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50351274 No.50351274 [Reply] [Original]

What Europeon country will we buy at discount to turn into our 51st state?

>> No.50351380

None you retarded muttmerican fatoid freak, you fucking wish you could buy a sucesfull and functioning state

>> No.50351435

Please raise your hand and wait until an American gives you permission to post

>> No.50351445
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Lol its the same guy absolutely seething on every thread. Cope

>> No.50351459


If i were you i would either go for the netherlands or czechia

>> No.50351479

We should buy Albania and then sell it to the Saudie

>> No.50351486

Why are amerifats so obsessed with Europe

>> No.50351524

You get cocky but what if we all team up with russia and restore the old empires? What are you lgbtqqiatrbsfht+++ faggots going to do? Cry on twitter?

>> No.50351576

We have a vested interest in our puppet states

>> No.50351737

You got repeatedly btfo'd trying to buy Greenland. Greenland, ffs. Not even eskimoniggers want to deal with your shit.

>> No.50353637

Based thread

>> No.50354325

Croatia would be prime real estate. Nice coastal location, somewhat cheap, and room for expansion east.

>> No.50354354

Bosnia, and finish what the Serbs started

>> No.50354445

We'll sell you northern ireland.

>> No.50354486

I hope its poland

>> No.50354518

I would buy Mallorca just to make the Germans seethe.

>> No.50354635

We’ve already thrown so many billions at Ukraine we basically own it.

>> No.50354653

You are embarrassing you absolute retard

>> No.50356372

Arab countries tend to be poorer than western, so we might want to look at purchasing Germany.

>> No.50356411

If the US wanted to buy a successful and functional state it wouldn't be shopping in yurp

>> No.50356413

Unironically Malta, don't ask me why cause I don't know that

>> No.50356447
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Why are Europeans such hateful angry people?

>> No.50356617

they mistake their history of mediocrity and squabling as something to be proud of rather than being the bastard children of a greater power that once fell. They spent millenia fighting over scraps, just to capitulate and create a poor imitation of a greater nation and culture that is only a couple hundred years old.

>> No.50356643

Why do you want to fill Europe with obese niggers so badly?

>> No.50356672

Dibs on the Faroe Islands.

>> No.50356678
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I like yurop, it's comfy.

>> No.50356688

Didn't you guys fight eachother over cheap labor?

>> No.50356711
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why would we want to buy that arab infected libtard shithole ?

>> No.50356735

First make sure you have money for gas

>> No.50356788

>lets just create another democrat state
why would you want to shoot yourself in the foot

>> No.50356816


>> No.50356839

We vassalize the UK

>> No.50356890

your currency is worthless lmao, dumb europoors

>> No.50356899

israel. you two would go nicely together