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50338429 No.50338429 [Reply] [Original]

Why are boomers so desperately trying to take everything from the young generation just to enjoy their last 15 years they have?

>> No.50338446

One day you'll be their age and the youth will blame you for the state of the world.

>> No.50338482

It's not ''boomers'', they are a satanic cult they are no longer human, they've done something to themselves
Look how normal zuck once was

>> No.50338486
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You'd do the same in the position. Stop complaining, work more and do the same to the future generations.

>> No.50338759 [DELETED] 
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fireworks coming

>> No.50338805

No because youth are the future. Why would you sabotage future for another 80s vintage bmw? Only egoistic fat fucks do it

>> No.50338925

If it's any comfort they will all be dead 15 years from now. Gates, Rothchilds, all of them. We will outlive them and thus ultimately we alone decide if we eat the bugs or not.

>> No.50339077

lead poisoning destroyed their ability to give a shit about anything but themselves. leaded gasoline created the most hopelessly narcissistic self-destructive generation the planet has ever known. boomers are literally brain-damaged. it's hard to blame them too much, it's like blaming a downs syndrome retard for crashing a car.. they never should have been allowed to drive in the first place.

>> No.50339227

I really didn't even have a fraction of what boomers had though

>> No.50339352

Kissinger is still alive. I'd bet Gates clears 80, no problem

>> No.50339377

this, money won't give them immortality

>> No.50339395

He kind of looked like a Brad there. Not alpha enough to be a Chad, but definitely could power spec later in life. Instead he just became a slimy greedy money grubbing j… reptilian.

>> No.50339425

I just hope we are not during a fucking war at that time or drilling the northpole for more gas so this fat boomerfucks can move around in their SUVs
It probably is already over, this shizos were right THE SHIZOS WERE RIGHT

>> No.50339432

Well, about that...


>> No.50339469

I don't give a shit because boomers objectively are the ones fucking everything up.

>> No.50339502


>> No.50339519
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Nah. I completely reject what you are saying.
Boomers had far more resources and life satisfaction than both the previous generation and the generation that came after them.
That is not normal.

>> No.50339569
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Become a well known billionaire and your views change quickly. You get half the population thinking you're a tax cheat out to put robots in them and the other half calling you a lazy fuck that only fail upward. All while both want to take every dime you ever made to stand up government programs doomed to fail.

I'd say eff the rest as well after I made my money and secured my immediate family needs.

>> No.50339573

Imagine you're a fat fuck that's gotten your way your entire life. The world has been bent out of shape so much to accommodate you that developing little blue dick pills in 1998 to give you your boners back in your 50s was deemed a larger priority than curing cancer or making university free for high achieving students. But now you're fucking OLD and it turns out that no matter how much of a brat you are, how much you've completely subverted the system to pay out the wages of 15 year old zoomer min wagies on their first mcjob straight into your pension through the tax system, you can't outrun death. Being a mentally ill narcissist, you naturally blame -everyone younger- for this. The gen xers who are just apathetic knowing they will never get their social security, the millennials who are always struggling, the zoomers with their pretty teen girlfriends who sell pictures of their pussy online for cash. It's all unfair, those millennial and zoomer thots should be yours. You should be the young guy, but have all your money. Why do you have so much money but are too old to enjoy it? All those younger bastards should fucking SUFFER!

So that's the boomer mentality. They are mentally ill and covet your youth (or relative youth if you are over 40) and hate you for simply getting to be 'in the future' decades from now while they're rotting in the dirt. Because you can be a mental dick and fuck everyone else over but in the end you can't take it with you and time takes all of us.

This is also why I endorse the travel thot lifestyle, not because it makes sense but you might as well fuck women in thailand, kazakhstan, ukraine and bombay while you're still young enough to enjoy it instead of a fat old fuck seething that your third wife left you.

>> No.50339601

Definitely looks like a fratboy.

>> No.50339814

t. Zoomers
Just wait until you hit 30 and see what the next generation has to say about you. It only gets worse as you get older

>> No.50339899

They'll just pass on their evil to the next generation like when whatshisname Rockefeller finally kicked the bucket.
The best you can hope for is that anyone who comes after them is too incompetent to be an effective technocrat authoritarian

>> No.50339901

Because the old always envy the young. That’s why they hate young people and want to fuck you over. Every single supposed perk of old age and maturity is a giant cope, even single complaint about how bad of these days are is born out of seethe and every single old person would give it all away to be young again. It’s a tale as old as humanity.

And you too will feel that way when you’re old.

>> No.50339922

I still don’t see why I should care about breaking this alleged “cycle” for the sake of the egos of the most destructive narcissistic fucks on the face of the earth

>> No.50339964

In any respectable society, openly plotting against the population like this would be met with minecraft.

>> No.50339985

Suck my dick, faggot old man. Fuck off to facebook and die.

>> No.50340059

lol it's funny that you think this is somehow not proving me even more right

I'm not asking you to care I'm just telling you you're going to be hated too