico and Idaho and he ran out in his car to send me Snapchat of the road I was on in the game

>> No.50376357


>> No.50377094

anything SsethTzeentach made video about

>> No.50377121

EVE truly is a great biz sim.

>> No.50377142

>min wage
go outside
touch grass
get a clue
have sex