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50321348 No.50321348 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw getting my liquidity drained by bad decisions

>> No.50321365 [DELETED] 

ugpulledray adlay etterbay ucklay extnay imetay

>> No.50321377

This is why I don't mind being down 54% currently

>> No.50321385

yeah life isn't so bad, at least you're not.a braindead arab

>> No.50321389

Rugpulled adlay, better luck next time oorfagpay

>> No.50321393

what happened? is it a knife?

>> No.50321396

Lanklets get the jugular

>> No.50321399

nah just a solid karate chop.

>> No.50321407

anyone know where this happened?

>> No.50321414

Yeah happened yesterday dude got his carotid artery hit dead in seconds.

>> No.50321421

was in Australia.

>> No.50321431

imagine walking at someone with a knife...
In what world and what kind of retard are you to think that being within 10 metres of someone weilding a knife is a good idea.

>> No.50321433

yeah i thought so, they look like high quality Australian citizens. We probably lost a brain surgeon or rocket scientist right there.

>> No.50321438

God i love diversity

>> No.50321442

just had a look (i avoid the news), looks like Fortitude Valley in Brisbane.
fucking brutal

>> No.50321450

Honestly the poor in Australia are just getting more feral by the minute it's probably time for me to immigrate out kek.

>> No.50321455

Hope he's looking forward to life in jail. Still, I hear one learns to enjoy the routine after a few years.

>> No.50321458

Maybe he thought he could disarm him, and beat him soundly like an old martial artist. Maybe he's skilled with his fists, did you ever think about that you gigantic fat fucking faggot?

>> No.50321459


Eshay bahh

>> No.50321473

Looks like it worked out great for him lmao

>> No.50321476
File: 2.35 MB, 1778x4324, Hieronymus_Bosch_-_The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_-_Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walked through Fortitude Valley on a Saturday night and it's like the hell panel from Bosch's triptych.

>> No.50321488

bleeding out like that doesn't seem like too painful of a death actually. he probably didn't even feel much pain, just lights out

>> No.50321491

Yeah anon, he showed us alright

>> No.50321499

the only time you would try to disarm and beat up a guy with a knife with your bare fists is...if the guy literally hit your wife or something.

in some street "hey fuck you haha" situation its not worth the 50/50 chance of death

>> No.50321510

imagine dying for a roastie lmfao

>> No.50321513

>>50321431 is alive and the nig nog "marital artist" is dead. I think we know who the winner is here.

>> No.50321512 [DELETED] 

You used to be able to go to the club district and there wouldn't be crack heads everywhere just partygoers. I walk through the CBD and see people smoking crack on the street now.

>> No.50321516
File: 81 KB, 793x860, 7F8C63A2-2093-41F5-AD03-EFA73B94C8E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not in debt
>1k gme shares
>not bleeding out from a stab wound delivered by a jiggaboo

Yeah we comfy

>> No.50321521

i live in Sydney but rarely leave the house, seems like a smart move. we have places that probably look worse in this city. i need to move rural asap

>> No.50321539

>the only time you would try to disarm and beat up a guy with a knife
I dunno what self defence DVDs you've watched mate but if you're gonna try and disarm someone with a knife you better be pretty fucking ready to die.

>> No.50321546

Tons of nice towns mate, tons of really shit ones too. Worth travelling around and figuring out which is which.

>> No.50321549
File: 32 KB, 454x491, ns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me wich coins do you buy

>> No.50321550

for the love of god dont charge someone holding a knife

>> No.50321557

What are you going to do, stab me?

>> No.50321562

Good bait, imagine thinking life is anime.

>> No.50321567

yeah probably lmao
good one mate

>> No.50321569

I live in Cairns. Lot of abos but also lots of backpacker sluts. Haven't been stabbed in the neck by a halfie yet so all good so far

>> No.50321586

you do know that even the most skilled people in weapon disarming such as krav maga practitioners say that it's virtually impossible to not get hurt disarming a knife. The most unskilled lazy fat retard with a knife will at the very least, in some way, injure the most skillful fighter.

Don't be a hero against a weapon, save your own life. Best bet you got is calling them a weakling faggot pussy for using a weapon and low test for not being able to use their own fists or body to fight someone. Weapons are for cowards, but historically cowards live. Oy vey.

>> No.50321592

abos seem harmless generally from what i've seen, is that true? the ones here in Sydney are mainly just poor/drunk and that's about it.
backpacker sluts sound absolutely mint
Cairns is way too fucking hot and humid though, I'd die

>> No.50321594


They are clearly all young guys
at that age there is no fear of death or the idea that anything can hurt or kill you it doesnt get real until something like this happens where your buddy lost his life.

>> No.50321601
File: 464 KB, 267x200, 1657307322102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kiddos

Ausfag here. This was my friend's cousin that got knifed.

Please don't ever fucking try and fight someone with a knife. That's how quick you can die.

Also never think you're too badass for guns or blades to end you. Respect incoming fire

>> No.50321603


>> No.50321605
File: 287 KB, 1107x627, FACBAA08-CB28-4706-A956-9F5CC28290F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been terrified of dying since I was a child. If I saw a knife I’d run away immediately.

Feels good being a coward

>> No.50321609

It gets worse in the outback, aboriginals are sedated in the inner city. They get more violent the further out you get.

>> No.50321610

Was he an alright bloke? I mean getting in food court fights at 4am in the valley isn't a strong start, but he might have been generally decent.

>> No.50321612

nah he hit a pressure point

>> No.50321627

was he a type of guy that thought he was invincible? coz he was casually walking up to an aggressive (person) with a knife, or is he just dumb?

>> No.50321639

It's crazy how fast the worlds gone to shit. When i was in primary school Gold Goast/Brisbane was known as a white paradise

>> No.50321657

Aus fag here, it's pretty rare to see weapons here, mostly glassings and just people punching each other over talking to the girl that they like. I've been in countless fights though, as soon as the weapons are drawn I'm fucking out of there. Fuck that

>> No.50321667

dumb sandniggers