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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50341249 No.50341249 [Reply] [Original]

>"Chapter 11 Explained"

>> No.50341320

We got too cucky Celcius bros

>> No.50341352

inCels on suicide watch

>> No.50341381

I lost so much money with crypto lately Im sick but I must admit crypto is a never ending meme source

>> No.50341392


>> No.50341456

>its real

>> No.50341567


>> No.50341621

Trust the finance, two more weeks to secure breathing room.

>> No.50341739

>Comments are turned off.

>> No.50341832
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>> No.50341980

It's okay, they're just reorganizing.
Weird, why wouldn't they want feedback on their video?

>> No.50342059

they don't need any help bankrupting themselves. They can do it on their own

>> No.50342115

No refund

>> No.50342153

At this point I'll be happy if I get half my funds back.

>> No.50342173

They never mention the word bankrupt at all

>> No.50342207

It's double speak to make it sound less ugly.

>> No.50342340

Celsius will end up stronger than ever after this restructuring. Like they said in the video, they are basically a public good like Delta Airlines. The US government might even bail them out like they did for the airlines in 2020, that's just how valuable Celsius's services of shuffling around digital tokens with leverage is. You'll see.

>> No.50342419


>> No.50342450
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Cope: The Post

>> No.50342462
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>the music of losing all of your money

>> No.50342501
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How could the government let this happen?

>> No.50342523

m8 are you actually autistic?

>> No.50342582

U wot m8? I r8 8/8 plz no h8.

>> No.50342591
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x1242, 93CD6E4C-D45D-4B7D-B69F-F9E396CE0F45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still after all these years
>not your keys, not your crypto

It’s a faggot tier saying but remains true

>> No.50342644
File: 433 KB, 420x410, 1652888254625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explaining how you got rugged by a Ukrainian scammer while a happy ukulele & xylophone music plays in the background
>they even have globohomo art animations

>> No.50342661
File: 189 KB, 1325x1170, 18161A5F-986E-4563-BD32-4D01C11DAD61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using globomo art in their bankruptcy video is peak comedy

>> No.50342674

>Chapter 11 is a form of bankruptcy
Maybe they're hoping some people don't know that and won't look it up. Reorganizing sounds better.

>> No.50342678

they couldnt even get a fucking human to read it lmmfao

>> No.50342696

nigger should keep his mouth shut

>> No.50343757

should have went fahrenheit, dummies

>> No.50343799
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>> No.50343823
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>> No.50343846


>> No.50343858


>> No.50344552

lmao, I give it another 2 weeks and you'll be coping for even 20% back

>> No.50344664

He's only at bargaining after all these weeks, it's gonna be rough when he finally gets to depression.

>> No.50344832


>> No.50344860

literally all my life, I just hope that someday I can rest not by my own hand, but by the hand of a train or a cardiac arrest for being obsessed with the charts, although it seems that day is getting closer and closer with qom.

>> No.50345320


>> No.50345396

KeK, no, that will not happen.
Pray for a stupid rich drooling idiot to bail you out.
People tried, and refused when they took a look under the hood.

This celsius dude stole a shit ton of money.

>> No.50345423

>Comments are turned off. Learn more

>> No.50345424


>> No.50345520

It's funny because it was revealed Celsius was losing money and dug itself into a hole back in early 2021, way before Luna/3AC collapse

>> No.50345584
File: 630 KB, 1187x631, Chapter7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 7 bros we will be victorious
The jews will not get away with it again

>> No.50346910

>trust a jew
>ruin your life
Kek fuck everyone who put even a single cent into this, that's COMPLETELY your fault