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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 567 KB, 1257x852, Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 1.49.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50308843 No.50308843 [Reply] [Original]

Why pay for NFTs when you can just screenshot?

>> No.50308886

Who would ever steal an NFT like that!!!

>> No.50309467

why pay for art created by famous artists when you can just print your own copy?

>> No.50310180

Most nft artists aren't famous

>> No.50310251

never implied they were. if you can answer my question, a few braincells might rub together and maybe you'll be able to figure out why someone would pay for an nft

theres a difference between ownership and a copy

>> No.50310261


>> No.50310263
File: 52 KB, 500x612, 1648792024783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why pay for games when you can just pirate?

>> No.50311870

except you don't actually own it. you own an entry on the ledger that points to the image.

>> No.50311900

dont screenshot. thats not how it works. stop screenshotting

>> No.50312210

you literally just gave it free advertisong you dumb nigger

>> No.50312225
File: 330 KB, 900x900, 455DED7A-F310-4DBE-B247-9D9C37990236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saved this nft… it was FREE.
Now what, faggot?

>> No.50312284
File: 738 KB, 900x900, 7A9F1980-0EC2-495A-AB5F-18800C471B85.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some asshat wanted 1000 ethereal for this piece of shit. I saved it for FREE.
Yall are stupid for now slurping.

>> No.50312354

>you don't actually own the bitcoin, you own an entry on the ledger that points to your bitcoin

read a book

>> No.50312366
File: 420 KB, 900x900, 2497FCE6-8286-4F69-98B5-CEDF74C9EDE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you people are stupid.

This hunk of shiit is worth $1,000,000!

I snagged it for FREEEEEEE.

>> No.50312448

Wow amazing!why dont you sell it to get all that money?

>> No.50312468

NFT is just a way to crypto catalog the art, making it a selling point is bad use of the tech. Just like third gen blockchain has gotten to a point where it can be 0 $ transaction, faster through POS and 0 proof, and function as a secure transfer.

Blockchain tech is secure transfer, and shouldn't be used as a value itself.

Like If the FED really does the Fed Dollar, blockchain will be only the underline technology, the FED Dollar will be the medium of value.

So I see a future where people may sell their art with FED Dollar and just use third or fourth gen blockchain to confirm transactions.

If your are searching for a medium that already does this, search Gnosis Chain, and if looking for a purely optimistic beacon chain like POS go for Optimism on Gnosis Chain, transactions are 0.00000000001$.

0 transaction and minting costs and you just ask for the right price for your NFT/Artwork.

About the expensive 10 eth value, that is totally ponzi like, I've seen people publish NFTs and they have 30 wallets funded that arbitrage the value, the platform itself shows these "arbitrages" and a lonely loser enters the platform and buys a Ponzi art thinking it really is that value.

Plus that is a SVG cat with a shirt, some brightness and blue background. pretty ugly as an art work, with 10k dollar you can buy 2 legit art works painted through usage of rare colors and techniques

>> No.50312494

it's incredible that even to this day nu/biz/ can't grasp the concept of NFTs lmao

>> No.50312511

Sure, wanna buy it? You seem like a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.50312516

Ponzi is ponzi.

The concept is good to catalog art. just that.

>> No.50312530

Wait, THIS is what all the SUPERSTONK/GME people were excited about? More fucking jpegs?

>> No.50312547


>> No.50312583

no one gives a shit about art you silly goose, it's all about money

as retarded as saying you will screenshot a BTC

>> No.50312626

Because there is always a 0% chance of reselling a screenshot for huge amounts of money. With a NFT, maybe sometimes the chance is more than 0%. They are a means of gambling, money laundering, and scamming. The JPG is irrelevant.

>> No.50312722

lols you don't understand that the copyright market is a multimillion business, people are suded daily for copyright usage. When you create an artwork, logo, music, poem, etc basically any creation you are the unique creator of that, but you still need to catalog it, put it in a platform that is tied to your address, name, registry, etc...

Blockchain cataloging passed through theses security measures and fully gives you the creator a way to embed the metadata worldwide.

Money is there to be made with those wise enough to actually paint an artwork and catalog it and not these ugly cat shit. Please don't buy the zoomer ugly art, buy real art.

Study artwork and find optimal pieces for your benefit, artworks are a top 10 investment if done well, you don't pay taxes like a car collection and can be resold.

>> No.50312819

oh sweaty

the moment you understand why your ""real art""" NFT costs 500 bucks with zero buyers and an image of an ugly cartoon ape costs over six figures with buyers throwing themselves at the holder of said ape you'll start making money

>> No.50313274

Lecture me I wanna make it.

>> No.50314189

Ignore him, anybody who says you don't understand without explanation is looking to mislead and intentional wants to make it seem as if that understanding requires more thought than it does which will lead you away, not towards, the answer.

Same applies to people who bitch about stupid people, retards, the ignorant and emotionally deficient.

All these people, although they love to make fun of these groups, need these groups to remain, otherwise they can't make money.

Suckers are born every minute and most are maintained by the predators of society.

No the predators are not the "strongest", just the "oldest".

>> No.50314204
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 5432153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confidential NFT's fix this. RLC fixes this.

>> No.50314205
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>> No.50314227
File: 1.76 MB, 509x710, 1657657737813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs are for low IQ tards

>> No.50314796

You don't understand. This is the future. This project will singlehandedly make gamestop the biggest and most valuable company to have ever existed, and will ever exist.

>> No.50314843

>he doesnt know

>> No.50314908


>> No.50315003

right on bro this will make GME have a market cap larger than the G7's combined GDP. Monke pics will single-handedly cause the singularity to which all humanity will unite behind

>> No.50315171

it makes sense though. overall nft market is 2b

bitcoin mcap was 2b at the bottom of 2015. so /biz/ is probably looking at another 2-5 years before getting bullish on NFTs

>> No.50316057

I’m going to save so much money by staring at that gif all day. Fuck you gamestop NFT marketplace creator. You’re basically a jannie to me who does things for free

>> No.50316076
File: 630 KB, 828x1400, 11D416FE-EE4E-4FEB-916C-643DF796C2EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only NFT people want

>> No.50316095
File: 259 KB, 828x1411, 42F19855-1BC3-4B13-8737-0D8FA1659F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is no longer the brice btw desu senpai onions for boyboys

>> No.50316554

If you want a real answer OP, it's because NFTs are vanity symbols for rich fucks who want to flaunt their wealth, and just screenshotting it doesn't give you the "digital signature", i.e. the token that comes with buying them. It's like a generic vinyl versus a vinyl signed by the artist, one has subjectively more value than the other.

>inb4 goalpost moving that veneers into "defend the entire existence of NFTs or you're wrong" or "uhh NFTs suck LOL ratio"

I'm just explaining why people buy it and why some of them like the apes have a huge price tag.

>> No.50316712

Except you don't because the actual image isn't embedded into the blockchain itself. When I go onto OpenSea, view an NFT and check the token, it points to a public link hosting the image itself. Who's to say whoever controls the hosting can't just delete the file off their hosting server?

>> No.50316779

Does that really matter though?
You would still own itemXXXX of contract Y
If enough people enjoy that specific collection, they could just wrap their original tokens in a new contract that points to the lost image
Thats why most people that actually care about their jpegs make backups

>> No.50316852

>already moving the goalpost to "defend the entire existence of NFTs or you're wrong"

That wasn't my point you fucking dumbass. I already gave you the answer (vanity) and you're going B-BUT THIS SECONDARY ISSUE!!! Fucking retard, kill yourself.

>> No.50316913
File: 922 KB, 1778x2404, 7B584E65-4C8B-4322-BB47-2096F83ED176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s how I see it your just buying the entry on the ledger. what’s stopping someone from taking a screenshots of a nft and altering a pixel to claim ownership of it nothing

>> No.50316965

Reported to the FBI.

>> No.50316999

you dont actually own your house
you own an entry on a deed that points to it

>> No.50317016

How else would you launder your dirty money, brainlet?

>> No.50317032

Blockchain and web3.0 solve this

>> No.50317178
File: 73 KB, 926x723, 0E2C92C2-A8B6-4EC8-B388-C3EB006A6968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit nft bros are retarded. You own a hyperlink to on the blockchain to a fucking webpage that “implies” the image is ((yours)), except there is no legal basis to your ownership. You dont even own the copyright of the art, the artist can make an exact copy with no effort and sell it as another nft. Actual painting made by an artist is unique, he can paint another one but this exact physical copy belongs to me. For some reason you retards cant distinguish this obvious digital from contract of ownership on tangible assets.
Also, You nft is fucking worthless if the website that hosts your image goes down. Fuck, you can paste an image to a google doc and sell that access link as an nft.

>> No.50317208

>rich people sit around showing each other their nft's

NFTs are a ridiculous scam. You make idiots believe their worth something by selling them to yourself at absurd prices and eventually some fool pays you actual money for a jpeg of a monkey.

>> No.50317237

Why would an artist do this?

>> No.50317259

Kek I love how the Jews dropped face and start crying about how NFTs make all their copyright laws redundant.
Enjoy unemployment you skitzo jews!!

>> No.50317268

same for trading cards, why buy booster packs of art that you can just print? probably on higher quality card paper too

>> No.50317280

Art fraud is a billion dollar business.
That painting you bought is really a fake by a college student sold to an appraiser who sold to a gallery who sold to a customer who sold to another. All willing to turn a blind eye thanks to the mouth watering profits.

>> No.50317331

There are literally nft projects with machine generated pixel art. Nft bros do it all the fucking time, change the skin tone and bam its a new nft
Most of art is actual scam too so you nft bros make a even more retarded scam

>> No.50317354

or or or… you could literally mint them for free on Polygon

>> No.50317378

Physical art certainly is different than nft's which are pixels on a screen. Taking a picture of a painting and seeing it in person is two different experiences, unlike nft's.

>> No.50317388

>Taking a picture of a painting and seeing it in person is two different experiences
How so?

>> No.50317400

It's fine if you do not see value in art but others do. Makes your opinion even more worthless because you're just talking about shit you don't understand or have any appreciation for. Why are you even ITT?

>> No.50317401

it's funny that you think nft chads dont already know all this

the date is jan 2021. shiba inu's marketcap is closer to 0 than 1000. now tell me all the reasons why it will NEVER ever go up then go and cry yourself to sleep for being a midwit

the ONLY thing that matters - is the number going to go up or not?

nft's are going to go WAY up.

>> No.50317428

1. NFT artist are not famous
2. Famous art lke the Mona Lisa have societal and even political value
3. You can easily buy, screenshot, take a picture of, and even recreate famous art easily
Basically you are right, we can just screenshot a famous piece of art, but Leonardo Da Vinci isn't whining about it

>> No.50317454

The Mona Lisa is a meme

>> No.50317504

> shit i dont understand
I work in tech bro. Tell me how much more you know about the technology.
So you admit it has no value other than speculation. Also your precious nft market just crashed hard

>> No.50317507

Why screenshot an nft when you can just ignore these useless shittokens and let them die?

>> No.50317547

>So you admit it has no value other than speculation.

never said that. i implied all your points are irrelevant to their current and future value.

>Also your precious nft market just crashed hard

is this your first week in crypto? everything in crypto is volatile. and maybe you didnt notice but nearly every financial market on earth has been getting destroyed for the last 7 months.

the nfts i'm primarily exposed to have put in multiple X's in the last 4 weeks(from 7e floor to 30e). how have your investment been in the last 4 weeks?

>> No.50317573

ART you fucking moronic retard. You know nothing about ART! Now go "code" up some WordPress you fucking shit Talking mongoloids

>> No.50317583

because then you are just advertising for the owner.

>> No.50317643

>So you admit it has no value other than speculation.
Are you new to crypto, retarded faggot?

>> No.50317655

shit, sorry for ruining the thread

>> No.50317665

>paying for NFTs
Why aren't you making NFTs out of screenshots?

>> No.50317738

On its best day, an NFT is like a decentralized version any other digital centralized item. Like skins, DLC, items, or even awards in a video game. Ebooks, movies, music, games themselves, anything with DRM in them.

There's still way too much hype, but asking why don't you screen shot them is like asking why don't you share txt files of ebooks. And you can, but that doesn't mean you "own" the ebook

Ownership like this is kinda bogus, but doing it via an NFT is strictly better than "ownership" just meaning, "it's permanently spent money that only "allowed" the ebook to be officially tied to my amazon account".

>> No.50317760


Shut the fuck up baggies. Tl;dr

>> No.50317807

I already answered the question. Everyone calm down

>> No.50317897

It's actually a story brought up by fake news from a nationalist cult who forgot to mention that the painting was actually given to a French nobleman as a gift, meaning that France has. full historical rights to it.

>> No.50317919

>There's still way too much hype, but asking why don't you screen shot them is like asking why don't you share txt files of ebooks. And you can, but that doesn't mean you "own" the ebook
Sorry professor, I'm not buying your shitty online textbook just because your losing money from Quizlet. I'm going to have my rich friend screenshot the "pages" and mass text it to everyone else

>> No.50317934

because a print of an art piece isn't literally the same byte-for-byte as a copied NFT hyperlink you zoomer fucking retard

>> No.50317955

>And you can, but that doesn't mean you "own" the ebook
Yes I do. I don't "own" reproduction rights, but neither does any sucker paying money for their ebooks. Nor do NFT bagholders for that matter.

>> No.50317967

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Grandpa....

Time for your nap.

>> No.50318087
File: 28 KB, 600x600, disapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work in tech bro. Tell me how much more you know about the technology.
You don't need to be an expert to know this. Even the normie nocoiners understand this.

The GameStop NFT nigger marketplace, to be fair, does not just sell JPEGs. NFTs do not necessarily include JPEGs. NFTs are just a way of tracking ownership; a data structure. It's like saying binary trees are useless because someone can theoretically use it in a useless way.

GameStop NFT marketplace is supposed to sell avatar bullshit to gaymers, Gamepasses, and DLCs along with Games. It's basically the steam marketplace, but tracked using NFTs and your avatar can be used in the entire metaverse (people are actually playing this).
I'm not an NFT nigger but the idea doesn't sound that bad.

P.S. I also work in the tech field, so that means I'm a HECKIN' expert and you should HECKIN' TRUST ME!! (DA EXPERT)

>> No.50318095
File: 68 KB, 1200x800, s_l400.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist makes NFT
>sells it
>buyer has the original NFT certificate with date of purchase and all which proves it's an original NFT and it's always traceable
>anybody can resell a copy, even the artist, however it won't be the original, so everybody else either gets scammed or gets a 2nd gen copy for less, but that's retarded. everybody wants to only pay for the original, so most likely they'll make sure it's the original before purchasing it if the original buyer wants to sell his original copy
>will it be worth more or less? hard to tell with any piece of new art
it's not rocket science, man

>> No.50318114

I really don't get the antinft sentiment, it honestly just doesnt make sense to me
Why do compare pfp projects to art?
You guys are so bizarre, do you trade crypto or do you just come on this board to this display your aging brain?

>> No.50318166
File: 19 KB, 699x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super strange how midwits keep typing "nft bagholders" when nfts have outperformed the rest of the market for over a year now. are they really so insulated they arent aware that nft chads just keep winning?

heres an example of one of my nfts, included is my mint transaction and current offers/floor price

where are these nft baggies, are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.50318377

yes, you can do that. Just like you can screen shot an NFT. But people still buy the real books anyway.

yes you can "pirate" any digital file, and get an exact copy. But people still pay for them.

paying for a digital thing that can be infinitely and perfectly replicated is not a new thing that NFTs created, is the point. People will do it just to have it officially associated to themselves, even with no blockchain involved.

video game skins are really the perfect example. They don't always move between consoles (have to buy the same "thing" again just to make it work on the newer console), and they are purely cosmetic and for other people to view and see that you have them.

>> No.50318595

>hello yes I am a zoomer "for real for real no cap" you are old if you don't want to spend money on NFT pictures!
nice LARP but real zoomers think NFTs destroy the environment and are evil capitalisms