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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50344350 No.50344350 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Bitcoin is basically Tulip Mania 2.0 and you're going to lose all of your money (again)

>> No.50344439

glowies made this you idiot
btc has been out for like 20 years,

>> No.50344527

Lmao the absolute state of demoralization posts

>> No.50344544

This is actually true and it’s painful so i’m gonna ignore it. Can’t believe i bought into this shut at the top

>> No.50344688

>literally does nothing
>oh yeah it takes one hour to transact

>> No.50344723

imagine posting these threads for years while everyone else got wealthy and you're still here looking at disgusting niggers

>> No.50344846

Why is everyone attacking BTC these days? It's already under 20k. What's the benefit to FUD now. On Twitter and 4chan they make you feel like it's dead but it's still over 40% of the entire crypto market. Someone's lying

>> No.50344903

>computer data are plants
Okay Boomer ™

>> No.50344988

>oh yeah it takes one hour to transact
Sorry what?
I moved $100 yesterday for like 15 cents and it took a few minutes.

>> No.50345010


>> No.50345045


>> No.50345053

sorry, nigger. Not selling. Gas yourself

>> No.50345080

Daily reminder that you are not only wrong, you are retarded too. MATIC making me rich baby, they're the only blockchain in the Disney accelerator program too. shit is the future dawg,

>> No.50345119 [DELETED] 

these girls got absolutely bent by a real man

>> No.50345462

Still too expensive, negro

>> No.50345510

A bank transfer is free and instantly where I live

>> No.50345533

Use lightning then.

>> No.50345544

kek, they managed to turn fucking starwars into underperforming piece shit, what chance does a crappy shitcoin have?

>> No.50345550


>> No.50345578

Then pay the damn fee. Can't have everything princess

>> No.50345664
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>> No.50346123
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Hilarious that there are people still with this predicament. Yeah maybe eventually Bitcoin will become obsolete, but if you don't understand that it ushered a new tech revolution you are fucking retarded, the implications of the blockchain and web 3.0 are absolutely revolutionary, just think about trading through smart contracts in DEXs, or being able to send money wallet to wallet anywhere without using banks and SWIFT, and doing it privately in the case of coins like Monero. People who don't grasp the importance of this will miss out big time, this technology has come here to stay, and the amount of money involved in this will be absolutely massive (it already is) and for a good and practical reason, unlike tulips.

>> No.50346165


>> No.50346182


>> No.50346184
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>> No.50346276
File: 133 KB, 800x450, bsv reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50346292

Doing a great job you faggot jannies

>> No.50346834

>posts a nigger
>with ugly yt hookers
>while bashing bitcoin

>> No.50347048


>> No.50347104

I was there when vinu literally went to hell, losing all my money once won't hurt me, not so much this time.

>> No.50347188
File: 115 KB, 321x400, 163F44E8-1E5E-40A7-A90D-995202AE3105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. OP has been spamming this thread since at least 2017, and is still poor, while most of us old fags are rich

Truly curious as to what’s sort of life OP leads and how we copes with being such an absolute and utter subhuman

>> No.50347190


>> No.50347203

>Hey goyim just want you to know you're wasting your money and shouldn't do this thing!
>I'm telling you because I care about you and don't want you to lose
Kill yourself kike. Only shills and pocket watchers care what others are doing with their money.

Go volunteer at a soup kitchen if you care about others so much.
This is a board about finance and people want to risk a pyramid scheme if it means getting out of eternal slavery.
Eat shit though.

>> No.50347410

Not the international ones clown

>> No.50347431

>oh yeah it takes one hour to transact
Kek no it does not. Maybe back in fucking 2018 but now I moved 7k worth this morning and it took 10 minutes to be confirmed with 6 confirms

>> No.50347604

who needs international bank transfers more than once in a year, you faggot? oh right you probably live in america where you have to import everything bc your people are too retarded to produce any product that lasts more than two weeks before breaking down, lol