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File: 7 KB, 400x400, c7c141e377c2678686c5713231042415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50334028 No.50334028 [Reply] [Original]

current price 95$ ...its almost at its ALL TIME LOW 77$ over 3 years ago.... even during the 2020 march covid crash was at 170$ ..

>> No.50334080

It’s a useless memecoin and the only purpose of forks is for holders to dump twice.

>> No.50334103

Your working neurons

>> No.50334117
File: 128 KB, 867x480, forks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dead Bitcoin forks
> looks like an opportunity, they can't go any lower

>> No.50334130

the very real possibility that it does not recover, ever.

>> No.50334145

beecash is insolvent

>> No.50334215

Who has the private keys to BCH now? I heard Roger is out of the picture

>> No.50334252

dead shit

>> No.50334314
File: 17 KB, 300x168, zecdash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, you should also use this opportunity to buy ZCASH and DASH. Both these are also pretty much dead.

>> No.50334356
File: 109 KB, 585x781, nanoxno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you're at it, load up on NANO. That new symbol is bound to catch on.

>> No.50334411

I’ll buy this piece of shit at $16

>> No.50334707

I was telling everyone years ago it had no chance, it doesn't even matter whether you think big or small blocks are the way to go, if something has another word before or after "bitcoin" in the name it will never make it, no one wants some knock off BS

>> No.50334921
File: 157 KB, 366x435, king crimson mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is worth $20k
>but the forks aren't because... they just aren't okay??

>> No.50334953

bitcoin has the best security, doesn't have some dude as a leader, it's the most decentralized, has the longest chain, the most trust and credibility, it's not about "muh tech" and stupid innovations, it's about security

>> No.50335334

>buy Zcash and Dash
lmao this is horrible advice, unless you are a compliance cuck.

>bitcoin has the best security
>doesn't have some dude as a leader
Yes, but not a unique point.
>it's the most decentralized
Incorrect. ASICs promote more centralization due to the need of special hardware that is approved by governments.
>has the longest chain
It's had the longest time in the market, why wouldn't it be.
>most trust and credibility
Not really, especially on the dark web as they have ditched it for the superior choice.
>not about "muh tech" and stupid innovations, it's about security
You do realize that technology must evolve in order to stay ahead of the competition and be viable. You don't use floppy discs or VHS tapes anymore, upgrades are needed as technology advances. If it does not, it dies in irrelevancy.

>> No.50335442

bitcoin is not "technology", it's money
gold isn't innovative or being upgraded either, it's a dumb piece of metal dug out from the ground but it's used as a store of value,

no one cares about dark web utility, that doesn't bring market cap, people use monero to buy their drugs or whatever so it changes hands constantly, velocity of money doesn't help the market cap

people buy crypto to get rich, not to "enjoy technology", no one gives a fuck about some stupid features some shitcoins have
>muh blockchain
still no real use case outside of trading crypto, blockchain on its own is a meme,
it's like saying "cars are nice, but it's pistons that are the future"

>> No.50335550
File: 2.13 MB, 1742x1101, RogerJihanHoldings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only metric that matters. Float is actually higher this time.
Jihan dumped some, Roger was forced to liquidate some.
Those 2 were close to getting more than half the supply out of the float, which if continued would have meant that they can decide the price for themselves, maybe even flip BTC as weird as it sounds.
But Jihan had his BCH in his company, and shareholders forced him to market sell at ATL lmao.
Roger decided to margin trade because that's apparently what braindead billionaires do.

So no, it will not moon anytime soon. Not to mention, CoinFlex is going into forced liquidation process too which means they will dump 200k BCH before MtGox.

If you see BCH at $30 buy it out because Roger will also be buying, and at $30 the market cap of this thing will be lower than Roger's net worth. But I wouldn't risk it above that number.

>> No.50335557

>bitcoin has the best security, doesn't have some dude as a leader, it's the most decentralized, has the longest chain, the most trust and credibility, it's not about "muh tech" and stupid innovations, it's about security
but then
>people buy crypto to get rich, not to "enjoy technology", no one gives a fuck about some stupid features some shitcoins have

>> No.50335572

P.S. There will be a time to buy and it might hit $1000 again but that would take many years

>> No.50335602

I don't know man, some mofos just want to stay poor. Aping into HBAR and BTC. Nothing else baby.

>> No.50335702

And finally, it pays to be contrarian, but to also read and take into account opposing view.
Most retards here saying "bcash" etc. would have missed out on a great opportunity here had Roger not gambled his BCH away (because with only 500k BCH in open markets hell yes he could have pumped it to whatever price he wanted, and that would have happened EXACTLY because BCH was failing for years).
Most contrarians actually think that being useful as cash matters for cryptocurrencies and probably bought this think at $200 and more, instead of facing the fact that the only hope for BCH was for whales to eat up the supply and then pump it ... which they were doing until a certain point in which they fucked up.

So both being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, and being a stupid normie could lose you money on BCH. Or any other coin for that matter.

>> No.50335749


>> No.50335957
File: 267 KB, 698x619, 20211206_170851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is not "technology", it's money
Factually incorrect. In order to be money or currency it needs to be fungible, something that Bitcoin is not due to its nature of being an open ledger - as every coin's history can be traced to its point of origin. So it's not fungible (interchangeable).
>gold isn't innovative or being upgraded either
Gold is a precious metal, not technology you dumbfuck.
That "dumb peice of metal" is what civilizations for thousands of years have consistently used as a material of value and for transactions due to its properties.

>no one cares about dark web utility, that doesn't bring market cap, people use monero to buy their drugs or whatever so it changes hands constantly, velocity of money doesn't help the market cap
So you just admitted you're in it for financial gain, not because btc is money (which it isn't). It absolutely matters if a currency is used, as that is the single most important factor of a currency - utility. You also described what a circular economy is, which is also important as adoption of said money.
>people buy crypto to get rich
Contradicting yourself. Also, the genesis of crypto is not for financial gains, but to have money free from surveillance and censorship. It's literally in the whitepaper's title from btc.
>it's like saying "cars are nice, but it's pistons that are the future"
Completely idiotic analogy.

TLDR: you're a moron that proves the greater fool theory.

>> No.50336025

It only takes 2 minutes with a maxi and they'll show you how idiotic and cognitive dissonant they truly are.

>> No.50336648

>That "dumb peice of metal" is what civilizations for thousands of years have consistently used as a material of value and for transactions due to its properties.
that's what I'm talking about retard, bitcoin doesn't need fancy features or gorillion of transactions, I don't need to be able to buy groceries with bitcoin, I need bitcoin to be safe from 51% attacks and be sure there is a hard cap of 21M, that's what people investing in bitcoin care about

>It absolutely matters if a currency is used
no it doesn't, bitcoin being used to buy used panties from a vending machine in Japan or to pay for coffee at starcucks won't make it go up in value in any substantial way
gold isn't used for transacting yet it' worth trillions of dollars

bitcoin is a safe heaven, a store of value
>b-but it itsn't!111
maybe it isn't for you, for people with longer time horizons it its

>TLDR: you're a moron that proves the greater fool theory.

You sound bitter, I made more money with crypto already than you will probably ever see, because I know where to put my money,

keep your monero or whatever I'll keep my bitcon and we will see who gets what in a year or two
you get attached to some pie in the sky idelogies and scenarios that will never play out
monero even if it was ever to succeed financially it would be banned from cashing out legally, good luck keeping that money under the mattress forever, while bitcoin chads buy land and houses
keep waiting for that total societal collapse and anarchy that will never happen

>> No.50337882
File: 237 KB, 3083x1025, 1654732151926 btc not a store of value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need bitcoin to be safe from 51% attacks and be sure there is a hard cap of 21M, that's what people investing in bitcoin care about
In order for Bitcoin’s price to go up, there has to be demand. That's what you should care about. Demand means new people willing to invest their money into Bitcoin as a ‘store-of-value’. Well guess what happens when competition enters the space and people have more than one option for a decentralized store of value. They will pick the better option.
Bitcoin's narrative of being a store of value is a complete fabrication meant to hide its shortcomings and failures.
>maybe it isn't for you, for people with longer time horizons it its
Doesn't matter, just because people believe it does not make it true.

Last paragraphs are just putting words in my mouth that I did not imply nor say, you're genuinely coping as you have intentionally mislead my arguments. I don't care about your money, just because you have a lot doesn't mean that you are intelligent. My opinion won't change based on how much you own so stop the virtue signaling.
I won't keep repeating myself, if you want further information as to why I'm right see picrel's link and text. I won't bother with this foolishness any longer.

>> No.50338266


>> No.50338334

wrong on every account, except it being safer which is only because of its current hashrate