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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50313889 No.50313889 [Reply] [Original]

We all know it but never take the time to reflect collectively on this slave matrix we've created

>> No.50314281

Capitalism does not need to be stopped, it will collapse on its own soon enough, it's already starting to

>> No.50314286

Okay, but what is the solution, what would be better instead?

>> No.50314305


>> No.50314318

You mean a .... plan b?

>> No.50314331

Let's start by abolishing wage slavery

>> No.50314335

A DAO, a real one with AGI governance not these bs larp ones where there's a board of investors making the decisions

>> No.50314378
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Go fuck yourself glowies!


>> No.50314381

>Capitalism is bad because x y z
>Communism is bad because x y z

If there's any injustice or unfairness, it's because of human nature itself, not some arbitrary system . Unless people understand that then we are just going to continue in circles.

>> No.50314412

plan bussy is insolvent

>> No.50314429
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I would agree with you if your version on "stopping Capitalism" wasn't thus:
>Form massive tyrannical government
>Kill the middle class
Fuck your mother.

>> No.50314438

>Capitalism must be stopped
Capitalism is what prevents you from starving right now.

>> No.50314465
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Um, wow, that's a lot to unpack here.
It's called being a good human.
You need to be a heckin empath.
Let that sink in, sweaty.

>> No.50314494

Two more weeks!
You’ll notice you don’t get a single realistic reply.
“The collapse” is just the rapture for blackpilled leftover elites - always just two more weeks away.

>> No.50314503
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capitalism is human nature, you can't stop it. that's why leftists are depressed and nihilistic

>> No.50314642

It has been 4 hours since I successfully sucked my own penis. I finally did it. Things are different now. As soon as mouth-to- penis contact was made I felt a shockwave through my body. I have reason to believe I have super strength and telekinesis now.. 3 hours after contact I noticed a van parked on my street but no one has entered or exited the car since its arrival. I fear for my safety, I'm not sure what sort of power I may have stumbled upon but it's possible that the government has found out. If I don't update this again please send help.

>> No.50314683

>capitalism is human nature
lol not even close, Shlomo

>> No.50314746

Capitalism is like 400 years old at most. Humans have been here way longer.

>> No.50314923
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capitalist systems have existed for thousands of years, dating back to the dawn of human civilization. the relatively modern term capitalism was coined by karl marx, a jew. "shlomo"

>> No.50314976

In the west, capitalism has become too rotten and exploitative, giving no regard to human spirit or value at all. But communism is not the answer either.

Unironically, free market under decentralized crypto ruled market is the only way.

>> No.50314998

>capitalist systems have existed for thousands of years, dating back to the dawn of human civilization
lol not even close, Shlomo

>> No.50315017

>get owned
>repeat self
erm, awkward...

>> No.50315028

Not an argument.

>> No.50315226

Only answers I've ever gotten to this were communism or capitalism, but the person didn't call it capitalism.
I think what people actually want is just pro-consumer regulations but have been conditioned to think that that's not an option and your only options are keeping things as they are or gommunism. I think it's pushed because of the same reason solar and wind power are pushed so hard, it makes people feel like there's an alternative but in practice they're still sane enough to know that it doesn't actually work and they stick with the status quo and ignore any other options as alternatives.

>> No.50315289

I want a DAO with AGI governance, is this capitalism or communism

>> No.50315369
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It could be both to be honest.
However such a system is not feasible any time soon.

>> No.50315617 [DELETED] 

Capitalism is innately globohomo and creates centralized institutions who in turn want stronger government to enforce a standard of trade anywhere in the world and colonizes all other cultures with its faggy office policy. Blow it up. Drive around shooting substations with a shotgun.

>> No.50315635

What alternative do you want?

>> No.50315693 [DELETED] 

Collapse. Knock over every megacorp until small people take over the businesses and disregard gay regulations. We're at a stage in civilization where Capitalism needs to be destroyed and remade every so often, or else we will be surrounded by faggots in towers finding more ways to enslave us.

>> No.50315704

But that's just capitalism again.

>> No.50315758 [DELETED] 

It's the free market, it's not Fagitalism where you can't take a step without checking in with a fat bitch behind a desk 500 miles away from you. You can defend useless parasites all day saying that they are Capitalism and that I can't hammer a nail into wood without being their sycophant, and you'd be a brainwashed faggot. Planes into buildings, shoot substations, start fires, etc.

>> No.50315792

Free market is capitalism anon. Just because there's no corporations (which would still form under a free market but that's a separate issue) that doesn't mean it's not capitalism.

>> No.50315911

Unquenchable, incurable money addiction. When you just need more and more and it changes your thinking, is it truly different than the other illegal drugs?

If it strips human morality away and makes us all barbaric, chances are it's neither a good drug nor a good religious system to worship.

>> No.50316077

That’s how it is, m8.
It’s not perfect, but it’s what we deserve. If you think you can do better, prove it with your actions.

>> No.50316236

corporations can't form in a free market, they are government entities

>> No.50316260


>> No.50316368

Fine if you want to be pedantic about it you'll get giant companies then. Same thing ultimately.

>> No.50316797
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You won't do shit

>> No.50317002
