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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 235 KB, 1080x1490, tongue my anus anon senpai uWu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50329032 No.50329032 [Reply] [Original]

Where the hell am I supposed to put my USD now? Crypto is dead, stocks are dead, commodities seem like the only favorable option? It's like we're experiencing an inflationary recession, dollars are losing their value but most assets are losing against the dollar even more.

Only thing I can think is precious metals, but even they're dropping in value in the most inflationary environment in 40 years. So what the fuck should I do?

>> No.50329084

How to find these types of images? Like half way between hentai and anime? Don't want straight up hentai. Want more teasing and slutty clothing rather than straight up porn

>> No.50329099

pixiv non r-18

>> No.50329106

You should kill yourself financier parasite and die alongside your precious stock market and blockchain

>> No.50329119

>buy high sell low
Never change /biz/ literally NGMI lmao. At least you posted some weeb shit, your only redeeming quality.

>> No.50329155

Why are you on this board? The biggest parasites are the (((people))) on the top

>> No.50329164

Nothing. Sit on dollars and wait for disinflation. Easy.

>> No.50329187

It's called ecchi, anon.

>> No.50329195

think its called lewd

>> No.50329214

Why not bond certificate?

>> No.50329235

>Where the hell am I supposed to put my USD now?

Holding money now is losing money due to inflation.
Buy stocks in companies that will GROW during this time and make you more money.
Tesla, Apple, Microsoft: all seems good.

>> No.50329271

Crypto is good bro.

>> No.50329320
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 7622541C-591B-4208-AB9A-3E2B40DBE033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be easier to fond with echhi/lewd. Thanks, weebs

>> No.50329334
File: 123 KB, 735x601, Hindenburg_disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto is good bro.

Yeah, just like buying stock in Blimps was a great idea!

I do not understand how much money these idiots have to lose before they finally admit it is just a Ponzi scheme!

>> No.50329360

Crypto isn't dead retard. Look at what the mofos at Polygon are doing. Crushing it.

>> No.50329434
File: 100 KB, 600x400, pepehands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another lost soul

>> No.50329438

TIPS, I-Bonds, US bonds, plain old dollars.

>> No.50329447

Your new is showing. Bless you

Go to /e/

>> No.50329459

you have to be a zoomer to actually be at a loss, did you buy the top or something? are you some kind of 30year old boomer who missed the train? lmfao....

>> No.50329477

I put 200k into a structured product through a security company. It pays 17% apy. The only way I lose is if Apple/Tesla/Amazon dip and stays below 40% of where I first started

>> No.50329512

Chew glass instigating, loser, faggoty little nigger lover boy.

>> No.50329513

You keep buying AAA rated alts like MATIC and CNDL and stake them for up to 20% APY. That way you are making money even in a bear market.

>> No.50329549 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 851x737, ERNZT9OWkAESY37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the time to be buying
you shouldve been selling off assets and paying debts while the money printer was on, before we got inflation prints over 3%
the best hedge against inflation is cash
basically buy low sell high retard

>> No.50329572

You shouldn't invest in things you dont understand. Boomers and retards can't understand crypto, hence why you dont think it's a good investment.

>> No.50329575

holy fuck this is hot, I want to cum so deep inside and breed her

>> No.50329595

Just search genshinart tag on twitter

>> No.50329657

Commodities but now PMs, since you lose a lot of money on PMs paying for assayers and getting jewed. If you could buy and sell gold/silver at spot price all the time then they'd be a decent option, despite the risk of confiscation.

>> No.50329658
File: 1.33 MB, 800x1148, 1653156310538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same but pic related

>> No.50329660

if you find an artist who does it on pixiv they're pretty good about recommending you similar results so long as you don't stray off the path when following
always hated that there was no way to filter in nudity while filtering out sex

>> No.50329700
File: 73 KB, 800x800, lemmings-rodents-cliffs-cliff_faces-runs-animals-WC900902_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why you dont think it's a good investment.

DUDE, Bitcoin is down over 50% this year alone
How much do you have to lose!!
There is NO backing to crypto, it is a literal Ponzi scheme!
You can ONLY pull out real dollars that others have put it.
When there are no more real dollars then your coin is worthless.
Look around, this is EXACTLY the liquidity problem cyrpto is having now.
You can not pull out any real money until more fools put in real money to by your crypto-coin.

>> No.50329735
File: 3.40 MB, 430x242, 9E23B2E9-5325-4ACC-9E19-853C863FC1BF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto is dead, stocks are dead, commodities seem like the only favorable option?
You need to buy low to make money, retard. You should be slurping this dip. Or would you prefer to wait until the price is high again before you buy in?
>the best hedge against inflation is cash
This is the stupidest post I've ever read on /biz/.

>> No.50329819

carry on with god's work, didn't realize you were just larping at first, pretending to be retarded. you got me anon

>> No.50329828

>There is NO backing to crypto
its "backed" by the code that tell it theres a limited supply, these "real" dollars on the other hand have nothing backing them they're just made up as they go along
>You can ONLY pull out real dollars that others have put it.
the real point of crypto currency is to just have a decentralized currency. Its not a ponzi scheme anymore than forex is. And if you're speculating on a currency thats your problem its not a scheme that the euro is dumping relative to the dollar.

>> No.50329838

Happy transiction, coomer bro

>> No.50329976
File: 105 KB, 1000x513, Monopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"real" dollars on the other hand have nothing backing them they're just made up as they go along

Funny, but everything I buy uses "real" money.
Please try going to Walmart and buying some bananas with your cyrpto-coin.

You are free to buy all the crypto you want, but you can NOT pay for your car's gas with it.
For the overage person crypto-coin is as valuable as Monopoly money.

>> No.50330103

The Ecchi section of 4chan.
Scroll to the top of the page and click /e/.

>> No.50330118

try going to walmart and buying some bananas with yen

>> No.50330142

Reminder Ina a catatonic neet breakdown after all this artwork was released.

>> No.50330335

>This is the stupidest post I've ever read on /biz/.
People thinking that when the dollar is strengthening against almost all investment assets, they need to worry about inflation are far more retarded. But most of /biz/ is with you in that retardation.
>dollar is going up against all my investments, what do I buy????
FUCKING DOLLARS. Every other high grade investment asset is doing worse, so just buy fucking dollars and get ready to time the bottom.

>> No.50330421

I get it, retail investors have been trained the past 10 years that all you have to do is buy literally anything when the price goes down to make money. What you retards don't understand is that that same blind bullishness doesn't apply in a recessionary environment. Shit could just go sideways and down for 20 years while dollar continues to inflate.

I guess that's how I should have phrased my OP because clearly the room temp IQ of people that browse this board is too busy calling bottoms every week to notice a shift in macro.

I'll try again: What is good to buy in a recession / stagflation macro environment

>> No.50330635

Find a pic you like? Search for the artist and follow him on Twitter (and maybe pixiv if you want). Your timeline will get more anime art. Follow those that you like and your timeline will start being blessed.

>> No.50331052

Crypto booms when money is printed and all other assets are at all time highs (stocks) or all time low returns (bonds). How else could it climb to 60k? There was so much money printed and nowhere to put it.

>> No.50332158

>when the dollar is strengthening against almost all investment assets
That's called deflation, retard. It's the literal opposite of inflation.

>> No.50332319

>Shit could just go sideways and down for 20 years
People have been saying that for the past 50 years. Recessions never last that long and the rebound is always higher than before the crash. If you're that much of a collapsatarian, invest in a bullets and pemmican.

>> No.50332327

Investment assets are not a component of CPI

>> No.50332442

>You cant buy things at Globohomomart™with crypto, therefore it's not real
I use crypto to pay for things all the time. It's the perfect currency for making purchases online.

>> No.50332636
File: 81 KB, 827x420, Warren-Buffett-says-I-wouldnt-buy-all-Bitcoin-in-the-world-for-25-it-has-no-value-The-Coin-Leaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50332734

Microcap shitcoins, swing them and go in and out of stables. They are the only things that perform in this type of market. I just got The Great Reset on eth since it fits the current global narrative and is a microcap, will swing in and out. Also some fags are saying the same guys who did ultrasafe on this board a year ago made this one

>> No.50332783

Leftists exist to seethe that they can't smoke weed all day for free, while pretending to be highminded and 'doing it for the people'.

>> No.50332818

Real money's value is stabilized by the fact that its use underlies enormous trade in real goods and services.
Crypto is mainly traded for speculation, so its value doesn't have reality to tie it down.

>> No.50332872

>its value doesn't have reality to tie it down.

Neither does monopoly money.

>> No.50332995

>Real money's value is stabilized
Yeah, 10% inflation per month is real stable.
>its use underlies enormous trade in real goods and services
That's not why modern currencies have value. People use the dollar because it's commonly used to buy and sell goods and services. Each year, more and more people and businesses accept crypto and make crypto transactions.
>Crypto is mainly traded for speculation
Thank you for sharing your irrelevant, uninformed opinion.

>> No.50333018

try my new jewnigger420coin. 1000x next week.

>> No.50333108
File: 501 KB, 1280x720, 100_Trillion_Luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try my new jewnigger420coin. 1000x next week.

This describes most meme-coins.

>> No.50333468

>Yeah, 10% inflation per month is real stable.
more stable than cryptoshittery
>Each year, more and more people and businesses accept crypto and make crypto transactions
>Thank you for sharing your irrelevant, uninformed opinion.