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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50319205 No.50319205 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I want you shills to tell just what the fuck is supposed to be so “””good””” about gmt in the first place. Why would ANYONE ever try using this thing in the first place?

>> No.50319233

literally nothing lmfao

they're just desperate and want you to get into their ponzi. that's pretty much the quick rundown with this thing

>> No.50319241

>Why would ANYONE ever try using this thing in the first place?
basically passive income? just for the sake of running, which is not bad at all.

>> No.50319249

you can make all kinds of investments with the app, or with the coin. simple as that, that's why it is one of the few coins that is not dying in bear market.

>> No.50319252

reddit character
for a reddit game franchise

>> No.50319267

Can you even call it "passive" when you have to actually go outside and actively earn your money though?

>> No.50319272

>Okay I want you shills to tell just what the fuck is supposed to be so “””good””” about gmt in the first place.
Stop crying and start doing something productive for your life piggy, go to the gym, start running with GMT, but please... stop crying here.

>> No.50319277

I hate /v/ for memeing people into playing reddit vegas so much jesus christ

>> No.50319280

It's not like running 3 hours a day is hard, normal people walk for much longer in a day.

>> No.50319288

that game is fucking shit btw

>> No.50319291
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>> No.50319292

OP, are you a redditfag?

>> No.50319301

I'm pretty sure most people have already filtered this shitcoin so you'll most likely only receive replies from bots. You're fucked in that case

>> No.50319313

4chan might as well be a reddit colony at this point so it wouldn't surprise me at all imo

>> No.50319323

Same people fudding LINK spam SOL projects (yes stepn is theirs). Curious huh?

>> No.50319325

>seething THIS hard over a random-ass reaction face
Holy shit you niggers are the absolute worst lol

>> No.50319342

lmao... redditfags here are worse than newfags

>> No.50319347

Nah, their writing style is different. The paid LINK fud is made by other people while the SOL shills just shill their shitcoins and move on. You just gotta lurk their threads to notice a different pattern

>> No.50319350


>> No.50319362

Nobody is fudding LINK lmao

>> No.50319371

yeh, basically. 20-25 usd everyday. seems nice to me.

>> No.50319384

Eh, same tribe.

>> No.50319746
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>> No.50320346

It isn't good, that's what people have been trying to tell you shills day in and day out. As far as passive income you could make twice as much by staking on loveloot

>> No.50320354

imagine my surprise when i realized you can't even make 100 usd a month with gmt