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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50315614 No.50315614 [Reply] [Original]

I like how link holders have heated discussions over literal speculations regarding Celsius and Nexo transfers on etherscan, but when we show them proof that the Chainlink team is literally dumping millions and millions suddenly they lose their appetite for discussions.

The circulating supplh was 467M yesterday, today it's 468M. The Chainlink team already dumped 1M LINK!

>> No.50315630


>> No.50315641

show me the etherscans bub

>> No.50315648

>proof that the Chainlink team is literally dumping millions
I am in awe of how dumb you are

>> No.50315649
File: 239 KB, 910x968, 83D2B210-360E-42C4-ADA0-98BBF70AC99E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to link anons, you will never be a staker

>> No.50315687

Right, we don’t use the term dumping in link cult, we just call it subsidy. Nearly 6 years and u all are still deluded

>> No.50315706

This is the first FUD that finally got me. No way Link can withstand Celsius, Bancor, AND Nexo shorting it with infinite money, on top of the team dumping 75 million tokens. I'm out. Sergey will go down as the most evil and corrupt man in crypto, mark my words.

>> No.50315708

thanks sold 100k

>> No.50315709

see >>50315630
One million LINK tokens in 11 days.

>> No.50315724

>the team is doing exactly what they told us they would do 5 years ago
>this is bad
I am deluded? kill yourself

>> No.50315738


>> No.50315759

>team told us
This make it ok. Wow yea, it’s fucking over

>> No.50315776

I thought this was common knowledge and the hiring of women whom use to do porn

>> No.50315796

2017 was 6 years ago? Why do you retards always add +1 to your timelines? The difference between 5 and 6 isn't that big. No need to exaggerate

>> No.50315800

Why were all the team wallets emptied?

>> No.50315813

Seriously wtf is happening to this board? Fudders are recycling old shit and there are retards that lap it the fuck up.

>> No.50315819

Trust the plan, two more weeks.

>> No.50315898

OGs left because of the constant spam and complicit jannies.
Idk where they went. Maybe outside?

>> No.50315903

checked all tx. 1200 link ended on exchanges

>> No.50315933
File: 61 KB, 1826x1006, Chainlink-ICO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOL, UNI, SUSHI and many other VC scams willy nilly inflate their supply to cash out
>Chainlink adheres to 2017 ICO promise

Funny how that works.

>> No.50315955

Almost two years later now I can safely say that the feeling from being literally in poverty is much worse than the hypothetical negative feelings I would have had if I had sold in mid 2020 or May 2021 and link went to $1k eoy.
I'd have owned a home and had enough money to move on and just tune out any crypto related stuff. But now there's no point in even selling and I'm pretty much forced to be forever tuned in to this shithole(here and crypto in general) and wait with this weight eternally tied to me.
The worst all of all worlds would be selling and then $1k eoy actually happening. So I essentially have no choice until I have to sell to buy food(which is sadly semi-likely at this rate, especially if inflation keeps up).
gg me

>> No.50315976

this has been copy and pasted at least 5 times in the hour i have been browsing.

>> No.50315985

>35% to nodes
this makes sense. so the wallet that was earmarked for nodes will be distributed so that nodes always have the upper hand. retail does not matter when the team plan on giving away 35% of the total supply to nodes.

>> No.50316003

thanks for keeping up with my investment 24/7 all for free. keep me updated

>> No.50316018

>Sergey will go down as the most evil and corrupt man in crypto, mark my words.
I mean, it's not even close. This is crypto. He's actually too good of person in this environment and fantastic for ideas but horrible for price action.
One of the many things on my list of things I probably knew but ignored.
Crypto rewards bullshit sociopaths like Charles Hoskinson who can build an empire of garbage and sell it to reddit and have them begging for more even after it fails in every sense.

>> No.50316036

And other coins didn't give a shitload away to vcs?

>> No.50316140

Retail never mattered.

>> No.50316407

It is pretty funny. Circulating supply is a complete fucking meme. Some of those shitcoins doubled their entire supply and still mooned. I remember one time Uniswap did something like that and it pumped straight after.

>> No.50316473

This is the first FUD that finally got me. No way Link can withstand Celsius, Bancor, AND Nexo shorting it with infinite money, on top of the team dumping 75 million tokens. I'm out. Sergey will go down as the most evil and corrupt man in crypto, mark my words.

>> No.50316525

This is why I stopped trying to help people with anything. They only listen to what they wanna hear never mind the proof.

>> No.50316533

OGs sold anon, a while ago, at a profit, in the 50s. That’s why they’re not here anymore

>> No.50316551

it was never meant for retail anon, they just got swindled into funding globohomo tech for free cause they weren’t smart enough to sell at the height of the bull run like Sergey

>> No.50316589

This is how fudders are born. You will eventually capitulate, then you will be priced out, then you will be bitter and tell anons its a scam, just like others that capitulated in 2018/19 just before the first big link run.

>> No.50317139

I won't capitulate unless it's literally a life or death situation.
I'm bitter now, not because I think it's a scam(it's clearly not) but because we collectively scammed and memed ourselves out of making it. Although of course a handful people here did actually sell enough at the right times I'm sure, but it's not something you hear about very much so I doubt that many did. But I'd be happy to hear if thousands of anons actually did manage to cash out enough to make it off link, rather than most of the proceeds going into the pockets of randoms who joined the team late and provide questionable value at best and at worst may have actually been one of the deciding factors that prevented the token from performing price wise during the bull.

>> No.50317318

The problem is, there are still niggers that’s still defending his action.
>just subsidy bro
>trust the plan
>it’s only 5 years not 6
>staking soon
>sergay told us already
>cefi is shorting
Yet, they can’t accept that the price dump is related to sergay’s actions. Like vaxtards who blames everything except for the vaccine

>> No.50317330

Who is "we"?

>> No.50317518

Why are link holders so insufferably arrogant? Is it bitterness of still being here? You shit on XRP holders, meanwhile you crypto is like a parasite and relies on another. Hell we even tried to tell you many times to buy a backup back. It's comparable to elderly man refusing to use a walker while it's obvious he's incapable of standing for prolonged periods without losing balance.

>> No.50317526

>staking soon
>oh it’s only for the big players?
>staking for us soon after they get their staking!

>> No.50317536

Who is "we"?

>> No.50317549


>> No.50317558

Meth trannies that are locked two more weeks

>> No.50317584

Why bother fudding right now. Price is already in the shitter. You won. Go home.

>> No.50317607

they don't want people to buy

>> No.50317615

They are paid, it's not like they are doing it for fun.

>> No.50318022

are you incapable of inferring what we mean by we? It's every sane person who's tried to warn you about getting too attached to you investment. It's the paat holders who sold and are sad about you. It's the community if biz trying to give back. It hurts us to see you struggling when there are so many other opportunities. Of course I won't mention any to avoid derailing the thread, but it's for your own good both financially and mentally to open your eyes and see what's really happening.

>> No.50318055

You need to go back to plebbit collectivistic scum

>> No.50318073

Why does me investing in chainlink mean i can’t involve my self in any other opportunities? I’m not following your retard tier logic

>> No.50318080

thank you for caring so much about my financial well being

>> No.50318083

Why are so many people so concerned with my investment to the extent that they feel unified enough to call themselves "we"?

>> No.50318127

don't tell me what to do.

my message is not for you then, leave this thread.

I care for my fellow man, hope you make it.

are you new here? Have you seen the amount of threads posted here daily regarding LINK? There are so many victims holding LINK than any other project combined. Some of them are even all-in. Be honest with me, since you first bought LINK until now, would you say you're a happier man?

>> No.50318138

>Have you seen the amount of threads posted here daily regarding LINK?
Yeah 99% of them are telling me to sell. Seems kinda weird.

>> No.50318157

Fuck off plebbit collectivistic hive minded soulless fascist

>> No.50318348

were we supposed to sell our link already haha i forgot

>> No.50318430

come on, only 1 or 2 maybe but the rest are just circle jerking.

I swear if you don't leave I will make you piss gas.

that's up to you, but don't disregard the facts shown here.

>> No.50318439


>Bulgarians kicking the air right now

>> No.50318468

actual OG here, I sold. Thanks for playing.

>> No.50318470

My penis gets erect when the Chainlink labs team dumps the Chainlink token. I do not know why, I am SOWWY!

>> No.50318487

As insanely bullish as this is for CCIP being imminent, it literally doesn't matter because the cefinigger shorts are getting bailed out as we speak.

>> No.50318686

as always comes the Chainlink Labs employee trying to derail the thread with another boring github update. Ignore this idiot.

grow up.

>> No.50318731

Whats the weather like in bulgaria?

>> No.50318735
File: 181 KB, 1600x454, clfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink labs are the ones fudding

>> No.50318769

Believe it or not there are some decent people in the world that care about you faggot

>> No.50318811

Then can I point you towards all the LUNA, Anchor, Celsius, Bancor, BlockFi and Voyager investors who are evidently far more in need of your support at the moment, because I see a lot more LINK threads than I do support threads for those projects.

>> No.50318846

And all of those banners were supported by LINK. You still don’t see where this is going? Holy shit!

>> No.50318881

Nexo is in trouble

>> No.50318919


>> No.50318941

what's this obsession with Nexo? It has nothing to do with what we're discussing.

I doubt it, this is a long time holder of LINK trying to make sense with the horrible price action. What a vivid imagination.

>> No.50318970

Nexo is insolvent.

>> No.50318986

You fud link like it’s your job. Get busy with yourself!

>> No.50318995

Mev has been seething lately over abritrum nova and nitro coming soon. Eth is literally not needed.

>> No.50319087

In English we try to make sense "of" things. Where are you from?

>> No.50319197

why such blind angry of the nexo???

>> No.50319254

seek help, go see someone.

so, when someone posts "spoonfeeding" threads it's not shilling it's genuine and not a job oh no no he's not working with Chainlink Labs. But when we post threads asking genuine questions it's FUD and a job?


>> No.50319289

Getting prepositions wrong is a grammatical error not a typographical one.
Where are you from?

>> No.50319312

>Fuck off plebbit collectivistic hive minded soulless

>> No.50319344

Why do you have to deflect instead of answering? Are you that angry about your bleeding portfolio and underwater investments?

>> No.50319375

I'm just interested in where people on /biz/ are from, I'm interested in other cultures.

>> No.50319463

Dumping link is helping to bail out cefi.
Every guy who wears plaid is a nice guy.

>> No.50319873

Im sure there are other places to meet men anon, try grindr.

>> No.50320031

why so hostile? where are you from?

>> No.50320067

Just trying to help you out, I like helping people out. Like telling people to listen to AssBlaster and sell at $20

>> No.50320089

Can you help me out by telling me something interesting about your local area or region? I like learning about the world.

>> No.50320106
File: 171 KB, 872x814, rentfreedelusionallinkormind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops didn't read a single one and gave this thread the all fields treatment again

>> No.50320611


>claims he didn't read
this is your mind while holding LINK.

>> No.50320707

Several of the posts in this thread I have seen exact duplicates of in other threads in the past 24 hours. Don't care. Never selling.

>> No.50320752

thank you for your observation. What about the rest? I'd like your input on the team dumping 1M LINK in 11 days.

>> No.50320789

You sure care a lot for someone who doesn't hold link. Show your short position if you're so confident.

>> No.50320857

>oh no sirs pay no attention to the man behind the curtain sirs don’t actually look at the github

>> No.50320870
File: 200 KB, 500x500, 1634057225931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly like that old meme of osama binladen taking mohammad's shit directly into his mouth, i place myself directly under sergey's ass on his golden toilet seat. weekly, i prepare for my lord's gracious stinky poo to splatter freely on my entire body, in my mouth, in my nose, through the corners of my eyes. 500 thousand link every single friday. yum yum yum! eventually, sergey's colon will be cleansed of link, no more delicious undigested big mac poo poo to clean up. blessed that we are able to acquire more cheapies!!!!!

>> No.50321326

so I guess I'm not getting input from you, case closed.

we're talking about the team dumping, if you want to discuss development make your own thread.

>> No.50321350

Hey are you aware the company known as Nexo is insolvent?

>> No.50321364

I sold my bag into the new link, where the team don’t dump and we don’t need to wait for a staking protocol to earn passive income. KENSHI.io

>> No.50321374

Looks like it’s morning in Mumbai!

>> No.50321378

hey are you aware you're retarded?

fuck off shitcoin shill, no one is falling for this shit.

>> No.50321429

I don't know, in this jungle, it's every man for himself.
to think we are all in it together for something is stupid
no matter how much we think we can do something truly profitable with our shitcoins, eventually we will end up down the alley, my lace bags have already started their process, all hope is gone.

>> No.50321437

Angry link marines are the main thing I’ll never miss. Don’t marry your bags bro

>> No.50321461

this dears,, do not do the marriage

>> No.50321624

don't expect a monkey to have reading comprehension. Good job on typing those words.

>> No.50321762

>You fud link like it’s your job. Get busy with yourself
You try so hard to live in the reality that link is a slow rug and there's nothing you can do but stroke your wet leather.
Sell the remains and move on already. My suggestions, ONE, KOLNET, GMT thank me later desu

>> No.50321787

>there's nothing you can do but stroke your wet leather.
fucking kek what high quality language is this translated from?

>> No.50321846

look at his suggestions and enjoy the aroma of curry.

>> No.50321926

More reason you will live in your mama's basement for a long time

>> No.50321967

It's an Indian phrase, is that what you're saying?

>> No.50321978

People with above average IQ sold.

>> No.50322018

Another shitcoin and you are only going to cry. Go buy something better with good utility. Something that fixes security and mobile theft issues like LOX.

>> No.50322283

>Stroke your wet leather

Ahahaha wtf.

What language do you speak at home?

>> No.50322297

Google came up short in finding an origin for it, will just have to ask around for the next few weeks and hopefully another ESL anon recognises it.

>> No.50322328

Entire thread smells of curry.

Have you followed the transactions on etherscan. The 500k is being broken down into 5k amounts and distributed to different addresses.

Bootstrapping? Node subsidies?

>> No.50322366
File: 692 KB, 1506x1624, bangladesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea. seems weird to break it to 5k groups. Bangladesh is an option, you know they're really shooting for the cheapest of cheap labor when Bangladesh gets involved.

>> No.50322383

It literally does what chainlink does, but better.

>> No.50322421

Bronnie u salty cunt

>> No.50322454

I like chainlink but underdogs that do similar stuff are better. LINK is already a big boys' game.

>> No.50322510

let's talk about curry anon, let's talk about a nice hot chicken curry so spicy you cant leave the toilet for days, let's talk about a tiki masala with an aroma that can announce your arrive miles around, but no you stay home blind anger with nexo, people of smart think good customer services. go and stroke your wet leather!

>> No.50322532

Yeah the days of a link moonshot are done for most. Nice 10-20x maybe, unless sergay keeps dumping.

Anyway, don’t know why Linkies get so salty when kenshi is mentioned. Kenshi is $1m mcap, literally 1/2000th the mcap value of link. Just throw 10-20% of your stack into kenshi and ygmi

>> No.50322990

Everyone wants to hold something they trust. I would prefer a token that solves real-world problems most especially in the security sector.

>> No.50323026
File: 120 KB, 2040x1112, 1657668359209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show them proof that the Chainlink team is literally dumping millions and millions
Some of the top performers dumped many times more on their holders than Sergey.

>> No.50323118

They are dumping.. We have known they would do this as it was announced at the very beginning. Imagine holding this token and only just finding out now like yourself

>> No.50323123

Imagine holding Solana, Matic, Fantom, Uniswap, ... who all dumped a lot more tokens.

>> No.50323201

This is the first FUD that finally got me. No way Link can withstand Celsius, Bancor, AND Nexo shorting it with infinite money, on top of the team dumping 75 million tokens. I'm out. Sergey will go down as the most evil and corrupt man in crypto, mark my words.

>> No.50323244

>the same "hurrr Sergey dumping" fud that's been going on for years is the first fud that finally got me

>> No.50323306
File: 17 KB, 720x263, 4f185c27222dabcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place is dead

>> No.50323788
File: 3.66 MB, 3006x2160, tnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's the mindless repetition of the same fud for literal years that killed it.

>> No.50324253 [DELETED] 

Not once have I used the word "we" in my past post you insufferably arrogant room temperature IQ faggots.

>> No.50324275

>Not once have I used the word "we" in my past post

>Hell we even tried to tell you many times

>> No.50324286
File: 25 KB, 606x270, ET-gHr9VAAEXgNs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are cultitsts, what do you expect?

>> No.50324333

cheap chainlink = good
t. developer who uses VRF and keepers

>> No.50324347

Why is cheaper link good for VRF and keepers users?

>> No.50324390

Because your app pays for them with LINK. Expensive LINK means that you need more money to maintain your contracts.

>> No.50324402

You're retarded lmao

>> No.50324412

no u

>> No.50324436

Dumb as shit hahah

>> No.50325270

you really need to go back nigger