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50346585 No.50346585 [Reply] [Original]

maybe the wage slave life was the better choice all along bros...

>> No.50347390


>> No.50347406

wtf is devos

>> No.50347415

>22 yr old
Literally nepotism, no other way around it.

>> No.50347466
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>tfw no asian corporate mommy gf to snuggle with after her work while I NEET it up all day

>> No.50347477
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>tfw you snagged a 19yo chinese qt and got her to dropout of college to marry you
She's now 25 and a stay at home mom and housewife. No pic is not me. Only a retard would post their picture on 4chan.

>> No.50347490

That's literally this video.


>> No.50347540

I would kill myself after one year like this

>> No.50347551

try affirmative action and an all woman HR

>> No.50347579

>entry level "consultant"
How does that work lmao.

Congrats but regardless if it was your pic or not you're probably ugly anyway lmao.

>> No.50347733

Why? It seems comfy and chill. I don't get how being a neet is seen as based don't you anons get bored?

>> No.50347770
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>you're probably ugly
Are you a white woman?

>> No.50347783

No, because those NEETs always have something to do or is passionate about something. Only low IQ retards enter the state of boredom.

>> No.50347899

Nice try, wagie.
Take "Diversity is strength" pamphlet before you go back to your cage, okay?

>> No.50347913

Fuck that
I'd kill myself

>> No.50347919

>maybe the wage slave life was the better choice all along bros...
>Literally nepotism, no other way around it.
Notice how there is no value created the whole entire day

>> No.50348013
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>22 yr old
Must give pretty good "consultations"

>> No.50348079


Waking up and doing what you want with your time is the masculine way. Waging is for women. And Why do women like waging so much? It’s like a life goal to them. It’s a status symbol to be in an office reporting to an authority (white male)

For people who pretend to be stern feminists so much they sure do enjoy taking orders from white men.

>> No.50348170

Dude just walk around an office building eating all day lmao

>> No.50348249

I am a software consultant/account manager. Even starting at 75,000 I don't think I could mentally handle that mind numbing life.
>my company started work from home hybridization, we can go into the office if we want but it's not required. I have absolutely flourished working from home. I don't even mind pulling 10/12 hour days when needed because I have the energy and don't need to take an hour commute each way.

>> No.50348261

>at least $32k in debt
>"coffee with managers"

I kekd anon

>> No.50348278

Thats how they like to live

>> No.50348313

her real job is just eating healthy and exercising daily to maintain a non-obese body. everything else is an illusion

>> No.50348368

>NEETs so triggered by this video they don't realise it's marketing bullshit
every single time

>> No.50348450

>kids grow up and go to school
>your wife is still staying at home all day
hmm... how could this possibly go wrong...

>> No.50348661

Good for them at least he treating his women right compare to other men purely for fetishism.

>> No.50348915

Thought it would be this

>> No.50348923

Social media tik tok consultant
Basically a paid actor

>> No.50348941

I just looked it up. No idea. Only comes back with Betsy devose

>> No.50348962

>does nothing but sit in meetings
>22 years old
Oh yeah, she's a diversity hire. Not to mention
>walk into office at 9am
>leave at 6.30pm
>only to go drink and then sleep
Can you really call that life?

>> No.50349158

Devotionals. Spending time in God's word.

>> No.50349289

the word consultant has a new meaning in today's market. It means an external engineer who is for hire from a service provider.
So a beginner "consultant" is just an engineer with little experience that works with the client's teams on an ongoing project.
This is a win-win for the client and the consultant.
The client can integrate the new guy as quickly as few weeks while skipping all the HR bullshit. And the consultant gets to have a permanent contract with their company (provider) and gain experience along the way.

>> No.50349313
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Her exercise is walking on a treadmill and lifting 5 lbs weights

>> No.50349339

In fact, being a NEET is also shitty. I just want to finish my daily work with the sun still visible and being in a place with parks / green and not a soulless corporate district. A simple but fulfilling life to feed my soul

>> No.50349391

>the word consultant has a new meaning in today's market. It means an external engineer
Where did you get this idea?
The woman in the OP is NOT in any form an engineer. She even has a tiktok clip making fun of words engineers say in meetings she has to listen in on, in a way that indicates she has zero technical understanding of anything.

She's an external meeting attender, not an eng

That said, ya there are a lot of (generally trash-tier) coders that work as "consultants" at accenture, KPMG, EY, etc.

>> No.50349407

This woman will be addicted to anti-depressants before age 30.

>> No.50349522

Bet she sucks a mean dick, they'll pay her to send emails to keep her around until she's 30.

>> No.50349776
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>be consultant to globohomo
>get paid $35/hr no benefits no paid time off
>untangle excel files all day made by dumb women

>> No.50349842


I don't think shes really a consultant.

I don't see her doing any real work. no ones in the office.

most of tiktok and insta is fake shit to look cool.

these "lifestyle" videos are BS

>> No.50349860

this thread consists of 90% gpt generated posts lmao

>> No.50349877

Get a job in demand.

I was given consultant in title with first job out of college. Shit has no meaning but pay was just shy of six figures so gave zero fucks.

>> No.50349884

I heard a lot of these jobs have something called unlimited time off but it sounds too good to be true

>> No.50349931

>I heard a lot of these jobs have something called unlimited time off but it sounds too good to be true
Unlimited while still hitting expectations is the best you can hope for. On average, people take less with unlimited, but some people take 8 weeks off at my company

we're on the hide side of time off.

>> No.50349941

Not the first time I've seen a braindead whore post in this tiktok format of them buying expensive protein bars and typing on le computer wow so productive uwu pretending its work. Women need to be reduced to nothing

>> No.50349951

This was talked about before- cute girl given a make work job as some "executive consultant", HR, DEI, or some other title, main purpose being either to fluff up a C-level's ego, appear progressive, or be a side piece for some other vp of something. The fact they might get a career out of it is secondary.
The only thing unlimited is the number of times you'll be told "no" when you ask for time off. Bantz aside, at some companies it's great; for others it's terrible and really does mean 0 time off. Companies like it because they don't have to pay out PTO.

>> No.50349987

I'm guessing that the catch is they give you so much work that you can't complete all of it and then deny leave because you haven't hit the expectations?

>> No.50349995

>my wife stays at home
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.50350011

Temps aren't a new concept; it sounds like they just gave it a better sounding name.

>> No.50350125
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Wtf you smoking? It does not, women in the engineering field get special treatment and promoted because of fucking HR and BS policies. What you're describing is a "junior" role not a fucking consultant. A consultant is someone who is brought into a project or company to provide expert advice and/or support because of their qualifications or experience.

This whore clearly plays office politics and rides the cock of whoever is going to get her a better job. Even from the fucking video she shows she does fuck all and is likely making more work than there would otherwise be. Women are a fucking joke there is no such thing as a hard working woman, it's all theatre.

>actual engineering consultant who hates women so much it's unbelievable

>> No.50350237

That's how it always have been, dumbass.

>> No.50350465

But what time does she poop?

>> No.50350642

not bad

>> No.50350675

I assume planning what you have to to for the day aka. devoirs.

>> No.50350705

youre an idiot. im a guy and this is how i started. first job out of college as junior engineer marketed by company as 'consultant'. looks like a good deal on paper for client because they get 2x consultants for cheaper than 1 engineer + 1 junior engineer consultant.

then eventually worked with a client/team i liked, then got a job with the client's company.

it still blows my mind that companies willl rather go out a tendor and go with a vendor or consultant at insane prices rather than just finding good talent to build in-house solutions.

>> No.50350766

youre also not wrong. women in engineer get special treatment. some seriously good talent as well, but image is bit ruined when there are many duds and they therefore have to stand out even more!

>> No.50351006

GF works almost double what I do with a lot more pressure. I'm in IT in a medium sized firm, she's an in house lawyer at a huge consulting company.

>> No.50351481
File: 898 KB, 1124x1166, C00514B7-F52D-49D3-B48E-AE1E131A8390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw no easy life Christian Asian gf

>> No.50351623

don't worry bro she'll be desperate for a BF like you in about 10 years when her eggs start drying up and guys stop picking her up during her weekly outings.

>> No.50351709

Chink kid named Moltisanti, he'd get his ass kicked in school.

>> No.50351889

>he doesn't know young people can get jobs with bullshit fancy sounding titles that pay 100k in a major city. 100k being 50k in any other environment.
i thought nepotism at first but i notice this more and more.

>> No.50351975
File: 152 KB, 646x570, 1657197443628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ukraine flag
I hate that I can tell which month this video was taken in because of that flag because it was the one month when all the corporations in the US decided to pretend to care about Ukraine. They did something like this where I live too; for one month this one car dealership in my area changed half of their giant American flags to Ukraine flags as if suddenly everyone in America cares about the war eight years into it being a thing. Then pride month came, and the speed at which all these pro-Ukraine companies changed their Ukraine flags to pride flags was whiplash-inducing. I have friends and family in both Ukraine and Russia so the war is a big deal to me, and it just feels so awful to see all these assholes zealously caring about the war for a month as if they actually have a stake in it, and then completely forgetting about it a month later.

>> No.50352135

>married a chink

goddam man I feel for you idiots

>> No.50352683

What can this braneded women even consult, deez nutz? Notice how no woman ever in human hoistory amounted to true greatness only men achieved? It is not oppression they love to whine about except nature itself. Oppress deez nutz bitch.

>> No.50352777


>> No.50352894

Tits or GTFO

>> No.50352923

I can't even imagine having a job like that where you just do nothing. I'd feel like I was on a prank show like candid camera or something. These people really just sit and browse reddit or instagram or whatever while drinking their $10 coffee and they don't feel a shred of guilt? I feel bad when I mess up an order in a fast food place.

>> No.50352933
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Corporate harems.

>> No.50352934

women all they be doin is be cryin wolf men stole dere ideas and inventions and philosophy and science and art and sold them as there own or women acted under a pseudoname as if she be man to b taken srsly n now we supposed to think it was man but it was women but in reality it was men women b useless in the thinkin department

>> No.50353203

dumb nigger useless job in demand pushed by kikes is still a useless job worthless and unimportant to create an illusion of value

>> No.50353284

I couldn't do it. I honestly would prefer to live as a hippie. And i don't like hippies.
This is the life of a slave. No fancy diner cooked by other slaves could ever make me accept this.

>> No.50353359
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Not my thing

>> No.50353368
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>That said, ya there are a lot of (generally trash-tier) coders that work as "consultants" at accenture, KPMG, EY, etc.
I'm trying my best...

>> No.50353394

She does literally nothing, absolutely disgusting

>> No.50353451

Who the fuck needs to "consult" a 22 year old about anything

>> No.50353513

>I'm trying my best...
Nothing against the hustle anon.
I'm trash tier too; I just get paid like I'm not and don't work at the places full of em. I know people end up there for all sorts of reasons

The tech industry is so gay that it deserves to be looted

>> No.50353645

she needs a good dicking

>> No.50353649
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>All red. Just what I thought.

>> No.50353650

>Anons react to the same old tik tok video for the thousandth time.
Surely there's gotta be more corporate kino out there. It's always the same handful few videos with every thread having near verbatim replies and reactions

>> No.50353677

>I'm guessing that the catch is they give you so much work that you can't complete all of it and then deny leave because you haven't hit the expectations?
At the shitty companies, ya. At ours, people feel good enough about getting meets or exceeds ratings while taking 2 months of time off + holidays and montly days off

>> No.50353694

What is the difference between what you're referring to as a "consultant" and a temp working through a temp agency? Im not trying to be a dick but it seems like literally the same thing and what you posted didnt refute what was said by the poster you called an idiot.

>> No.50353797

I work for a globohomo consulting company and only get 23 an hour to click around in SAP, oh well if I don’t get a good raise in a few months it gave me good experience to job hop.

>> No.50353905
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>> No.50353960

>no family
>no kids
>spends all day consulting (hamster wheel work)
>she'll do this until she's in her mid 30s at which point it's too late
This makes me sad

>> No.50354067

And there's always been stories of men coming home early and finding their wife in bed with the milk man/mail man/ best friend

>> No.50354135

Devos is the head of department she has to give head to before work

>> No.50354139

clicking around in SAP is "good exp" these days?

>> No.50354203

Its men who work construction, its men who file the legislation giving women more rights, its men who run the financial world. its men who build this amusement park for children (women) to roam free from responsibility

>> No.50354223

I mean if your wife is a cheating whore you are gonna get cucked either way, even moreso if she is in the workforce.

>> No.50355269

Sadly this is the norm now. Women proud themselves to be accomplished by doing exactly this.

>> No.50355288

>blue collar wagie seething
>/pol/cel mentality
my life is so shitty because of the joooos guys.
that's why u faggots stay broke while rest of us keep making money while the jooos live in your mind rent-free. kek

>> No.50357739

Holy fuck I would kill myself immediately. How can someone live like that??

Also if you want to be truly horrified anons, just type 'day in the life japanese' into YouTube



>> No.50357948
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>mfw WFH Chad for over a year now

>> No.50357987

>not a single self prepared meal

>> No.50358070

It is in consulting anon I saw a job posting for an SAP consultant yesterday starting at 90k without prior experience as long as you have a degree that’s tech based KEK.

>> No.50358135

>it's all theatre
That's what I say about everything everyday

>> No.50358189

it's probably that or there's still customer meetings and work that doesn't/can't stop/can't be delegated so you cant have as much time off as you wanted

>> No.50358345

The managerial class isn't paid well for their labor, they're paid to keep their mouths shut while they rape the wagies.

>> No.50358412

>doesn't shower between exercise and work
Imagine the smell
>hour long "coffee with manager" every day

>> No.50358535

wtf. who does these jobs? nightmare level.

>> No.50358592

she look like she want kill herslef

>> No.50359898
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>> No.50360198

Test I hate niggers

>> No.50360224

I can all but guarantee her job is act as a buffer between senior management and the rank and file. Executives hate having to interact with employees so they find braindead twats straight out of college and throw a bunch of money at them to listen to complaints and filter them up the food chain. Her job is to have no knowledge of anything and cause enough frustration so as to discourage people from expecting anything to happen as a result of interacting with her.

t. works in corpo world

>> No.50360261

Cubicles were pretty based though.

>> No.50360466

consulting is such a meme job
everyone who i knew who did consulting has to hop from company to company every 1-2 years since their job security sucks

>> No.50361112

>growth vs value

>> No.50361313

Never heard of a company having meets or exceeds rating levels while also having unlimited time off. Both google and Facebook have limits iirc. Do you work for a big tech co?