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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 369 KB, 1440x1800, 289699194_566068488485952_5751062725479188506_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50339262 No.50339262 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you were raised by wageslave parents and they taught you zero hands-on skills? how many of you got pushed to go to college just so you can end up as another office wagie? why couldn't i have been born to farmer parents and marry a cute 20 year old farm girl wife?

>> No.50339314

I was raised by farmer parents and im here

>> No.50339322
File: 38 KB, 550x550, 72a75deb3d4406e2ee1d39f83b921a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no farmer sister wife that you grew up with and did incest with to learn sex

>> No.50339340

This exactly happened to me OP but because I'm not a bitch faggot I figured it out on my own and made my own way. Since you're a bitch faggot you'd have failed anyway.
Now fuck off you beta faggot.

>> No.50339347
File: 94 KB, 1024x781, rteh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking jews told you theser steoreo types

>> No.50339359

do you feel that the grass is greener and wish you were born in the city instead?

>> No.50339423

Well its a really really hard work, im in europe tho
And 7 days a week wake up at 5:30.
And 10+ years ago when i was a teen it was really uncool. So i moved into a city. No i like that i grew up ón the land but i wish i at least grew up in a settlement not totally isolated with 10 houses within a kilometer

>> No.50339444

I would even be a farmer if my silblings suddenly would stop wanting the farm when my dad retire

>> No.50339462
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have an incest fetish

>> No.50339485

>they taught you zero hands-on skills
Just google that shit, it's not that hard. Also I learned to chop cords of wood with a maul in the hiking club, and am going to learn to build a cabin as well in college.

>> No.50339577
File: 295 KB, 1012x800, 63f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube tutorials are full of pajeet scammers, you can't even see the dislike ratio now to tell if they're a scam now. Even simple gardening tutorials got taken over. The decent videos left are hunting tutorials because ramdeeps are incapable of hunting

>> No.50339615

How do all Americans have perfectly straight and white teeth?

>> No.50339786
File: 41 KB, 594x678, 20220607_215202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming is long hard boring work, fixing fences, struggling with cattle, racing all night to save your crop from hail (you can't save it) and then markets dump when you come to sell and you get 1/4 of minimum wage for all your efforts, plus you had to wait a whole year to get that. Your body becomes calloused, hunched and bruised, often broken bones.

>> No.50339842
File: 454 KB, 828x838, C6EE4326-EF69-47B0-AD93-3CAF0E4D18FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My trad gf, soon to be wife. I have the ring ready. She was raised on a farm. We picked blackberries for a date and she made a pie and showed me how to make jam

>> No.50339884
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Fug, good luck anon wish everyone was that lucky

>> No.50339891
File: 7 KB, 225x224, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never be able to have this
why even bother trying to make it

>> No.50339915
File: 80 KB, 828x464, 55BD732E-BA09-493B-95BC-429886960777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ring, it’s a family heirloom that I inherited from my great grandma. How bit of a mistake am I making? Im gonna do it regardless cause I love her

>> No.50339989

so uh is your gf single?

>> No.50340038

google the best books on the subject material discussed in autistic hyper-specific subreddits and 4chan generals (if they apply), download them off of libgen, and read them. You sound like some zoomer who doesn't know the internet outside of the top 10 most popular apps.

>> No.50340071

the jews didnt do shit, i want a tall, wide-hipped, fat-titted, powerful-assed sister wife with a farmer's tan to french kiss, rawdog, and impregnate. I hold Chainlink btw

>> No.50340086
File: 79 KB, 505x604, E7D5EF7D-140E-47D0-AE1B-7625077B1C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tongue and nose, her sweaty inside thighs and asscheeks. You do the math.

>> No.50340094
File: 113 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews control all the big publishing firms, they will never allow red-pilled knowledge be available to the public. Only one man managed to get past this.

>> No.50340132
File: 303 KB, 1024x576, 1511897523554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW raised on a farm with expectations of inheritance just for your asshole father to sell the damn thing when you turn 15 and forcing you into a life selling drugs in the urban hellscape

>> No.50340146

100% of all divorces started with marriage.

>> No.50340158

knew you were a nigger

>> No.50340220

You're a fuckin schizo, Ted reads a shitload of books too.

>> No.50340228

You’re one bad day away from fighting for your life in a schnozz-flavored shakedown (otherwise known as “family court”)
God forbid if you live in a perma-blue state, suicide is literally an acceptable option at that point.

>> No.50340272

Most farm kids don't carry on farming anon. Partly because it sucks, partly because two kids can't split a barely profitable farm and keep it profitable, partly because a lot of farms already aren't profitable so you might as well sell, partly because farm kids are usually pretty smart and industrious and become engineers or other highly paid professionals, etc.

BTW most farmer's daughters are fat harry potter obsessed weirdos by 22.

>> No.50340294

More of a mutt then anything.

Eh I’ve already looked at her assets and she makes more and has more saved then me. I want to have at least two kids

>> No.50340307

>BTW most farmer's daughters are fat harry potter obsessed weirdos by 22.
This or redneck jerk-bait insta-thots with 500k followers.

>> No.50340335

fuck off klaus, i'm not gonna rent your pod

>> No.50340388

You don't give your whole farm to your kids, there's always "that kid" that sells everything, you give 30 to 60% to the church like in medieval times.
And on top of that my faggot parents didn't help me with money, i was shocked when i realized they were zogbots who care about buying properties to be happy in their 80s.
They unironically believe that i'll be fine with the inheritance at my 50 years old...

>> No.50340410

i was raised by wagesalves and they’re still wageslaving to this day
i on the other hand dont work. I make like $3k off of staking BitDAO tokens and a little ETH

its not much especially with all the inflation going around but if it means i dont have to work then fuck it ill take it

>> No.50340439

>handing over your legacy to bowlpassing bookbots larping as holy

>> No.50340461

my dad told me early on since highschool if you dont figure shit out yourself youll be working like a dog practically someones slave with same amount of meager pay your entire life
never understood him when i was young so im a dog now

>> No.50342003

Many of us get braces when we are in grade school once our permanent teeth come. The British/Euro teeth situation is all fucked up.

>> No.50342042

You have a greater than 50% chance to get divorce raped. You can do everything you two want to do without a legal contract from the state. Marry outside of law.

>> No.50342085
File: 28 KB, 460x460, 16579297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many of you got pushed to go to college just so you can end up as another office wagie?
mine did except I went and got a degree in chemistry and worked my way though hell and into a comfy lab job

>> No.50342267

holy fuck not the heirloom cunt whyd you have to cheap out on buying a ring. ur fucked buddy that heirloom is leaving ur family for good thanks to u

>> No.50343460

my parents are retarded
they're both over 70 and still working and still paying off their mortgage on a small house they bought in 1980

>> No.50343602


you are blessed. treat her right and make her feel loved and you will lead a blessed life. be sure to give her lots of real attention, not fake shit, but effort n stuff. be safe blessed anon. also, that heirloom ring is based. if you show it to her and make it known how valuable she is it will all tie together nicely

>> No.50343702

I fucking hate you beyond belief omfg…

>> No.50343739
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 95FC0BDE-FCAA-44D5-98B1-1671636B9248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents were mega retards. I'd unironically be able to turn a 7 yr old into a millionaire by age 13 with all that I've learned.

Normies are fucking retards. They don't question the system or look to be efficient and they end up killing people's true potential. My parents are fucking retards.

>> No.50343759

Me, except I'm a NEET and don't know what to do with my life. :)

>> No.50344047

I fucking love this girl
t. Grew up on a farm

>> No.50344737

i was raised by a poor moms to the point i lived in a third world country for 4 years and about 6 months without electricity STRAIGHT.

I am presently a office wagie. But at least i know how to do country shit and DIY. Country life is really about working with what you can in isolation. its not that hyped up. Different advantages and all that BS.

>> No.50344779

>I'd unironically be able to turn a 7 yr old into a millionaire by age 13 with all that I've learned.
would you teach some random anon? pls teach me

>> No.50345009

I realized how much my parents didnt actually do when I look back. I taught myself nearly everything as far as money is concerned but even some basic shit in life like shaving and what not was never taught. I do however wish I grew up on a farm. people who have family farms dont realize how lucky they are. most take it for granted.

>> No.50345102

True, I am jealous of people who had parents that had a family business that they would just be set up with and have their life all laid out. Would of been so nice and more rewarding work then fkn being a wagie for some kike

>> No.50345120

Probably because Jews push incest porn

>> No.50345165

Farmers are not poor in modern year you retard, what makes you think most are not profitable or barely? Why I live they are all fkn rich

>> No.50346162
File: 288 KB, 828x516, BEC306A3-BC76-450F-89D1-B6211157748B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and the gf throwing axes at a log. Fuck I love her

>> No.50346264
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>> No.50346269

My parents made six figures they just didn't give a fuck about me.

>> No.50346298

The problem is that people born in the middle of the 20th century (who I assume are generally the parents we're talking about) could just walk into good jobs and be needed and quickly promoted with an old handshake. Even gen xers in the 1990s could get in on the tech bubble and make the 1990s version of shitcoins with stuff like Pets dot com. Millnenials and older zoomers were not raised by their retarded parents, who assumed that the system would just perpetuate itself out of the mistaken belief that they did it all on their own. Creating the 21st century kids who just don't know how to do shit and in many ways are actively sliding back into the poverty their great-grandparents fought to escape in the depression.

>> No.50346317

How did you meet

>> No.50346332

is there one for asians

>> No.50346902
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1507664236938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she made a pie and showed me how to make jam
is this an euphemism for sex?

>> No.50346943

Oh really i teached her how to do anal

>> No.50346950

My parents were both wage slaves terrible with money. The refinanced their mortgage multiple times, maxed out debt etc so me and siblings could have whatever we wanted. Eventually they had to file bankruptcy. They are awesome parents but they have no business or finance sense. I wish they had taught me better business skills. All of you mad at your parents, they're just dumb humans too like you. They did the best they can. So give them a break.

>> No.50347002

>Hard work
>Works 2 100 hour weeks for planting and same for harvest.

>> No.50347028

How are you so stupid you can’t spot the scammers from the real thing? Whenever I hear a pajeet I always turn that shit off.

>> No.50347035

Literally me

>> No.50347036

You're an idiot. You would have hated getting up before school for chores, can't play video after school for chores. Can't go party on Friday for chores. You faggots just want to complain about everything and be a victim. You don't how lucky you were you entitled pussy.

>> No.50347043

A better diet and access to dental care.

>> No.50347046

you have the adoration for stupid dogs and the curse of the poor mentality, maybe you can be a little smart and try to jump into the dogcoins hole to end up eating from vinu's paw like every good farmer, I pity you.

>> No.50347070

They are rich in that they have assets, but most only scrape by because of government gibs. Cole the cornstar on YouTube has a brake down on costs of farmers.

>> No.50347138

did you show her how you make jam ? kek

>> No.50347794

>humans find humans more attractive than animals
who'd have thought?

>> No.50347835

who needs farm when i make money playing vidya
I’m earning money by completing tasks like testing apps or playing games on https://freecash.com/r/28d8e633a6.. If you sign up through my link you can open a free case and win up to $250. https://freecash.com/r/28d8e633a6

>> No.50347846

what is she laughing about and is her neck okay?

>> No.50347943

what kind of mutt

>> No.50348453

I can smell her armpits from just looking at the picture

>> No.50348542

describe it anon

>> No.50348560

That ain't a bad thing

>> No.50348589

Godspeed brother

>> No.50348604

Mixture of methane and peppermint. Guess she's using native deodorants

>> No.50348651
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>> No.50348701

Most farms around me have a bunch of little attractions to make extra money, corn mazes, zip lines, tractor rides, pony rides, gift shops etc. That says a lot to me how profitable they are, but I also live in a high CoL, high tax area where farming probably isn't the best idea for money.

>> No.50348736

>muh le based trad farmers
why are election tourists like this

>> No.50348758

Getting braces during middle school/high school is common.

>> No.50348837

>you give 30 to 60% to the church like in medieval times.
i wouldnt expect less from a christcuck

>> No.50349103

Even the most fun and sex hungry gf turns into a stereotypical nagging wife after 5 years of marriage.

>> No.50349355

stop watching jew porn. Jews are literally homunculus and want to spread degeneracy; they are vile creatures.

>> No.50349485
File: 143 KB, 960x960, tumblr_povcqrf7QM1wqltgpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well done, my friend.

>> No.50349570

That's a man.

>> No.50349745

She looks like she didn't sleep for 10 years. He became a fat alcoholic and beats her when he comes home from his 12h shift

>> No.50351293

i want to hate you
but godspeed anon

>> No.50351502

jew hands typed this post

>> No.50351575

seethe and cope

>> No.50351582
File: 630 KB, 1600x739, uehara_ayaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in the shittiest of shitholes to brainwashed religious parents that abused me. Making money is my revenge.

>> No.50351581

Midwest farmer here. Absolutely not. I live on the edge of an old steel town. Every time I go into the city or drive through another town it reminds me that I hate niggers. I literally have zero interaction with them most days and when I have to see them I remember none live by me. City is full of degenerate flags and nigs. It's so loud, I don't think city fags realize what all that constant noise and commercialism does to the mind.
I made 200k on shib lol

>> No.50353148

It's so weird, they look really unhappy in that second photo

>> No.50353262

>those hands
It's a man isn't it?

>> No.50353340

lmao i give it about 7-10 years
enjoy your personal "great reset" when the divorce notice arrives

>> No.50353365

so the brown girl isn't human but the brown guy is? Sorry you just failed this IQ test, retard.

>> No.50353441

>5 kids

5 kids was considered an average family 50 years ago.

>> No.50353461

once the kids are happy.

>> No.50353538
File: 232 KB, 650x637, 1657668237753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was raised by wagesalves and they’re still wageslaving to this day
Rather than stroke my employer's cock daily for some shitty wage, I'd opt to play solana games and strike my wet leather for self gratification. my picks are nyan Heroes, Ninneko and Honeyland
GameFi is fast growing no doubt.
What's with this phishing site anonfag?

>> No.50353764

High quality genes, I'm 100% British descent and my teeth are perfect with no braces ever. I think most of the best genes left Europe to America unironically and the rest were killed in WW1/2. Europe became dysgenic from the last 2 centuries.

>> No.50353847

Every father should aspire to raise a daughter like this.

>> No.50354728

I hope you stay out of the gene pool anon

>> No.50354754

Land mints are becoming a big deal now. Missed the Illuvium land mint, parcels of land on honeyland would eventually become priced asset once the game goes live

>> No.50356718

I hope thats your great grandmas fingers and not yours....otherwise cant see your trad gf staying with you much longer...maybe she thought she'd try something new for a cgange from the burly hardy farmer boys...you wouldnt be much use on a farm with those twig fingers

>> No.50357156


is she "ready to settle down" after her uni partying days...


>> No.50359423

Metaverse projects will definitely have a run once the market recovers. Available there will be open APIs for projects to build on their ecosystem as well

>> No.50359563

boomer wagie parents here

>dad didn't teach me how the cars worked, or why they worked, I just held the flashlight
>mom doesn't understand what inflation is until the news started talking about it
>refused to sell their house at the market top despite my begging them to (my econ teacher taught me about the real estate bubble in high school), they still owe over $170k despite owning houses their entire lives and being in their late 60's
>wasting money on cars that don't run and hobbies that will never generate any money and waste insane amounts of time
>both watch Dave Ramsey and still don't listen to his shitty advice

>> No.50360423
File: 28 KB, 600x590, 1657530419280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50360999

Friendly reminder, the DNC and WEF consider that pic to be both racist and environmental terrorism

>> No.50361053

Guarantee she has fucked at least 10 black guys

>> No.50361343

Bros what do. Our family has small amount of farmland, only 200 acres. My dad has alzheimer's and my brother is pushing to sell it all and split the money. Do I fight him to keep the land and rent it out or just take the money bits in ohio if it makes a difference.

>> No.50362230

There are projects like CryptoXpress is also integrating its bank built in metaverse. Shouldn't have underestimated it.
People are going crazy fuck

>> No.50362292

Atrazine pussy oh no

>> No.50362326

Would be a real shame if bad, violent things happened to various DNC and WEF officials.

>> No.50362769

nice try, Ray Epps

>> No.50362828

I have now realized how meaningless and empty my life is. I will now an hero. It was fun shitposting with you guys.

>> No.50363260

wow like 2 out of 5 kids look normal
fucking anglos man

>> No.50363313

Just be careful

>> No.50364022
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, 1656564956878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just don't understand pajeet. Don't bring the lowest level in your shitty brains. If you understand what it is, you'll gonna install the app you idiot.

>> No.50365932

my mom married a zogbot that has ptsd that has been living on government gibs for 30 years. he watches tv all day and gambles his money. at least he didn't beat me.

>> No.50366285

>brown guy gets the girl instead of just lusting
what's the problem?

>> No.50366795


>> No.50366860
File: 14 KB, 300x213, 68CDDC90-D6B7-49ED-8C94-1804B71B9E85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she get the irrigation wheel changed?

>> No.50366892

normies get OUT

>> No.50366928

But animals find humans more attractive too?

>> No.50366950


>> No.50369016

It's an inferiority complex

>> No.50370621
File: 519 KB, 480x360, funny ghost pokemon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha this made me laugh.

>> No.50372310

if i would have access to a big farmland like you, i would shoot bow&arrows, airguns, real guns all day in my freetime, no need for other entertainment.
Why dont you ?

>> No.50372320


>> No.50372766
File: 42 KB, 666x666, 1497247521138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to hate on you, if you enjoy this and you're happy then I'm happy for you and wish you the absolute best.

I don't know how old you are and how much experience you have in life so take the following with a grain of salt.

However. You're most likely going to grow out of the "trad" mindset as you get older. I'm in my mid-30s now and I had to divorce my trad ex-wife because I got bored of her and realized my "trad" LARPing was just borne from insecurity and a feeling of inadequacy. I was afraid of being cheated on or not being able to compete with other men so I wanted a "trad-wife" as that would protect me from these things.

As I got older, less insecure and more mature I stopped caring about these things. I'm not afraid of being cheated on because I know that won't happen. I am not intimidated by experienced women that have other men because I now know I can more than compete with them.

As my mindset changed I started to realize that I didn't love my wife, I loved the idea of her and the stability it brought. But it also bored me out of my mind.

I divorced her, we now share custody of our son which I see on the weekends. Meanwhile I now have an open relationship with 3 women that are 10 years younger than me. It feels like the chains are lifted from me and I'm finally legitimately happy.

So if you're reading this and this post appealed even a small bit to you MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MARRY. You might regret it like me and as you get older you will grow beyond this trad LARPing phase as your brain matures and you become more secure in life.

>> No.50372816

The seething on this post hahahah jews really do hate us

>> No.50372844

East coast anon here I feel the same way, I just fucking hate cities as they are just full of shitty people and niggers. It is absolutely worth having 1-2 restaurants and living in the boonies.

>> No.50372934

pretty based except for the part where you provided soft justification for "experienced women" aka mentally deranged whores. holding out for muh virgin tradwife is just as personally damaging as pretending it's normal/respectable for a slut to (after likely being molested by her father, if he was even in her life) suck and fuck 40 dicks between the ages of 13 and 23.

>> No.50373040

I think this is my favorite bit of seething about white families in today's thread.
An entire blog post about how he loves being cuckolded.

>> No.50373048

As i said EUropean

>> No.50373065

AGHHH. I HATE MODERNITY. I just want a tractor and land. God I hate this

>> No.50373076

Complete retard
My father works 70 hours a week for 52 weeks with no holiday
Ok it a cattle farm but the others work a lot too or do other job

>> No.50373169

Good for you anon. YAGMI

>ruining your firstborn child's future because you selfishly want to fuck multiple young sluts

>> No.50373176

If you consider me finally growing up and ditching my boring wife to fuck 3 young 20-somethings with no strings attached "cuckolding" then sure.

I realize it's not for everyone, but if you can do better then why settle down when you can just live your life and actually have fun for once. I had the realization that I only had ~30-50 years of existence left on the planet and I don't want to spend it fucking the same woman over and over again.

I could have had affairs, but I'm not an evil person and respect my ex-wife enough to not put her through it. So I did the right thing and just divorced her so that I can spend the rest of my existence here actually being happy and enjoying myself.

But yeah if you're a bald guy with a beer gut in your 30s then you should probably stay settled down instead.

>> No.50373243

>double spacing
>more blogging
Not reading this shit, lil' niggy.

>> No.50373257

LOL. I am sorrry bro. you should take an IQ test. That is your inheritance

>> No.50373295


>> No.50373367

Not even a wildly successful farm. Just a little rinky dink strawberry farm. All I really learned is work ethic and being comfortable operating equipment. Outside of that I feel like I would have been better as a town kid working a part time job and building social capital.

When it comes to physical labor I am consistently a monster and out last most other guys every time. That's about it.

>> No.50373387

Rent it out. Why would you sell something that has limited supply. Its 0 sum.

>> No.50373415

Anyone have the soi jack trailer park meme? Always funny to make /Pol/cel breeders seethe.

>> No.50373465

>he doesnt know about veneers

>> No.50373513

Based anon for making the inceltrannies seethe mald and dilate with two simple posts. Godspeed and wish you a happy married life with lots of healthy kids

>> No.50373673

Na, I’m 31. I actually was fucking a girl in an “open relationship” in my 20s and that life was everything I hated. It was fun to fuck some girl and send her home to her husband but it’s so tiring. I want to wake up next to a faithful wife where we own a piece of land and have crops and chicken on it. I hate the suburban life and hate poly culture even more.

>> No.50373791

Which of you has the bigger cock?

>> No.50374598

>this idiot only made one child which he practically removed from his life so he could fuck braindead retards that don't plan for their futures
why would anyone take your advice

>> No.50374784

Fucking diamond eyes dude. I would have never noticed those man-hands.

>> No.50374935

>I am not intimidated by experienced women

Are you literally a woman pretending to be a man? We are not "intimitaded" by sluts, we are repulsed.

>fucked up a marriage to have meaningless sex with strangers
Definitelly a woman.

What you had was not "maturing" but a midlife crisis.

>> No.50374983

I’d corn cob that bitch if you know what I mean

>> No.50375025

The shit skinned kind

>> No.50375085


Getting born by farm parents does not mean you will marry a hot cute 20 year old farm girl. I would also sign up for being a farmer when that was included a lot of guys would.
But no, in reality you will be a bitter kissless hugless virgin farmer who fucks his goats from time to time, and eventually ends up with a disgusting old hag who just hit the wall after the cock carousal.

>> No.50376029

As somebody with a parent with early onset dementia who owned two business, sell it all. I worked them for a few years, made money, and sold them when I decided it was time to move on with my life. Keeping them is inheriting a burden. Cash out and you will feel better unloading that burden. No paying people to manage it (then you having to manage them) or renting it out (what happens when the rent ends?).

>> No.50377250

They taught me to fix things myself which is nice. On the other hand, they can't comprehend that I don't want to be a wagie forever. They're entirely risk-averse.

>> No.50378139


Here. I got an MBA and it didn’t do Jack shit. I learned how to code and now I make way over 6 figures. Waste of time.

>> No.50379701

remember if she calls off the wedding she legally has to give you the ring back.
>but if you call it off she can keep it.

>> No.50381186

I am currently unemployed and will never be employed again. I would literally rather kill myself than be employed again. If I ever wind up homeless or broke with no money coming in the immediate future I will also kill myself. I think I won’t be homeless again and will be a multimillionaire. Yes I will use a train to do it if it comes to that and the conductor wagie can get fucked.